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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 232x217, goldnsilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15508497 No.15508497 [Reply] [Original]

Buy the dip

>> No.15509194

Or simply hold the dips too.

>> No.15509206

Silver is gong back under 15 retard
If you havent taken profits you must have fomod at the top

>> No.15509211

*epic boomer moment*

>> No.15509236

Well the FED just fucked us by saying no rate increase and that there is no recession. Legal crooks the bunch they are.

>> No.15509251
File: 66 KB, 675x601, 1567586095154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I luv muh rocks

>> No.15509298


When the time comes to increase rates, they won't have a choice in the matter.

>> No.15509321

No rate increase = good for gold
No recession? Yeah no shit. He's the fucking chairman of the fed. When he says there's a recession it's when people are eating babies in the streets

>> No.15509336

I meant no rate cut

>> No.15509340

He said no rate cut? Markets are gonna tank.

>> No.15509346

>he buys paper silver
Man if it went to under $15, physical stackers will be so damn happy. It's the paper buyers that are getting fucked.

>> No.15509586

Metals will trade sideways/slightly up for about another year.

They will dip heavily in November 2020.

Then moonshot in 2021.

Source, am silver bug

Silver price targets
EOY 2019: $22
Summer 2020: $25
Fall 2020: $17
Winter 2021:$25
Spring 2021:$40
Summer 2021:$100
EOY 2021: $300
EOY 2022: $600

>> No.15509640

Silver was $6/oz in 2000. No need to rush into buying right now.

>> No.15509651

I think you really need to explain the ridiculous prediction that silver will be $300/$600

>> No.15509688

>he doesnt know
lurk moar

>> No.15509732

No. the mysterious "secret inside info" BS line may work with crypto fools, but not with me.

There is no legitimate reason to suggest that silver would ever get that high. The highest silver ever got since 1915 was roughly $117 in 1980, and that's only because the Hunt brothers were secretly trying to corner the market.

I mean, I don't mind that people are trying the pump & dump with silver in /biz/. It's worked so many times with shitcoins that there's no reason to think it wouldn't work with silver. But short of some mostly illegible white paper, you're going to need to come up with something better than "he doesn't know"

>> No.15509754 [DELETED] 

Kek. You're only confirming that you live under a rock.

>> No.15509770

You're confirming that you live under a rock.

>> No.15509784

It’s because the dollar has inflated so much, hyper inflation is inevitable. It’s been exponential. PM’s have not had the same curvature which means they are significantly under valued. The possibilities are that everything burns and reset society OR we revalue gold and silver to back federal debt. Collateral vs. Productivity.
As inflation steps up gold will outpace it until it’s recalibrated properly. Fraudulent traders that push prices down are already being removed from the industry, the bump in the last three quarters are proof.

>> No.15509792

Translation... still no explanation, you'll just have to "trust them" that silver will have a miraculous 1700% climb in three years.

>> No.15509805

Retard, we know that silver is highly manipulated. That’s why it’s so low. Large banks have abused this to accumulate as much gold as possible. Same with other countries. Why? Because they know what’s coming...

>> No.15509809

Even if you bought (which I don't) the theory that we are headed toward hyper inflation, there is no evidence to suggest that it will happen in 3 years, which is what that comment was suggesting.

>> No.15509825

Here's the 100 year chart for silver. Your theory is lacking


>> No.15509832

enjoy waiting 5 years

>> No.15509853

Yea it started to rise in line with inflation and was slammed down twice. It’s happening sooner than the last time because inflation is exponential. Except now, the people responsible for slamming it down are out of power.

>> No.15509917

And yet, if you look at the supply chart since 2009, you notice a few things...
> a slow-down in the amount being pulled out of the supply by people hedging
> in 2017 institutions being a net SELLER of silver
> a steady industrial demand
> The net balance showing that people are NOT hording silver in fear of some upcoming catastrophe.


>> No.15509945
File: 723 KB, 1103x864, Egypt_Export_Treemap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am alway happy when I see logical anons still exist in this dump although it is like pissing in the ocean.

pump and dump? survivalist scizos? plain trolls? we will never know...

>> No.15509952
File: 275 KB, 1864x712, silver synopsis .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't mind that people are trying the pump
>i actually believe biz shillposts work and biz sentiment determines market trends and pump and dumps
silver is the most important asset on the planet.

