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15463583 No.15463583 [Reply] [Original]

I met my girlfriend around a year ago online, we kept talking and eventually became a sweet couple. But the only problem is the distance between us. I live in France while she’s from San diego. I saved up money and flew to san diego once to visit her and we had a wonderful time together, and about a week ago she flew over to me in france to see me.
Everything went so smooth and we were super exited to see each other again, we visited the eiffel tower and louvre, we also went to the disney and had lots of fun.
However on the last day when she was about to fly back to san diego... she said that we should break up.... because the distance thing is not going to work and we’ll eventually break up anyway. I couldnt say a word, I understand her concern. I just don’t want to give up because I know that it is real between her and me.
I want to move to san diego or get her to france to live with me, but then where do I get the money from, I just graduated last year from college with minimum work experience...
Why is life playing us like this?

>> No.15463605

Go fucking write a book you basedboy
This is biz we make goddamn Moolah up in this bitch ain't nobody got time for your faggot cry baby shit.

>> No.15463609

Long distance relationship isnt going to work mate, she is right.
Just move on

>> No.15463610

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.15463612

Sounds like she's playing you, not life playing us. Maybe she didn't have as wonderful a time as you did. Waste a year of your life talking to you only to meet and instadump you. She knew there was long distance between you.

>> No.15463618

Well if she truly loves you, she’ll wait for you, don’t be fooles by words

>> No.15463631

Shes breaking up with you because she would rather just fuck guys every day instead of when she sees you. Just ghost her

>> No.15463649

Man the fk up and start making money, stay updated with the market.
Checkout Everything that’s new and decide if it has any potential to explode.
For example something in the gaming industry that wants to compete against steam, forgot the name tho

>> No.15463657

You mean ultra io?
It’s going to be big but pretty sure it will take sometime before they wipe out steam tho

>> No.15463666


Shes right anon, and you know its not gonna work, or be very hard and involve lots of sacrifice(for young people) to do.
Dont act desperate.
She could have others in the pipeline, most girls DO its just fact. Dont depend on her. As a man the unpleasant truth of relationships is you always have to be ready to end it and willing to walk away.
If you accept it and go with it a guarantee she would be sad and wanting to try harder. You were probably needy and beta too while you were together. Besides the point.
Hell she may have gotten what she wanted( trip to france) and thats it.

Dont throw away life for one woman. There are more. If you genuinely want to move to US thats cool, dont alter life plan for a bitch. If she can help you with ur life goals thats fine but doesnt seem that way.

Postponing the inevitable is silly. Neither of you are established enough to make
It happen. Dont be a chump.
I dated a nip woman before and she flew to see me, we went on trips(but were not in a relationship). Eventually we got together and as i had always wanted to work abroad i kept it going and she helped me get established. Thats a rare instance where it might be worth it. I already wanted to work somewhere else and she helped me with my goal. I didnt alter my life for her.
If i had no intention then i woulda kept it casual and never got in a relationship.
We’re no longer together but that doesnt matter.

>> No.15463670

What a waste of $ to have to fly across the country to see each other. Idiots

>> No.15463680

You wasted good money visiting a shithole like San Diego to fuck some muttroastie.

She fucked some tinder Chad during all these months while you gave her free attention without even getting sex in retard.
In short you got conned, now stop being a bitch.

>> No.15463682

Have sex

>> No.15463686

Take it from someone with experience, forget about that whore and work on yourself. That's how you become a man no girl wants to leave. I did a long distance thing for years, grant it, it was so I could cheat, but she provided for me on an emotional level that no other had. I even lived with her for a year. But my family was having problems so I left for a month, and was going to come back. Never came back. Immediately when I came back home I was bombarded by pussy that hadn't seen me in awhile. I was getting so much I didnt have time to call my ol' lady. Eventually I told her I wasnt coming back. It's been 3 years. She became a huge whore and got raped a bunch and we never talk. She really let her life go. She was really damaged in her brain and I was a daddy figure to her. But I realized that's not what I wanted. Im a dog, and this dog likes to fuck and get his nose dirty. Long story short, you weren't ready for that yet. Give yourself time, and get some work experience as well as some experience with pussy. It'll change your life

>> No.15463694

She's already fucking someone else, sorry anon.

