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15449452 No.15449452 [Reply] [Original]

I-Is it worth it anon?

>> No.15449467

Your genes are passed to the next generation and the more kids you have the more chances of your genes existing for millenials. So thats that.

>> No.15449479

>caring about preserving some dumb sequence of bio molecules

>> No.15449485

yes. Imagine being 60 plus and not having kids, what a wasted life

>> No.15449492
File: 69 KB, 794x434, DD71F768-F0C0-4F10-9A83-73D296D41421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.15449493

well, I do. gl anyway, anon

>> No.15449498

I'd rather have a nice big family with whom I can go to trips with and teach my kids a lot of valuable stuff so they could become better versions of me, than be partying and living the hedonistic lifestyle til I'm 60, at which point I would probably die.

>> No.15449522

That makes u dumb

>> No.15449534
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Its a waste of money. It used to be people wanted big families to help with work and improving the family estate. Now everyone can only have kids to work for mr sheckleberg and there own selfish reasons. People done care about there kids today look at all the ones dead because there forgotten in hot cars

>> No.15449544

Caring? You mean that primordial drive that is engrained into our species and made us into technological powerhouse we are today? You are wrong to think that the nihilistic and egocentric way of thinking is a good look for you, it's not. Every single one of your forefathers have defied all odds and reproduced, only for a little shitstain like you to piss that genome sequence down the drain. Good on ya mate, grow up, grow a pair and show some goddamned responsibility.

>> No.15449580

having children means investing in women, an investment that more often than not ends in a net loss. divorce rate etc. yes maybe you reproduced but your wife will likely fuck up your kids and then leave you to "raise" them on her own while you pay child support/alimony

>> No.15449581

>not knowing about the bloodline theory

>> No.15449583
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>Good on ya mate, grow up, grow a pair and show some goddamned responsibility
Anyone else laughed at this?

"hurr durr have kids in the spirit of being responsible, even though you don't have any reason to believe you'll be a good father, because monkey see monkey do"

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.15449592

It's clearly not in his drive. Your only persuasion for it to be is that other people did it?

You're a true retard and a lemming.

>> No.15449607

Every single one of our forefathers didn't have to deal with the risks of modern marriage, family court and the loss of all their assets, including their own children.

>> No.15449617

>primordial drive
Big meme, nice one retard.

>> No.15449627

I understand how you can make such an assumption, but the divorce rates have everything to do with what kind of "men" those men are who get themselves in the situation you described. I wont go as far to say it is impossible, but if you are true to yourself and a stable hard working individual who also takes time and puts in effort for his relationship then you will most definitely be on the other side of that 50%. Women aren't to blame here, it's people. Alot of people are pieces of shit, nothing is going to change that. But if you try to be the man you should be, then maybe you'll attract a partner who is just as good if not better then you'll ever be.

>> No.15449635

stinks of onions in here does anyone else smell that

>> No.15449641

I thought about the whole passing my genes thing. Then I realized my father had other kids so the genes will live on even if I don’t reproduce.

>> No.15449642

potentially not dying alone in your own filth is nice i hear, so there's that

>> No.15449648

>have children
>daughter turns out to be a coal burner
>son turns out to be a tranny or faggot
>you waste 18+ years of life to see a shit return
Fuck off dumbass. Modern society is sick and needs to be purged before people should consider having children. And I’m also of the opinion that all niggers and third worlders need to be sterilized.

>> No.15449702

Damn you guys are salty about women and children. I'm sorry she hurt you, yes she's a bitch, or a stuckup whore because she turned you down. But being a salty incel will never make you happy. My wife is the biggest investment I ever made, and guess what, that moneys gone. But here's the kicker, she made me the best man i could ever be. Without her i wouldnt have been able to start a company or buy a house. I've dumped so much money into her, but because she made me a stable man with something to come home to, i was able to make millions. May you find a good woman (I know they are rare, but they are out there)

>> No.15449719

Im with you, that's why i made 2 blonde haired blue eyed boys.
Children don't just become things, you can raise them and teach them.
Bunch of cynics and incels, you guys are becoming the degeneracy that you despise.

