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1552309 No.1552309 [Reply] [Original]

what time do you wake up successful people?

7:00? 6:00? 5:00? 4:00?

When do you go to bed?

What do you do in the morning with that extra time?

>> No.1552318

wake up at 10am
have lunch
eat dinner
watch movie
play vidya

>> No.1552326

>what time do you wake up successful people?

>> No.1552331

usually wake up somewhere between 2 and 4 PM.

Lately I've been getting up earlier because I have a thing I'm working on that needs to be done early. 6-8 AM, whenever I feel like rolling out of bed. That'll be done in a month though. Then it's back to sleeping in.

I don't have extra time, I just don't spend time working a job is all. Everybody gets the same number of hours in a day. Stop working and you'll just have more time for whatever you like to do.

>> No.1552337


>what time do you wake up successful people
>successful people

>> No.1552340

I retired when I was 32 with income from businesses I own.

I'm not aware of anyone on /biz/ that has matched my success in that regard.

>> No.1552348

any advice?

>> No.1552350

7:30 AM.

>> No.1552356

I bought and small janitorial company and made it bigger.

unless you plan on doing that or something very similar I don't really have advice.

>> No.1552369

What's the most important skill you have that helps you run a business?

>> No.1552381

Sleep from 1130 pm to 0830 am.

>> No.1552408

Man that picture is rage worthy.
I want to stab those people

>> No.1552417

>being so autistic you cant ask people if u may sit down

>> No.1552426

I'm so autistic that if someone has a bag on the seat next to them I'll sit on it just to piss them off.

>> No.1552429

11 30
5 30
Not fun senpai

>> No.1552430


different guy but back in highschool, I had to take the bus and kids would put bags on the seat or their legs. And even if you had the guts to defy your given social standing, they'd say no and that was that. Unless you want to get bullied.

It's learned behaviour and whenever I see someone like that I hesitate and just stand.

>> No.1552433

there's a few of them.
1. ability to spot ways to help people
2. lack of guilt over making money off other people's work
3. ability to handle a budget
4. fearlessness
5. salesmanship
6. quick adaptability
7. tenacity
8. laziness
9. competitiveness
10. probably a bunch more I can't think of right now. Intelligence certainly helps. So does being unemployable.

I don't generally run my businesses though. I pay other people to do that. It's not that I'm bad at it, I just have other things I'd rather be doing than running a janitorial company. This for instance. Posting on 4chan is more fun than running a cleaning business. I know, hard to imagine, right?

>> No.1552442

Thanks. I guess theirs no way around not having good communication skills.

>> No.1552445

if you can hire someone that does have the skills you lack you're golden.

Personally I have trouble getting out of bed on time (not really a problem for a contract janitor) and I'm a mildly autistic asshole. Being an asshole can be ok for a business manager but you have to be able to hire people that aren't assholes to cover for you when no asshole is needed.

communication is easy enough to hire out. That's why receptionists, managers and salespeople all exist.

>> No.1552446

Successful people are like 5-8am I think, I wake up between 7:45am and 10:15am depending on when I have class. I usually roll out of bed and go. I go to bed anywhere between 2-4am

>> No.1552474


When you bought your company, what price did you pay, what was the current turnover, how many clients did the company have? Was the purchase asset-heavy or were you basically just purchasing a client list?

There are a few similar business for sale near me and it's been something I've been thinking about getting into.

>> No.1552488

The business had one owner working full time and one part-time employee. It made $75k/year gross, and I paid $75k for it. I paid for it by working 1 year for free, all the money went to the girl I bought it from. She trained me.

Assets were less than $2k in used janitorial equipment. Intangibles was a client list worth about $75k per year, with an average length of contract of 1 month.

the girl I bought it from had been doing a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial cleaning for both private and government clients. She was also doing window washing, carpet cleaning, and recycling.

I dropped the residential business completely, phased out window washing and split off and sold the carpet cleaning side. I concentrated on commercial and industrial cleaning, and put more government work under contract. I negotiated 6 year contracts with all my clients instead of the month-to-month or 1 year jobs she had.

>> No.1552494

>how many clients did the company have?
I'd have to look at my old paperwork, but it was something like 75 or 100 different clients paying a total of $75k.

by comparison we currently work for 5 clients on 6 individual contracts and have over a million dollars worth of work under contract.