>> No.15463695

It’s just a woman, forget her.
There are plenty fishes in the sea

>> No.15463698

Im fucking the dog shit out of op's bitch btw. We both dropped E at a party and are still fucking. She waid youre a bitch op, sorry bro.

>> No.15463704

There are billions of women in the world. BILLIONS. pretty sure there are millions in Paris alone.

>> No.15463708

What degree did you graduate with fellow frenchfag?

>> No.15463713

Go check on her for one last time if you really can’t let go

>> No.15463714
File: 38 KB, 564x696, muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a muzzie woman...lotsa them in frenchfryland and they dont steer you wrong and make tons of babbys with you

>> No.15463723
File: 477 KB, 1199x617, 1B8406E8-E905-4B0F-AA79-DE46A80FADC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what’ll cheer you up?
Money, alot of money. And how are you going to earn those? Buy UOS, many updates and huge announcements coming in for the next few weeks

>> No.15463745

You know if they leave you, they never truly loved you

>> No.15463778
File: 1.35 MB, 1242x1223, FCF6A2FC-C562-4C94-BEBA-FEE50E4F7A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see some intelligent people with the same vision as me.
You guys will be successful, mark my words.

>> No.15463782

life isn't playing you anon, women are
find someone near you, as she almost certainly has already. she's trying to do the right thing, so be thankful she isn't stringing your online relationship along while she's getting chadded out nightly by Jose. you are young, you'll move on. stop chatting with ppl across the globe.

>> No.15463788

fucking french faggot. Long distance doesn't work. How the fuck can you have a sexless relationship? It reeks of desperation to begin with.

>> No.15463792

You're getting cucked. It's already too late.

>> No.15463808

Lol, you wont make that much money in this sml timeframe, unless you win the powerball lottery at bitcloud but you can forget it because I’ll be the winner

>> No.15463823

Why the fk do you get into longdistance relationship in the first place, find a local bitch you can fk everyday

>> No.15463914

Man just focus on making money fuck bitches anyway

>> No.15463978

What’s the difference between ultra and steam? What is their advantages

>> No.15464046

is her name Carly..?

>> No.15464158

I'm in a similar situation OP, except it's working for us. I'm a leaf, she's from Bulgaria. I went to visit her (as a very close friend/start of a relationship) 5 months ago, we fugged like rabbits, but decided it would've been too painful to pursue a relationship. A couple weeks later we still couldn't let each other go, so we said fuck it and decided to try and make it work. Now we're planning another trip for November where we'll live together for a while.

It IS the hardest thing you'll ever do. Not being able to be affectionate is brutal. But if she's the right woman, she's worth it. I'm lucky in that I have some extra cash rn and my living situation allows me to save a lot, but you'll have to figure some way of saving up for her. Either way, make sure you are willing to spend the rest of your life with this woman before you make any more serious investments.

>> No.15464231
File: 141 KB, 975x687, 56EA022A-C2D8-4E59-95CE-217B52C4B81A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beta cuck. These kind of things are privelege for the rich, just make it lil fag. Buy UOS, it will do 7x - why? Because this project is gonna release the partnership with one of the biggest game companies in the world: Ubisoft.

>> No.15464250



>> No.15464266

Where did you meet her online, anon?

>> No.15464272

Leaf ?

