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15448540 No.15448540 [Reply] [Original]

>bro just eat bugs LMAO
>It's free protein lol
>Just wage for 80 hours a week lol
>Just live in a fucking van dude, just shower at the gym lolololo

>> No.15448563

those 2 billion people are in third world countries and their other option is dirt soup

>> No.15448569

Literally what's the point in living anymore. SO you're just gonna wageslave but you can't even come back to a comfy meal or a home.

Woah but at least I have the internet

>> No.15448582

why dont we stop feeding and breeding useless, disease ridden africans instead?

>> No.15448584

>Just band together with your friends bro
>Just buy a farm together bro
>Bro, just raise a family the way nature intended
>Just secure the existence of your people, bro

>> No.15448589

you can just imagine them laughing as they suggest this kek

>> No.15448608
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shut the FUCK up

>> No.15448617


Since China is basically colonizing Africa now, why don't they try to implement a one child policy in Africa? They can go full big brother on them as most of the population growth in the world is from africans first a foremost, then pajeets and then changs

>> No.15449373

and now the internet is just people bickering back and forth

>> No.15449392

>eat bugs so we can feed meat and bread to niggers


>> No.15449394

>The aged, prawn-skinned elite of the world get to enjoy juicy stakes
>They recommend eating insects and carrion to everyone else

This is absolute cancer. Armed revolution now.

>> No.15449402

>why don't they try to implement a one child policy in Africa?

If anyone will do it, it will be the based insectoid people of China. They'll have no problem with taking a family's second niggerbaby and executing it in front of them.

>> No.15449418
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>> No.15449505

Why are millenials eating meat instead of bugs?????

>> No.15449521


End all forms of subsidies and let the markets decide what's important.

>> No.15449532
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>> No.15449540

People aren't eating things associated with disease.... AND THAT IS PROBLEMATIC

-t fellow whiteberg

>> No.15449556

this boomer says NO

>> No.15449557

Those subsidies will end no matter what cause of math. Short Africa in a few decades. They will literally face a mass die off

>> No.15449561

The starving poor will eat the rich. Meat prices are rising faster than everything else on purpose. They will force you to eat bugs or be a vegan. Either way a cheeseburger will cost more than $50. How do you fight this? You can't.

>> No.15449566

Maybe for once whitey doesn't have to get blamed for everything. For once, China can deal with the migrant crisis and deal with being calling an evil racist.

Maybe now Whitey can just kick back and focus on their own people and not be the policeman for every third world country

>> No.15449569

Let me know when they'll start serving bugs to U.N. delegates as the only protein option.
> Hint: They won't.

>> No.15449573

>we live in a incorruptible world
>systems have never been taken advantage of
>free market works
Thats not how the world works bucko

>> No.15449575
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Amerisharts will unironically rise up if they can't eat their burger anymore.

>> No.15449596

Will I laugh all the time and find joy like you have if I eat bugs?

>> No.15449614

Reminder to also set your AC temp for 97F at night. We all need to do our part to flight (((climate change))) :^)

>> No.15449615
File: 7 KB, 230x219, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just live in a fucking van dude, just shower at the gym
this is unironically redpilled though

>> No.15449619

china doesnt give a fuck about being called racist

>> No.15449625

nothing redpilled about living like a crackhead

>> No.15449629

>The sheer amount of kneejerking and "b-but" in this thread

You can turn insects into literally anything. Even burgers. Maybe you can even mix it with traditional meat.

>> No.15449663
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>implying any crackhead could afford a ram promaster

>> No.15449688

damn white people eat like THAT?

>> No.15449697

80% of worlds ppl eat then already, also our closest relatives.
What is the big deal pussies?

>> No.15449722

>itt a bunch of racist, incel,
pussies that are scared to eat insects

>> No.15449735

You absolutely can. I mean we won't, and would instantly stop eating anywhere doing so, but you're free to eat as many bugs as you want.

>> No.15449737

oh no how will I ever recover from this one

now go eat some more insects like a good goy

>> No.15449738

But seriously, this

>> No.15449757

And they are based as fuck for that. They better implement a dicatorship surveillance system in Africa.

>> No.15450439

Imagine the sad brainwashed liberal fucks that are going to adopt this practice for "world hunger"

>> No.15450478

How much of a sissy can zoomers get? Who knew they were such tiny bitches screaming and puking all over the place because they see a bug? I guess all their hamburgers really are full of oestrogen

>> No.15450485

I'm going to laugh if some microbe or worm ends up mutating and turning the internal organs of bug eaters into mush.

Honestly, it's not eating bugs that frightens me (assuming that it'd be merely another option alongside meat). It's the fuckery that's going to be involved in raising bugs for mass consumption.

>> No.15450547

Steroid injected GMO centipedes so they produce more "meat"

I wonder what a factory farm for food bugs would look like. One of the layers of hell, I'd imagine

>> No.15450770
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>> No.15450787

Good. They can take the burden of handling third world countries
Amerisharts will tell the difference

>> No.15450794

I knew someone would post this. We're unironically gonna live in a new dark ages where we will have to fight genetically modified animals like giant centipedes and human-animal abominations

>> No.15450799

world hunger????

wait, these cunts at the UN want me to eat fuckin bugs so a buncha sub saharan niglets can eat bugs too?

>> No.15450818

Be reasonable peons, cockroaches have protein and there isn't enough fillet mignon to go around!

>> No.15450841
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>fight genetically modified animals like giant centipedes and human-animal abominations

bring it on

>> No.15450907
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full circle

>> No.15451056

Yes. Like those circumcisions for americans - research on africans with circumcision in ooga-booga village showed that STD rate dropped!!! So you, american, must be circumcised too. Even if you have hygiene, medicine and water.
UN rules are for first-world only.

>> No.15451488
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>> No.15451510

This only applies to goyim

>> No.15451578


ok mate we can't interfere with the breeding program for the white man's replacement. thats literally anti semitic.

btw don't forget to donate to this sick hungry afrishit child :))

>> No.15451668
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>> No.15451677
File: 6 KB, 292x173, F1FF6494-6E9D-4C47-9723-B93C9B53C70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is more nasty than steam, yikes.
I’d move over the ultra io platform instead, that’s the michelin of the gaming industry

>> No.15451691
File: 31 KB, 583x436, dudejusteatthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my part.