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File: 1.71 MB, 3606x2400, E0208ADD-0FDB-4AB6-AE90-A83544E35F1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15473602 No.15473602 [Reply] [Original]

Just want to help biz out ahead of the announcement later. Today in a shocking revelation, senior advisor to Chainlink, Ari Juels will launch a damning report on the downfalls of current oracle systems and insurmountable task they face towards being truly adopted past PoC. He will also announce his new, streamlined decentralised oracle solution which will utilise a multitude of newly developed techniques and technologies to aggregate truly trustless data. Ari Juels wrote the Chainlink white paper, he sold Sergey his already redundant Towncrier as a means to then blindside Chainlink with this announcement of a truly superior alternative. Ari is a true cryptographic genius with a h-index of 78 for all his research papers, that is in the top 0.001 percentile amongst scientists. Google it. He sold Chainlink network components that were inferior to his plan and has used that money to start his oracle solution and now he will expose Chainlinks pitfalls. You have a few hours before this info hits retail and possibly less before big time players start selling up.

>> No.15473629
File: 202 KB, 1796x843, chainlink-timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest it piss marines

>> No.15473639

>Ari Juels will launch a damning report on the downfalls of... PoC
ari juels outing himself as a racist is bearish

>> No.15473642

> Big wall of generic fud

>> No.15473705

If I used Reddit spacing it would have been FUD too huh? Can’t win here on biz... The only other thing I’m gonna say is Hexaeon will be trending / flooding biz and reddit by this evening and the price of link won’t be so bullish.

>> No.15473732

> h-index

>> No.15473746

> Generic npc reply

>> No.15473750

>Big good august announcement
>Price goes down.
>Big bad announcement
>Price goes up.

>> No.15473763


>> No.15473765

Looks like I'm selling low again.

>> No.15473795


>> No.15473865

oh fuck it's already dropping... I made my parents buy at $3...

>> No.15473917

Ari is the mind behind most of what crypto is today, he made his platform with link, he profited from selling them town crier and now he is gearing up to show the world his newest iteration of a decentralised oracle network.

The price is already responding. The fire is spreading. Word is getting out.

>> No.15473973

Thanks, OP. Just managed to sell the whole stack with minimal loss. This is likely going to zero before the end of the week.

>> No.15474043

Ahem fuck 42
23 IS better

>> No.15474049

Ah SHIT. I Thought what he was doing went hand in hand with chainlink so O bought more fucking chainlink.
Please someone tell me this is some bullshit fud.

>> No.15474050

>reddit spacing

>> No.15474059

Is this dude's coin available right now?

>> No.15474106

so we are at low quality fud again

>> No.15474110

Sorry to be the deliverer of bad news but it’s only early so still time to get out of link before all the OG link holders and especially big wallets with millions of link start dumping. The big corporations are going to capitulate their link positions and flood into Hexaegon.

>> No.15474119

This, how do I invest in Aricles.

>> No.15474152
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Yeah sure big corporations as you say will wait for an official announcement with all the plebs to sell their link. So first that means that big corporations (sic) bought link in the first place, and then that their intelligence was bad enough to buy the wrong oracle token and finally they'll realise it extremely late. Makes sense

>> No.15474155
File: 2 KB, 158x105, 36C3AFC5-6AC2-4AB3-9745-F260EC4CEDC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name of his newly envisioned network is Hexaegon. I wonder why? See attached pic.

The powers behind chainlink are behind the Hexaegon network. It is the second iteration of chainlink with Ari as the face. Power that be weren’t happy with how link has been portrayed partly down to this forum.

They have their new man, and his new ideas and technology and you can be assured they are moving all their liquidity from link to $HXGN.

Unironically: it’s happening tonight marines.

>> No.15474275
File: 208 KB, 2402x864, D9566BF7-24E9-4F33-8C07-C21535451BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexaegon has the primary backing of Transamerican Corp. formerly known as Aegon USA. They are a $58 billion dollar corporation specialising in investment and insurance. Look at the Aegon logo. It’s a fucking cube. A blue cube. What do two blue squares on top of each other make? The Star of David anons.

So Transamerica Corp. was founded 91 years ago by a Jewish Italian called Amadeo Pietro Giannini who founded the Bank of Italy which then became THE BANK OF AMERICA.

