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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15434697 No.15434697 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15434713

"I told you" should be a ban.

>> No.15434730
File: 783 KB, 1202x1094, Fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to quit but I'm so addicted to the fast gains of 2017 I unironically can't. Here's hoping this hurricane solves that problem. Just make it quck, dear Dorian.

>> No.15434736
File: 133 KB, 562x472, 1565740787591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT'S RETARDED! We're here for the tech!

>> No.15434746

bagholder cope responses should be a ban. bulls are pathetic

>> No.15434769

Based. Good luck brother.

t. Palm City cuck

>> No.15434796
File: 242 KB, 1016x1189, 1561124533203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up loser

>> No.15434807

There are very simple ways to make 100% unarguable records of your calls. None of these dumb faggots ever do any of them, for obvious reasons.

>> No.15434808

I dont care.
Not having atleast 1-3% of your net wealth exposed to BTC in 2019 is irresponsible

>> No.15434857

Thank god someone else gets it, i cashed out 2 months ago and even though i lost half my money, i couldnt be happier to be out and investing my money in real assets. If you ask any normie about crypto their response is usually laughter, followed by talking about it being a scam

>> No.15434916

>even though i lost half my money
Oh OK anon if I ever want financial advice from someone who lost half their savings I know where to find you

>> No.15434925

Hype can return even stronger if BTC reaches 20k again and breaks it.

Because everyone and their mom knows BTC has "died" multiple times only to return stronger because everyone keeps telling this story.

And based on the dotcom bubble and the 2008 housing bubble, both of which popped at $8-10T marketcap, we know normies have enough money to bring bubbles that high before popping. For crypto, that's a good x40 from now.

Hype will only die when the "halving theory" fails, and there is no pump even a year after the next halving. Anything before that is not decisive.

>> No.15435226

You're right about btc, good thing I'm in ethereum.
There's going to be a smart contract bubble 100%

>> No.15435373

Fucking lol. That was the last bubble dip shit. Major reason bitcoin pumped was because of the ethereum bubble. ETH in ~2020 is the litecoin of 2017. It'll pump again but it will underperform. There will still be loads of delusional tards like you.

>> No.15435386

don't care
buying the dip

>> No.15435447

Shut up faggot!

>> No.15435647

>not a based phonepost screenshot that is easy to read

no thanks gramps lmfao

>> No.15435704


>> No.15435710

I’m here for financial freedom
or anarchy if you want

>> No.15435713

>solves no problems
so fucking clearly retarded.

>> No.15435733

that faggot is right especially about bitcoin since this shit is garbage.

However we might not see a hype but we might see a real world usecase with certain coins and noone will talk about it but it will be used therefore price will go up

>> No.15435744

you're so stupid. BTC is the only one with real value. No one outside of us nerds cares about other cryptos. They all piggyback on BTC price anyway, BTC price has to go up for other cryptos to go up

>> No.15435745

If you can explain how BTC is any more of a bubble, ponzi, scam, than literally any other major asset or commodity (bar water and food) then I will dump my 21 BTC.

>> No.15435751

currencies don't go up in value you idiots.They get spent. Keep spending your crypto. BTC goes up because holders hold. You idiots need 5 times the hype, at best, for your cryptos to moon.

Supply and demand you dumbfucks. BTC's value comes from the currencies around the world experiencing massive inflation.

You guys are pretty dense to not figure this shit out

>> No.15435760

math is a bubble to these idiots. BTC has billions of dollars in companies mining, selling, teaching,and working around it. It's a network that we haven't seen anything like since the internet started. These idiots can't conceptualize outside of TX time and fee

>> No.15435774

are people actually going to use BTC in daily transactions?

they won't, cos the tech sucks

i think the only crypto that will eventually become viable has to actually be private and fungable like cash, scaleable and efficient

>> No.15435777

alt season confirmed

>> No.15435788

Btc will just be a big highly liquid escrow layer for smart contracts as the tokens will be able to be locked in a smart contract unlike an oracle connected bank account, where you could go empty the account at a branch if you wanted.

