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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15460751 No.15460751 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of living in mom's basement, but have been significantly priced out of my local housing market or anywhere within a hundred mile radius. Stopped paying rent to landlords due to annual rent spikes. Been saving a shit ton of money since living at home, and want it to go as far as possible, but believe housing market is significantly overvalued...again. I refuse to jump in until prices have come down at least 30%, if not more. When will my patience be rewarded?

>> No.15461858

Feels like our whole generation, certainly most of 4chan at least, is just saving and waiting for the crash.

>> No.15461875

sorry fren
depends where you're at to be honest. Vegas or austin may grow while a san fran or NY could lose the most because high end real estate is set up to take the greatest hit next dip

>> No.15461878

don't think about it too much, just try to enjoy life and keep accumulating

nothing else is under your control

>> No.15461890
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this, I see sects of boomers doing it too. wat mean?

>> No.15461896

thanks anon

>> No.15461899

>When will my patience be rewarded?

>> No.15461901

it means it already happened and we're literally living in an IRL version of the M Night. classic, "The Happening" (which is a laugh riot, mind you)

>> No.15461913

You idiots keep waiting, my home keeps appreciating. Thanks retards

>> No.15461957

I bought my 3 bedroom house 2 years ago, and it's worth more than 10% more now (judging by what my neighbors sold their identical house for recently). Was originally going to buy an apartment in a bigger city, but this way I have more space and less foreigners, and I only live 10km away from where I originally wanted to live.