>> No.1552495


In retrospect, do you think it was worth it to buy the established business, or could you have got to the same place easily enough by starting from scratch and trying to solicit business via flyers and such?

Was there a legal agreement in place to prevent the previous owner from simply starting a new business in competition with you using their old client list, or just a gentlemans agreement?

>> No.1552500

the training was invaluable. I'd never worked in cleaning before that, and I had no clue about government contracting, where to get certifications, OSHA and tax compliance, etc. So learning from her was really worth every penny.

If I had experience running janitorial businesses before I would've just started my own.

She sold to me because she wanted to move, so there wasn't any need for a non-comp. She later moved back to town and I hired her to my crew. She's still with us, she's been working for me for 10 years now I think. Making more than she did as owner, I suspect. Certainly working less hours for her money.

>> No.1552532


Interesting stuff.
Were you specifically looking for a cleaning business or did it just seem like a good idea at the time?

>> No.1552542

I lucked into it. I had no idea.

I was managing a hospital kitchen and averaging something pathetic like $8/hour working 60 hours a week easy.

I started dating this chick that cleaned offices. One time she got sick so I went in and cleaned for her. Later she paid me $75 for the hour I spent cleaning.

I made in one hour what took me ten hours at my regular job to earn. I took over office cleaning for her and asked her boss if I could have more work. Boss said "sure, I've been wanting to quit."

so that was just luck. I never would've known otherwise what that shit pays. No clue at all.

>> No.1552562

Wow that's cool. So, are you looking to create another business? Or just... What do you do now? Just NEET it out?

>> No.1552794

sorry, I went and took a nap.

no, I don't need any more businesses. I'm going on a cruise in a couple weeks and then it'll be time to vote when I get home. Then probably snowboarding for a few months.

>> No.1552875

25! :)

>> No.1552919

Looking to get into commerical cleaning myself. How do you figure out what to quote? I'm worried I'm gonna go into a job and shoot them a price so high they laugh me out the door, but I don't want to sell myself short.

>> No.1553067

Experience mostly.

I know how long it takes me or my crew to do a job just by looking at it. And I know what the going rate works out to by the hour.

If I really need a job I'll bid it in the $75/hour range if it doesn't have any special requirements like government compliance or hazardous waste certification.

otherwise I bid an average of $100/hour which gets me most work in my area since the going rate is $125 on commercial work.

Hazardous waste stuff I bid in the $200-$250/hour range because of the special education and equipment required.

but you're better off bidding a bit low if you're not sure. You can always adjust your price up when the contract expires if you need to. Just don't bid so low you lose money. But if it's just your time you're bidding on, well you can probably work for anything above $10/hour if you want to. So as long as it's just you working you can get a feel for the market by bidding a bit low and doing the work yourself if you want. Or you can find out what the going rate is from various sources. In the US though $125/hour is pretty average for commercial work requiring liability insurance. Just keep in mind that contractors work faster than normal people, you should be able to clean ~1500 square feet of office in about an hour if you're doing it every day.

There are estimating books and software out there that tell you how much we charge by the foot and by the time for certain tasks, but adding all that up usually results in the same price anyways- about $125/hr if you clean as fast as you can and do good work.

>> No.1553075

also, they won't laugh at you, they just ignore you if you're high.

I've seen a single job bid for $14k a year clear up to $55k a year for the same job.

the high bid isn't necessarily a joke. In the case of that job all the low bidders failed to do the job, and the client ended up hiring the high bidder for $55k/year. A lot of times the low bidders are the joke. Charge whatever you need to get the job done, don't worry if you don't get it. Just don't go work for the guy that gets hired by underbidding you. That's bad policy.

>> No.1553076


Last time I saw you on here you were talking about the 80/20 Pareto principle or some such. No mention of it this time though.

>> No.1553093

>No mention of it this time though.
typing the exact same thing over and over gets boring.

I'm impressed you read all that though.

>> No.1553623

I go to bed at 11 and wake up at 4. Workout/stock research/sex.
In the morning I do everything that other people do later in the day. As a result I am not distracted and I'm able to work longer hours without fatigue.