If smart contracts have a future, btc will too. But no, not as muh global currency

>> No.15435875

>3 transactions per second
>highly liquid


>> No.15435912

>are people actually going to use BTC in daily transactions?

>they won't, cos the tech sucks
They won't because only idiots spend BTC. Could you imagine spending BTC and 10 years from now you have to explain why? Fast TX times is high inflation of blocks, bigger supply.
BTC's value lies in it's security.
We all have our favorite millennial nerds creating cryptos but do you think these have any history or reason to trust them with anything important? What if Vitalik decides to drop acid and move to the caves? You can't put anything in one project because anything can happen in life. BTC spreads it's risk, yeah it's slow to scale and doesn't upgrade on-chain often. Good. I don't trust anyone and I've seen enough of these coins blow mainnet launches to know people make mistakes in crypto too. ETH and the DAO is hard for us to forget, if you were here then.
It's early no need to rush shit, let inflation lower for a few years to sub fiat levels and see where we are at.
BTC is a weapon against inflation first and don't ever forget it. Central banks pump bitcoin

>> No.15435917


>> No.15435927

>unironically celebrating the """crash""" to 9k

It's amazing that bears and nocoiners are so consistent with their mental retardation.

>> No.15435931

The maximalist worldview is dependent on completely ignoring Monero or even the fact that something like Monero could exist. Bitcoin is a ponzi at this point.

>> No.15435943

im starting to come around to this kind of thinking, though i do think it has one more big run in it after the halving. then im out

>> No.15435945


>> No.15435957

I love XMR but it's only a small section of BTC's use cases. Anon, dark web money is great. Problem with XMR is less people know about and buy it and the supply is bigger than BTC without an end, ever. XMR is anon and BTC is transparent. For investors transparency is key and we see the mood and moves of the BTC whales and holders. XMR is secretive to a fault and not as secure because of it. Inflation is hard to track. Both have flaws and strengths different from each and they both can exist.
BTC will likely always have a higher price because of supply and demand. Nerd money isn't in demand yet, sorry

>> No.15435964

I would argue crypto is more useful in 3rd world countries than the west. There are still a lot of people that dont know what crypto is, and the main purpose of it is not to be a means of payment, its to protect your money from the government

>> No.15435985

Bitcoin is the better ponzi while Monero is the better money. I predict exponential increase in demand for nerd money. I also think the ponzi still had plenty of life in it though.

>> No.15435989

No business is going to use 100% collateralization for their contracts, that whole idea is a non-starter.

>> No.15436015

Already have a legitimate career and fucking stacys. Unironically only invested what I could afford to lose. Still up.

Come at me faggot OP

>> No.15436020

Except that 2017 hype didn't penetrate the market very much. Many people heard about it, few bought. Few got burned.
Next peak more will get burned. They won't learn much.
Peak after that even more. They also won't learn much.
The point is that before Bitcoin can reach global and usurp existing systems you need astronomical levels of hype. We haven't seen 1/10th of what is necessary for global adoption.
Talking about BSV of course, though BTC will have at least one more hyperbolic run up before it falters.

>> No.15436036

>dotcom bubble was hype
>90% of tech died
>some companies like Apple and Amazon touching 1T mktcp
>bbbbut muh hype
Hype comes back when the price gets back to ath and starts surpassing it again. We're only half way there faggot.

>> No.15436051

>and fuckign Stacies every day
Opinion discarded, seethe more incel

>> No.15436264

>it solves no problems
Oh, he still doesn't know

>> No.15436284

imagine being this fucking deluded
how many wallets does BTC have with more than 1k usd value on it?
you don't know, right?
just like you don't know how many users do we have lmao

another manlet brainlet thread about nocoiner coping LARPing as a shorter

>> No.15436388

Didn't the creator of monero say that it wasn't meant to be a store of value, just a way to anonymously transfer value?
I always figured that the use case would be
bitcoin -> monero -> anonymous transactions > monero -> bitcoin
where the net effect is a transfer of bitcoin from one person to another, only much more anonymous.

>> No.15436470

Realistically he doesn't want to offend bitcoiners. It makes no sense to ever not use monero.

>> No.15436503

Sourcing an opinion of another anon.
Super informative.