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File: 103 KB, 1024x680, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15432573 No.15432573 [Reply] [Original]

>he's not on social media

>> No.15432586

What an ugly fucking face
I wouldn't even put my penis on that face

>> No.15432589
File: 393 KB, 449x401, 1518523656491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a Zoomer

>> No.15432598

social media is for cucks

>> No.15432609

>I cant brag about him to my friends who will stalk his profile jealousy plotting to take him when we breakup

>> No.15432661

Thots find it mysterious and interesting when I say I am not social media. Like everything else in life, if you're attractive, it's unique, if you're not, it's creepy.

>> No.15432678

I would. What's wrong with you faggot?

>> No.15432683
File: 187 KB, 600x753, moses-breaking-the-tablets-of-the-law-gustave-dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's on social media

>> No.15432712

Exactly. I don’t use the retard sites and I still get laid. Women don’t even ask me this - why is this a problem for guys

>> No.15432724

totally the opposite. when are you guys gonna learn? react with disdain to everything a normie bitch might like. act completely bored and unimpressed (not like its an act desu)
"social media? the fuck do i want that for? I meet people in real life, social media is for kids and wannabee pornstars"
nothing gets females feeble minds in a knot like NOT kissing their ass and worshipping their feet, i thought this was common knowledge

>> No.15432749


>> No.15432785

>(((social media)))

>> No.15432888

I deleted all my social media and I am feeling such a relief.

>> No.15432942

Based and patrol pilled

>> No.15432964


>> No.15432984

The social media today is ignorant and downright sucking the life out of humans. It wasn't like this when YouTube first launched. Everything went to shit after Obama was elected.

>> No.15432996

I have Instagram because I'm not a ugly man child incel only

>> No.15433009

4chan is the only social media one needs. Keep spreading those cheeks for likes though

>> No.15433011

NPC cope

>> No.15433139

whats this porn called

>> No.15433150


>> No.15433275

>no stalking social media for any hints at stock opinions and info
shiggy also buy bitcoin

>> No.15433353

The Smith-Mundt act made it illegal to commit propaganda on US citizens. Obama removed that act with (((bipartisan))) support, that's when social media was suddenly about demanding people partake in bullshit movements and all think the same way

>> No.15433411


>> No.15433521
File: 63 KB, 750x748, 2dwveloyf6e11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he's not on social media
> my beta bf who smuggy posts on 4chan won't have any way of finding out who this Chad is
> im going to go suck his dick on the reg while beta bf posts about chaining or whatever
> he's so mysterious like a sexy shadow who leaves no trace on the internet

>> No.15433867
File: 143 KB, 1024x1024, bY8idgfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social media is ripping society apart

>> No.15433879

anyone looking for some real relief from depression/anxiety, deleting all social media is most titillating redpill you never knew you needed.

The boomers are a about a year away from migrating from Facebook to the others anyhow.

>> No.15433905

- there are 10/10 women in body, mind and soul
- none of them are on social media or dating apps
- most of you would have a chance with them if you tried
- you are where you are because of your own choices

>> No.15433917

That is so my look when i see people who think coins are stupid, so be smart and invest in coins

>> No.15433922

just know, you're here forever.

>> No.15433927

where they at tho

>> No.15433930
File: 99 KB, 487x530, 1507408560575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sue me

>> No.15433960

Women are on social media to be praised, men are on social media to get laid. He is most likely a faggot

>> No.15433964

If you have social skills and be subtle about things you could easily get laid telling thots you browse anonymous image boards

>> No.15433979


everywhere especially small towns, don't go to big cities where everyone is fake as fuck (like LA for example)

avoid clubs and bars as well

>> No.15433992

Just use Facebook like everyone else.
What's wrong with Facebook? ;D

>> No.15433995

>he's on social media

>> No.15434044
File: 41 KB, 447x348, 39uwfeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social media is an awful cancer which would be beneficial for us all to get away from, if not for the fact that it is a hugely effective mind control device. so who is going to control the minds, is it going to be us, or is it going to be (them)? that's why you can't just forget about social media, nobody else is going to, and if we dont have input into the content then the content and influence will be monopolised by people who will make it worse than it would be if we were using it as well

so it's a lose lose situation, but we have to keep suffering under it, because the alternative is political extremists running roughshod over our language, our politics, our culture, and our lives, and our history, and our minds, so keep using social media, if we all stop then we forfeigt the information war which make no mistake about it is exactly what we are embroiled in right now and honestly we are doing a great job of holding our line against these cunts

>> No.15434056

Trips of truth. Did the same.

>> No.15434065

Applies to any interaction with women. If you’re good looking it’s cute and flirty or exotic, if you’re ugly its creepy.

>> No.15434074

>this guy is a ghost, what is he hiding

>> No.15434095
File: 14 KB, 236x252, bohemian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not on social media

>> No.15434101

that's what's happening

>> No.15434120
File: 22 KB, 480x387, 17B3376F-EDF6-4322-BC46-79BA2A0F35D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This for the love of god

>> No.15434381

it's true
they are like superheroines, only better
With them around it's like living in NERD ALERT Star Trek tng-ds9-voy

>> No.15434638

all you beta cuck little faggots ITT
the way i tell women i dont use social media is like this: "im not some attention seeking faggot who needs social approval from total strangers online so therefore i dont use normie social media, bitch."
and ive fucked more than 100 women at this point.

stay assmad u non-based little sissy bois

>> No.15434689
File: 88 KB, 691x653, 1533744481517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deleted my social media
>Can't delete 4chan

>> No.15434745

>tips edgelord fedora

>> No.15434891


>> No.15434900
File: 55 KB, 450x437, 96BDF347-3DFF-4811-A86A-64AEA09F0F2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15434962

> auto filter for mongoloids
thank me later

>> No.15435129

Am I the only one who just uses facebook to talk to close friends and look at some amusing images? I barely see any posts from other people these days.

>> No.15435205

Girls think i'm mysterious because I dont have social media and I have gotten laid many times as a result

>> No.15435247

social media probably functions occasionally tho.
unlike this shit hole
>and they said two nukes was too many

>> No.15435405


this only works if you are above average to good looking otherwise you are "creepy"

>> No.15435411

this only works if you are above average to good looking otherwise you are "creepy"

>> No.15435505

Where do you guys meet gurls? I find it hard to believe anyones fucked 100 girls. I dont even know 100 girls. Please explain people

-t. Incel since I graduated

>> No.15435525


literally go outside and do anything

otherwise find one girl and marry since 99% of females aren't attractive

>> No.15435537

Do you have a tfw no postan on kike media since 2010?

>> No.15435586

I deleted my faceberg

should have never gotten one

>> No.15435599

Nigger nigger test test

>> No.15435605

social media is just a ploy to gathern and exploit data on a population

>> No.15435609


>> No.15435624


>> No.15435633


>> No.15435651

that doesnt happen irl femcel

>> No.15435680

People at work have asked for my instagram but I'm too scared to give it to them because I have no followers at the moment and I think that would make me look weird. Can I like inflate my followers to make myself look like a normie?

>> No.15435684


>> No.15435701

imagine being this much of a normie lmao
why do you even care about that shit bro

>> No.15436241
File: 44 KB, 468x514, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
