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15447820 No.15447820 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, do any teachers browse this board? 28 and going back to school to get my bachelors and am considering getting into teaching. Am a burger

>9 months of work
>loads of holidays off
> pay raises over time
> with the rise of socialist retards they'll call for more funding for education = more teacher salary
>large network of students and parents (I have my real estate license so a potentially massive pool of clients)
>work day ends around 3 or 4, I don't mind doing paperwork at home

> deal with occasional snot nosed kid and helicopter parents
>school shooters
> won't get rich off salary (but I plan on investing a majority of the salary anyway to escape waging)
>retarded admins and government standards

I'm almost 28, hate my current job, am too dumb for STEM fields (I'd probably teach history or something), and feeling pretty lost in life

>> No.15447824

>won't get rich off salary (but I plan on investing a majority of the salary anyway to escape waging)
you will still be working until you're 65 doing this off a teacher's salary lmao

>> No.15447838

Average salary where I live is 60k-70k

>> No.15447855

Dont fucking do it anon. I was a teacher but studying for a masters degree in educational sciences now. Kids are only getting worse and the teachers get blamed. But the true reason is that parents don't have the time for their children anymore because of work and or Media. You will have so much work and the job is very tiring. It's not easy to manage a class full of little shits. There are always 2 or 3 absolute shit heads in each class that need 90% of your attention and trust me anon, I wasn't going easy on them.

>> No.15447856

What do you do? What's a good salary to aim for? I'm not intelligent enough for big brained jobs like programming or high finance or engineering

>> No.15447868

What grade levels? What do you do now?

>> No.15447881

you don't need a big brain to be a programmer, it's just propaganda. There are thousands of small companies out there that will pay you more than a teacher for being a simple code monkey, and honestly it's probably a lot easier than dealing with kids all day. CS is a meme, but it's a meme for a reason (it pays fucking well for the effort you need to put in). You don't have to shoot to work at Google/Microsoft/Facebook.

I mean i've interviewed at companies that didn't ask me a single technical question, just some behavioral shit that anyone could pass, and these had 80k starting salary in the midwest.

>> No.15447890

I was teaching in Luxembourg an we probably have a different class system. I was teaching ages 5-13. Don't think it would get easier after that age. Another problem with the job is that you are always surrounded by fucking kids so you are in someway halted in your own development. It also couldn't have imagined having my own kids while I was teaching.

>> No.15447916

And my recommendation always for people asking me how to get into the CS industry, is enroll in some bullshit online degree, as this enables you to "be a student" and apply for internships.

Once you get your foot in the door for a 4/8-month software engineering internship, the transition to full time is FUCKING EASY. The hardest part is probably finding that first CS internship but it's honestly not that bad. After that you are set for the rest of your career.

>> No.15447919

My bachelors is in business administration (I am bad at any mathematics beyond algebra). Is it possible to get into programming without a degree in CS?

Hadn't considered always being around children stunting personal growth. Did you make decent money?

>> No.15447954

Am I too old? 28 this Friday and absolutely no background in coding or programming.

>> No.15447980

Nah, especially if you did a Master's program no one would bat an eye. I went to school with some 30+ year olds and they were cool.

>> No.15448011

Yeah but I looked up course requirements for bachelors and masters in CS and I wouldn't get past the math requirements.

How math intensive is the field? Can I just learn a language or two, build a portfolio, and try to sell myself to an employer even if I have a bachelors in business administration?

>> No.15448024

Yeah the job is paid really really well in Luxembourg but it still wasn't worth it for me.

>> No.15448050

>> with the rise of socialist retards they'll call for more funding for education = more teacher salary
unironically the funding goes to administration and buildings, not teachers. look at burger universities. administrator salaries are rising and professor salaries are staying the same

>> No.15448071

With a degree in business administration I could teach for a few years and then maneuver towards an administration role

>> No.15448077

that'd be a good play

>> No.15448108

>went to school to be a history teacher
>officer in the army now.

See what happened there. don't be me

>> No.15448149

What's your story, anon?