>cure for cancer needs it
>free energy and solar panels needs it
>electric cars need it
>computers need it
>phones need it
>televisions need it
>VR needs it
>quantum computers need it
>medicine needs it
>anti gravity tech needs it

i shake my head at you newfags because the ELite stack physical in the millions of ounces and admit it to you and you still say silver will never moon.
Fiat has no value, only tangible assets do.
Silver is more important then gold (as its innate elemental properties are the best in existence) because all that matters is materialism and improvement upon materialism.
It will soon come out that all this advanced tech (primarily cancer cure, unlimited free energy, and anti gravity capability) cannot operate without silver, which is a finite resource. Then we moon to the point no one is selling and you cannot buy any silver.
ELite know how important silver is thats why they are filling up their bags.
$800 silver is nothing, thats just the ponzi paper to silver ratio in effect. That doesnt even take into account the demand it will have outside of being sound money.
All of these digital illusions of wealth were put in place for a reason, crypto stole the antigov notoriety from metals. Good goyim actually believe this antigov crypto fraud, when in reality it was the elite themselves that created crypto. FED could kill the entire crypto market in a fucking hour if they wanted to. Why would they though? goyims are still buying bags at 10k from that of (((their))) buy in at mere pennies, while also siphoning money into their pockets through selloffs, allowing them to buy even more silver. I could write a book on this entire ponzi but good goys still wouldnt be able to lift an eyelid.

>> No.15509969

Here's a well written article from April 2018 telling people why it is important to get into silver as quick as they can. It's a good article, with charts and reasoning etc.

The only problem is that it was wrong. Had you bought in april 2018 when this article came out, you would have been down 14.3% by November of that year, and only would have broken even by July of 2019


>> No.15509974

The fact that JPM has been hoarding silver is enough indication to buy. They're essentially accumulating PM reserves rivaling a small country.

>> No.15509993

>selling your pixelated bags to a greater fool at a higher price
just shows you how good ELites are at this game and how low IQ the average goyim is.

>> No.15510011

If you believe in "unlimited free energy" and "antigravity", then by all means spend every last dollar you have on silver.

As for the rest of your reply, it's nothing less than I would expect from someone in the "free energy" camp.

>> No.15510025
File: 77 KB, 628x378, egyptiancotton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ELites hate him! Biz schizo posting is the best!

>> No.15510040

On the topic of sentiment scraping /biz/, its become an unreliable source since 2018 when people started posting false alarm "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT", etc threads. Instead, the measure I scrap from /biz/ is volume of posts, not negative/positive valence.

>> No.15510053

how is showing a chart debunking his correct post how they rigged the price and are also stacking physical?
institutions actively manipulate the market and are being investigated and jailed for ccommodities manipulation. What makes you think they are incapable of lying on a few statistics?

>> No.15510085

you OMEGApseuds disgust me, keep standing on your kike indoctrinated educational pedestal you cocksuckers

>> No.15510091

You should never allow emotion to get the better of you when it comes to making investment decisions.

>> No.15510123

Again, the idea that silver is going to see a 1600% increase in three years is foolish.

Silver isn't crypto. In the crypto market, it's all about the perception of value (since it has no real use value). So when people feel good or bad about a particular crypto (or all crypto), it can have a real effect on the price.

But silver, gold, and to a certain extent stocks don't operate that way. FOMO posts aren't going to move the silver market. It is too entrenched in reality. And if every reader of /biz/ were to invest every last dollar they had, it would have no effect whatsoever to the present and future value of silver.

>> No.15510130

I've already given you the reasons it will moon, even if you don't believe in free energy or anti gravity tech (even though its admittedly true) then you cannot argue that revealed technology needs silver. You have no argument, hence why you replied to by big ass post with a single sentence. No commodity on the planet is more important than silver.

>> No.15510139

are you retired already? you started to stack in 2002

>> No.15510149

Yes, there is an industrial use for silver; as there has been for decades. And, so far, the mining and scrap return of silver to the market has covered that need just fine.

>> No.15510171

The price of silver in 2002 was $6.92. It's now roughly $18. That works out to roughly a 10% gain per year. You would have been better off buying an ETF like the Vanguard index 500

>> No.15510186
File: 488 KB, 1497x1141, theyknowweknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still implying biz can even move crypto markets
delusional, you already exposed your LARPing as a high IQ anon in your 3rd post when you stated biz can move markets, now you double down on such a delusional. Hilariously enough you think biz moving markets is more plausible then free energy/antigravity tech.

