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15425926 No.15425926 [Reply] [Original]

I start wfd (Work for The Dole) on Monday. I really don't want to go. What should I do?

>> No.15426668

whats this?

>> No.15426697

In Australia, you can collect unemployment benefits. But after a certain amount of time passes, you get assigned to some shitty job that you have to do for free or they'll cut your benefits - Work for The Dole

>> No.15426709

what if your leg hurt and you cant go to the shitty job?

>> No.15426720

Are you able to get a job which benefits are greater than the neet bux - suffering from your forced work?
If so, look for a normal job. If not, improve skills that will enable you to, or reevaluate your life.

>> No.15426730
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>working for unemployment benefit

>> No.15426876

they are usually horrible/dirty/dangerous outdoor jobs. It works out to being well below minimum wage.

>> No.15426911

just say your legs hurt

>> No.15426948

He gathers bananas for a living

>> No.15426951

you have to convince a doctor and get a note. You have to do wfd for 6 months. A doc isn't going to give you an exemption note for six months because your 'legs hurt' lol

>> No.15426986

>I really don't want to go. What should I do?
Not sure anon, maybe make it interesting and try to learn about the personal stories of fellow dole workers. Maybe you will meet a fellow neet.

I'm on permanent dole. It's pretty depressing but im thankful everyday for it. Have very high IQ and have mild schizo and severe depression had to quit job making 120k. Now i get abt 1k a month and am a shut in. Trying to figure out how to adjust myself.

Ask "what can i find interesting about today?". Make it a goal to amuse yourself.

Here is an example, when I went back to work after being away for psych treatment i was ostracized by my "team" upon return, especially when word got out i was in the looney house. So my remainder of the time there in emails i would put modified Nsync, and Backstreet Boy lyrics into emails. No one ever caught on, it was really funny to hear manager repeat lines from email and thought my emails were real "great for team morale". It was one of my many weird harmless ways to get through the day.

So, in short, humor is a serious approach to deal with many things in life.

>> No.15426999
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just go to the doctor and say your legs still hurt, or something else, say you feel pressure in your head.
just invent something that is not so easy to prove.
or show up everytime with something new, doctor cant send you home, if he does you go to a different one and you keep the thing going til they leave you alone. if a doctor sends you home make sure to slander him everywhere.
and learn the two magic words "Morbus Crohn" and go to the toilet and sit around play on your phone for 3 hours til they send you to the doctor, if he wants a probe of your shit just poop in the plastic thing and break it up with a bit of water til its like diarrhea, its impossible to tell if its real or not.
or just pretend to be retarded, like ask everything 50 times and still do it wrong

>> No.15427013

Tell them you got a job, wait a while, sign up again.

>> No.15427027


>> No.15427044

this is what I'm thinking of doing but I'm not sure how long I remain in the system before I can reapply for payments and if they will just send me back to WFD rightafter I reapply. I've tried, but I don't know where to get a hold of that info

>> No.15427049

just pretend to be ill
too ill too work
then you sit at home and collect free money

>> No.15427072
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in the uk if you can breathe in and out you're declared fit for work and get nothing.

>> No.15427080

and then you just go to a different doctor and try again

>> No.15427120

Pretend to be incapable to hold stool and urine.

>> No.15427128

it's the department for work and pensions who determine whether you're fit for work or not. your doc's opinion is irrelevant. they typically hire failed nurses and physiotherapists who have never met the patient before, because they're apparently better equipped to determine what the patient's health is like than their lifelong doctor.
120,000 dead in the uk so far because of the tory government, predicted to be 200,000 by next year.
a silent genocide on poor/disabled people. made possible by people like pol screeching about people living luxury lives on the dole. a whole £300/month of luxury, and even if you're at death's door, even that pittance is being denied.
there are literally hundreds of thousands of stories like this...

>> No.15427142

shitting and pissing yourself uncontrollably is not sufficient grounds for being declared fit for work.
if it's not on their list of accepted disabilities, then no matter what, you're fit for work.

>> No.15427156

>not sufficient grounds for being declared fit
*declared unfit
anyway i think i'll leave this thread before the furious kiddies inevitably gallop in and assert that i'm a parasite because of disability, and how everyone except them and people richer than them, should be incinerated. can't be bothered with it. but yes still as i say, take a look through these, there is NO fucking support in the uk unless you are literally dying, and even if you are then often you're told no. nothing for you, literally nothing. just die.

>> No.15427191

Is one of your symptoms telling stories that nobody cares about?

>> No.15427200
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As a wagie making okay cash i feel for you but this thread is fucking hilarious.

>> No.15427214

you just have to go there and show up anyway, they say you are fit for work and next day you go there and show them you are not.

>> No.15427239

try and leverage this experience to find another wage slave role. preferably in something you like doing. best of luck fag

>> No.15427638
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Yes my fellow britfag i know . Your country will soon be part of the USA so dont worry we'll take care of that and them Pajeets

>> No.15428416
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Just don't go. I never did and they never found out. I never went to any of the shit the job centre tried to send me on and nothing happened.

>> No.15428430

Are you in Oz?

>> No.15428456

Do you know what your supposed to be doing?