The banks and powers that be are behind Ari, not Sergey anons. Chainlink was just low scale experiment seeded into this echo chamber to see if oracles / DeFi would be organically adopted by corporations. The experiment was a success. They’re wheeling out their shiny new superior product today. It’s Hexaegon.

>> No.15474308

so will this have an ico or what?

>> No.15474333

it will not have even any influence on the market
This is what happens if discord fags circle jerk among themselves, lose perspective and think they came up with good fud. Like all spammed shit by phone posters using doxcord, ignore and ridicule

>> No.15474355
File: 124 KB, 366x378, 1509740434327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He will also announce his new, streamlined decentralised oracle solution
>announcement of a truly superior alternative
>He sold Chainlink network components
>his oracle solution
I don't want to look like a only faggots here, but give me sources on your statements right now.

>> No.15474383

>Chainlink was just low scale experiment seeded into this echo chamber to see if oracles / DeFi would be organically adopted by corporations
Sharing an idea on 4chan to see if it gets adopted by big business. Sounds legit.

>> No.15474395


Gayfagnig those are triangles

>> No.15474408

>Ari is widely known to be a genius and an expert on everything
>The fact that he's been working with Chainlink since it's inception is now somehow a bad thing

>> No.15474410
File: 271 KB, 800x533, 1567068921858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ari Juels is unironically Satoshi Nakamoto. Chainlink was a prank by him. He wrote the whitepaper in two days just to see if idiots would buy his shitcoin.

>> No.15474482
File: 67 KB, 1242x303, 1034826D-F304-4464-9080-431ADF0544C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins... I’m telling you now, once this breaks, which it looks like it’s about to, link will plummet. Jump into a stable coin right now, save your money and then back the real oracle network when it’s announced later today. $HXGN

>> No.15474494

Lol you're the biggest faggot. Pretty funny though so I guess it's k

>> No.15474519

Sown a few seeds in my time
Best to gtfo before its harvest time

>> No.15474544

Haha yes anon. Those seeds end up fucking you financially. Just like link will of you don’t get out. The red dildos will be violent and your money will be gone in a matter of minutes when all the big wallets dump. Tether is gonna be getting some traffic today.

>> No.15474555


So should I sell LINK now or what?

>> No.15474572

Ari here.. can confirm

>> No.15474581

Don't take the bait, dawg

>> No.15474588


Is this Twitter LARP?


>> No.15474596

No, you should have sold at $4 retard lol

>> No.15474607

No it was set up the same time as this thread and is 184% legitimate

>> No.15474610

Why Did he jueled our sergay?

>> No.15474615
File: 580 KB, 1304x1428, 1552001066200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the Pregnant Sergey pasta when the announcement drops or we riot

>> No.15474623
File: 13 KB, 160x160, Atoshima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you?

>> No.15474626
File: 85 KB, 1000x563, vdsgfsdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, a tritter screenshot!!!!!

>> No.15474628
File: 2.46 MB, 480x257, 3AFBED81-DF4D-4A1B-A8DE-84CEF04F012D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the price of link won’t be so bullish.
Fake 42 confirmed

>> No.15474637
File: 108 KB, 759x508, C72720FB-2304-419B-8F95-CD58EEF87F5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this goy

>> No.15474640
File: 38 KB, 540x786, E0279770-9A5C-4EC0-97D3-783CF065DD01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Power that be weren’t happy with how link has been portrayed partly down to this forum.
ESL faggot

>> No.15474651
File: 38 KB, 625x504, 4C52B153-F0CF-46D5-9B68-FDF3492549B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link will plummet
Here we go again

>> No.15474655
File: 395 KB, 600x900, AA5D9096-2EDA-465A-ABC2-C07A77E6F07A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, it’s Ari

>> No.15474661

He's Jewish, they are immune to racism accusations.

>> No.15474735

Paralysis Proofs: Secure Dynamic Access Structures for Cryptocurrency Custody and More
Fan Zhang (Cornell), Philip Daian (Cornell), Iddo Bentov (Cornell University), Ian Miers (Cornell University), Ari Juels (Jacobs Institute)

>> No.15474736

I’d get out of link and into Tether anon... Hexaegon ICO in Q4. Opportunity to essentially buy link at 0.20 again. Link has had its time in the sun. There is a new standard about to be announced and HEAVILY backed.