You have no idea how heavily the silver price is manipulated because you don't even know how the futures market works. stop LARPing

>> No.15510243

Of course /biz/ can move the price of crypto. Not on BTC, but certainly on the thinly traded low-value coin.

It's the same with lightly traded low price stocks. If you buy the entire book, you WILL move the price, though it will move right back to where it was pretty quick if the market makers are paying attention.

>> No.15510247

what part of
>finite supply
do you not understand? mining is dwindling and scraps are abysmal. MOST silver is completely outright lost and can never be used in any industrial application again.
3x More above ground GOLD then silver

>> No.15510350

Ah, so now we're shifting from the 'world elite have been planning a crash for 200 years" argument to the "finite supply" argument. At least the second has more merit than the first.

You say that "mining is dwindling". That is not true, mining production is UP, not down:


As far as "scraps are abysmal", I would make two arguments...

1. Scrapping is largely down as a result of the drop in the price of silver. It is like how oil producers in texas capped their wells when saudi oil went on sale (to hold for a better day and better price)


Second, I would say that scrap still accounts for 15% of the total supply.


As far as what is above and what is below, I'm not sure that there is an accurate count as to what is below (like oil, they keep finding more), but there are roughly 2.78 billion ounces being held in vaults above ground, so scarcity really isn't a problem.


>> No.15510364

He just doesn’t get it. I’m buying a monster box in two weeks. Can’t wait.
A few more years and I’ll have enough to go wherever I want and buy any property I want. Just keep stacking.

>> No.15510388

Negative yielding assets will soon be the norm. There will be nowhere to run.

>> No.15510391

I get it, I just don't agree. I have my eye on a monster box too, but not at $18 an ounce. If it dips below $10 maybe, if it dips below $7 definitively, but not at $18

>> No.15510410

I know these are popular outside of the US, but I don't think even the fed is dumb enough to try it in the US. The American mind is different than in most countries. If the banks in the US every tried negative rates for real, people would simply withdraw all of their money, and the system would collapse. Since everyone knows this, it holds back the desire to do so.

>> No.15510415

You're a fool, should have gotten in at 14-15. It's never going back to 6, the world had changed.

>> No.15510455

Look at the bond market for the last 40 years. What magic mystery cure will change that line?

>> No.15510459
File: 138 KB, 1114x897, Silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure when it was hitting $55 in 2011, people thought the same thing

>> No.15510558
File: 162 KB, 1114x897, Silver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when it went crazy in 1980. Back then, everyone was selling, not buying. Everyone was in a rush to melt down great-grandma's silverware set, and pre-1964 coins disappeared as the meltdown cost easily beat the face value. People went nuts.

>> No.15510986

Of course you would. Vanguard is Rothschild.

But things are changing you dumb fuck.

>> No.15511017

Even if spot was $6 you'd have to pay $16 for physical.

It's a pity you won't take a look at the rampart short selling which has been going on for decades. If that ALONE stops we'd slowly creep up to $800 (+/-100).

>> No.15511039

Perhaps, perhaps not. One of the advantages (and disadvantages) of age is that you don't feel the headlong enthusiasm for the same old song and dance that you felt when first seeing it in your youth.

I've seen too many boom and bust cycles to get too excited over this. Had you caught me in 1980, I would have been on board. But not now.

>> No.15511041

>just starting my weekend
>all investments in green
>one of them is VCIT
>read this
>look it up
>it's true

fuck this shit, I'm selling on monday

>> No.15511058

also: gold is not going down, and silver follows. There will be a long dip, markets are not crashing but the horizon is there. Gold will go up in a week, you will definitely not have to wait for five years. Silver will follow.

>> No.15511104

Short selling has been around a lot longer than any of us have. And as much as I despise most of them, I still have to recognize that they serve an important part in the economy.

In order for there to be a buyer, there must be a seller. For all of those who think the value of a stock or metal is going to go up, there has to be the counter-party who think it's going to go down. If you didn't have both, there would be no trade.

But even the short sellers in silver don't have all the power. The big problem they face is that silver has utility and will never go to zero. While there is certainly reason to short SOME of the miners, shorting the metal itself (depending on the price) isn't a smart idea.

