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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 1474x582, Schermafbeelding 2019-08-29 om 19.29.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15432058 No.15432058 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth going all in now?

>> No.15432543

Pretty much yes.
I bought 30K vidt at an average cost for or 28¢...I refuse to sell until $30 per vidt. In fact, I am thinking of buying another 20K now at these steal prices

>> No.15432948

ur just fucked bud

>> No.15432965

Quant makes this useless lol

>> No.15432967

Man I'm glad I got out of this biz PnD quickly. Should have never been suckered into it.

>> No.15432987
File: 19 KB, 362x259, 1518816967943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muuuh buy my scam bags, please

>> No.15432991

very nice vidt marine
we're going to make it, 1k eoy!!!

>> No.15433026

>team of white chads that actually delivers beyond the roadmap
>legitimate and consistent revenue
>multiple projects going behind closed doors to be unleashed, several this year
>tier 1 exchange coming this quarter
keep thinking it's a scam anon, you will regret it

>> No.15433061

You’re fud is curry nothing you say technical in any respect. Your only investments should be sure things not bets.

>> No.15433209
File: 172 KB, 600x600, verified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Customers buy a SUBSCRIPTION plan, where they get 100 file verification for free for $55 or 300 verifications for $165 a month. Anything above this free monthly allotment costs $2.26 to $1.55, respectively. If you buy an enterprise level subscription plan, these prices are significantly less and adjusted by volume.

Therefore, the maximum amount of dollars a file verification could cost for V-ID would have to be less than $1.55. Except for $55 you get 100 file verifications, so that's 55 cents at breaking even. Add in a profit margin of 50%, now you're down to 0.27 cents. Then consider that enterprise level subscriptions get better prices based on volume, let's be generous and say it costs V-ID a whole $0.25 to do a verification because they make less profit per validation on high volume clients.

But wait a minute. The subscriptions also come with widgets, validation portals, staff training on-site, and most importantly (and expensively): customer service. So we know it's even less than 27 cents per file validation just to break even. Because some companies on the cheapest $55 option might only verify 100 files and will not go beyond their monthly allotment. Do you think V-ID would lose money on these clients?


>> No.15433322

> should I buy lescam
> yes! Buy my bags! Buy sir plz! I must unload them!

Wew lad

>> No.15433385

This FUD pasta has long been debunked, the price and amount of vidt need for validation are flexible.

>> No.15433412

Price isn't variable. It's fixed in fiat

>> No.15433456

read what he wrote again, very slowly, retard

>> No.15433500

Price of vidt doesn't matter. Only amount.

>> No.15433509

absolutely, anything is better than link since sergey is an exit scammer and is dumping 700k on bag holders every day

>> No.15433540

Thank you was just about to say it myself. I am genuinely happy right now, we have hope for this board yet

>> No.15433577

Why bother asking

Holders will say yes
Nocoiners will say no

Just DYOR and fuck off

>> No.15433611

this guy is right
also buy now

>> No.15433654

>going all in a biz pump and dump after it already dumped
Do it OP theres no way this could go wrong

>> No.15433813

Without a doubt. Go all in. Then jerk off into a little cup and drink it while moaning about what a little faggot you are for going all in on anything.

>> No.15433864

that subscription plan is way too expensive imo. it shouldn't cost more than a cent to validate a file.

>> No.15433908

>This FUD pasta has long been debunked, the price and amount of vidt need for validation are flexible.
Tokens are divisible, except no reason why it would be necessary. There's a huge supply and it's a Chuck E Cheese token. V-ID could print eight trillion tokens out of thin air. It has no utility outside of the V-ID API. V-ID doesn't give a shit about the price, as they're paid in FIAT. V-ID makes majority of its revenue from subscription plans, servicing, and on-site training.

Token not needed. There is no staking and there is no reason to hold VIDT. Token is useless without a subscription plan. The token has no utility. Why would hold 10,000 VIDT? Holding it in case V-ID comes on IDEX and buys it off of you? What reason is there to even do a buyback other than to pacify bagholders? It's also a security token in the eyes of SEC.

>> No.15433950
File: 81 KB, 582x633, 1561291454680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
