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15458599 No.15458599 [Reply] [Original]

How is Jack Ma worth 38Billion biz?

>> No.15458625

alibabababa telligenc

>> No.15458640
File: 29 KB, 300x316, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9999 percent of perdictio9n s rong but any statistic is true that 0.1 precent i calt demcollicj schamart man

>> No.15458642

lost a lot of respect for ma after watching this

>> No.15458653
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Guo Wengui predicts Jack ma dead or in jail in the next year

>> No.15458670
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jack ma is a barinlet puppet who's company got co-opted by the cccp. his wealth is a byproduct of having something useful for the government.

>> No.15458672

This guy is a badass mf. based and redpiled.

>> No.15458675
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this is the guy that is supposed to be mentoring Justin Sun??? sold 100k TRON!

>> No.15458690
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>> No.15458695

Don't be so critical about Jack Ma, he plays the role of old and wise little China man really well. He's like the Chinese Mr. Miyagi.

>> No.15458702
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Yo, holy shit. Elon dabbing on him.

>> No.15458720

>lets talk about something else.
fucking lol

>> No.15458729

are you chinese?

>> No.15458733

Jack Ma is right though, machine learning is a meme

>> No.15458738

only low iq faggots think its a meme.

>> No.15458740

The cringe is all on Elon's side.

>> No.15458760

No, but I believe we have to respect and nod to everything that powerful old men say, otherwise how we will ever get jobs? Also, didn't you notice how confident he sounds? He must know what he's talking about! RESPECT JACK MA.

>> No.15458764

iq is also a meme, Jack Ma has almost 10 more billion dollars than Memelon Musk

>> No.15458781

lmao 50 cent army operating at full-on damage control today

>> No.15458787

Knowledge doesn’t equal wisdom jack ma wasn’t wrong just speaking wisdom not knowledge

>> No.15458788

>Jack Ma
A special type of retard alright. Relevant:

>> No.15458797


The meme is that rich equals high IQ when in reality the correlation between IQ and wealth is pretty weak.

>> No.15458807

It's fucking embarrasing. Ma didn't even realize Musk was low-key mocking him and cracking jokes about shit he said.

>> No.15458842

Just the same as any Chinese business: they are cut throat about providing a good that is far below the price point of any Western made item.

Trump is right to try to stop these bastards by cutting off the American consumer to them. He's going about it all retarded, but the general idea is sound.

As for Jack Ma's ideas about philosophy, he sees people as ants to toil for his Empire. All Communists have this materialistic view of the world. Thing is, so do Capitalists. Elon Musk is an excellent Capitalist, but he's really just a showman. Tesla and all of his companies are cults of personality.

>> No.15458868


>> No.15458874

Thats wrong BUT this is right >>15458797
IQ used to correlate wealth is fucking moronic. Jack Ma is fucking hilarious hes not retarded and most likely doesnt know very much but he did cash in on one thing. Some people are good at one thing that one thing got him billions. Jack Ma has always been a retard if you actually listened to some of his other interviews.

>> No.15458928

The bugman meme really hits home when Elon opens with a couple jokes at the beginning and there isn't a single peep from the audience. Or maybe it just gets lost in translation?

>> No.15458936

Here you go.

>> No.15458948


It's almost as if the prerequisite in becoming rich is being friends with the ruling elite within the CCP.

I'm sure hard work has something to do with it, but the utility of hard work by one man is limited. It's the organization of individuals to complete a purpose that makes someone rich. It's a machine that you construct, or is constructed for you.

To be fair, it is his second language. I wouldn't be able to talk philosophy in mandarin.

>> No.15458968

People who are overly optimistic about AI is stupid in general.

>> No.15458971
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>mfw I am now aware that Jack Ma starred in a Jet Li produced Kung Fu film.
Top fucking kek why does this exist???

>> No.15459033


In the context of the Chinese social credit system, it makes perfect sense for them to be optimistic.

They are creating a automated god to watch over them in order to police behavior. Of course they'd want to push the idea of it being a positive thing.

The CCP are literally fulfilling Bob Page's ideas from Deus Ex.

>> No.15459315
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>People is stupid

>> No.15459849

what a weazle.
when somebody asks a question, you should answer it.
a weazle will talk around the question without answering it.