>> No.15449723

>be a retard
>send kids to public schools
>never teach your kids
That's how you get coalburners and faggots.

>> No.15449724

she's gonna divorce you and take more than half plus the cars, house, and kids. your friends will side with her. you will be alone in a condo drinking cheap bourbon staring at your grand dad's old shotgun wondering if you'll ever find the courage to end the pain

>> No.15449733

>conveniently ignored the posts that were against the idea of children only, not children and wives
Retard - the reasons for finding a good woman aren't the same as for wanting a child.
>May you find a good woman
How good is that cocksucking retard when she couldn't even find a man who could establish a premise in an argument? I hope she gets raped by AIDS ridden niggers, as well as your kids.

>> No.15449739

It's a waste of time if you can't financially/emotionally support a child. Otherwise you should pass on your genes with a quality womb

>> No.15449744

How did you find your wife? I'm just 19 I have no idea where to find wife material girls. I'm guessing college would be my best chance.

>> No.15449769 [DELETED] 


It's perfectly natural for wolves and K selective species to have less children in times of stress

Now is not the time to have children. Now is the time to prepare for the Racial cleansing of the white lands and the eventual extermination of tratorious kikes.

>> No.15449775

Call it cope, she can have half of everything because i wouldnt even have anything if it wasnt for her you dumb shit. I had NOTHING when i met her, living in my parents basement. We have build our lives together, only fair that she'd get 50%. Stop repeating everything you've heard somewhere else just so you don't have to get out of your comfort zone and expose your fragile little heart to get what your really want

>> No.15449796

So vile, but ill respond anyway.
I did that because you can't have one without the other. If you can't find a good woman, then your kids are going to be a burden or in the worst case leverage for your ex, and they'll turn into little shits who spew their vile on some message board to people trying to help them.

>> No.15449810

Fuck off back to pol

>> No.15449846

No time for yourself your job or your business because mom becomes just as needy is your kid, DYOR

>t. father of 1 yr old

>> No.15449855

>So vile, but ill respond anyway.
I think you're still hung over the vileness, since you still haven't grasped a simple point, you illiterate retard: one can be perfectly amenable to a good wife with good values while he and the wife still are not amenable to the rationale for having a kid.

Do you get it now, cocksucker? Or are you going to duck by saying
>hurr durr a good woman implicitly necessitates one that wants kids
without, still, establishing a reason for kids other than monkey see monkey do?

Illiterate, illogical fuck. Your kids are better off being skull-fucked to death instead of growing up being influenced by retards and ending up on welfare.

>> No.15449870

Randomly, i know it doesn't help you, but i happened to be working on a project where she was working for another company. We locked eyes, smiled, saw her a few more times, tried to see if she would smile again (because i was too much of a pussy to just go for it the first time) and then went up to her, asked if she wanted to meet up outside of work.
Be confident when you look at a girl, if she smiles, you better make sure you ask for her number because you might hit it off. And if she reject you and thinks you're a creep, dont worry! You've already done something that 90% of the incels on this board wouldn't even dare to think about.

>> No.15449881
File: 6 KB, 292x173, 0097888D-DB02-47E5-8083-43A1EA656EAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is worth to be the ultraman, by investing into ultra io.
Because ultra will change ultra many lifes.
Long live ultraaaaaaaa

>> No.15449897

Yes, don't be fooled by the Jews.
Have 3-6 white childrens ans raise them in the best, no-Faggot schools.
When you get old they will take care of you

>> No.15449899

Anon when you will get old older you will meet a lot of decent guys who got dumped by their wifes. Unironical the decent aspect is what's gets them. They are hard working dad's who do their share in the house causing the wife's to look for a chad.

