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15502783 No.15502783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i cope with the fact that im going to die one day?

>> No.15502789

by living life to the fullest

>> No.15502790

Die now so you don’t have to cope with it

>> No.15502793

Invest in cryogenics when you make it

>> No.15502794

Fuck big booty whores with vitiligo

>> No.15502799


>> No.15502808

Just know that there were billions of years before you where you didn't miss it. So you are not going to be missing anything when you go for the long sleep. Don't worry too much anon, just try and be happy as much as you can.

>> No.15502810

But you have to delay gratification to do that in order to make money first to have the means to live life to the fullest. How fast do i need to make it and how many risks do i need to take.

>> No.15502821

>make money first to have the means to live life to the fullest
just bee yourself

>> No.15502829

Read or watch "Life After Life" by Dr. Moody

>> No.15502838

Also, I'm gonna need a fucking sauce on that ass.

>> No.15502839

don't worry you'll reincarnate

>> No.15502857

live like you will die at any time, don't let your fear control you. Feed your faith and follow your hearts messages with your brain

>> No.15502861

This is something I learned to accept when I was like 4. I still remember crying in the middle of the night and my parents coming to comfort me.

>> No.15502863

i don't care about dying, i care about the fact that i will never impact the world in a meaningful way. i don't want kids because the world is fucked. all women are whores, so i'll never get married. i always wanted to be a famous painter or photographer or filmmaker and leave my mark that way but the industry is fucked and i felt soulless and like i was working for the kind of people that i truly hate when i was in film. then i thought maybe i'd be happy if i were rich. but all the money in the world can't buy happiness or fulfillment. we are born alone and we die alone, and we can't take money with us.

>> No.15502885
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>> No.15502887

>i was working for the kind of people that i truly hate
Work for yourself. It's harder, riskier, etc. but it's the only way.
>t. worked in the film industry and as a painter

>> No.15502894

i started out independent but i wasn't making shit for money, maybe one day

>> No.15502897

shill thread

>> No.15502899

Also; realize that you live on in your children.

>> No.15502916

Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

>> No.15502919

No. Why do good people die young and in torture all the time?

>> No.15502942

nobody just 'makes it' as independent in anything. The point IMO is to keep grinding, regardless of what you have to do on the side to stay alive. If you want to be a film maker, do it every day, regardless of your 9-to-5. The more work you put in the better your odds are of getting noticed. I'm working on my art career. I'm a manager at a shitty art supply store 40 hours a week, but I'm grinding in my garage-studio every waking off hour. Within a year of starting at visual art, I started winning local painting competitions and stuff and there's demand for my silkscreen work. If you've got a passion, it deserves all the intensity that you can feed it.

>> No.15502963

kill yourself right now and your worries will be over

>> No.15502994

seriously gonna need some sauce tho

>> No.15503599
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>> No.15503644

Yeah I think about the absurdity of life daily and I honestly can’t figure out why on earth we’re here and what the point of all this is if we all die and everything becomes erased. In a hundred years our entire generation will be reduced to a few pages in a history book.

>> No.15503658

write your own fucking book, that way you don't have to be confined to a page in someone else's

>> No.15503674

learn physics, nothing is erased

>> No.15503689

Don't worry about it. You'll be back soon enough. After you die, you're just born again. As yourself, living this exact same life, not some reincarnation hippie bullshit. You've already done it countless times and you will continue doing it for all of eternity. If anything, a real death will be a pleasant surprise.

>> No.15503771
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u cut off ur own peepee. thats wat i did

>> No.15503797


>> No.15503844

There is simply nature, and humans are elements within nature that tend to follow their natural tendencies as part of the natural order. The asking-and-answering of existential questions is an exercise of the tongue.

>> No.15503871

Kys now and get it over with

>> No.15503875



>> No.15503901

Sweet vishnu

>> No.15503922

By realizing you're an illusion.

>> No.15503937

I went through something similar.
Reading Denial of Death might help.

>> No.15503945

I'll let this one go.

>> No.15503951

>leave my mark
You don't have to. The eventual heat death will make anything we ever do futile. Just make enough money to support yourself and don't reproduce.

>> No.15504028

Know Christ and the real you will live forever
Like you're supposed to

>> No.15504138

Biggest cope in all of human kind.

>> No.15504169

This. "Immortality project"

>> No.15504183

Embrace it

>> No.15504458

Have children to continue your bloodline. You will be immortal through your blood

>> No.15504568

You're assuming that the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, while the matter and energy of the universe is finite.

You assume a great many things, when we know so little about fundamental physics.

>> No.15504574


Literally never going to make it.

>> No.15504720

Read some stuff from Ligotti...everyone feels a sense of existential dread, not always consciously, but we are all trying to manage the inevitable. I don't like Camus' answer (suicide), because I like my life, friends and family. I like Jesus' answer - death is going to win, but only for a moment, and there is something beyond for the faithful. I go to church...it helps me appreciate the need for mystery and otherness in my life. I don't want to die, but I'm not really afraid of death either. You're asking an important question, anon.

