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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15437581 No.15437581 [Reply] [Original]

>after 100 resumes sent I got an interview

what do bros?

>> No.15437623

Take dance lessons

>> No.15437629

Research what the company does and make it sound like you know what you're talking about

>> No.15437637

Show up 10 minutes late so you don't look desperate

>> No.15437646
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Firm handshake
Look them in the eye
I believe in you fren

>> No.15437717
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir

>> No.15437746 [DELETED] 

turn it into a conversation (them asking a question or two followed by you asking one or two) so they arent needling you in your worst spots. most interviewees dont do this. they'll be impressed by your go-getter attitude.

write the questions down for reference. if you forget some, say "hmm, i cant think of anything else, but i have my questiona written down right here, mind if i look them over?" i've never gotten a bad reaction to that.

some questions:
"what are your goals for this year? ...top priorities?"
"whats your favorite part of working here? ...least fav?" <- only if your interviewer actually works for the firm
"what attributes should someone have to be really successful in the position?"
"whats the hardest part about the position?"
"how would i be trained?"
"what are your performance expectations for me/what metrics would i be assessed on?"

also look up the company ahead of time, see how long they've been established, who your boss is, etc. can give you new questions to ask.

>> No.15437761

turn it into a conversation (them asking a question or two followed by you asking one or two) so they arent needling you in your worst spots. most interviewees dont do this. they'll be impressed by your go-getter bloomer attitude.

write the questions down for reference. if you forget some, say "hmm, i cant think of anything else, but i have my questions written down right here, mind if i look them over?" i've never gotten a bad reaction to that.

some questions:
"what are your goals for this year? ...top priorities?"
"whats your favorite part of working here? ...least fav?" <- only if your interviewer actually works for the firm
"what attributes should someone have to be really successful in the position?"
"whats the hardest part about the position?"
"how would i be trained?"
"what are your performance expectations for me/what metrics would i be assessed on?"

also look up the company ahead of time, see how long they've been established, who your boss is, etc. can give you new questions to ask.

>> No.15437816

Don't get fucked up the day before, have your clothes ready the day before, be on time, and be happy, and remember to research the company and act like you actually give a shit about it.
Even if you want to just die.
Then you'll become a successful wagie!

>> No.15437886

thanks based professional wagie anon

>> No.15437941
File: 72 KB, 1063x948, D4A54303-854D-436A-A0B1-01DC4439B75E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy kneepads

>> No.15437996
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get some tendies.

>> No.15438220

Take a giant shit into the office space just before entering the interview room. This will command respect and dominance. Then start the interview by passing them a note with amount of dollars you want to get for your wage. Don't be shy, this is your chance to show who REALLY is boss.