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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15494290 No.15494290 [Reply] [Original]

What if all the link fud is to get the normies that randomly stumble into /biz/ to buy LINK, to dry up that 350M supply? People that don’t hold LINK literally shouldn’t have a reason to make a thread. Imagine putting time & energy into creating a thread about a token that you don’t hold. Are they trying to get bagholders to sell, so they can buy cheaper? Are they doing it for the (you)s? Think about some fat neckbeard loser making a thread >muh chainstink
>stinky linky
>700k dumps (posts a Nicely photoshopped meme of moneybelly with his shirt off)
And how he gets a dopamine rush every time someone responds to his shit thread. Every other thread on this Indian street shitting board is about link. Even the FUD is intricately planned. ChainLink doesn’t need any marketing because you retards give it enough publicity as it is. From /biz/, LINK will probably spread into other boards, then the community on reddit will increase because I know some of you idiots visit that site. From Reddit, this will begin to leak into Twitter (already has) & possibly YT. Talk about weaponized autism amirite?

>> No.15494296


>> No.15494298

wow you finally figured it out you must be really smart anon

>> No.15494302

Someone has you SEETHING.

>> No.15494304

Links is shit

>> No.15494320

No need for the sarcasm shitbag. I just want to clear the air. What’s the point of taking the time and energy to post a thread about link if all you’re gonna do is shit on it. The binance ban is a couple weeks away. US bagholders are about to come to a slow decline and will be funneled thru cuckbase. there are some pretty big conferences that are about to go down this month. It’s a pretty fair to assume that LINK will rise in price once you notice that virtually every other thread on this board is about LINK and the opportunity for some people to buy might be coming to a close.

>> No.15494330

It's almost like there were people yelling at you that there are literal discord trannies trying to convince everyone LINK is a scam constantly or something

Yes, you figured it out. Link is in fact not a scam. The people trying to get you to sell constantly are 80% link holders, 20% dumbfucks that stumbled here the last few months.

>> No.15494334


Imagine buying a token without a working product to begin with. That's like buying Netflix, but there's no streaming video service.
You all that bought it cool. You made money off insider whales that keep pumping and dumping when they feel like it. It's going to be a spectacle when Chainlink exit scams.

>> No.15494344

Most of the people trying to convince you to sell are actually being paid to do it. It’s organized and it’s obvious.

>> No.15494349

Anon don’t get me wrong, I’ve been holding since the 1.18 ATH in 2018, and buying regularly. I normally just lurk and post the
>dopamine running low
Pasta. But the amount of LINK threads being made in the past few weeks has been mind numbing. It’s almost like you want these fucking normans to buy before the binance ban. I say let them suffer and let cuckbase sort them out for not buying any sooner.

>> No.15494384

This is whats happening srs the fud is annoying and repetitive af. Literally 0 creativity from these mouth breathing retards.

>> No.15494406

That's where the gamble comes in anon. The people with balls make the money, while the cucks sit on the sidelines waiting for a "working product" (IE everything's already done and there is barely any speculative value left). It's simple, you don't want to take any risk you get boomer returns in 5 years from now.

For example:
Let's say in both scenarios hypothetically speaking a LINK token is worth $100 in the future and it has a fairly well put together and currently in use product at $10.

If you put in at:
$1000@$.50 = 2,000 LINK --> $10 mark: 10/.5 = 20 =
>2000% return on initial or $20,000 at the "working product"

The person who has taken the risk already has multiplied their initial investment 20 times over. This is the starting point for the safe investor, and by safe I don't mean guarantee or profit; rather the person who is uninformed and waits for those smarter than him to dissect information and present it in a fashionable way.

Now that person has to enter the market either with $20,000 to get the same results as the speculative investor. I'm sure you're a discord tranny but nobody with a greater than room temp IQ thinks the profit is in buying safe assets and slowly making your money over the next 50-60 years unless you already have massive wealth.

Not really I don't post that often. It just sickens me to see people act like complete dumbasses. Even if it's bait, responding to retards on the internet is like a tick for me I can't help it. But I do believe that people that are smart enough to DYOR still deserve to make it. I don't believe normies are going to buy this until it's over $20/LINK, we're simply on the precipice of ending the smart money phase

>> No.15494420

The number of threads about LINK and how much of them are fud pertaining to LINK is actually ridiculous. Theres definitely some paid fudding going on. Or they could be autistic retards giving LINK the notoriety they think it deserves. Nonetheless, all this shit is repetitive as fuck. And I feel horrible for any actual “nolinkers”

>> No.15494424

It’s going below $1

>> No.15494446

I’m too stupid to understand finance, but learned link was a good idea when large armies of morons were getting paid to shit all over it. My portfolio is 100% Chainlink

>> No.15494449

I’ve been holding since 2017 and generally agree with what you guys are saying. However, what’s with the 700k dumps? Do you really think it’s just payroll/business expenses? The lack of transparency bothers me a bit.

>> No.15494459

I agree. At this point it is just a waiting game. September won’t be as big as expected, but it will definitely shift into a a rush for LINK. I remember back in 2018, binance stopped allowing people to create accounts for a little bit. The rest of the year is going to be extremely interesting.
How much are they paying you manvinder? Or is it Obafemi this time?

>> No.15494466

It should bother you. You have to look at the project and decide if those dumps are justified or not. Anyone who tells you to ignore them is a fool. Anyone who claims they are 100% evidence of a scam is also a fool.

Decide for yourself

>> No.15494478

Crypto does not behave in a predictable way. We could hit $9 eom. We could hit 70¢

>> No.15494506
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fudding redditors or twitterfags is one thing, but unironically flooding and destroying /biz/ out of (((greed))) is disgraceful

>> No.15494516

Anon, all the transparency you need is on /biz/. LINK is talked about here 3x more than any token/coin regardless of sentiment. Forget about the memes for a second and just think. The team needs to grow right? The network needs node operators correct? Node operators will be paid in LINK. Blockchain companies are literally partnering with CL on the regular. They acquired TC last November, they have office spaces they need to rent, salaries to pay, conferences to attend(which means flights for the team) and Big Macs to buy. The circulating supply hasn’t increased yet. If you’re uncertain, then maybe you’ve invested more than you should. CL hasn’t come out and actually marketed their product, they’ve done an excellent job thus far acquiring adoption and partners(users) without it. /biz/ has been the primary marketers and look how far that brought the company. Now wait till some of the more normie friendly social media sites(4chan is social media) begin figuring it out. What’s the harm in waiting. There’s literally some of the biggest minds in crypto working on this project and they also have a financial interest. Why not take a risk? What have you got to lose besides some goybucks?

>> No.15494550

Im not denying that fact, but with what’s to come later this month, it’s pretty fair reasonable to say that LINK will be a bit of a pricier buy than it is today. >>15494506
Now that’s a screen cap worth saving.