>> No.15448229
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Just lazy. Started college for Computer Science. didn't study as hard as i needed to. Switched colleges after 3 semesters. History Teacher major. Substitute taught while finishing school.

Always into videogames games and contacted a recruiter online. Got a phonecall and they said they'd pay my college off. Went to meps and aced the asvab. No prior criminal/drug history. No injuries. MEPs pretty much streamlined me through the process when giving shitheads a hard time trying to catch them lying about their history.

Go to basic 1 month later. OCS right after that. Graduate OCS. Field Artillery officer.

Best decision i've ever made in my life. Hardest thing i've ever done physically and mentally.

>> No.15448276

How old are you? You doing 4 years, lifer, what?

>> No.15448382

28. 20 years is the plan

>> No.15448417

Kek I'm about to be 28 and practically feel fucked

>> No.15448783

What do you have going for you? College? Skillset?

>> No.15448803

Have fun dealing with zoomer Tyrese and Jay’Kwon.

>> No.15448900

OP im a 28 year old teacher

i teach 1st graders.

being a man here is actually pretty cool

you get more respect , parents dont chew you out as much as women teachers.

having power over kids is satisfying.

lots of old retired male teachers come back to teach because its not that bad.

dont fuck other women teachers and youre good.

the kids fucking stink, some parents really dont give a shit bout the kids and kind of sad

one kid had a head full of lice was pretty sick desu.

i dont let the kids get to me, but some of the female teachers really should not be around kids

being a male elemtary school teacher is cool

im 5'5'' and really feel like a man here

>> No.15449076

Another pro, basically 4 months off. I'll probably be a teacher by age 25 or 26 cause I fuckd up.

>> No.15449090

Na. In california, they cap WELL over the median wage. My sister had an english teacher making 100k just for having a masters. Tbh they are overpaid in certain areas.

>> No.15449423

going back to college to finish my degree. I've got 8 years experience in insurance and soft skills but no hard skills come to mind.


kek I wouldn't be one until I'm like 30 at least

>> No.15449484

you can get certifications online (coursera or other moocs) or do a bootcamp. it still takes some time to get used to it and understand what's going on, but once you do then it's basically just glorified plumbing. or like being a professional jigsaw puzzle solver. of course there are more challenging jobs too that require you to understand cs theory and have extensive math knowledge, but those are not the types of positions you would go for.

>> No.15449713

finish the degree is probably a good idea. Find a coin that's going to kill it and become rich and dont worry about anything from there on out

>> No.15450774

Do it and drop a fuckton of redpills onto zogged kids
Do the God's work Anon

>> No.15450802

OP I was a high school teacher for like two semesters, did it for free (math, physics and chemistry). I got a big brain for jobs like programming or high finance or engineering, holding two degrees in the later one and other accomplishments in the past two (inb4 larping)

Let me tell ya something, the job itself is very easy if you know your shit and can pretty much autopilot but if you want to be a GOOD teacher that your students remember you for then you're gonna have to work the extra mile. One thing I learned on the job is that all the teachers know when you're bullshitting them in class, copying others and even when you take off your phone and/or whisper during a test. They're just being lenient enough to not give a fuck or help you out.

Oh one last thing, if you're in here for the money just don't do it.

>> No.15450814

>did it for free
Lol fuck off jannie

>> No.15450885

I can spare the time to volunteer a lot of it. I've done so as a chef, zoo guide, at marketing, photographer, painter, babysitter, personal trainer and more among other things. I always wanted to be a teacher so I became one for a while. Volunteering helps me learn more things faster.

>> No.15451117

I feel like high school Math/Physics/Cs teacher would be a comfy career change from dev once I get around 40. how hard is it to get into, do you need teacher certs?

>> No.15451183

Yeah but nothing too special, just a paper or two that say you know what you're teaching. After my time there they offered full employment so my guess is that you should aim to be proficient at what you want to teach, get some credentials like diplomas or certified courseworks and ask around. I did so since an acquaintance of mine was looking to fill a teacher role so jumped at the opportunity.

>> No.15451198

Dealing with black kids is exhausting and you'll never make enough money to feel it's worth it.
>taught 4 years and switched to software development