>> No.15449911

having a kid is the best thing that happened to me for now, i will raise him to be a better version, one that doesnt hate mankind, of me.
if you will ever have heard your toddler laugh you will know what i mean

>> No.15449912

Kids aren't means to an end, they are the goal.

>> No.15449941

Very based

>> No.15449946

Alright then, this might be anecdotal but there's plenty of studies out there that agree with this.
Wife and kids makes you a better person which in turn will make you a more productive and happier member of society. So your quality of life goes up exponentially (ups and downs ill admit to that) but overall a net surplus. Happy people make more money, live longer, have more meaningful personal relationships. So I'd say that's a pretty good investment.
Is there more you want to nit-pick while your venting online?

>> No.15450003

Yes, but there is always more at play. I know it's easier to just think it's the women who are evil but that's never truly the case.
There are 2 people in a relationship so there's 2 at fault. Even if it was the woman who cheated. Women are emotional, they rarely cheat for sex, most of the times they've been neglected or aren't sexually satisfied. They will talk to you if there's something wrong, if you can't act on that, then you are also to blame.
If they don't say anything and cheat anyway, well yeah she's a whore. But then again you are the one dating a whore so what does that say about your chose in women?

>> No.15450018

>Wife and kids makes you a better person which in turn will make you a more productive and happier member of society
Your kids should definitely be skull-fucked to death if not only will they grow up being influenced by a retard who can't grasp a simple premise, but by a retard who also banks his livelihood on the extent to which society gives a vote of confidence to his productivity.

Keep on raising those little bootlickers and asslickers, though. I'll be retired in about 1.5 years with my youth and $800k in the bank with a wife who doesn't care for raising bootlicking retards like you do.

>> No.15450092

You must be proud being able to beat your chest like that.
Such vigor, but on a serious note, I honestly hope you'll be happy when you retire. I can only conclude from your angry responses that you really need some rest, far away at sea is best for people like you.
And I'm happy to hear that you will gladly take those nasty genes out of the pool yourself!
You might hate society and everything in it, but you're still helping us build something better without the likes of you.

>> No.15450128

Random as shit

No point in having kids. Waste of money.

>> No.15450483

Virgin "Being a tool for the survival of your genes" vs Chad "Preserving oneself by simply not dying"

>> No.15450620

The only thing you need in order to eternally BTFO "you owe something to your ancestors" fags is to show them a video of an ape beating their baby against a tree. The ultimate reality is that there is no meaning, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15450636

A kid is the only way you can leave a mark on this world. Strive to be a better man today so you can be a better father tomorrow.

>> No.15450649

Very Based and Extremely Redpilled.

>> No.15450648

>"Preserving oneself by simply not dying"
How exactly would one accomplish this?

>> No.15450767

>but if you are true to yourself and a stable hard working individual who also takes time and puts in effort for his relationship then you will most definitely be on the other side of that 50%.

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15450786

yea, nobody remembers caesar's conquests

>> No.15450801

I'm disabled, with a heritable condition. Still worth it?

>> No.15450811

yes anon if you don't reproduce disabled kids you aren't doing your duty as a MAN and your life has no WORTH

>> No.15450912

I think I'll be ok with fathering an IVF kid

>> No.15450963

Until about the beginning of the 20th century half of kid born would die before reaching adulthood. Some parents would just churn them out simply to work and probably die. Nothing new under the sun.

Ultimately depends on if you truly care about them and the future. They are an extension of your life while ultimately being their own independent beings. Also bigger families are fun and also much more influential. There's a ton more benefits to having kids and making a big family.

>> No.15450989

Millennials not having kids means more immigrants to take care of them when they become old.
You'll become a burden of your country in that case.

Lots of nerds are secretly waiting for robot waifus to happen, including me.
But there's a higher chance that genetic engineering, AGI, life extension, artificial wombs, and robot waifus will not happen in this century.
If that's correct, then not having a family might be your greatest blunder.

