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File: 100 KB, 269x415, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15519340 No.15519340 [Reply] [Original]

Well, that was fast.

>She deserves to be happy bro!

Marrying someone after 2 years means she was basically dating him like a week after that nigga an heroes

>> No.15519375

Mirin them jaws of death

>> No.15519377

>Worrying about somebody else’s life that has literally nothing to do with yours
Grow a pair faggot.

>> No.15519378

She probably helped kill him. They are all balls deep in pedophile shit.

>> No.15519383

I see what your saying, but maybe she actually wants to be with a real man instead of a confused angry man baby.

>> No.15519389


>replying to a post on a cantonese underground beyblade forum to say this

yes, it is a reminder that all women are whores. She prob was happy af that he offed himself, now she can be with a man that isn't 5'3.

>> No.15519418

You should really get off 4chan, little guy

>> No.15519435

Not all women, most of them.

>> No.15519523

Have sex and reassess

>> No.15519533

cope harder betaboy

>> No.15519833
File: 160 KB, 962x642, 7843276-6530903-The_president_was_in_Washington_D_C_this_week_because_of_a_gover-a-30_1545857129504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks gay as fuck

>> No.15519848

Imagine getting post-death cucked, the most embarassing type.

>> No.15519901
File: 39 KB, 320x320, 1551285731435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nigga an heroes
Or did he?

>> No.15519975


Lmao dude was probably gay. he killed himself after 1 year when his boyfriend chris cornell did

>> No.15520305

Bluepilled. The new face of 4chan