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15422520 No.15422520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just took 7mg xanax and 2mg lorazepam. What am i im for?

>> No.15422529

Not death unfortunately.

>> No.15422532
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the sweet release of death

>> No.15422538

Do not leave your house. Best to fall asleep.

>> No.15422539

a big nap and waking up with none of your problems fixed

>> No.15422543

good night sleep

>> No.15422546

Honestly? a few stupid decisions and a long night of sleep that lasts for days but only felt like 2 seconds

>> No.15422554

A trip to hospital you complete retard

>> No.15422557

Why this is shit not putting me into some trance comfy coma like zolpidem? Benzos seem unironically shit compared to z drugs

>> No.15422565

Wrong board

>> No.15422566

48 hours of glorious sleep. I'm currently withdrawing from benzos and just reading this makes me seethe with jealousy

>> No.15422568


You'll forget literally everything that happens for the next 8 hours. Great job wasting your money.

>> No.15422572
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>> No.15422575

Doubt it. Got mild tolarance, took less similar amounts and felt fine

>> No.15422588

You’re going to pass out and that will basically be it. Also take this shit off biz please.

>> No.15422590

Now drink beer and go driving.

>> No.15422606

Question: should i try to jacking off? My peepee somehow feelings not sensitive and unmotivated. Should i smoke a cig? Help me me make this night comfy biz.

I also have codeine laying around

>> No.15422639

Also have another blisster of xanax 0.25mg. Whats the safe limit to get nuked out but not die?

>> No.15422652

I kicked a year long xannie habit about 2 months ago. I was on 2-3mg daily for around 400 days. Took well over a month to come off it. I work 60 hours a week and couldn't afford to take sick so just had to power through. Loved using it but it bothered my work too much.

>> No.15422662

a really good time

>> No.15422667

You've already had the safe limit. Anything more now is a) a waste and b) could be dangerous. Have a smoke, throw something you enjoy watching on - chill out.

>> No.15422691

Holy fuck lads. I just tried to go to kichtes and can barely move my feet. Neat.

>> No.15422707

7 mg???
why are americans this retarded. Well your probably gonna fall asleep soon

>> No.15422715

Same bro. I’ve been clean for a little more than a month. Would kill for a xanny

>> No.15422720

Aww anon youre so kind to op

>> No.15422737

Same. Last one was 2 days ago and yest was fucked lol cold sweats nonstop shivering prescribed loris and escitalopram

>> No.15422744

Keep us posted anon

>> No.15422781

I swear this shit is overhyped. 8mg zannies And im just drowsy. Doesnt come close to coinaice

>> No.15422793


>> No.15422822

Hily fuck lads never.ind shir sit is jitting me diga hard lol i cant keeo my eyed ppen

>> No.15422895


>> No.15422945

RIP op

>> No.15422958

i used to date a girl who would do this shit and text like this. losing now thanks.

>> No.15422961

rip OP

>> No.15422963
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buy the ticket, take the ride

>> No.15422968

Oh shit, that's the combination on my luggage.

>> No.15422974

Damn. It will be rough for a couple weeks until that lexapro starts working. Stay strong

>> No.15422981

maybe you can date OP
he'll have forgotten by the time he wakes up anyway

>> No.15422982

famous last words

not even 30 minutes after OP post

night night, hope you don't wake up in jail

>> No.15423001

Who is she?

>> No.15423017


>> No.15423079
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take 400mg of tramadol to be extra comfy fren

>> No.15423316

>within 10 minutes has talked shit about benzos and contemplated another dosage because they clearly don't work

>after 15 min can't move feet

>after 30 mins can't function. took him 20 minutes to disprove his first posts

>> No.15423534

Go get some speed and wake up in Jamaica

>> No.15423553


Wrong board druggies

>> No.15423554

lol OP is either passed out or on his way to jail.

>> No.15423644

Disorientation and euphoria followed by deep sleep
>t. pharmacist

>> No.15423670

Gay tumblr-tier larp.

>> No.15423869

money is a drug

>> No.15424055

Ok Scarface fuck off.

>> No.15424065

u mad

>> No.15424114

call your money prostitutes from fucking phones calling prostitutes on phone call, making monery from you calling prositutes money fuc

>> No.15424131
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>> No.15424172

Another lonely night on /biz/ realizing you wasted your life. This time on pills.