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15459390 No.15459390 [Reply] [Original]

there’s no “Google partnership”
That was just a paid promotional blogpost on GoogleCloud Blog, where some pajeets shitpost several blogposts literally everyday. And yes, you can buy people promotional post there just like Chainlink and scam Blockchain.com (https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/databases/blockchain-scaling-and-saving-with-cloud-spanner)) did.
Obviously it’s not cheap but who cares they got thousands of percents back by dumping on you retards on top.

>> No.15459407

Neither Google nor GoogleCloud ever mentioned they would ever use it.
You can clearly see the blogpost was nothing but information on project with zero uniqueness. Pajeet copywriting promotional work

>> No.15459654
File: 248 KB, 680x528, 7e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You almost got it OP

It was not a paid promotion, it's just that cloud services (AWS, google, azure, digitalocean, alibaba, adobe, etc) give users (literally anyone) credits for their services if you publish guides/tutorials.

The purpose is somewhere a software engineer is googling stuff like how how to fix a sql error and the cloud services want their articles front and center of those searches. They basically act as content farms to lure in clicks from search engines.

If you want to pump and dump a shitcoin and have some technical skills you can easily submit your blog posts with your shitcoin and 90% will get approved because these cloud services are so desperate for content. Then go and shill "muh shitcoin partnership" and dump your bags on all the brainlets rushing in buy because they're to stupid to realize the partnership meme is just 2017 ICO shill hype.

It works every time.