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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15421915 No.15421915 [Reply] [Original]

lets be real, you dont like them cus they wear silly outfits and happen to be good with money, thats about it

>> No.15421925

for me, it's more the tribalism.

>> No.15421929

No, that's why we don't like you, sans the making money thing

>> No.15421975

or maybe YOURE a jew

>> No.15421987

> to practice usury = to be good with money
jys kew

>> No.15422085

Like all semites their conception of honourableness is completely contrary to that of the rest of the world and therefor they are unable to fit in any non-semitic society.
That's why they have to be contained in the
middle east. All of them. There they should breed with their incestuous muzzi brothers what would end their 6000 year ongoing master race craze.

>> No.15422104

Brainwashing: The post. Good goy!

>> No.15422193
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Don't forget the flagrant manipulation of currencies, using murder and breaking ohter crimes to extort, commit espionage, and more, this list is neverending and the Jews are frantically praying that everyone will just forget, Ahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahhhabaahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha Jews are ultimately fucked, and their fragile egos will only enable them to keep digging their own graves. Oy vey!!!!

>> No.15422448

Rachel Bloom is a beauty

>> No.15422886
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people that blame jews for their problems are basically niggers with inferiority complex

>> No.15423179

Jews are rats

>> No.15423244

18,000 Jews were awarded the Iron Cross by the Germans in WWI
Oh veyyy

>> No.15423308

I respect their hustle and tribalism, but they are enemies of the white race.

>> No.15423497

this is actually gold, nice one bro

>> No.15423530

>Business & Finance

>> No.15423561

Hello sir can I just call you and call you tomorrow and call you and call my friend

>> No.15423578

The link to your website will be great for your future account and your business is a bit more useful than it would be for you haha

>> No.15423585

>business board
>hates jews

How retarded do you have to be?

>> No.15423598

I guess the game would be good but you have to unlock the second level so you can get the coin coin to coin you unlock cash unlock the cash unlock cash

>> No.15423699

its because they rob and demoralize the gentiles while telling them it's good for them.

>> No.15423787
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>> No.15423793
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>> No.15423808
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>> No.15423812
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>> No.15423814

they literally created their own money and required it for payment while devaluing Roman currency and Jesus beat the shit out of them for it.

>> No.15423815

lol this is way too accurate

>> No.15423827
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>> No.15423834

Hello sir can you call the call and you can get the money for your money I will be here in the next couple of hours and I can get money from you haha

>> No.15423835
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>> No.15423837
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Yet blacks are allowed to complain about whites, whites whites aren’t allowed to complain about Jews.

>> No.15423855

You have to get the black and black on black or blue and the money

>> No.15423857
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Whenever I see 'the Jews' on /pol/ and someone inevitably says 'yeah but they were kicked out of 100+ countries but no one asks why' I simply say they were kicked out everywhere but now they dominate the West in all fields of power...law, finance, media, entertainment, medicine...complete dominance and yet they were kicked out everywhere; that should tell you what they're REALLY about.

>> No.15423858

As a baptized quarter kike with a foreskin, I hate kikes because they unironically think being God's chosen allows them to infiltrate/subvert western civilization because they're still butthurt at the romans over 2k years later
>t. hohol
Fuck niggers and jannies too

>> No.15423861
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>> No.15423878

I don’t give a shit about some rich Jew having a bunch of money. I give a shit about that Jew spending that money to lie about white people. We’re Colonists just crybaby’s when they fought the English empire. Your logic suggest that every society in existence is just and no one ever oppressed anyone

>> No.15423880
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So they conquered a low iq retarded country. They are the synagogue of Satan. They only consume and destroy.

>> No.15423890


>> No.15423991

>to practise usery
Fucking please like a British can be so pious about usery, the usery of the British was so bad that the British fled their own people from literally taxing them to death, crossed the ocean and that’s how America was born. British colonised and inserted themselves into cultures and countries all over the world, demanded their resources, and often left the local communities in poverty (if not dead). You’re gonna be British descendant and talk me about fucking usery, give me a break.

The fact is, if your people could’ve done it, they would’ve, but they didn’t, and Jews did, they won the game, now you’re having a cry about it because you lost and it’s not fair because you dindu nuffin. 100% whatever your heritage is, if your people could choose to have won the game or not, they would.

>> No.15424013

>I give a shit about that Jew spending that money to lie about white people

i know its like c'mon we dindu nuffin

>> No.15424034

>Jews did, they won the game

yeah idk about that one whatever it is you believe in i promise that jews haven't 'won' shit

>> No.15424162

If you’re complaining about Jews controlling the media and world banking and about how influential they are that they can control the population, guess what, they WON. You’re not winning that game because you’re whinging about their success on the internet. By what metric are your people winning? Unless you are Chinese, you got heemed and you’re whinging about it.

>> No.15424265

>if you’re complaining about Jews controlling the media and world banking

i'm not bc thats retarded

>By what metric are your people winning?

idk dude bc i don't think your idea of 'winning' exists on a national level unless you're talking literally about a specific conflict

but maybe play less video games the world isn't a game of Civ dude

>> No.15424572

Blacks can live in nations without any whites around. There is no white country that is allowed to exist without a jew infestation.

>> No.15424591
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It’s mostly the silly outfits desu
Pic related was not scripted or planned in any way, they were just being themselves. just think about that for a bit.

>> No.15424621

why would the most sucessful people tax the least sucessful people for a pitiful amount when they can tax the second or third most sucessful people for much more, and blend in better in doing so. it's just common sense.

>> No.15424634

no, because they do circumcision

>> No.15424639

kill all jews

>> No.15424660

>good with money
Funny way of saying nepotism

>> No.15424662

wow some guys goofing off and having fun... lets imply they are out jewing right now! some of you low iq underage are hilarious

>> No.15424665

Not an argument

>> No.15424698

just another thread filled with /pol/tards...
get back to pol, you fuckers. And dont forget to close the door of the basement so mommy and daddy can sleep for tomorrow workday

>> No.15424756
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Well if they are willing to see the error in their ways no use wasting a good fighter.
Free masons, Zionists, and communist all need to be given helicopter rides!

>> No.15424766

They are running from the sunlight.