>> No.15459878

I just watched this interview yesterday. Was embarrassed for the Asian. He made a fool of himself several times. Elon handled it well though. He was respectful.

>> No.15459892

I wish he wasn't as passive, would have been much more entertaining for everyone

>> No.15459902

Yeah but I took as Elon knew his audience. He's actively trying to do business in China. It wouldn't have been a good look for him to be dabbing on this fucker.

>> No.15459905

It's not so much being passive, it's just that intelligent people tend to not waste mental energy on debating ignorance.

>> No.15459908

Spoken like a true insect

>> No.15459931

Elon showing straight disrespect for the most powerful man in China ...not going to end well for Elon

>> No.15459956

I liquidated my $20,000 position in $BABA after seeing this interview. Jack Ma is a literal moron. Any company founded by this dummy is doomed to fail.

>> No.15459965


lol dafuq?

>> No.15459971

It says a lot about China if a guy like that is so rich.

>> No.15460081

Do anyone here have an idea of what AI is and what it does?
If AI is so well developed right now, why it has such a "relative" little usage nowdays?
And no, deepfakes is not AI

>> No.15460155

???? lol wut

china has 1.38 billion population, why is that surprising?

>> No.15460770

a-are you serious anon?
if this is bait, bravo.

>> No.15461022
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>"There will be more tools that human beings will created much clever than computers"

>> No.15461104

Jack Ma has literally said that he doesn't know shit about anything, his entire life has been him gathering people that are actually smart, hiring them and be the boss of the company while they make everything possible for him. You know, like Jobs.
He knows how to cheat the system we use in this world to become rich, by abusing it. Easy peasy

>> No.15461408

it's literally the first time in history we invented something capable of handling things larger than we could hope to process in thousands of years had we made every person on earth work together to achieve the same result, it changes everything it's the first step to beyond human it's not a meme you fucking dip

>> No.15461415

cultural differences/learned the language but not the nuances of how people use it, although he's probably not good at reading people either

>> No.15461428

>Thing is, so do Capitalists
Boomer American capitalists were the worst at this, I think we've gradually weaned of that extreme business school style of thinking and realized it's too extreme, especially now that the west can look at places like Japan and realize it was never even necessary to be that manipulative.

>> No.15461443

You don't even have to optimistic, just looking at what AI can do know and hoping it continues to be used effectively is all you need to have things turn out really well, whenever AI goes bad it's because liberals are trying to stifle it from saying nigger

>> No.15461457

Ignoring him is also easy, like having him try to come in to work some day and just saying "no you're an idiot go home"

>> No.15461477

this video is edited in some cringey way, Elon seems extra autistic but I guess that's what endears him to so many. For example, Jack Ma says he doesn't know why we want to go to Mars. He has a fucking point, Elon saying we will go there and return ez pz is cute, but it's science fiction until it happens. Mars is not hospitable and it probably makes little sense to make plans to colonize it. Jack Ma also implies that computers are better at mathematical if/then operations (ie chess) than people, but not at creative application or ideation. Cue Elon meme face reaction.
It's awesome, but the nomenclature is a meme, just like AI
Yep, that's what makes him smart. There are different types of intelligences. People love to hero worship Elon but he's not the one actually building his tech either.

>> No.15461519

>People love to hero worship Elon but he's not the one actually building his tech either
Sure but even then the fact that there's such a huge difference even then shows how narrow Jack Ma is able to think or process anything beyond using others, and I woudn't call the intelligence, it's a skill sure, want that requires him to interact with the enviroment and react to it to get optimal results, you may perceive it as smart because he benefits from it, but look at the larger outcome, is he *really* benefiting? He's put together a large company but because he's not actually putting it together with an understanding of how it should be handled to maximize the quality of life of others and create meaningfull improvements wether Jack runs it or not, he lives rich but again at this great cost of not being sustainable. If Jack Ma were to live for 500 years and think you would inevitably see the company slowly collapse because the way he does things and builds things up aren't sustainable.