>> No.15474740


>> No.15474799

Regardless of the team Ari builds behind him, although I’m sure it will be stellar, he is the big draw for investors. He is held in the highest regard amongst computing scientists and corporation think tank leaders. The combination of Ari putting his name and face front and centre behind the superior tech will bury Chainlink.

He is a Jew and a clever crafty one at that. He moulded Chainlink into something revolutionary and believable but not quite good enough to compete with Hexaegon.

>> No.15474901

>What do two blue squares on top of each other make? The Star of David anons.
reeee this is incorrect, its triangles
Why can't you into baby geometry?

>> No.15474921

Paralysis Proofs: Secure Dynamic Access Structures for Cryptocurrency Custody and More
Fan Zhang (Cornell), Philip Daian (Cornell), Iddo Bentov (Cornell University), Ian Miers (Cornell University), Ari Juels (Jacobs Institute)

>> No.15474935


So you’re not disputing that Hexaegon is backed by the Bank of America? Good. Hope you sold all your link cause I’ve just seen something! Uh ohhhhh.

>> No.15475028

Fake 42


No one reply to this thread

Let he she die

>> No.15475070
File: 106 KB, 1242x448, B1DA837C-211A-48E4-9C11-74AFFD4F5E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s business unfortunately. Happens all the time with revolutionary ideas. I have it on good knowledge that link was just a small scale benchmark test to see how the cryptosphere would react to the notion of decentralised oracle networks. The pump to $4.50 was confirmation enough for them to let Ari go ahead with Hexaegon. All the links with Transamerica Corp., Aegon USA and the Bank of America check out. It takes 5 mins research to confirm.

I have a soft spot for biz due to all the great anons who alerted me to breadcrumbs and when to exit projects in the past. This is me repaying the favour. Looks like you have just over 2 and a half hours to get your link sold anons.

>> No.15475086

The number of genuine "R U SERIOUS???" replies to this thread shows how fucking stupid the average /biz/ user is

>> No.15475117

fake and gay

>> No.15475166

I’m just trying to do biz a solid and share what info I’ve found and things I’ve heard through contacts within Cornell Tech.

Chainlink’s idea was astounding and that’s because it was Ari that conceived it. But not before making it JUST inferior enough for Hexaegon to have the competitive edge. That fact coupled with Ari’s backing by big players in R&D departments in huge corporations all but tolls the bell of death for chainlink.

Do what you will with this information anon, I advise all of you to research the connections I laid out prior. I’ve exited my position and I’m awaiting the ICO of Hexaegon due in Q4. You should too, you’ll get to go to the moon again.

>> No.15475250

cringe dude

>> No.15475270

Lol, seriously desperate fud.

>> No.15475285

i've tried googling "hexaegon" with various other tags e.g. Oracle Network, Smartcontracts etc. And i couldn't see anything.
Can you perhaps link to their website?

>> No.15475358

there isn't one. I'm a fervent nolinker, I hate all of you, but I can still call bullshit on OPs lame ass fud. dude created a twitter handle for a fake company to try to convince/scam you guys into dumping your link...that's all this is.

>> No.15475362

Yeah it’s fucking scary ngl.

>> No.15475387
File: 32 KB, 650x488, 1563373600959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the trannies were turning off the FUD cannons until after the IC3 post

>> No.15475392

kek, actually it looks like OP was too retarded to even make the twitter handle. wow, so believable.

>> No.15475435

>I hate all of you, but I can still call bullshit on OPs lame ass fud.
you have a weird way of showing it, if you don't express your hate directly, it will build up in your amygdala and cause cancer.

>> No.15475747

i look forward to when you fudders and swingies get recked by a massive fuck you candle and kys

>> No.15475800

This, they deserve it.

>> No.15475905
File: 1.81 MB, 352x240, 55FEA4BA-FB07-474B-A964-AEB5B8F1E8C5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m just trying to do biz a solid
That’s a lie

>> No.15475914

Perhaps seegey dumped 700ks to buy Aris new development. Ari is your new daddy

>> No.15475982

So, you live in New York anon?

>> No.15476150
File: 290 KB, 1012x1324, 51BE89F5-DC66-4B2C-8252-E802BFC1176A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, but I’ve been. It’s a beautiful state

>> No.15476193

It just means he hates larpers more than linkfags

don't try to dissect it

>> No.15476254

why bother larping as 42 if you won't even put effort into copying his writing patterns