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File: 380 KB, 599x337, waifuvidt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15438728 No.15438728 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally the only guaranteed 10x in the market at this point. You couldn't ask for a better usecase or team, not to mention it's an actual product generating real revenue. If you don't at least have a suicide stack at these prices you deserve to be poor.

>> No.15439001
File: 21 KB, 322x300, 1492309611805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you faggots still trying. If you honestly think about the project for 30 minutes and realize the token does fuck all for the "investors" then you really can save your money by avoiding this pajeet scam.

>> No.15439100
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1561212162543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be tradable for company shares next year, it does far more for the investors than most tokens do. Of course you would know this if you actually did 30 minutes of research.

>> No.15439695

Company shares of a company that is literally worthless. Also...nice -80% you faggots.

>> No.15439705

Don't use my waifu to advertise scams you fuckers. Erio a cutie.

>> No.15439731

Let them buy high/sell low. They'll provide liquidity for our exit.

>> No.15439908

>Let them buy high/sell low. They'll provide liquidity for our exitscam

>> No.15439963

Absolutely delusional. This is one of the best usecases in crpto with potential in both the financial and healthcare industries as well as any company that has issues with document fraud (a billion dollar problem). Oh yea its already got a boomer-friendly app so any retard can use it. Look I get it, you bought the top and you're trying to make yourself feel better after selling at a loss, but if you let your pride and emotions get in the way of a solid investment then you're a fool and you shouldn't be in crypto in the first place.

>> No.15439975

Don't get sucked into this PnD again anons

>> No.15440020
File: 262 KB, 429x293, 1560173975906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) The delusion is on your side thinking that this is "THE BEST USECASE IN CRYPTO" (Just off yourselves just for that comment)
2) There were several such coins in crypto who all failed miserably ('member PO.ET, newfag?)
3) Boomer friendly doesnt mean jack shit
4)I have never bought this worthless coin which smelled like curry from the very beginning
5) Did I already mention to end your worthless life, Rakeesh? The time is now!

>> No.15440055


>> No.15440099


>> No.15440230

If you care so much you should ring up Airbus and Amspec yourself to tell them the company that handles their private document validations are really just a bunch of scamming pajeets. Also buy some Harmony while you're at it.

>> No.15440323

The token BUYERS get scammed, not the actual users of this service you fucking airheaded nigger.
Btw nice drop of trading volume. Absolutly healthy and natural HAHAHA.
>Muh airbus and Amspec

Go look at iExec. IBM didnt saved the token.
There are countless fucking examples of this. Big names are only there to hype up brainlets like you.

>> No.15440372

hahahaha dumped on you at 50 cents hahahahaha enjoy the journey to breakeven

>> No.15440445

>more seething
The idex wallet has shrunk 20% in the past month. anyone with half a brain is hodling for the exchange listing. Please tell me ranjeep, How are the token holders getting scammed when we will be able to trade for actual shares in the company?

>> No.15440448

imagine not buying tezos

>> No.15440471
File: 25 KB, 320x482, 1517269579098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger going full circle saying "muh company shares".
You are not fooling anyone who hasnt bought LINK, faggot.
This exchange listing should've had happend some weeks ago HAHAHAHA
Last (You) + saged

>> No.15440517
File: 174 KB, 1109x625, 1562025215768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q3 top exchange listing
>should've had happend some weeks ago
You're a complete retard lad, at this point you're just pulling shit out of your ass and acting like a child, just to FUD some micro cap you've apparently never even owned. It's about time you've removed yourself from my thread, enjoy being a wageslave :)

>> No.15440575
File: 58 KB, 410x410, 1564942140269 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15440580

You absolute negros are always talking about "N- new exchange is next week ,anons" in your gay ass threads, so shut your filthy mouth you filthy liar.
Nice how you are not talking about the -80% you pajeets did in not even 2 full months.
(That was def the last (You))

>> No.15440677
File: 324 KB, 802x802, 1562694231338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You absolute negros
>shut your filthy mouth you filthy liar.
You need to be 18 to post here kiddo, I'd provide screenshots from the telegram but I'm not bothered at this point. Please go be poor somewhere else, oh and don't forget to FOMO at the top so I can dump my bags on you :)

>> No.15441397

V-ID will be revolutionary.