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File: 5 KB, 231x218, 5D8CC87A-31A2-453B-92FB-D2E245C7D5B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15431825 No.15431825 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15431842

that's kite flying weather, you big sissy

>> No.15431849
File: 314 KB, 512x409, 1566281292099-512x409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably too late. There is only one road out of Florida and it's going to be at a standstill soon.

>> No.15431864

>When you live 300 feet from the beach and a cat 4 hurricane is coming

Do I buckle down lads?

>> No.15431880

>listening to Jewish media

>> No.15431905

As someone who went through Katrina I would gtfo. If you are far enough away to not get storm surge you are fine. But a cat 4 hurricane storm surge WILL kill your ads.

>> No.15431927

Hi schlomo

>> No.15431936

Dorian "Satoshi" Nakamoto
this is it boys and girls
this is The Sign

>> No.15431939

Do me a favor and go to panama for labor day nigger

>> No.15431951

You've been found out, huh kike

>> No.15431952

how do i short anons american wooden made house

>> No.15431954
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What what does it mean?

>> No.15431965

I live in Sarasota and the exact same thing happened during Irma. Just chill dude

>> No.15431985

are you the european cunt who just moved to florida for your job? if it's you get fucked lol i told you florida is shit because of hurricanes.

>> No.15432012
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imagine living in Florida lmao

>> No.15432056

Just tie a rope around your chair and the other around your ankle. Will be fine.

>> No.15432079

You got me, your superior Aryan iq is no match. Its all a big lie so so all us jews can have Florida rented out on holiday.

>> No.15432080

Irma was a fucking disaster, what are you on?

>> No.15432097

How long have you lived there OP? No one gives a fuck about hurricanes in florida, they dont mean anything

>> No.15432104
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Pinellas anon here, we never get hit. Ever. This hurricane can kiss my stinky NEET balls!!!

>> No.15432120

Ever since 1992 florida building codes require that all new homes be able to withstand a CAT4 hurricane.

As long as you are living in a newer building you will be fine.
This happens every fucking year. Calm down.

>> No.15432217

>was planning to go on vacation there
>go my tickets and hotel room ready
>this happens
I literally never go on vacation

>> No.15432305

Just go, nothing will happen, as always.

>> No.15432353

I gotta see what happens with my flight since it's on the same day the hurricane is supposed to hit

>> No.15432470
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I don't know anon, I'm in Eastern Europe

>> No.15432479

Northern Bahamasfag here
Goodbye, anons
I regret nothing

>> No.15432482
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>> No.15433055

Every fucking year the same shit. People are acting like retards, water is gone, gas is running out. I’ll do what I’ve been doing through the past 10 fucking storms, getting drunk, doing drugs, and having fun. Stop listening to the jew media. Florida houses are safe as fuck and we don’t have the flooding that Louisiana is Texas have.

>> No.15434319

IS IT 4 OR 5??

>> No.15434376

you'll be fine. take a large handful of strong painkillers to pre-empt any injuries, put a plastic bag over your head to guarantee an air supply, wrap yourself from head to toe in foil to stay warm, and climb the tallest tree you can find to avoid floods.

>> No.15434445

> florida
> home
evacuate regardless

>> No.15434459

I don’t know how to short it.
BUT you could invest in Homedepot for when he has to start repairing it.

>> No.15434460

lol, what kind of hut are you living in if you are afraid of a hurricane? like, is it made out of cardboard boxes, ha ha ha.

>> No.15434477
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Can you stoploss a hurricane

>> No.15434541

don't think the older trezor wallets support that function.

>> No.15434574
File: 35 KB, 474x581, downloadfile-86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7. Bruh you're not going to make it. You need to leave

>> No.15434591

Praise Satoshi

>> No.15434682

Based advice

>> No.15435252

how is this /biz/ related? does /biz/ have mods? or can i just shitpost here

>big one strikes

>> No.15435265

it doesn't have fucking posters, or (perhaps related) fucking posting capabilities - doubt the mods are a major issue at present tbqh

>> No.15435284


>> No.15435293

What the kikes have to do with hurricanes kek can i get a quick rundown im not american btw

>> No.15435302

If youre evacuating your home in Florida, than Florida is not your home. Sitting in my single wide, watching it head right at me... See you when you get back

>> No.15435306


>> No.15435307

Based and redpilled

>> No.15435310

they create hurricanes with the hadron collider

>> No.15435319

What are the chances that this could become a category 5?

>> No.15435320


>> No.15435331

yeah you're fucking toast

>> No.15435336

also test?

>> No.15435339


>> No.15436277

none of these worked

>> No.15437099
File: 1.95 MB, 360x202, 1495454788152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets rekt by hurricane
>doesn't have insurance


>> No.15437491
File: 156 KB, 772x647, sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insurance company goes bust
>doesn't have insurance insurance


>> No.15437614
File: 144 KB, 500x353, 45335692_1645057172264382_3432255224050352128_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Bout the same as a frog's chance of hoppin' on ya.
>t. FL resident

>> No.15437707

That's actually called reinsurance. Buffett owned one of those companies for years. GenRe if I recall

>> No.15438475

So fuckin based

>> No.15438552

No but smart anons will take puts and shorts on insurance companies right about now