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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15457457 No.15457457 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15457604

okay this aswered my question.
no one gives a shit about it anymore

>> No.15457618
File: 105 KB, 629x403, ax0DYrn_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only ones still holding this shit coin are delusional bagholders

>> No.15457649

You got scammed by pajeets, move on

>> No.15458025

holders are delusional but the nonewkindofnetworkers retard normie scum fudders willstaypoorforever are even more delusional

>> No.15458050
File: 62 KB, 500x159, manymoonsirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing rajeesh

>> No.15458254
File: 328 KB, 750x500, NKN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't get reply in 15 minutes.
> clearly means it's dead.

This board is full of Americans, and NKN is awkward for Americans to buy + developed by a Chinese team. Between their racism and inability to purchase it, no one here gives a shit about the token.

Those who actually know what their offering with this, and what they're currently working on, is sitting comfy and quietly waiting.

> Largest crypto network
> Ability to scale linearly beyond than any other network
> Real paying customers in Q4
> Decentralised CDN
> Freemium Pub/Sub service
> Token swap coming soon
> Decentralised game streaming
> Web proxy and acceleration
> Mobile app, and browser extensions for secure IM

This will be at $1 within 12 months.

>> No.15458290

Wow you spun up a bunch of vps nodes truly revolutionary. NKN 1000 EOY

>> No.15458358

I think the last figure I saw was around 6,000 home-based nodes.

>> No.15458510

i hope you are right

>> No.15458699

seems like a good project and one of the few where blockchain actually makes sense but why is the price action so shit?

i thought these guys had NEO whale backing?

>> No.15458734

Delusional bagholder

>> No.15458853
File: 598 KB, 1078x1078, nknmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within the next 6 months we're going to see the largest crypto network running a massively scalable decentralised content delivery application, with paying clients on board from the get go. Some projects have never get to this stage. The nCDN also means the team has real fiat coming in and a strong product for marketing. This should allow for good development growth. They already have more clients dated to come in Q1 of next year as well as far as I know.

They're working on shrinking node resources again, to allow thousands of light-weight nodes to come back online. Once done, this alone could roughly double the current node count and allow for far faster scaling afterward.

Phase Two is coming around properly in Oct/Nov, and one of their first points of call is the marketing side of things, and 'enhancing the economic model'.

Since Mainnet launch, the team have been securing the network and testing their CDN behind NDAs. This unfortunately means that the small team is just quiet at work. If things are quiet, people either get nervous or bored, and end up selling for short-term profits. The team is active and responsive when asked anything, and everything always comes back very promising, but left to their own devices they're somewhat lacking on social or marketing etc. It'll bring the price down / crab until October.

IMO, those who want to buy in should buy below 3c and within the next month. After that, it'll go up. I'm not sure if it'll be quickly or gradual, but it won't be below 3c for long. It's also unlikely to hit 1-2c in that time, so people shouldn't burn the clock waiting for it.

Kk. NKN won't be for many here, it's too slow. I'll include you in the screenshot when we're at $1 however.

>> No.15459822


>> No.15459839

Whatever lad. I do recognize it is an easy semi long term p&d though. I got in at 2 and sold at 10 cents, and I'm waiting for it to hit below 2.5 again (which is very likely this month) to get back for round 2. The delusional bagholders like you are a money guarantee.

>> No.15460199

>> Decentralised game streaming
it's impossible because of latency problems
How would KNK solve them?

>> No.15460926

don't be such a pussy

>> No.15461756

82 k and still acumulate, just wait

>> No.15462559

This coin is the " wait game drama " of the decade.

>> No.15462621

this is true, sadly

>> No.15462625

I am financially ruined and expect to be more financially ruined by the time it reaches zero.

>> No.15462713

the price won't go up anytime soon, tho tech is good

>> No.15462733

this. I'll buy at $0.01

>> No.15462982

They have fairly low latency already, but that will only continue to drop the more nodes are available. As the network is both optimised, and grows, latency comes down. This sort of network may be the only realistic way to run game streaming as a centralised host simply can't offer it fast enough.

KK my dude. Like I said - it's not for everyone. On the surface it looks rough, and it takes a long time of talking with the team and getting little snippets of info via the forums, chats, and tg etc, to actually really know what's going on. If you buy below 2.5 again, expect a pump to 6-7c, drop back down, and then straight to 13c.

Can you imagine the butthurt that'll flow when it finally moons and those who can called BS and "heard it for months" comments realise we were right?

It's unlikely to hit 1c before nCDN, which will pump it back to 5-6c.

>> No.15463523
File: 632 KB, 1080x1740, 1565864704326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy fucks.

>> No.15463553

stop posting this pic every thread, it feels like a cheap pajeetry

>> No.15463660

Fuck off sir, I do what I want.

>> No.15463853

She's a cutie.

>> No.15463925

If you're gonna keep posting this then deepnude it

>> No.15464319

This board would only moan from the lack of a dick.

>> No.15464824

Are you me ??

>> No.15465208

We'll be over 10c by Christmas.

>> No.15465331

christmas 2025

>> No.15465978

50k is enough?
i just need it to reach $2,50....

>> No.15466081

that's less than a 1 billion market cap. can't see that being too difficult. everything in the top 50 was over a billion last time round

>> No.15466202

Kek well technically yes.

$2.50 is very possible. We're talking 2021 however, but still - I can wait a couple years to make it.

>> No.15467167

1 billion marketcap was usually garbage in 2017, easy to reach before the btc summit, easy 100 times from here