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File: 327 KB, 1224x708, B447B09C-1643-4BC5-AF02-68F599294133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15520145 No.15520145 [Reply] [Original]

Actual “boomer” here that needs to set the record straight for you pansy asses. I’m sicked and tired of you kids thinking nothing is your fault.

Number 1 - Nobody owes you jackshit. I don’t care if you think you’re a princess in a bullshit era. Your family doesn’t owe you, your boss doesn’t owe you, your friends don’t owe you, FUCK YOU.

Number 2 - We have what is because we’ve earned it. Plain and simple. Your something for nothing generation needs to get that through your thick skulls.

Number 3 - Get a fucking job, faggots. This boogeyman recession you pansy asses wanna blame for your pathetic failures would end overnight if half of you actually got jobs.

Number 4 - Niggers come in every shape, form, and color. If you want be subhuman, don’t get a job. If you do get a job, don’t be an unproductive nigger and fire those who are. Again, this something for nothing generation thinks they can get by with little to no work on the job. No wonder you’re getting shafted when it comes to wages. You fuckers just aren’t worth it.

Number 5 - The only thing we owe you dweebs is a good ass whopping that should’ve been handed to you while you were being raised. Maybe then you all wouldn’t be such chicken necks. The Great Depression taught our parents to take nothing for granted. Something we forgot to instill this generation. Now you all manifest as a trendy, cocksucking, whiny bitch society despite all that we have given you.

>> No.15520156

yeah naa you got to pay off a house with a mcnigger job you stupid useless old jew loving bengay smearing faggot.

>> No.15520163

You probably dont even realize your comments are true you false flagging zoomer

>> No.15520174
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>> No.15520176

great another "grumpy boomer" larp post

>> No.15520179

you will die alone in a nursery home, nobody will visit you. Was it worth it?

>> No.15520249

ill bite.
boomers are actually the coddled generation

>your entire lives are participation trophies handed to you by the greatest generation
>erode the system for decades
>suck at the teat of the state
>cant cope with the massive failure, point at the next generation and blame them

this is coming from a 30 year old (millenial) , STEM degree, engineer, fiancee, 830 credit score, 60k in bank/investments, definitely bench/squat/DL more than you, etc etc etc.

Please cope. Boomers are pathetic.

>> No.15520271

You just sound like a loser bragging about those "achievements". Imagine hating your parents/grandparents for taking advantage of the system they were born in like any human would

>> No.15520294
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Based boomer

>> No.15520311
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didn't read, living on boomer welfare

>> No.15520348

low vibrational faggots
>traveled world for practically nothing because networking + strategically timing flight tickets
>only work three months a year(in the beautiful rocky mountains)
>spend the rest of my time living frugally, stoically and enjoying my hobbies(which are basically free)
>beautiful gf
>healthy because monk-like self control
I have zero debt, a healthy body and no regrets - more free time than both of you assholes, and guess what? I don't go fronting to strangers about how great I think I am because I have accepted death, after having to face unexpected tragedies in my family throughout my childhood. Not one single living person will give a fuck how you lived your life when you pass on, and everyone dies despite their particular predilections about living life. Humble yourself and accept your mortality, everyone dies regardless of wealth, status, looks, accomplishments, contribution, political affiliation, etc. It is the ultimate equalizer, and most fags don't consider it for a moment until the reaper is close at hand(which he always is, btw, you could die at nearly any moment).

>> No.15520359

I'll debate "Number 2". While most boomers did the work to obtain their wealth, the foundation of opportunity you had was like shooting fish in a barrel. You had lower barriers to enter the workforce, a rapidly expanding economy and jobs that paid out with stronger buying power.

People now that get the same job you had and the same investing choices etc. are going to go much less farther, because you were in a golden age of money.

>> No.15520376

I mostly agreed until I got to the last one. YIKES

>> No.15520494

Oof. Must have struck a nerve seeing a successful millennial BTFO the boomers and NEETs in the same post.

Your delicate egos and cleft anuses will heal with time.

>> No.15520539

I have literally lived a more fulfilling life than you and spent far less time leasing my time out to employers. Is that how you measure your self worth, hours sold to the highest bidder? I graduated in the top % of my high school class with multiple scholarships. You aren't ever getting your time back retard, congrats on not realizing this - really.

>> No.15520544

As usual all I see are excuses and hippies. To the guy who claims to be an engineer. Your Mickey Mouse degree doesn’t mean shit when all you do is fancy guys asses at the gym. I bet I could smack your grinny face off in 2 seconds flat. I had my own logistics business by your age and ended up selling it for a hefty sum. Please, you'll be the joe blow that’ll be cut when the time comes.

To the guy who says I grew up in a better economy and era. This is a classic whiny excuse of this generations failure to realize the technological times were in now. If I had what you kids have now, I would’ve made it to fucking mars by now.

>> No.15520568

sounds like you are the one making excuses. why arent you making it to fucking mars? too old?

>> No.15520574

Cry more you entitled snowflake.

>> No.15520604

Yeah well. Youre old.

>> No.15520607

I make a lot of money in those three months. Enough to live well the rest of the year, and I am currently sitting on 40x returns in crypto. I will retire before you, having spent more of my youth doing what I actually enjoy - and I will very likely start a business in the latter half of my life, contributing more to the world than you ever did. But you know what? None of it matters, it is completely immaterial because you, I, and everything will die. Enjoy your time and do no harm, everything else is true faggotry.

>> No.15520609

Threadly reminder that Earth belongs to the young.
Boomers can suck peepee from my poopoo

>> No.15520622

Redpilled. The universe owes you nothing. Time to build your own life, kids.

>> No.15520628

Facts don't care about your feelings, friend.
On an individual level, I'm just better than you.

The sooner you come to peace with that, the better off you're going to be- its bad for your health holding all that resentment and regret. Imagine dying with all that bottled up inside. Just gotta let it go man.

As far as your generation goes, its really not worth discussing. If you can't see how/why your generation is such a fucking disappointment to those that came before you and after you, that's your problem.

Jesus dude get off my dick. Forget to take your pills today?

>> No.15520631

How many of your friends are dead because of alcoholism?

>> No.15520645
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I must not speak boomer. All I ever hear when they talk is

>reeeeeee my social-security!
>reeeeeee my medicare!
>reeeee my entitlements!

>> No.15520670

You live off a false sense of self worth and I have already beaten you at life because I have enjoyed mine far more than you ever will. Have fun trying to buy life extension and or a time machine with all the hours, days, weeks and months you have spent to ultimately wage cuck for someone else. You're a literal brainlet who thinks your bank account is going to make up for spending the best and most vital years of your life being a literal cuckhold for your employer.

>> No.15520852
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>be baby boomer
>pic related happens on our watch
>have the audacity to blame my own children for what we allowed to happen

Feel bad for you though, what could be worse than being a post war generation doomed to be remembered by history as a group of people who at every opportunity sold out every foundation of their society that their parents fought and died for and then resented their own children because they don't understand what they did to the economy.

>> No.15520865


They know what they did. They're just in denial about it because they don't want to be held accountable.

>> No.15520885
File: 91 KB, 640x906, hard-times-create-strong-men-strong-men-create-good-times-good-times-create-weak-men-weak-men-create-hard-times-9aNX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we would have been boomers if we had been born then.
at the end of the day everyone generation should shut the fuck up complaining and get on with what needs to be done

>> No.15520904
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>> No.15520918


Fair enough.

>> No.15520982

Any real boomer would an hero if they truly understood this fact. Best post in this thread.

>> No.15521026

>getting this triggered