>> No.15511156

why did it go up to $55? I keep pressing you chart watchers to look for the reasons behind the events, but you never respond.

>> No.15511193

People are piling into gold because their is a worldwide shortage of positive yielding assets. You should know since you are at least 55-60 that your investment profile chnges as you age. Now whats a boomer supposed to do with their money in the age of 1.5% returns on long term bills, and 15 trillion in negative yielding assets? More boomers will pile into metals because they are physical and they retain their value. They need safety and stability right now, and gold offers them that.

>> No.15511209

I HAVE 60 OUNCES OF 1 OZ ROUNDS WITH SILVER. Should I keep it like this ot sell it all for a big ass bar of silver?

>> No.15511230

At the time, the argument was made that it was a result of fears of a weaker dollar, brought on by Bernanke making comments in continued support for QE

>> No.15511241
File: 115 KB, 499x507, 1566893237382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong continent.

>> No.15511273

If you're going to keep it at all, then keep it as it is. If you hold it for investment purpose, then converting it will cost you commissions to do so. If you're holding it for some end-of-the-world event, then you'd want it in smaller rounds for purchase fluidity.

Boomers aren't putting their money into gold, because gold historically has a lousy return. Rates are held artificially low, I agree, so boomers are sticking with the boring old dividend paying stocks like utilities and other solid players.

100 shares of AEP, LMT, VZ or T will certainly have better long-term gains than any metal.

>> No.15511334

only one equity class, thats it? Thats what were all supposed to pile into now? The fed will cut to 0%, gold will gain, might not be this quarter, but it will happen. Im not preaching buying pms when times are good. Thats an ideological stance where a 5-10% net income is recommended. The economy doesnt look so hot right now, if you think things will get better and central banks are in control, dont buy gold. If you think the opposite, think about converting your fiat.

>> No.15511344

If you aren’t buying this dip you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.15511386

I was simply giving an example of where money could be parked to easily outpace the returns of gold.

I also wouldn't put it as "what we're all supposed to pile into now". Quality dividend stocks with an automatic dividend reinvestment plan has always been a path to wealth. (at least for the last 60-70 years).

But I also take a fatalistic approach. If you're not holding gold for investment return, you're holding it for an end-of-the-world event such as the collapse of the dollar.

But if you live in the US, and the dollar collapses, you're going to have much bigger problems than the price of gold. If such a collapse were ever to happen, losing electricity, gas and water; grocery stores being empty; and the loss of modern technology would be a larger problem (and all would happen quicker than most people would know).

And while living in a Mad Max world might be something the younger person might want to try, it's not my scene. If the end of the world were to happen, I'd be radioactive dust in the first attack anyway, so there's really no need to plan for the day after day 1.

>> No.15511407
File: 988 KB, 2016x1512, 20190904_170528_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks lad. what do you mean by commissions tho?

>> No.15511418


>> No.15511440

I mean fees. If you take your silver to a professional house to convert it, there will be fees involved.

Side note... if that picture is your stash, hang onto that morgan. It's in beautiful condition. I would even wrap it in it's own baggie just to cut down on the scraping in the box. It's not as old as some, but the condition is superior to many I've seen.

>> No.15511524

The dollar has already collapsed. Gold is 1500 an oz when it used to be 20. The collapse can take much longer than you realize. The central banks will spark inflation by debasing everything. Gold in Japan is the highest since the 80s, they cant get enough with their aging population. Gold would preserve your wealth in any crisis, from beginning until end. Its been valuable forever, the reordering of the world economy and one empire will only be bullish for metals. Your money is rotting away each year, and the price reflects that. You cannot print more gold.

>> No.15511528

That coin also reminded me of another point...

... some would argue that if you want a simple (if unusual) hedge, simply hold a certain amount of your dollars in coins.

Paper currency (federal reserve notes) are debt based instruments backed by the Fed. US coins are backed by the Treasury department.

There is a conceivable situation where paper money (Fed) would be worthless but coins (treasury) would not.

>> No.15511546

> Gold is $1507.41 when it used to be $1917.90

>> No.15511553

Screencapped. U better not be wrong faggot. I'm going all in based on your recommendation. U will financially bankrupt me and my family if this doesn't come true.

