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15466698 No.15466698 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking hate the business of gaben. He takes over the monopoly of gaming business with his steam shit. Thank god that we have the startups on crypto which basically want to bust him.
Many projects want to be a new starter in the gaming. Wink, Ultra, Enjin and many more. Most of them have different fields they are focussing on.
What do you guys think will be the superior gamingproject which can create some pressure on Lord Gaben?

>> No.15466733
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Ultra is beating all their direct competitors adoption wise

>> No.15466759

Imagine thinking your ponzi shitcoins can dethrone steam when not even epic can LMAO

>> No.15466762

Actually retarded.

>> No.15466781

Enjin 100%.

They are Efinity away of changing the history of gaming, but of the whole world forever. There is a reason why I went from crypto enthusiast to enjin enthusiast for the past year. This shit is so mindblowing with its concept and I am only sorry that there s not enough time to write how disruptive this is not only for gaming, but beyond gaming. Please screen cap this and open it in couple of years, and you will know that some anon was there on time. Trust me on this one....

>> No.15466785

Enjin is at $50M MC (ATH $300M) and is probably 2% tech wise. Ultra has the same capabilities and so much more for MAINSTREAM (not blockchain) game publishers. Whachu retarded mean Bob? Your sister not opening her legs today?

>> No.15466802

enjin should stick with their shit wallet KEK. Let the competent people handle gaming

>> No.15466812

>Whachu retarded mean Bob?
shoo shoo no loo for you

>> No.15466821

Garbage shill thread. No steam won't be dethroned. Gaben is probably already looking into blockchain and how they could use it if not already developing.

>> No.15466836

or just ignoring it because blockchain everything is retarded as fuck

>> No.15466876

Thats what the morons said about Nokia too. RIP

>> No.15466889

t b h epic is doing pretty good at giving fatty a run for his money
absolutely disgusting to see gaymers shitting on them simply because the little autistic fucks would rather have their entire game collection on one client
this is the real danger of monopolies. once you get the unwashed masses used to the whip, they'll actually lash out at anyone trying to free them for their chains

>> No.15466924

>not even epic
epic was DOA
GAMERS never forgive or forget, they should've accepted their rightful place next to uplay and whatever ea's one is called.

The thing about Nokia is that other companies offered better products, what the fuck does a bunch of shitty ERC20 tokens offer to gamers? Extra fees?

>> No.15466927

Find this funny. So many of them are irate when Epic cuts a game company a deal and delay the realease of their game on Steam in exchange for 1 year exclusivity to Epic and for a chunk of cash. A lot of them seem brainwashed and absolutely mad when in in the end they don't decide what a company does with the game they created.

>> No.15466931

Epic is just a shitlauncher which even got less possibilities than steam. who da fuck makes something like this. if you want to dethrone then you need to have more options lol. Ultra is a bit different than those shitty ubisoft, epic, origin shit forks from steam. Only companies make profit in those ones and never developer. read into ultra and you will find out more instead of just hanging around here with your fatass hand in your jeans grabbing your dick doing nothing in life just collecting steamgames.

>> No.15466943

are you retarded? people shit on epic for their exclusive licensing and their actual dogshit store. imagine launching a online store in 2018 with no shopping cart, and locking people out for buying 5 games during your big sale

>> No.15466966

people are irate after crowdfunding games that said theyd be on steam/GOG and then went back on their word. are they paying shills now with fortnite cash to defend them lol?

>> No.15466967
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Valve may have gotten lazy and not develop games anymore, but the thing is that they still keep up with the new tech like VR and such. Not to mention the average person for some reason really wants to be a DRM cuck and buy from steam. Even when they buy games elsewhere, people really want steam keys.
>game cheaper elsewhere than steam
>no steam key
>waaaahhh it's not steam key!!!!!

>> No.15466968

>t b h epic is doing pretty good at giving fatty a run for his money
lord gaben is busy fucking 10/10 asian puss while Tom Sweeny is busy getting clowned on twitter and boned by Pony Ma

>> No.15466977
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Just buy ultra and let the team do all the work. You all are too dumb for technology anyway. So shut your mouth and throw your money on them.

>> No.15466986

sorry I don't invest in furries

>> No.15466990

how does your mother getting raped feel pajeet?

>> No.15467067
File: 26 KB, 743x428, fdafdsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The platform will be fucking huge. Check this picture. This just means that we will be fucking able to buy and sell the games and not only buy them. Fuck im happy. Lets see when we see it. I am also so happy that developers will get a huge support!!

>> No.15467118

Oh hell yeah dude because only the most well respected game developers like bloated shitty custom UI interfaces for zoomers when publishing their game
just bought 100k thanks dude looking good

>> No.15467600

Lets fuck Lord gaben into his fatty fat ass. Give a chance to other developer of projects and platforms and dont support only your monopoly shitplatform fattass nigger. Im sure Ultra will get traction when all of their partnerships getting leaked. Ubisoft will come soon.

>> No.15467610

This. Ive bought non multiplayer games on GOG due to no drm. Why would I get it on Steam and have it locked to an account WHICH if banned has me locked out of all my games I purchased on said account? However I do buy some on steam namely ones that arent on gog or have multiplayer due to how the multiplayer is structured.

Its one thing if the company said something like that but Ive seen them complain massively on reddit and I highly doubt all those games went through that process.

>> No.15467668

>This just means that we will be fucking able to buy and sell the games and not only buy them. Fuck im happy.

I repeat. You will never, ever be able to sell a digital game to anyone. At best Ultra will give you one dollar to delete the title from your account.

>> No.15467685

>Why would I get it on Steam and have it locked to an account WHICH if banned has me locked out of all my games I purchased on said account? However I do buy some on steam namely ones that arent on gog or have multiplayer due to how the multiplayer is structured.
Maybe, just maybe, because developers don't want you to cheat and use hacks in their games. Otherwise your account get marked and lose your investment. Consequences.

>> No.15467693
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Would be cool when Ultra allows also mobile gamers to develop. Imagine a mobile app with games like this. I even think that they plan this but lets get a nice surprise.

>> No.15468335
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resell my 2nd hand games, get awards for playing, made by gamers for gamers. They know what we feel