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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 804x802, 38993FEB-EB77-45E1-AF80-8DD9C76AB021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15507368 No.15507368 [Reply] [Original]

W-working in a trade is great guys. I love being surrounded by Mexicans and sub 90 iq laborers. Breathing in toxic fumes and dust is b-based, right guys? Ha best part is I get to make $20 an hour!

>> No.15507435

Laborer and trade workers are usually pretty based. Typically dumb people that are smart enough to know they're dumb and don't push themselves just looking for an honest paycheck to support their families.

Usually the real cucks are truckers who are the dumbest fuckers on the planet but somehow think they're smarter than everyone. They make 60k a year being on the road 365 days a year spending Christmas at a truck stop and brag on FB about how they're husslers and making fat stacks and blow all their money on a camero or Harley while Tyrone fucks their wife.

>> No.15507492

>I love being surrounded by Mexicans and sub 90 iq laborers. Breathing in toxic fumes and dust is b-based, right guys?
You want to get out of this? Or is this a hate thread?

>> No.15507516
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 48CC3135-B8ED-4DFA-A0BA-B4F7E93A25B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don’t fall for the meme.

>> No.15507535

Unironically learn to code.
Stack Overflow survey: Nearly half of developers are self-taught

What trade do you do?

>> No.15507543

>Don’t fall for the meme.
Or is this a general warning?

>> No.15507565

>Typically dumb people that are smart enough to know they're dumb

This is sort of true... I work in a trade environment, there's like 3 types of guys

1. Absolute morons beyond redemption
2. Country boys who have high wisdom scores but probably haven't read a book since high school
3. Quiet types who are way too smart for the job and usually disappear to an engineering department

As far as OP is concerned, almost all work sucks, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with Office Space bullshit, women involved in my job, or political correctness.

>> No.15507568
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>not freight brokering

>> No.15507570

its ok, truckers will be dead very soon, either from their poor diet and being seated 12 hours a day or from AI logistics.

>> No.15507619
File: 108 KB, 666x375, FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15507642

All offices nowadays are pretty much completely made out of estrogenic plastic and toxic Chinese adhesives, so the being poisoned part is quite similar

>> No.15507646
File: 83 KB, 960x633, tesla-semi-1-e1539187374903[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI logistics.
The war against the machines begins

>> No.15507648

Working in a office talking about female empowerment and global warming or some boring project is shit as well

t. INTJ NEET master race

>> No.15507663
File: 245 KB, 615x400, xea5yk3v[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely made out of estrogenic plastic and toxic Chinese adhesives, so the being poisoned part is quite similar

Imagine the Chinese are making it poison on purpose!

>> No.15507698

Red pill me on why i should give up my shitty 30k GD job to be a freight broker. And how much it would cost to do so

>> No.15507717

>Red pill me on why i should give up my shitty 30k GD job to be a freight broker.
Freight broking to me an ironic meme I learned on /biz/

See learn to code that's unironic

>> No.15507738

>have to deal with low IQ idiot coworkers

>have to deal with bitter middle-aged roasties and liberal PC cucks

What's the solution?

>> No.15507742


>> No.15507765

How long have you been doing it?
That fastest way to make $ is to sell "leads" to other businesses. You could do that with plumbing. Get leads for plumbing via the net then sell that to businesses type thing.

>> No.15507775

5.5 years now

>> No.15507805


>> No.15507844

The lowest risk is learning to code on the side. Learn javascript HTML5 and CSS to start. Then I'd suggest learning React.js and Node.js. Then apply for jobs in your city or remote. There currently 5 times as many positions as people who have the skills to fill them in the tech sector.

"With online classes taught by live instructors and one-on-one mentoring, Lambda School is your gateway to a new career in just 9 months. And the best part? You won't pay a cent until you land a high-paying job"

>> No.15507872

I make six figures after taxes fuckface

>> No.15507877

except they forget to mention that u need to have high iq to get in

>> No.15507878

at least low IQ morons are fun to be around, plus as someone said above you don't have to deal with roasties and political corectness

>> No.15507891

>except they forget to mention that u need to have high iq to get in
Not true, but average and above is best

>> No.15507935

What are the chances of pajeet taking my job if I get into that?

>> No.15507961
File: 112 KB, 984x894, 1567744354316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ha best part is I get to make $20 an hour!
That will become $20,000 an hour by EOY if you invest in Chainlink.

>> No.15508031

Low otherwise the whole industry would be Panjeets. Also a timezone mismatch prevents this from happening too. The better you get the more complex thinking you need to do, it's not like call center work. It's mainly speaking to people about what they need then looking up how to make it work based on examples that are 70% similar to what your doing.

>> No.15508047

I think I’m gonna look into what you suggested, thanks anon.

>> No.15508174

No problem. Stick with it. My tip would be to just watch videos on how to code for fun.

Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners

Good luck anon

>> No.15508193

Still a dumbass trucker.
That trucker cap can't hide your red neck

>> No.15508220
File: 7 KB, 233x216, 1567667330394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still a dumbass trucker.

>> No.15508329

Heavy manufacturing did me in good.
I went into the machine trades to learn toolmaking. Every employer promises to train you then suckers you into doing lots of shitwork and heavy production jobs instead. They take a month to teach you what you could have learned in a day. I think this is especially prevelant in small shops so they can keep you stupid and beneath them.