>> No.15511596

At the height of the euro banking liquidity crisis, and after/during the "great recession." Are you waiting until MSFT goes back to $28 to buy? Its at its highest valuation ever, but those rules dont apply to gold, right? You really dont know why lines move up or down, you just know they do and thats about it.

>> No.15511615

I put $$$$ in silver mining stocks three days ago. I’m down almost 30% today. Feels bad man

>> No.15511655
File: 166 KB, 1135x922, Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point being... gold is great during a collapse, or when people are afraid, or when speculators drive up the price. But if the collapse DOESN'T happen, it turns into a fairly bad investment.

If you had bought at the last real peak in 1980 (roughly $675/oz) it would have taken you 27 YEARS to break even once the price cracked.

Protect against disaster, yes, but don't put all of your eggs in a basket that REQUIRES disaster to be profitable.

Since the price of gold was coupled until 1973, we only have 46 years worth of price history to look at. And anyone who invested in gold later than 2001 has never really experienced the way gold can bite you in the ass.

Yes, the price of gold can go up still, but there's no guarantee of it. And if the price action following the 1980 peak is any indication, it may be decades before we see the 2011 high again.

>> No.15511670

It’s also better to have government minted silver like Morgans, Silver Eagles ect, rather than having generic bars. The minted silver carries a premium, like 2-3 dollars extra an ounce. It is easier to sell to strangers if u need to because of the sophisticated anti-counterfeit qualities in the minted coins. The only silver I buy atm is American eagles and junk silver coins.

>> No.15511675

I've been watching precious metals cycle for about a decade. I still get a kick out of it every time people fall for the shilling and buy at the top.

>> No.15511680
File: 432 KB, 1303x1009, 74D5078C-6ACD-4403-AE02-B2BC10919915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you really need to explain the ridiculous >prediction that silver will be $300/$600
See attached for you that even a 7 yr old could grasp this.
Get educated and do some fucking research!

>> No.15511693
File: 273 KB, 2376x1394, 3CD54751-D3CF-4827-BCB3-F5065352AAE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been watching precious metals cycle for about a decade
So your 16!!
What a fucking retard!
Refer attached spastic

>> No.15511695
File: 306 KB, 690x400, glddol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you need 60% to break? ouch. no one told you to buy high fella
since you keep going back to the same mundane point about buying high in a crisis, or keeping an asset for 40 years, or a doomsday schtick, i think you are disingenuous, at best. The whole deal with the manipulation of the 80s as being a "natural" highwater for you personally kinda confirms that. Lets get this straight: its not an investment. Its an asset. That appreciates.

>> No.15511711


Like I said, I always get a kick out of this.

>> No.15511734

An asset that SOMETIMES appreciates. Sometimes very quickly. But sometimes goes down. And often times goes sideways.

If you're going to treat it as an asset, then you must also compare its value to other assets.

And while gold is the origin of all wealth, that doesn't mean it's the best of all wealth at all times.

>> No.15511735

What are you blathering about?

(((JP Morgan))) short sells so they can buy up the silver market in physical. Look how they cheated the Hunts to cover the (((East Coast bankers))).

When Trump was elected (((someone))) sold 10k tons of paper Gold. No one has that amount of Gold. It's (((bankers))) rigging the market.

Nice try but your boomer tier investment logic is outdated grandad.

>> No.15511751

>Boomers aren't putting their money into gold, because gold historically has a lousy return
Relative to the Fiat dollar scam.

Relative to the reality that is rapidly approaching and will soon burst through the Fiat paradigm, Gold is rocketing in value.

Your 5% interest is in a fake market which is sinking fast. It's like someone on the titanic finding a £50 pound note and shouting 'I'm rich I'm rich'

>> No.15511756

chinese were using jpm as a broker to suppress the price so they could hoard up. That whale exited the market about the time the price started rising in the summer.

>> No.15511769

Which sounds like nearly every crypto post I've read on /biz/ .... BUY, it's going to MOON.

Do you even know what short selling is? or how it works?

>> No.15511773

If you think (((bankers))) aren't running some huge scam you need to get on /pol

>> No.15511774

yeah those morgans are mine. My local coin seller sells morgans he gets and my God...the ones people sell him are gorgeous and I don't know why people sell em but im shocked

>> No.15511818
File: 224 KB, 800x800, 1922peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just gave you an example, i havent been there in a while.
i will never understand the premiums on that ugly ass bitch. Get on my level

>> No.15511819

You think the fiat paradigm is going to last grandad? How long? QE 5? QE 10?