>> No.1553640

wake up at 11am
have lunch
setup my trade positions for the day
watch videos
shitpost on 4chan
watch more videos and shitpost
setup my trade positions for the night

>> No.1553731

I go to bed about 5am and wakeup about 12pm.

>> No.1554681

There is no set time to waking up for me. The one constant is that I'm operating during the day, going to sleep anywhere from 1900 to 0000 and waking up to start the day at 0100 to 0700. It depends on what projects I'm working on and what I need to do to prep for whatever is going to happen that day.

>> No.1555200

wake up at 5:00 AM
at work at 6:30 AM
leave work at around 6:00 PM - 7:00PM
go to bed at around 10:30PM

>> No.1555292

/r/ing screencap from any generous anons

>> No.1555303

>wake up 4 - 4:30am
>at gym by 5am
>home office at around 8ish
>usually get through workload by 12:30 - 1pm
>nap for 45 - 90min
>get thorough as much content from web course i'm currently enrolled
>>i try and utilize the few hours i have after work and am regularly enroll in web courses, there's plenty to choose from
>relax after 6pm (either go cruising on the bike, may go down to the beach, light reading or gaming)
>crash 10:30 - 11pm

this has basically been my routine for last 12 months or so

>> No.1555419

Are you any good at anything from so many online courses? There's so many of them

>> No.1555508

did a few on how to use ableton and traktor for music production and mixing, courses were from udemy but you can find the equivalent torrents, they definitely helped curb the learning curve, some of that software can be intimidating.

did my cert 3 and 4 in fitness and personal training online when it was 40% off so i feel i benefited from that, i use to offer online coaching for a while which was more lucrative than i expected, currently reworking the site to add store and items, want to develop my own online supps brand soon

currently doing web dev course, ethical hacking and machine learning/programming with stackskills.com, haven't used them before so cant comment on quality but they had a 72 hour sale and i picked up the courses half price, over 300 hours total so that'll keep me busy for a while

I definitely recommend taking advantage of it, sure there are bad courses out there but overall all you're bound so learn something beneficial whether for financial or personal reasons

>> No.1555542


08:00 - Wake, Shower, Brush
08:15 - Bicycle to work
08:25 - Arrive at work have a smoke
09:00 - Breakfast at work
12:30 - Lunch at work
17:00 - Groceries
18:00 - Dinner
18:30 - FIFA 17
23:00 - Sleep

>> No.1555562

Nigga just ask, sometimes I put my bag on a seat cuz it's easier doesn't mean I don't want people to sit there if it's busy.
Also I don't wake up successful people, if they're so successful they can take care of setting their own alarms.

>> No.1556417

>15 minutes from bed to outta the door, including shower

>> No.1556623

i wake up at 5 and sleep at 10 but i am by no means successful. successful people dont have time to play around. when they sleep doesnt matter.

>> No.1556690
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>15 minutes from bed to outta the door, including shower
My fastest times were like 20-30 minutes from bed to door, but I could only get these times if I prepared clothes, recently got a haircut and shaved the night before.

08:00 Wake, deactivate alarm
08:02 Drink liquid yogurt breakfast 400ml
08:04 Remove pyjama
08:05 Get in bathroom
08:05 Turn on shower
08:08 Turn off shower
08:09 dry a bit with towel
08:10 brush teeth
08:12 finish drying myself
08:13 put on prepared clothes +shoes+ watch + tie
08:17 dressed
08:18 style hair
8:20 Get keys and leave

However, there are infinite ways how one could take longer.

>> No.1556693

B-but I thought successful people woke up early. R-right guys?

>> No.1556697

Sausages and milky bars

>> No.1556698
File: 44 KB, 409x409, comfy & sling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant remember the last time woke up to an alarm clock

>> No.1556765

How the fuck are you guys able to sleep 6 hours or less a night every weekday. Are you all sleeping 11+ hours on the weekend to catch up?

>> No.1556783

Any advice to someone who wants to start a janitorial company like you from scratch? Should I start looking for government contracts first since i don't really know anyone in my area and have no connections?

>> No.1556788
File: 94 KB, 550x385, 1451805123944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fucking degenerates hogging up 2 seats while people stand in the aisle