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File: 116 KB, 1024x949, A7D65A94-E857-405D-837C-41D6AB0268A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15508500 No.15508500 [Reply] [Original]

Biz, I’m 30 yo and went back to school this semester to get a software engineering degree (essentially just to get a piece of paper that lets people know that I can code for job prospects).

I haven’t been in college since 2011, and so much has changed (I’m also going to a shit tier university compared to my first time in school). I have to do tons of group work with a bunch of girls that, despite being “engineering students,” clearly have no interest nor desire to be in school.

How can I easily deal with +\- 20 yo bitches that act as though everything is an annoying burden to them? I know many of you are younger than I am and have more experience with these pieces of shit. I have to do a project where we make some kind of innovation and I wanted to really push ourselves and try to work toward a ChainLink adapter or something cool...but I’m stuck having to instead work on ideas like “a broom with an attached dustpan.”

I’m starting to feel like I may have made a mistake and am seeing really what a stupid joke universities have become.

>> No.15508567

You don't do cool projects in college or school or uni or any institution, unless you're with close friends that are as autistic as you on the project's subject. Just do something easy to get good marks and be done with it as fast as possible. Keep cool stuff for yourself, where parasites can't shit up the hard work.

BTW going to college when you're 30 is a waste of time and money. You're better off passing a shitload of certifications.

Anyway godspeed anon, just do this shit in like a day, you may even be seen as an experienced dude that can breeze through everything.

>> No.15508579

Fuck em right in thepussy

>> No.15508604
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Your expectations of college, especially if it is a shity college as you described, are ridiculously high and unrealistic. Listening on your back in high school 2.0 and right now colleges are just going to pump out as many bachelors as they can so they are going to give you the most boring uninspiring projects ever… you will not learn how to innovate here.

Either start a club to find like-minded individuals or go on LinkedIn and find people who actually care or go somewhere else and do it yourself you will not get these people to do it for you

>> No.15508650

Any certifications you know of that’d hold as much weight as a degree from an accredited university?

>> No.15508654

nice titties

>> No.15508655

If you're not attractive you're really fucked, if you're attractive you've got a chance at making them do shit.

>> No.15508706

Why‘d she start a timer?

I guess my expectations are a bit high. I went to a top tier school with several billion dollars of endowment annually and very selective admissions, this current university seems to really cater to “the average joe.” A large part of me was hoping I’d easily find intellectually interesting people with whom I could interact, but it’s not seeming to be the case. :/

>> No.15508735

I’m not ugly, I’ve been told I’m attractive, but I’ve gotten increasingly awkward since I was 25 or so and it becomes more apparent when I’m engaged with someone and have to react to them sayin something like, “yo, that lowkey sounds fire A.F. though”

>> No.15508737

because she charges some beta faggot like you 100$ per second to see it

>> No.15508849

>. I went to a top tier school with several billion dollars of endowment annually and very selective admissions
>I’m not ugly, I’ve been told I’m attractive, but I’ve gotten increasingly awkward since I was 25 or so and it becomes more apparent when I’m engaged with someone and have to react to them sayin something like, “yo, that lowkey sounds fire A.F. though”
wow you must have 160 IQ and an enormous penis and this definetly isn't a larp

>> No.15508855

Holy fuck do college aged kids actually talk like this now?

>> No.15508863

i would also like to know OP, im 30yo too and thinking about going back. i cant stand 19-27 year old people tho. wondering if its even worth going back or just sit back and wait for chainlink to pop off..man im a fucking loser, and yes i still live with my parents

>> No.15508870

kys faggot nigger

>> No.15508892

where are you that people are talking like that?
west coast?

>> No.15508928

>those jiggly milkbag tits with cute nipples
>that slutface

God I’m hard.

>> No.15508946

How does anything I’m saying sound like a larp and why would I larp about my difficulty with socializing and having to work with college girls?

>> No.15508961

You have no idea what it sounds like to us 25+ year olds who actually care about sounding "young" and "fitting in" with these people.

>> No.15508999

It’s been a tough choice. I’m not financially struggling fortunately thanks to crypto, but I am interested in software development and just generally want to increase my marketability/skills and felt this would be a decent investment in doing that.
In FL, but I’ve lived in several states where young people use cringey annoying slang like CO and CA. I didn’t notice it AS much in NY/NJ, but also didn’t have to socialize with young people up there.

>> No.15509092

It’s bizarre because many of them don’t try to “talk like an adult” even when speaking with older people.

>> No.15509127

You're just going to have to shut up and carry the weight for them. Had the same problem with a nigger female in my group work in college, but came to the realization that this is actually great practice for the real world, because you're going to be carrying the weight for women and minorities until you die.

>> No.15509198
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I'd approach the professor, explain your situation to them, and ask if you can work alone on this project... I figure it's a 50/50 shot whether they decide to be accommodating to someone who actually wants to use their time productively or decide to nigger you.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.15509223

I know this is biz and all and blah blah blah. But fuck you bro. The guy in the picture got beheaded. You're a fucking sack of shit. Enjoy your perpetual existence with normies.

>> No.15509279

Fellow boomer here. Im plannin my retirement while fucking a 23 year old gf and you are starting university. I have passive income and looking for a secluded villa to buy .