Just because you had a great time at woodstock and the beatles were really rocking out and racism is so, like, not necessary man and the CIA backed hippie revolution changed the world it doesn't mean that the establishment will keep allowing you to gain wealth.

Yes I know what short selling is. Did you not realise the PM markets have been suppressed for decades?

Have a think about the implications of that.

>> No.15511831
File: 311 KB, 1750x876, 2016w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop your redditboomerspeak and post slutty bitches

>> No.15511888
File: 109 KB, 800x800, 2019-w-one-ounce-american-liberty-gold-coin-american-liberty-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think? i live the eagle, but the 13 rays exploding from her brain is way too Illuminati for my comfort. Hard pass at $1950ish, at least she looks whitish i guess.

>> No.15511914

I too have peace dollars. I like both

>> No.15511961

I highly doubt it will dip to below $7 ever again
Keep in mind the last time it was that low the value of the dollar wasnt so shit, inflation isnt just the officially stated 2%
I could see $10 silver, maybe

>> No.15511970

>doesnt come close to hitting $10 after crashing from the top
>hes waiting for under $7
The value of the dollar is literally too fucking low for an ounce of silver to be worth $7 unless a truly astronomical amount is found

>> No.15512032

Even Venezuela isnt mad max tier, there is still trade and a black market, precious metals hold value there, and their currency is literally worse than video game money
Thinking that hyperinflation will create dystopia tier SHTF social breakdown is retarded
Nations have gone through severe hyperinflation before and every time some kind of society is maintained. Humans innately will create some sort of maintained social system if it's at all possible

>> No.15512221

I would simply argue that if it happened to the US or the US Dollar, it would be different. It would be more like the collapse of Rome, and the generations of nightmare that came after.

>> No.15512417

Damn. That's me. I spent $235 on 10 oz yesterday.

>> No.15512651


>> No.15512955

Oh well. It woulda been 155 (shipping) at the most recent low. I'm not losing sleep over 80 bucks.

>> No.15513035

Trading in worthless unbacked fiat for sound money that has actual use cases is always worth it.
I’d still be buying at the inevitable $1,000/ounce

>> No.15513066
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I feel ya. I bought @ $19/oz, and just the day after I bought there was a massive sale for exactly what I just bought (American Eagles and 90% half dollar rolls) AND the silver price dropped a whole fucking dollar. The seller is SD bullion btw.

Fuck this stupid earth. I'm definitely not selling though. Next recession, be it next year or two, it will become $50+/oz again so I'm good. I just wish I could've been smarter.

>> No.15513082
File: 1.72 MB, 320x240, 1525630529290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. It just sucks that you could've bought a few ounces more silver if you waited.

Also I bought $1500 worth of silver so I lost more than him. Anyways, I have your thinking so I'm not crying over it.

>> No.15513084

It’ll be $20 in <3 weeks

>> No.15513101


>> No.15513240

i wish this was peter schiff

>> No.15513260


>> No.15513300
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>> No.15513472

Why does the woman @ top have big lips?

>> No.15513548

it's an American coin
you do the math

>> No.15513573

I suck at math you stupid motherfucker

>> No.15513720

neat, i like the way the eagle is eyeballing you when you look at it. howd you get that so soon? you must be loaded

>> No.15513778


>> No.15513791

i'll buy 100 more ounces if it goes anywhere close to 15

>> No.15513823

I got it graded MS 70 and then flipped it to a boomer for an easy profit

>> No.15513979

Monster boxes or don’t buy anything. The inflationary stimulus spending and interest rates are already being deployed. Every economic blip, good or bad, causes the gold and silver window to slide higher. Maybe it won’t blast to 800/7000 but there are undeniable economic facts.
Inflation is up, fed is losing power, trade is being equalized, traders and traitors are being removed. Every MNC, nation, and bank is hedging into physicals. It will take a long time to calibrate a currency swap...we maybe have 2 years before the first doubling. You won’t be able to trade a handful of AU for a house for 7-10 more years.
If you want to know how much gold would have to be worth to cover the us debt, take total oz and decide by total outstanding debt. I think it’s $90k /oz. there just isn’t enough gold in the world to back all the debt in the world.