>> No.15461532

yet Tesla is the company at risk of being out of money within a year

>> No.15461542

yeah okay, maybe Musk isn't the best business man or even smart maybe just lucky so far or more realistically a small knack for this kinda thing, again your measurements are all wrong though as far as how you value worth, and to be fair the world as a whole is awful at valuing worth

>> No.15461557

>How is Jack Ma worth 38Billion biz?
He's a genius at business, that's the answer to the question. I think what you're getting at is Elon is making some meaningful contribution to the future or something to that effect, but that's not a requirement for being filthy rich (see Buffet, Warren)

>> No.15461576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15461616

>People love to hero worship Elon but he's not the one actually building his tech either
Well as the CEO that isn't really his job. Yet still he is well versed in how it works and even actively makes contributions on the actual engineering side of things when he can. He was after all an engineer to begin with.

>> No.15461627

He said some awfully dumb shit for a CEO of a large internet based company.

>> No.15461662

I know we all get confused sometimes but Jack Ma doesn't look anything like Xi Jinping.

>> No.15461675

He readily admits that he's not a techie, he's an investor. I doubt Warren Buffet knows how to build a house, you know?

>> No.15461685

>if something too hard, we dont do
His answers are homer Simpson tier

>> No.15461687

Cringe at the chinese guy?

Cringe at elon and his meme tech, you're the low iq monkey if you think we are going to mars with that retard

>> No.15461866

50 cent army still not done doing damage control today eh?

>> No.15462005

People who speculate wildly about ai should die in a fire. Ching chong bing bong is 100% right here.

>> No.15462018

Low iq cringe at musk
High iq cringe at ma

>> No.15462325

jack ma is protecting his interests here. whether or not he is intelligent is irrelevant (he is), his company is at the forefront of AI applications. he knows very well the current capabilities. but what is he to say, "oh btw chinese will have no jobs or wont be able to compete in fewer than 20 years..." he would be taken out back and shot. perhaps there are cultural differences playing out here. only in the west is speaking honestly and openly considered virtuous. an honest conversation is impossible, esp in china, given the implications.

>> No.15462337

Wut? Everything is ceo does to a company is a manipulation, thats his job

>> No.15462348

also language barrier and cultural wisdom likely lost in translation - "who is first to eat the crab?"

>> No.15462358

The chinese are a meme fuck you

>> No.15462361

Whats the point of the debate then? Is it 6d chinese chess to seem retarded on tue internet?

>> No.15462381

it's completely unnecessary

>> No.15462386

its not a debate. its a showcase for a conference, no? the real debate of the implications of AI wasnt even possible until recently. most thought it was pure sci-fi. most still do. look into memristor technologies and the effort to synthesize an artificial synapse. it is very close.

>> No.15462397

While the ceo might be unnecessary nevertheless they exist and get paid top dollar to manipulate

>> No.15462399
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>> No.15462410

No it is a meme
>I should know, I fell for it hook and sinker

>> No.15462553

Elon has companies other than Tesla.

>> No.15462568


AI winning a team game against humans.

>> No.15462592

Assuming a normal intelligence distribution, that means there are at least 750 million people in China more qualified to hold that position than Jack Ma.

>> No.15462755

Of course Jack sounds like an idiot. You retards don't understand that learning English coming from an east asian origin, and vice versa, is extremely difficult.

>> No.15463370

>world as a whole is awful at valuing worth
sir, I don't think you know how valuations work.

>> No.15463379

They just hate China

>> No.15463923

This, fucking biz retards go back to plebbit with your Musk worshipping.

>> No.15464128

>99.99% of all predictions about the future are all wrong
>Anyone who happens to be right are right by accident

There is no language barrier here you chink apologists, Jack is just an idiot.

>> No.15464219

the number might not be right, but its more or less accurate.
predictions that are right are just lucky. if everybody makes 10 predictions, eventually somebody is right once

>> No.15464405

If you're in a room full of broken clocks it doesn't mean the concept of a clock is worthless.

>> No.15464649

A concept clock doesnt tell the time

>> No.15464696

Then find a working clock that does, idiot.

>> No.15464812

>respecting an insect
what the fuck is wrong with you anon?

>> No.15464861

Ok nostradamus

>> No.15465065

>Who is Thales of Miletus?
>Who is the Oracle of Omaha?