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15486254 No.15486254 [Reply] [Original]

Charles Miller at it again, scam reporting on the BSV bootcamp. What can we do to stop him?

>> No.15486297

You can't stop us, all you can do is join us now and make massive gains, or join us later and make less gains, your choice.

>> No.15486309

Here's the source:

He used to work for BBC, but is now in kelvins pockets. Anyone know if it is possible to report him to the BBC even though he doesn't work there anymore? After all it is a government broadcast company and he was one of the top guys while working there

>> No.15486423

its absolutely sickening to see the lengths these scammers go to just to peddle their fraudcoins. whats next hiring obama to give a shoutout to BSV? calvin is a billionaire and this greedy fuck just wants more and keeps scamming unbelievable.

>> No.15486429

So someone working for the bbc turns out to have some integrity. Interesting.

>> No.15486471

Quick rundown? I can't tell who is complaining about what in this thread.

>> No.15486565

>Quick rundown
If you don't know who Charles Miller is you are probably below 30.
Charles Miller is basically the David Attenborough when it comes to covering humans and human events. He is one of the most regarded and respected reporters and his name is synonymous with integrity, and honest reporting. He was one of BBC's biggest star who has done a ton of one on one interviews with all kinds of people.

Well it turns out he's not such a good boy after all. He has now been bought and payed for by kelvin and fagtoshi to make their scam seem like the real deal. They have literally bought credibility with Miller. I always loved Miller, but looking at the pic in op I can see he is not a good person. He has the same look as creg and it gives me a very bad feeling. Money can buy everything and everyone it seems

>> No.15486677


Jesus Christ are you retarded. It physically hurts me to read your thoughts.

>> No.15487376
File: 733 KB, 1600x1131, 1493993226750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no arguments so I retort to ad hominem attacks
Yeah, maybe you should study pic related and learn how to not use logical fallacies in civilized discourse

>> No.15487793
File: 548 KB, 2054x3500, BSV_apps2_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this

BSV is the only legit project in crypto

>> No.15488188
File: 22 KB, 350x372, 153252469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at this thread and op. Either this is some next level shilling or you are legit retarded.

BSV is real, the apps are real, in it has already scaled and can handle 2gb blocks. That's on the main net, not talking about the test net. January we will have unlimited blocks so it will be up to the MINERS to decide how large blocks they will mine, and NOT the DEVS.

This is the core of what bitcoin was designed to be; a ultra capitalistic system where the miners compete for revenue. Not some socialist bullshit where a group of devs control what the miners are allowed to do.

>> No.15489093

I repeat myself, but the problem is creg and kelvins heavy bags. What do you think happens when they dump?

>> No.15489328

Find out where he stay and whoop that nigga ass.
Straight old school beat down.