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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15432930 No.15432930 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so:

1. diagnosed autist
2. no formal job experience
3. not skilled
4. social anxiety

What are the chances that I will get a job?

>> No.15432951

are all autists gay? i read about gautists and it seems to be a pattern

>> No.15432961

have sex first

>> No.15432970

>diagnosed autist
autism isnt real
>no formal job experience
get a job
>not skilled
get a simple job
>social anxiety
exposure therapy, get the fuck over yourself, no one cares about you so why care about their opinions?

>> No.15432975

More details op. We can give better.advice

>> No.15433038

Anyone with a mental illness usually isn't heterosexual but I can tell you I'm not a homo.

That doesn't matter to me now.


Ok, 5 years no formal job experience since graduating highschool, failed everything going to community college, failed doing a trade, and I generally fail everything or when I complete something it's sub-optimal. Am I just shit at life, /biz/?

>> No.15433054

Time to flip some burgers

>> No.15433064

Anything else but that, anything

>> No.15433078

>the hard truth is a meme
if you insist, im the only one here who wont baby you

>> No.15433099

Is it the hard truth? That's only your opinion. Until you can back up what you say I will only view it as an opinion.

It's obvious I can't /make it/ normally.

>> No.15433112

Where do you live?
If it's somewhat close to some urban area in a developed nation, you can get a wide variety of jobs with no experience.
In your case, I'd get one sooner than later. If the economy tanks, getting a job in your shoes will be considerably tougher.

>> No.15433151

I live in a southern state within the US of A, in a city. I have applied to them but I'm not getting any bites. I don't have a resume or a cover letter because quite frankly there's nothing there to put.

>> No.15433217

exposure therapy is legitimately the only method psychologists have found in the last 70 years that helps people get over phobias and external sources of anxieties.
also, autism isnt real, in the slightest, you are just socially malconditioned, the only way to fix it is, again, exposure. that and learning about people. seriously if your IQ is above 80 than you can do it just fine if you arent lazy, but, then again, you are undoubtedly lazy or rather fearful of failure so you dont try. but that mindset is exactly what got you into this mess to begin with.
as far as the experience goes, dont be picky. literally, get over yourself. you arent special, you arent important, you arent the protagonist of some fantasy where things will just magically change for you on their own.
the whole universe operates on cause and effect, look at the effects in your life, identify what is causing them, and change the causes.
>im autist
you are just telling yourself that as a cope. you think zuckerberg isnt an autist? you think vin diesal isnt an autist? you think isaac newton wasnt an autist? you think nicki minaj isnt an autist? everyone has the fucking tism about one thing or another, figure out how to make your work for you.
>i dont know how
so start trying different things. identify what you are good at and work with it in whatever way you can. literally what do you have to lose? your valuable time farting around on the internet with your cock in your tweezers?

>> No.15433295

Ok fine, this might be true, but nobody will hire someone with a 5 year experience gap.

>> No.15433313

If you were in PA, I could help you. There's at least 3 places I used to work that would take you in a heartbeat.
Your application won't get you very far unless you do some talking.
I guarantee you that at least one store in a shopping area around your house has help wanted signs up. Go in, talk to whoever's at the desk, and tell them you don't have experience but you want to work. Unless the job requires years of specialized training, they'll probably give it to you. It's a two way street and they need someone. If you just show up on time when you're scheduled, you'll be doing them a huge favor.
Otherwise, you could go on Indeed or craigslist, type in your zip code, limit the search to within a 2 mile radius, and sort by new. That will show you a lot of the bigger companies hiring around you. Going into say, the bank, and talking to them will again drastically help your situation.
>t. had to figure all this out in 2009 when the economy was in the gutter and you had to compete with laid off engineers to get a job at Dunkin Donuts

>> No.15433354

sure they will. but you have to be willing to bust your ass. legitimately most construction foremen will hire people right off the street. or a retail store will hire people for shelving/stocking. lowes and home depot come to mind. cashiers are also always in demand. theres a damn panda express in the same plaza my spa is, they have had a Now Hiring sign in the window for a month, advertising $12/hour for cashiers. i would have cut a finger off for something like that a few years ago before my busniess finally got out of the red.

>> No.15433356

I'll see what I can do but I only have a week to do this before I'm kicked out once again.

>> No.15433381

Ok thanks for the advice

>> No.15433392

banks are also a good one. i got hired as a teller out of highschool in 08 at my local chase. its just counting and basic equipment handling, which they gave me paid training for. of course this was full time and i had to be there on time and look decent, but thats honestly the smallest of hurdles. hell, you dont even need to be nice to be a teller, just professional and quick.

>> No.15433393

Kicked out?
If you can't be a chooser, McDonalds or whatever grocery chain/convenience store is big down there would hire you by tomorrow.

>> No.15433508

You're fucked. You might need to kys.

>> No.15433516


>> No.15433616

why? you're working with your hands, making something. it will be good practice for your whole list, including normie smalltalk with your coworkers

>> No.15433812
File: 111 KB, 518x621, CF3C28C1EA0342B984B8A04F583F5B35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of autists are unemployed