I will throw this stupid gf out and fuck twinks in 100% privacy

>> No.15509361 [DELETED] 

IT isnt really about your diploma, by passing certifications you have a paper showing you can actually use tech
If you were a recruiter what would you pick? some college degree that 20yos have and whom you can hire for way cheaper than 30yo boomer OP or a certification where it technically says yes, boomer OP can code this shit
you tell us OP

>> No.15509374

What is your point?

>> No.15509408

Trying to get into coding too, and there much mumbo jumbo to learn

>> No.15509414

Yea, I was wondering: who IS in pic related? US? Russian soldier? Some other?...

Where was this?

T. Hanks

>> No.15509472

drop out immediately. dont fall for the meme

>> No.15509502

That you're a fucking sack of shit and you will be plagued by a perpetual existence with normies and there is nothing you can fucking do about it.
Thought it was clear, didn't realize you were this fucking stupid.

>> No.15509514

Oh yeah forgot your going to school as a fucking 30 year old boomer. LMAO. Clearly you are dumb.

>> No.15509530

who is the guy in the photo i want to see his head chopped off, thanks

>> No.15509532
File: 406 KB, 1170x666, 1523149986637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have cool ideas then college isn't for you. If you want proof of the Chad and roastie meme look no further than college. Get out of there NOW

>> No.15509572

It was in Turkey

>> No.15509594

Yea, lowkey fire JUST'd me, based and redpilled. Legit props, fren.

>> No.15509745

Turkish insurgent from the attempted coup in 2016.

>> No.15509806

99% of girls go to college to do drugs and meet a rich boyfriend/husband. Really they just need to make it for a few years to find a man, and spend daddies money on MDMA and Starbucks.

Deal with it and move on with your life. If you don’t concern yourself with them, they will likely flock to you anyway. It’s literally free pussy

>> No.15509850

Also, if you end up in a group that will completely fuck your grade up, you need to let the teacher know ASAP. Do it privately and don’t be an asshole.

>Hey I’m worried about my grade
>Can I work alone?
>I can’t screw up any classes I’m taking

>Don’t start drama
>These girls are stupid and lazy

>> No.15509864

Pussy smells like dead fish and tastes like old salmon

>> No.15509898

t. absolute faggot

Pussy is like candy

>> No.15509906

Shut up curry everything that's outside of your shithole smells like candy.

>> No.15509905


>> No.15509914

t. Faggot

Also I’m whiter than you pajeet

>> No.15509973

How about you don't join a team full of girls. It's not like engineering has an even ratio. Im in chem eng and despite the 50 50 ratio I still dont have to work with girls or at least not the ones that don't care about school.

>> No.15510031

its 2019 teach yourself the internet is legit now

>> No.15510050


> I have to do a project where we make some kind of innovation and I wanted to really push ourselves and try to work toward a ChainLink adapter or something cool...but I’m stuck having to instead work on ideas like “a broom with an attached dustpan.”

God lord boomers really had their lives given to them, imagine thinking in 2019 that being hardworking at uni means anything

>> No.15510081 [DELETED] 


Yeah i bet OP was a boomer who thought he still "had it" and choose a group full of girls (software engineering has like a 20/80 ratio of girls-men) and then got btfo when he realized he had to do all the work now hahaha get fucked op, based roasties showing op his place

>> No.15510115

Try to fuck them

>> No.15510370

This. You'll be doing more than your fair share of work and making slackers look good, but who gives a fuck? You have to do this shit either way, you're not being paid for it, and if you produce sometging good then you have something cool to put on your website or resume. Just make sure you don't let that freeloading shit happen when you're in the workplace.

>> No.15510421

Groups were not chosen. They were randomly assigned.

>> No.15510432

This is what I have been doing; however, it's not very helpful when applying for decent jobs if you put on your resume "I learned a bunch of stuff on the internet."

>> No.15510449



>> No.15510512

Also this. The least you can do is organise a "team bonding/brainstorming session" at a bar and see if you can get some clueless Gen Z ass.

>> No.15510523

Don't want to fuck these miserable cunts

>> No.15510528


How do I long Gen Z ass?

>> No.15510531

I did some research.
She's called "itssarahx"
There are a bunch of vids online.

>> No.15510557

>Taking shit college classes seriously

Are you fucking retarded? You have a gold mine of fresh 18-20 year old low IQ pussy to take advantage of and your bitching that you can't build a Chainlink adapter?

Fucking faggot. Grow some balls, have some fun, and let your cock get in on some clown world action.

>> No.15510594



>> No.15510634

I'm not a nigger that is horny 24/7 that thinks with his cock. Although I do sometimes get jealous of people like you who do think it's fun to interact with idiots and get drunk and stick their dick in things. It seems like a much easier way to exist.

>> No.15510990

Invest in braphog farms

>> No.15511048

Low T faggot

>> No.15511106

what is braphog farms

>> No.15511111

Why do low T hate young women?

>> No.15511119

You're 30, you should have experience dealing with this same type of situation professionally. Take control of the group or pick up the slack yourself, really not much other options, your professor isn't going to be shocked or give a shit that roasties don't work.

>> No.15511122

>hold as much weight as a degree from an accredited university
That is an incredibly low bar

>> No.15511131
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>> No.15511213
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>> No.15511250

You are correct. As someone with a degree I can tell you, for junior jobs, your github matters way more than your degree. (Unless you went to a top 15 school). If youre at a good school stay, otherwise drop out.

You can easily go to /g/ go to the /wdg/ thread, learn full-stack js with react and node, make projects and host them. Within 6-8 months you can get a junior job making 60-75k.