>> No.15428460

Not really but I have to wear steel boots and outdoor gear

>> No.15428507

Nah UK and it was a few years ago now

>> No.15428566

You are lucky im not in charge of the gubbamint because I would fire up the ovens for NEETs. Go fuck off to china and die in a slum lol lol

>> No.15428579

imagine saying this to a room full of adults

>> No.15428602

Fucking parasites imagine thinking you're better than wageslaves when you're diluting your shit with water just to keep a lie going

>> No.15428765

You buggers that just want handouts all the time and put in minimal effort should be cooked up in ovens.

You are contributing absolutely nothing to society and are a waste of space

>> No.15428821

you know the gov allocated billions and billions of dollars to a war with Iraq using forgeries and cartoon drawings as justification? You know that they are selling critical infrastructure off to the Chinese for a pittance? You know that the white demographic in Australia is hurtling towards minority status? There is no 'society' to contribute to. The ship is sinking, dummy.

>> No.15428827

Med certs bro. I have a pensioner opal card lol

>> No.15428858

>diluting your shit with water
If you've got a better way to earn a living while retaining your self respect I'd like to hear it.

>> No.15428878

>Work for The Dole
fuck i love Australia now. I want something here too in Germany.

>> No.15429028

I've got severe refractory crohns and i work you waste of space. I can't hold my bladder for more than 20 minutes, sometimes less and i crap a huge amount. I have also never heard the term morbus crohns. Literally not used.

>> No.15429079

>I've got severe refractory crohns and i work you waste of space.
nobody with "severe" crohns works. not without it being ok for them to randomly take off weeks/months at a time at will. i don't work because i have legitimately severe pancolitis, it would be absolutely impossible. your saying "i work and i have blah you waste of space" doesn't mean that everyone with the disease is you, you pleb.

>> No.15429132

Your own study there doesn't say what you say. It estimates what would be the increased death that correlates with the reduced funding but the overwhelming majority of these are earlier care home deaths, nothing to do with unemployment/disability. It also is not a good study, the method for establishing the unexpected death trend is poor and the authors themselves say its correlation. They also give numerous political opinions in the discussion/conclusion which is terrible practice.

Otherwise your link to the man who supposedly died due to disability refusal is wrong. He was still on unemployment benefits and he died later of pneumonia secondary to COPD. Yes it looks like he should have been on disability but not being so didn't kill him.

Very dishonest posting anon.

>> No.15429166

I have severe refractory crohns, I've had 3 resections in 6 years. I have bad arthritis and uveitis from it. Strictures causing repeat obstructions and no medications but steroids have worked.

I work. I don't know why you feel the need to justify your being pathetic, just own it. Yes i take time off for surgeries and investigations. I work part time rather than full because im so tired all the time. Before diagnosis i was /fit/ and 95kg, i struggle to stay at 70 now.

My faecal calprotectin on diagnosis was 3000 which made the staff laugh it was so high. Sorry champ, you'd be hard pressed to find someone with worse crohns than me.

>> No.15429207

U tried the carnivore diet? Works wonders for Crohn's

>> No.15429239

Didn't do anything for me. I've done carnivore, keto, scd, gluten free, dairy free and some personal combinations. No diet does so i just eat normally now.

>> No.15429249

>I don't know why you feel the need to justify your being pathetic, just own it.
oh please you piffling sipleton. 'that guy is ok after taking a punch to the face, now get up'. not every single case of disease plays out in precisely the way yours has. everyone is different, and stomping around screaming at disabled people that they should stop being disabled, makes you look like a cretinous 12 year old. unhelpful, poisonous little shit.

>> No.15429282

Not every has to get up, I'm just saying that the choice is on you. Vicious crohns does not preclude work, i work part time and take time off for surgeries or the day after I obstruct. It gets me enough to pay my half of rent and food. Maybe one day when I've got no small bowel left (as my disease extends along the entire sb) and am on TPN permanently i won't be able to work.

Just accept your current choice is out of being lazy and people shouldn't owe you for being lazy.

>> No.15429285

What about a fecal microbiome test?

>> No.15429304

I'm currently a Wageslave tricked by parents and society into a "prestigious" high paying job.

I want to kill myself more every day.
My soul is dying a slow death surrounded by people I hate doing tiring work.

I get drug tested so I can't even enjoy weed or psychedelics with friends on my days off

I should have stayed being a part time fast food worker, or found a low effort job

And my true NEET days were just heaven. If it wasn't for my father pressuring me every day, bullying me and calling me a loser, I'd have happily lived at my mother's forever

I'm pretty sure I also have undiagnosed autism/schizophrenia which runs in my family

>> No.15429322

Considered it but its expensive and that sort of thing is more evidenced for colitis, not much evidence supporting use in crohns.

>> No.15429359

you're a narrow-minded dullard, go shout at some people in hospital beds. shoo, pleb.

>> No.15429380

It's not great but if it picks up something like candida it can be treated, you can get the tests done for under $200 online, give it a go anon u really don't have anything to lose if you have already have Crohn's

>> No.15429402

Maybe I'll give it a look in a bit, my car is falling apart right now so I've had to spend stupid amounts recently repairing it.

>> No.15429458

Don't lost hope anon

>> No.15429533

Sadly i am fucked. I just finished a second attempt at making a biologic work, I already worked through all to no response then asked to try the first one again but no success. People don't live for too long on TPN feeding when they've lost all their small bowel so in all likelihood I've got a decade left, maybe two. I wish it were like colitis where you can just whip the whole thing out and move in.

>> No.15429564

Online crap like editing spread sheets or answering support calls.

>> No.15430077

absolutely rekted