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15491228 No.15491228 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever quit a job? How did you do it? Do you have to put in your 2 weeks? Is it seen as very rude to not?

>> No.15491282

the job quits me. but there is welfare where i live.
so it was great time.

>> No.15491414

Haven't done it, but I need to give a month's notice according to my contract. I hope to quit as soon as I find a job in Switzerland (which will double my salary).

>> No.15491424

I just stopped going to work, they didn't know my address or anything else about me other than my phone number, so i didnt give a fuck

t. dunkin donuts

>> No.15491438

I have quit every single job that I have ever had. And I have done so without notice for each and every one.
Additionally, each and every single time I quit, I have used the exact same method: ghosting. Just stopped showing up, completely. Didn't call to let them know what was going on. Blocked their number so they couldn't reach me. Every fucking time.

Jobs and employers are disposable. Just remember to only treat them like crap if they treat you like crap. If they're good to you, be good to them, because you may be on the other side of the fence someday needing a good employee or contractor. I just haven't had any employers be good to me, which is why I have treated them all like garbage.

>> No.15491441

If you are leaving for a "good reason" ie school, new better job, moving, etc then give two weeks notice. If you just hate the place or have some other reason then just ghost them

>> No.15491452

I quit one when I got a better offer. Gave them my 2 week's notice and helped document all the stuff I knew that they didn't. Trained a co-worker on some of my tasks then left for a 60% raise

>> No.15491472

If I'm determined to quit I started demanding a shitload of overtime and raking in pay. Then I get fired being told my "salary here can no longer be justified" but I've just made like an extra year's worth of pay in a few months.
Also if I'm starting a new job but it doesn't start for like a month I get another, shitty, job in the meantime and sit through all their training and HR stuff. They pay up to $1000 for a few weeks of this training alone and then I just quit and say "after further consideration, I don't think this position is right for me. Thank you." No problems, companies don't want employees who hate them.

>> No.15492538

My goal is to give me two weeks and then just spend those two weeks at work not doing any work.

>> No.15492837
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>Make sure you give them 2 weeks unless you are absolutely sure you won’t ever need a reference from them
>Starbucks or McDonald’s you can just leave unless you were a store manager
>Leave on a high note or at least on decent terms because it might cost you a job in the future. Also, they won’t rehire anyone who abandoned thier job
>They might ask you to quit that very hour, even if they like you
>Some employers want you leave immediately for security reasons, and you won’t get that extra 2 weeks pay you might have been expecting
>Don’t quit unless you have another source of income, or money saved up that allows you to quit
>There is no sense in quitting a restaurant, just to go rabidly job searching for the first shitty place to hire you tomorrow
>The reason you quit a job is to find a better one
>If you have money saved, you can hold out for the best job offer. Not the first

>> No.15492897

>They might ask you to quit that very hour, even if they like you
>Some employers want you leave immediately for security reasons, and you won’t get that extra 2 weeks pay you might have been expecting
All the more reason NOT to give them notice. They wanna fuck you? Fuck 'em.

>> No.15492900

I unironically cashed out $100K, threw $50K into SNTVT + $BTC yesterday and told my boss to suck rocks.

>> No.15492914

For my current job I gave them a month and a half and they still wanted more lol.

>> No.15492933

If you are in a professional field, you can’t fuck your employers. The higher paying office jobs, or highly skilled jobs often will contact former employers.

>> No.15492958

I'm fucking miserable at my current job. I'm waiting until mid November and I'll give 4 weeks notice which will perfectly time me for getting my bonus and leaving.

>> No.15492959

You didn't do any of those things, faggot

>> No.15492970

All jobs are shit, that’s why they pay you to do it

>> No.15492977

Nah this one in particular just isn't for me. I'm a people manager and I'm just not suited for it I was happier before I got promoted. They won't give me my old job back either.

>> No.15492989

Good for me, I have zero interest in "professional fields."

>> No.15493040

Well I’m a steel worker, so I could just not show up for work tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter. No one is going to contact my former employer. I have friends however that have quit and been completely fucked.

Basically, if you are making 80k or more a year, your work history is very important (in most cases). Many big companies have policies about contacting former employers and colleges too. This is prevent people from pretending to have degrees etc

>> No.15493053

You obviously don't know shit. Legally, employers can only contact previous employers to verify length of employment, that's it. To ask questions about character & such is what references are for

>> No.15493072
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never quit get fired for unproductively and get gibs

>> No.15493077
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 14EFEC2E-27CC-4B80-B9E0-8C74A1B32998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. I’m sure when they call your old boss (who you completely fucked) he’s not going to mention that you left with no notice - and abandoned an entire project, costing the companies 100’ of thousands.

>> No.15493087

Can’t get unemployment for long. They are shrinking that all the time now

>> No.15493096


>> No.15493109

If an employer has legitimately treated you like shit, fuck them. If they have treated you decently, give them 2 weeks and leave on friendly terms. That’s what I’ve always done

>> No.15493117

Why are you trying to act like you understand the professional world, steel boy?

>> No.15493130
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When you fuck people over, they tend to complain about it - to ANYONE who will listen. That employee who fucked you, is having new employers calling you up? You are going to say bad shit about him.

Let’s not be retarded here

>> No.15493145

>I need to give a month's notice according to my contract
And what the fuck are they going to do if you don't? Fire you?

>> No.15493146

Usually you lose money. It could be lots of money

>> No.15493148

>1 post by faggot OP
Bot thread. OP and every serious poster is a faggot and should consider quitting life

>> No.15493210

Quitting without notice isn't enough for an employer to dwell on to the point where they go on a rant, attacking your character, when a new employer calls to verify employment. Employers are used to that & have bigger shit to stress about. And if they do, the new employer legally can't use it against you. No wonder you're a steel worker, even though you're probably not even that

>> No.15493214

kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit

>> No.15493220
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ITT: people who worked fast food jobs for a few weeks and think they are badass for leaving without giving any notice

>these are the people giving you financial advice on /biz/


>> No.15493233

I quit a job after the first day by not showing up and texting them "no thanks" lel. Ya I don't recommend doing that. I just really hated it.

>> No.15493236

How do you get into welfare? I live in cali btw. Fuck integrity. System abuses me. I might as well abuse back. I'm employed btw.

>> No.15493247

Yeah, last time I quit because I earn a scholarship to study in Canada (I'm mexican). I let them know a month before.

>> No.15493251

My very first job was minimum wage bullshit at walmart. Simply stopped showing up. Second job was at Sears and the managers/coworkers were shit so when I found work elsewhere at a real job I just stopped showing up also.

First real job was a salaried position working doing operation logistics for a telecommunication supplier. Moved from logistics into purchasing the 3 years I was there and left on friendly terms. Actually gave them 3 weeks to wrap up and make sure all my duties were in order.

Current job if I leave in the future it will also be on good terms. Minimum shit jobs feel free to leave on a whim. Real jobs with connections/opportunities be civil in your separation.

>> No.15493252

>Ya I don't recommend doing that
Why not? It was one day, you plan on putting that on your resume?

>> No.15493255

You dumb nigger, it is literally against the law for them to say anything other than length of employment if they are not a reference. Corporate lawyers are not going to risk getting fucked in the ass with a lawsuit over a grumpy manager, they know they can't say that stuff no matter how much they might want to. Stop talking about what intuitively "makes sense" when its already been stated there's actual laws, regulations, and procedures that invalidate your underage outsider's hunch.