>> No.15508377

>They take a month to teach you what you could have learned in a day. I think this is especially prevelant in small shops so they can keep you stupid and beneath them.

I have found this with dumb small business owners its like their scared to teach others, fear of competition.

>> No.15508402


It's "brokering" yes I'm mad

>> No.15508409

Can I start that if I used to be more into literature in highschool and got a meme art degree?

>> No.15508437
File: 55 KB, 557x448, Freight broking = profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll update the memes later.
Thanks for the spell check on such a serious topic.

>> No.15508495

>employer doesn’t provide safety equipment
>employees don’t care about working in toxic environments
>$20 an hour

You should join a union trade
>supplied safety equipment
>can’t be fried for refusing unsafe work
>$38 plus per hour
>no Mexicans, mostly white male workers

>> No.15508521
File: 152 KB, 336x252, meme art degree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I start that if I used to be more into literature in highschool and got a meme art degree?

Yup as long as your curious you can do well. Look at the other posts for detailed info on what to do. freecodecamp.org, lambdaschool.com etc

To put your meme art degree to use learn about AI once you know how to code. You wont be designing the AI code most likely just figuring out how to apply it to problems. I'd look for work at creative agencies that do ads etc.

Check out this style transfer library (see image)

This is how this stuff works under the hood.
Universal Neural Style Transfer | Two Minute Papers #213

feel free to ask questions if you have them

>> No.15508523

Ugh. There have been a couple jobs I have taken with a bunch of mexicans. Never again. If you're the smartest person in the room, it's time to find a different room.

>> No.15508544

how do you get them to teach you without wasting your time, then?

>> No.15508555

>a bunch of mexicans
At least it's not muslims... You have no idea the "chance" you still have, multiculturally speaking.

>> No.15508607

Some people are Grug tier about their jobs
In fact, the first thing that happened on my first day at my first job ever involved getting screamed at by a crackhead who felt like I was coming for her job because she was supposed to train me how to make cheesesteaks on a grill.

>> No.15508651

I'd take mexicans any day over the hordes of unga bunga tier africans and pakistanis that roam in gangs of 20+ we're currently being enriched with

>> No.15508715

That's a nice device. Maybe you can become a fake artist thanks to this. I wonder if google image reverse would be able to find the trick and the original sources.

>> No.15508736

>Still spreading the coding meme

You're in for a crude awakening, coding is something you do for yourself, if you're in it hoping someone would hire you, you already failed.

>> No.15508754


>> No.15508766

When I was a kid I always wanted to be a trucker because I knew it was a respectable position and everyone would admire me


>> No.15508801


>> No.15508851

You don't. If they pull that shit on you in the machine trades, your only option is to give them an ultimatum on your terms. If they say "theres the door", you walk.
I did that with my last job. Within a month, I found a vastly superior job with better pay, benefits, commute time, and training.
In a way, its similar to restaurant kitchens - if the machine shop is filthy and theyre too cheap to do PM, turn around and leave. Someone incompetent is running that station.

>> No.15508912

It's one word Muhammad.
None of my business what others think of me. It's a comfy job, I'm home everyday and have employees. I just drive around all day in the country, listen to tunes, and shitpost.

>> No.15508967

>my first job ever involved getting screamed at by a crackhead who felt like I was coming for her job because she was supposed to train me how to make cheesesteaks on a grill.

My god!
Before Youtube it was near impossible to learn just how fucked up the real world is. Crazy people to me are the norm. Remote work as much as possible for me.

>> No.15508978

>I wonder if google image reverse would be able to find the trick and the original sources.
The link is on the post? Make one yourself!?

>> No.15508984

>if you're in it hoping someone would hire you, you already failed.
People do hire me?
WTF are you talking about?

>> No.15509001

Javascript jobsPage 1 of 56,652 jobs

This guys trolling

>> No.15509029

Youtube was around in early 2008, but it wasnt nearly as fancy. Lots of poor quality home videos edited in Windows Movie Maker and there was almost no way to make any money from it unless you were extremely popular and sold merch

>> No.15509039

I have experienced both. There is no difference. Third world is third world, it just stinks in different smells.

>> No.15509078

>Youtube was around in early 2008
Back then I would just watch documentaries on google video.

>> No.15509128

The third world stare is what gets me, they just love to stare at shit, I wonder if it's because they have absolutely 0 thoughts going on in their head.

>> No.15509180
File: 46 KB, 470x512, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ogre isn't it bros

>> No.15509207

My favorite is still 2004-06 YouTube
Video quality sucked but it was pure anarchy
Slowly everything you used to be able to find on P2P clients ended up there.
Then Viacom wrecked it in Jan 2007 by demanding the entire site be scrubbed clean of its content and slapping youtube with a billion something dollar lawsuit.
Then within a year or so, they started making garbage like tosh.0 where they made money stealing other peoples content to the delight of normies
Still kinda pisses me off that they went from trying to shut the whole website down to telling normies what to watch on it in such a short timespan

>> No.15509312

>My favorite is still 2004-06 YouTube
An OG!
You might like this guys videos then, it taught me about YouTube history. It might be nostalgia for you.

>> No.15509459

Is medical coding easy to get into once you learn regular coding?

>> No.15509490

>medical coding
What does this mean?
There's only lanaguage Java, Clojure, Rust etc.

>> No.15509497
