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File: 89 KB, 1280x720, Why-I-left-my-job-at-Google-as-a-software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15440922 No.15440922 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is proof that making it doesn't make you happy

>> No.15440932

>Silicon valley wagecück fuck
>making it

>> No.15440938

techlead has a peculiar sense of humor. like that guy

>> No.15440941

love tech lead but yeah he has made me think about my goals and the point of anything i'm working for

>> No.15440997

hi techlead, why don't you go back to jewtube or better yet kys

>> No.15441209

this. stop samefagging on 4chan and go make more disgusting instant coffee while being a daddy figure to lost college students

>> No.15441231

Being rich in the Bay Area isn't worth much. If I had his money and experience I would go buy hundreds of acres in the middle of nowhere and consult remotely for millions.

>> No.15441239

>tfw made it
>tfw dream data science job
>tfw power, influence, money
>tfw still actively avoided by all women
>tfw working 70 hours a week

>> No.15441258

Thinking you made it with a date science job lmao. People look down on you, nerd.

>> No.15441274

I don't like this fucker. I think he stopped working because he has an insufferable attitude.

>> No.15441301

You sound jealous fren, granted his life does sound miserable

>> No.15441316

I liked him up until his wife left him and she just sounded like a bitch so why would you marry a girl like that at all. Sounds like he's a typical hardworking asian guy with no sense when it comes to girls so they just use him.

>> No.15441347

I don't know who this is and you didn't post a link. So... why did he leave?

>> No.15441370
File: 23 KB, 400x400, +1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice youtube link you fucking moron faggot son of a bitch part of the fake-news-generation

>> No.15441403

stop shilling your shitty youtube channel retard

>> No.15441440

Something tells me you can’t make it if you’re Asian.

>> No.15441612

This guy is proof that corporations are getting scared of their employees that will potentially whistleblow because of the ethical concerns / power these corporations are able to manipulate humans globally. He was just discharged from Facebook because he’s a YouTube. They asked if he knew anymore tech youtubers. These companies are starting to clear house if you in anyway have a decent size audience. Fuck Silicon Valley

>> No.15442040

all you have to do is work out in free time and don't talk about your job. stop fapping and learn how not to walk talk and act like a nerd. Jesus this shit isn't hard. Getting a good job where you actually make money is the hard part and it seems you got that already.

if you have any doubts look up Alpha Male Strategies on youtube.

>> No.15442194


This, sort of: >>15440932. But, the thing with Silicon Valley, is that if you land a job there in your early 20s, you can legitimately retire at 35.


>tfw power, influence, money

What are you talking about, what power, what influence?


>working 70 hours a week
>having time for anything else

Maybe literally to workout and get 8 hours of sleep.

What people don't understand is that you really do sell your soul for these kinds of jobs.

>> No.15442234

hes just a cog in the machine, dumb enough to document it for an audience. sage your shitty e-drama

>> No.15442271

who started this idea that working at some humongous corporation was some dream job you should ever want to end up in?
seriously, the larger the company, the more likely you are becoming just another brainless monkey doing one job as efficiently as possible

>> No.15442346

Shut it, boomer

>> No.15442379

Don't know who that is, but it's only supposed to give you a shot. You'll never be happy as a wagebitch unless you are a non-sapient NPC.

>> No.15442398

insectoids have no feelings anyway

>> No.15442413

you liked him when he was bragging about how boring it was to have a life better than everyone else because he was smarter and richer than everyone else? let me tell you the absolute SHOCK I experienced when it was revealed that his wife chose him because he was easy exit scam material. here I thought this low energy, directionless showoff was exactly what women wanted in a long term partner. what went wrong?

>> No.15442428

making it doesnt make you happy if you try to supplicate women with money like he does

>> No.15442438

I thought "making it" was finding true happiness in life.

>> No.15442444


>what went wrong?

His wife saw what others were doing in regards to their money, spending it frivolously, but he wouldn't engage in it.

So she divorced him to take half of his money and get child support for 15 years.

>> No.15442480

I feel bad for him. But at least he has +$500k/yr earning potential plus other revenue streams.

>> No.15442487

Many people think working for a well-known company automatically means it a good job.

>> No.15442504


He has time to reestablish himself, but honestly he should move to Asia.

>> No.15442511

>if money doesnt buy you happiness you dont know where to shop

>> No.15442534

it's commie af, isn't it

>> No.15442654


It's the obsession with materialism to the abandonment of the soul.

Ask yourself why a millionaire would kill themselves, unrelated to wealth.

>> No.15442679

She birthed his spawn so doesn't matter

>> No.15442783


>who started this idea that working at some humongous corporation was some dream job you should ever want to end up in?

Netflix pays $400,000. That's about 8 times what most of us make wagecucking with a college degree.

More than 8x what I make ;(

>> No.15442818

profit maximization. she's set for life.

>> No.15443071

lost his wife, job, family, JUST. time for some coke and hookers

>> No.15443082

fpbp, op and californians eternally btfo and /thread

>> No.15443102

Attractive people don't have to work out.

>> No.15443489


>wagecucking at google
>making it


>> No.15444442

stop shilling your shitty channel here

>> No.15444721

Hey OP, all of us know you're the techlead. I follow every video and I also follow you on Instagram.

I think you were fired for coming out as MGTOW. There's a leftist war going on right now.

Besides that I wish you the best. You're an inspiration for us all.

P.s. live a little. Being humble and reserved is the way you were conditioned by this society. Show men out there that you really have made it. Make everyone see that your path is one worth following. Maybe even workout and get a hot girlfriend.

>> No.15444745

the problem is, to get your foot in the door with FAANG you have to be a mentally ill nihilist
which implies a constant run at full speed towards satisfaction that eludes you
well-adjusted people would live in bliss with $1MM, techfags will reach $4MM and feel unfulfilled

>> No.15444891


>fell for the silicon valley tech meme
>fell for the California meme
>fell for the marriage meme

Making it did make him happier, he just made retarded decisions along the way.

>> No.15444955


He didn't made it, he actually lost a lot of money trading stocks

>> No.15444973

in his fired from facebook video he said he made 500k a year (but 80 hour work weeks yikes)
you can most definitely retire in a decade of wagecucking like that but it sounds so tiresome. He really doesn't seem very happy.

he didn't lose a lot in the grand scheme of things, I kind of forgot but I think it was around 100k? It's a lot of money but he's a high earner.

>> No.15444986


>he thinks its about money

The sting of not being able to trade will never leave you off

>> No.15445000

Fair point.

I feel a bit defensive about techlead since he's a good guy, and gives decent info (as long as you're not dumb enough to actually give him money)

>> No.15445457

This is the hardest pill to swallow

>> No.15446340

Bingo! This dude is clearly impossible to work with because of his monumental amount of arrogance

>> No.15446368 [DELETED] 

She kidnapped their child and took him overseas. Not only is that illegal but it likely also means that child support will not be enforced. Idk about California divorce law but in NY this wouldn't hold up. He can afford way better lawyers than she can too.

>> No.15446372

>power influence money
You must be joking

>> No.15446408
File: 9 KB, 200x267, 1441283182957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alpha Male Strategies
Yeah that's definitely gonna get you laid lmao. Chad who fucked a double digit number of women by 20 definitely saw that video when he was 12, he also worked out since childhood
Wait, he didn't he was partying like crazy and ended up with a beer belly and still kept getting laid kill yourself