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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1360x910, 2017_02_03_20745_1486084902._large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15485451 No.15485451 [Reply] [Original]

true communism has never been tried and you faggots know it. we need to get together and end capitalism and patriarchy enough is enough the workers of the world are suffering and need to unite.

>> No.15485455

0/10 bait

>> No.15485465

workers are niggers but with a job

>> No.15485479

Yes! This time it will be different. This time it will work

>> No.15485635

Is it holiday season again?

>> No.15486081
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>> No.15486087

>true communism has never been tried and you faggots know it.

I think we got close enough with the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.15486091

Stfu fag. Commies belong in body bags.

>> No.15486093

For real. Have you MET the typical prole worker? Not quality people you want in charge of government.

>> No.15486112
File: 32 KB, 608x455, Pictures-Of-These-People-Having-The-Most-Embarrassing-Day-Of-Their-Life-Are-Hilarious-AF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

equal rights

>> No.15486163

Most people here especially are embarrassed millionaires

>If I lick my bosses ass enough one day I'll be promoted and be the boss!
>Fuck increasing wages and taxes on the rich, when im rich i don't want to give away my hardearned money!

>> No.15486171

there is no more patriarchy. look around you.

>> No.15486177

Thou shalt not covet. :)

>> No.15486199

>Just take what you're given anon :) Don't pay attention to me inheriting all my money :) You were simply born a slave and shouldn't complain!

How is that not being a cuck?

>> No.15486218
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>> No.15486226

To strive for prosperity is good. To wish prosperity looted and razed from those better off than you, on the fallacy that wealth is a zero-sum game, is evil.

>> No.15486261

And then this board will constantly complain about how dehumanizing work is and how they don't make enough due to stagnant wages and increasing costs of living (while corporations take home record profits) lol

>> No.15486279

Really, I don't even think prosperity is what you people are really vying after.
I think it's status. You envy their social position moreso than their wealth (which you would likely raze out of spite anyway, such is what history records), wish it could be yours.
And status IS a zero-sum game, so your only vector for that is taking it by force. Since you can't have it by any natural means.

>> No.15486313
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>> No.15486320

>probably makes like $50k a year
oh yeah the poor billionaires and their hardearned wealth

>> No.15486339

It has never been tried in its most purest form because even the most retarded commie dictators were not that stupid. Their populations would eventually rebel against such insanity.

>> No.15486344

You're throwing cliches from meme pictures at me. Meanwhile, let's talk about how you want to utilize Jeff Bezos's wealth to turn the secret police on everyone who ever bullied you. :)

>> No.15486362

>to turn the secret police on everyone who ever bullied you

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15486381

>What the fuck are you talking about?

What you probably go to sleep thinking about every night.

>> No.15486461

This board is amazing. They'll literally complain non-stop about how dehumanizing work is and make memes of people working in Amazon wagecages or serving customers burgers for minimum wage and then just praise capitalism and billionaires anyway.

>> No.15486485

As long as humanity is humanity and the rules of nature remain the same, places of power will be monopolized by the corrupt. So enjoy having tha same thing we have now but without food.

>> No.15486500

I've had chapotards for friends before - I know exactly what you people are like. Your mentality is like that of a school shooter going after the square-jawed blue-eyed jocks, except even more cowardly.

>> No.15486506

I'm with you OP I'm ready to burn this shit to the ground, fuck all these class traitors. gulags for landlords and capitalist parasites

>> No.15486515

True communism will kill off everyone except the few

>> No.15486524

So no one is allowed to complain in any way about any inequality or unfairness in society? Oh right there's some trannies that are communist or believe in something dumb therefore we should all suck our bosses dick

>> No.15486531
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Your ancestors earned their land with sheer violence and plunder. In fact this is the root of all wealth.

>> No.15486543
File: 46 KB, 209x205, 1537256750889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes exactly

>> No.15486544

why has true communism never been tried then? How do you know it will work if it's never been tried? Why will this time be different?

>> No.15486584


>> No.15486601

You're the one who keeps talking about performing oral, not me.

Really, though, you should have seen my friends' commie Facebook feeds. One of the weirdest phenomenon was near-daily posts of random WASP-looking yacht-club guys, which you were meant to project searing hate on to.

The hate that the chapotards had for these WASP Chads would put the most dedicated incel to shame. I think your kind is just upset that you weren't born a Chad with Chad ancestors.

That's right, they did. :)
Your ancestors came through Ellis Island. They have no skin in the game.

>> No.15486606
File: 79 KB, 926x695, 440157a8485bcfe6a5493e01b6928faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. fuck it. Lett's do it. I'm in.
...what now?
What's the plan?
Gonna liberate some onions lattes from Whole Foods and go watch slam poetry in the park?
Wow...Capitalism has been defeated.

>> No.15486625
File: 463 KB, 2048x1724, H1FNP5wEJaOe5SoW_3IJYrt8kw5WumuSEnpgPDh181E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think your kind is just upset that you weren't born a Chad with Chad ancestors.

And you were born a chad with chad ancestors? What's your networth Mr Rowe?

>> No.15486632
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x1993, 1564788055605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do communists have the audacity to post here? We're trying to become wealthy, now fuck off, you're preaching to the wrong crowd. The strongest and the brilliant will always prevail and it has been that way for the entirety of humanity.

>> No.15486633


buy guns and organize with other working class people and try to join up with a union that's a good start also read lenin

>> No.15486634

nobody knows "this time". all we know is that capitalism will develop itself into extinction

If it takes 250 years to become mainstream, then it still took less than capitalism did

>> No.15486646


>> No.15486683

Better than yours, probably. How's your student debt?

>> No.15486711


>we're trying to become wealthy

it's nice to dream meanwhile 90% of the posts here are wagecucks crying in agony, people in financial ruin, predicting the collapse of this system and trying to buy whatever metal they think will help them survive the apocalypse, people crying they'll never own a home and of course blatant scams trying to prey on them. people are understandably looking for a way out of this nightmare and trying to find a lottery ticket

>> No.15486742

Anon you don’t understand the Christian value of money

>> No.15486743

What is it you fucking idiot? If you're not rich you're literally a cuckold for bootlicking them this hard.

>> No.15486762

Like I said, probably better than yours. Which is all you care about in practice - ANYONE doing better than you, not just the 1%.

>> No.15486768
File: 63 KB, 600x604, 2DDD64F627DE422DB64C5419534DBB15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The master excuse of all excuses

>> No.15486797

>Step 1. Dream about the revolution
>Step 2. Larp a lot
>Step 3. Tell others to do 1. and 2.
>Step 4. Never achieve anything.
>Step 5. Whine about capitalism on twitter.

This is how it works.

>> No.15486812

>Still refusing to say what it is

>> No.15486833
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but democratic socialist Scandinavian countries

>> No.15486848

Libertarians are too autistic to pick up enough subtleties to make a convincing bait

>> No.15486870
File: 65 KB, 590x482, 24vxml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's never uprise and just keep getting milked and slaved away for (((them)))).

Also keep up exploiting your peers and other people for your personal gains.

Let's not stop fighting petty conflicts, wars and hating each other over ideologies and beliefs, while (((they))) continue to divide, rule and get wealthier.

>inb4 we get (body) chipped, permanently surveilled and connected to hive mind cloud controlled by (((agents))) and AI

>> No.15487470

And how would communism stop this? ((They)) would just take over the government and then chip the whole population for "the good of the people"

>> No.15487528

Tyranny rules every system

>> No.15487541

this is a business and finance board. there will be no business and finance going on if no one can own property. kys