>> No.15451033


>> No.15451048
File: 122 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20190901-005619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your most powerful businesses, organizations and tribes are only that powerful because the form big, strong families. Look at say the the Rothschilds, Windsors, Kennedy's, and Waltons for example. Some if these families are incredibly old but still relevant to this day. Them you have one hit wonders like Andrew Carnegie, George Washington, Nikola Tesla and William Shakespeare. Historically important? Yes, but not really relevant/influential to the contemporary world as they could be if they had started a dynasty.
>Screenshot related is something I found that I thought was interesting but doesn't have much to do with families.

>> No.15451059

>Lots of nerds are secretly waiting for robot waifus to happen, including me.
>But there's a higher chance that genetic engineering, AGI, life extension, artificial wombs, and robot waifus will not happen in this century.
>If that's correct, then not having a family might be your greatest blunder.
VR and sex dolls are getting pretty damn good though.

>> No.15451110

pragmatically it is not worth. its almost sure that you gonna put much more time/money into kid than it will bring to you. all you can save on not having children would gave you much better health care and stuff for your elderly living.

BUT there are also non-economical values which cant be measured - there is lots of non-pragmatical reasons for having kids, and some of people dont give a shit about them, but other would love to rise a children even for a big price.

same goes for a wife btw

>> No.15451170

u can make profit if you hide their birth, lock them in your basement and invite rich guys to play with them

>> No.15451444


>> No.15451594


It’s really simple

>> No.15451731

humans will die off within 5 billion years. what then?

>> No.15451988

For a lot of people on this earth it just happens or there is little choice because of social pressure. If you have the luxury of deciding for yourself you can list the pros, cons, risks and requirements and plan it all out. For me it would include a wish to raise a child, stable environment with steady sufficient income, social support and a partner who I trust to be there all the way while supporting me in creating a happy family. Even if all those conditions are met shit can happen and your blessing can turn into a nightmare. Not a single condition has been met for me so it would be a very dangerous gamble.

>> No.15452013

Kids are about building a legacy.

>> No.15452074

your genetics are so great you're likely an autistic incel, yet somehow you have the pride to want to leave as many fucked up offspring as possible because you want to have some fleeting comfort that you will have left something.
how about you fix yourself and invest in being the best parent you can be, which like literally everything else is less possible the more your energy is divided.
incels believing they should pass on their genetics en masse is just hilarious. good thing it takes 2 for that tango until the artificial insemination plants take over, but at least at that point you'll be able to mod out your genes... at which case it won't really be your genetics you're passing on, but you'll find some way to deny it and cope

>> No.15452138


thank you anons, I was losing hope for a minute.
t. father 0f a 11 month old, and yes the last 11 months have given me a reson to hope again.

>> No.15453169

Next to the genes babble and 1488,
Having kids is like buying gold.
It's not really an investment but a hedge.
Get three kids, if the economy collapses they will be the only ones to whipe your 90-year old ass.
Having kids means not having to depend on your ability to purchase such a service or to have a functioning state purchase it for you.

>> No.15453186

if my theoretical kids were anything like me they'd tell me to go fuck myself

>> No.15453199

Learn from your father's mistakes.

>> No.15453209

>Kids are about building a legacy.
That will ultimately die off and that nobody will remember. Great thing to waste your life on.

>> No.15453791

Unbreakable family bond, getting a mini (you) but actually guiding and learning him properly so he'll be an absolute well adjusted alpha, for once in life someone else life is more important than your own well being etc etc.
I don't fucking trust women though, going to grow my wealth, pay off the house and start a business, BEFORE, I marry. Prenups are actually worth it in my cunt (not burger).

>> No.15453923

It would be neat if my ancestors would have cloned themselves, but their genetic sequence is so diluted that their individual genetic contribution is as important as a vote in mass democracy (at best).

>> No.15454023

It's fun and rewarding. And not that hard