>> No.15464296


>> No.15464301

she is hooking up with black men

>> No.15464418

>Business and Finance
I hate what this board has become

>> No.15464472

thank you

>> No.15464505



>> No.15464541

Espèce de grosse merde. Les relations à distance ces des conneries. Putain mais t'as quel âge ? Je suis certain que t'es d'un parcours ingénieur sale fragile. Pour être si faible et si romantique comme un bêta c'est que tu ne baise pas assez ! Va en Croatie tu verras. Et retiens ça gamin, quant-une femme demande un break ou une connerie du genre c'est qu'elle s'est déjà trouvée une autre bite. Et oui ! T'es cocu ! Fais en sorte de la tronchée une dernière fois et passe à autre chose...Putain de mollusque.

>> No.15464545

lmao, you think you were the only one she talked to during all that time? You were just one of them, and she was checking on you, didn't like you much, decided to break up. Move on

>> No.15464588

I've got a question dude. Why are french people all so rude? Literally every interaction I had in Paris with french people they treated me like I was dirt. I asked a French streamer on twitch once if they spoke English and I was ignored and permanently banned from their chat. No other country consistently produces such rude people. What gives?

>> No.15464612

As Your personal finance adviser I say you go all in Link.
Also grab some Confido, banian network and aslo some Electrify Asia tokens.
You will totally be fine. 100% sure you can trust me, your personal adviser.
Good luck.
Btw about the girl, yeah, take a loan (those are cheap now), fly to her place and surprise her and her parents. You will be totally fine, They all will be very excited. Take two credit cards while you there.

>> No.15464630

No one likes burgers like you

>> No.15464750

1+ illed rather talk about stocks and laugh at linkys

>> No.15465178

- Developers earn +21% more sales revenue with an instant payout
- Ultra provides developers with the unique flexibility of a custom-built platform without the need to invest millions of dollars and years of research, development, and maintenance.
- Blockchain makes it possible to process nano-payments instantly, proof of ownership, transaction transparency and a myriad of other features that allow Ultra to provide more control and better deals to developers while also bringing exciting innovations and financial incentives to players
- Powering referral bonuses, digital goods, rewards programs and more
- Players can immediately play games within minutes of purchase using their software.
- Players earn Ultra coins by participating in beta tests, watching ads, curating games and more.
- Players can access third-party game services such as tournaments, item-trading, and more.
- Play exclusive AAA content only available on Ultra.
- Better community building tools.
- Resell second-hand digital games.
- Earn Ultra Coins through their three level referral program

>> No.15465201

Ultra team has an office close to the Ubisoft office with their director who worked at Ubisoft working there. Ubisoft already disclosed that they are working on integrating blockchain technology.

>> No.15465215

>Why is life playing us like this?
Life isn't playing you. You chose to date someone from San diego.
LTR don't work. Even if it's only a few hundred kilometers.
Find someone in your city. Other option, convince her to live in France.
Other option, keep her as FWB, with the distance. In rare cases, it can work. But it won't be monogamous.

>> No.15465225
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, E566A35A-7B91-4E2E-9DCC-3D37BD4C4A64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you have saved up OP? What is your educational background? Where did you have your work experience? Looking at your story you don't have the quality to build a business by yourself so just invest in people that will make the money for you. Start investing in what Jews call the next big thing disrupting the Finance, COTI. They recently launched COTI pay with thousands of merchants already signed up.

>> No.15465252

which one of you actually makes money here

>> No.15465280
File: 319 KB, 1600x1060, 16e7cc12069b4aa07c5e4cf371fb231a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Diego is a party town... No to mention Tijuana is about an hour s drive. She probably works at Adelitas bar, Chicago. Hong Kong or some other fuck bar. La Coahuilla is Tijuana's red light district. A lot of girls to go to UCSD SDSU on weekends work there FACT..some regular girls too ..she's getting fucked as we speak . I just came ftom there and fucked 5 of them send me a pic of your girl and I'll let you know if she was one of them. I'll look for her next time i go down there.

>> No.15465282

>50 replies
>not one reply back from OP
baiting ass hoe and the retards falling for the bait

>> No.15465302

it was just an elaborate shill thread for Ultra IO apparently