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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 400x400, vidt-chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15434539 No.15434539 [Reply] [Original]

So, anyone with half a brain knows that this is the "re-accumulation" phase and that 2020 is going to bring ATHs for every coin a la 2017. In other words, the next few weeks = last chance to fill up your bags for cheap before the rocket-ship leaves without you. So, during this precious "clearance" sale, I offer you the following food for thought:

>Dev team filled with minorities and beta nu-male lib-cucks
>"Use case" is literally a fucking fairy-tale fueled by nothing but baseless speculation
>Fucking massive supply

>All white master race Chad dev team
>Most concrete use case in crypto - already making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in revenue
>Scarce as fuck


Keep hoping and praying that RSR will magically replace global currencies, retards. If that sort of thing ever happens, you can bet your fucking cock it will be an already top 50 coin that does it. Not this cuckold piece of shit. Meanwhile, VIDT is a proper fucking BUSINESS with real clients and is not hinging upon fairy tale wishes...

>> No.15434549

token not needed

>> No.15434568

you are one fucking fake news faggot and i hope u kys when VIDT exit scams

>> No.15434595
File: 10 KB, 292x172, VIDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stupidest FUD I have ever heard. Can you break this down for me, Pajeetster? Define need. Let's not fucking kid ourselves. Almost NO token is truly needed. Crypto is a glorified stock market, and people will buy the token of a successful company. If Google came out with a Google-token that did absolutely nothing, do you think people would not buy it because the token is not needed? Fuck no. People would buy up as much as they fucking can because it's made by an extremely successful company. These tokens are seen mostly as avatars of companies, you brainlet. Only autists demand 1-to-1 utility within the project. Don't be obtuse.


Any real arguments??

>> No.15434609

Found the RSR-bag holder. Keep waiting for your nigger cuckold coin to replace national currencies...bAHAHAHAHAhahahahAHHAHa I cant even type that with a straight face. FAGGOT.

>> No.15434752

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.15434797

See you at $35 frens

>> No.15434880

Token not needed. There is no staking and there is no reason to hold VIDT.

Business wants files verified.
V-ID says that will be 12 Chuck E Cheese tokens or $1.55.
Business pays $1.55 to V-ID.
V-ID takes Chuck E Cheese tokens from their inventory, does the file verification and burns about 3 of those tokens from their inventory.
V-ID hops on IDEX and buys 1 VIDT from you and other anons.

What is the UTILITY of this token for you, anon? Why would hold 10,000 VIDT? Just holding it in case V-ID comes on IDEX and buys it off of you? Is that the utility right now?

>> No.15435014

> Why would hold 10,000 VIDT? Just holding it in case V-ID comes on IDEX and buys it off of you? Is that the utility right now?

yes, and maybe exchange them for company shares depending how many % of the company they will sell

>> No.15435040

What stops V-ID from outright not buying tokens on IDEX anymore?

>> No.15435044

What stops V-ID from abandonning the IDEX buybacks? If tomorrow, the company decides to stop buying tokens, what would stop them?

>> No.15435070

I'm not sure but I don't think it's legal.
They will hold an AMA "soon" anyway, so I'll ask this question and some others

>> No.15435072

I'm not sure but I don't think it's legal.
They will hold an AMA "soon" anyway, so I'll ask this question and some others

>> No.15435146

vidt fags have been desperately shilling their bags for months now while it just bleeds. OP is either trying to drum up buy support to dump into, or he wants you to join his misery. this is a dead pnd coin though. fucking useless shit.

>> No.15435149


>> No.15435196

VIDT is most undervalued crypto kek at the fud.

>> No.15435198


>> No.15435422

Burgers can't trade this on IDEX anymore

>> No.15435454

Theres beaxy