>> No.15504725


>> No.15504750

>This is a good question, too. The atheist/agnostic has to answer this problem as well. Either you are left with meaninglessness, because that implies there is no way to redeem suffering. We're all just empty bubbles floating through a meaningless universe, popping out of existence indiscriminately.
What Christianity says is that not only is God aware of suffering, but that he actually experienced it firsthand via the cross. He entered into our suffering...a suffering that is a byproduct of an imperfect world (call it sin, if you like). I prefer to believe that Jesus took suffering upon himself so that we could all live without suffering one day.

>> No.15504796

You may be assuming that life in our universe, especially related to our species, will continue indefinitely, while many mass extinctions have occurred.

>> No.15504811

Camus actually said dont suicide. Because he was too pussy to tell people to kill themselves in person. Luckily on 4chan we have anonymity and arent afraid to voice our opinions.

>> No.15504894

That's a reflection in the oil, not vitiligo.

>> No.15504916

We are organic beings we literally decompose / get erased

>> No.15504919

Fag enjoy eternal Hell
Deuteronomy 23:1 No man with crushed or severed genitals may enter the assembly of the LORD

>> No.15504937

Conservation of mass/energy

>> No.15504949

Yeah I fucked her

>> No.15504973

uhhhhhhh no?
Our species will almost certainly die. If not "die", then at least evolve into something that no longer bears any resemblance to humanity, before it is able to survive in another solar system.

>> No.15504979

Why do genecels think like this?

No, you will not "be immortal" by "continuing your bloodline."

Whatever "you" are gets cut in half with each succeeding generation. Your precious genes (which are not precious) will quickly get diluted and dispersed, until your descendants are no more genetically "you" than you are your next door neighbor. (And that's assuming that your descendants even reproduce, which won't necessarily happen for even one generation, let alone "forever.")

We're also at the top of a human population parabola which physically can't continue. The days of exponentially-multiplying human generations (where one person could have tens of thousands of descendants) are over. 500 years ago was a good time to get in on that particular pyramid scheme, but now sure as fuck isn't.

>> No.15505266

You think you're unique, but you're not. You think your thoughts, desires and impulses are yours, but they're not.

Everything you think, feel and believe is in all it's parts, the sum total of all those ancestors that preceded you. Some traits express, others will recess with each generation, but it's all literally imprinted in your genetic memory.

>> No.15505271

Let's assume it eventually dies out without evolving. What's the point in creating a better civilization/ reproducing?

>> No.15505282

Potential energy is a myth. A philosophical slight of hand to make energy conserved by definition. Energy is created and destroyed. Nothing is eternal.

>> No.15505284

you will be reborn you stupid materialistic faggot, its only that our society tries very hard to make people forget about that fact. but we have literally known this for eons.

>> No.15505288

mindless plattitude

>> No.15505306

I can't say for certain there is a point, but I would assume it's in the doing, the striving, and the achieving.

If a mother sacrifices herself for her child, should we say it is is pointless because the child will die eventually as well, or can we recognize the beauty and meaning in the gesture, without it needing to amount to something greater?

>> No.15505312

Well, do you dread about not existing before you were born? If no, you should not dread about after you die, for it is the same experience.

That is only if there is no after life.

>> No.15505315
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>> No.15505321

Maybe you'll see your parents again on the other side!

>> No.15505360

You literally came from non-existence once. What makes you think it wont happen again?

>> No.15505369

when I learned to talk as a child, I told my mother of a previous life with details i couldnt have imagined. how you explain that shit?

>> No.15505392

Biological Memory

>> No.15505433

Appeals to emotion more than anything. There's nothing special about the child besides possibly more potential than the mother. Most moms have no choice its basically in their nature to do so and would be unable to do otherwise.
But that's just one incident. I'm talking about building entire civilizations that will crumble and be lost forever.

>> No.15505442

That does. Everything that is "you" is from the brain and body, neither that will statistically ever be in the same combo ever again

>> No.15505507

By stopping being such of little bitch you fucking queer

>> No.15505525

with general things like learning to walk or run, this would be a good explanation. But not if you tell of a previous life and can describe how and why you died, can describe where you lived and what life you led. All the things I told were specificially tied to one live (sort of medieval farmer who died of a sickness) so your explanation doesnt really cut it.

>> No.15505564

The mechanism of reincarnation is karma. Not necessarily 'what goes around comes around' but more like, biological death doesn't completely zero everything out, and the consciousness drifts away from the body and drifts somewhere else, potentially into a newly born being. How it drifts and where it ends up is affected by various conditions called karma.

>> No.15505572

No retard he’s actually right


Nihilists BTFO

>> No.15505575

>how do I cope
I can't wait to die

>> No.15505586

Recite your mantras as much as you want, but where will it get you?

>> No.15505911

Smoke DMT, you'll see we've done this all before. Scary but freeing when you are shown this. I wonder who or what makes DMT do what it does to our brains. Like I took a rocketship inside my mind to other dimensions

>> No.15505915


By dwelling into stoicism.