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15419685 No.15419685 [Reply] [Original]

Are you people black or just stupid? You do realize that gold has been money since before Jesus Christ, right? So how can something volatile be money and a store of value for so long? The reality is when the price of gold changes, it isn't gold that's changing its fiat that's changing and volatile. All the dollar price of gold represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is. A gold ounce 2,000 years ago is that exact same gold ounce today DOESNT MATTER if the dollar or stock market exist or not.

Also... recessions are a good thing in a free market. It enables things to go back in balance. We had tons of recessions in the 19th century. Thing is... most of them lasted more or less a year... followed by more massive growth... because we had a free market. The issue now is that recessions last a decade because the Jews at the fed won't let the market correct like we need right now.

>> No.15419869
File: 2.29 MB, 1611x793, old to new monarch coins canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are lots of threads that show off the size of silverchad collections, but is there any interest in showing off just interesting coins within those collections?

Pic related: I bought all these coins at spot as "junk silver" but got some really interesting stuff, like an ancient Edward VII coin from 1902-1910 which is actually 92% silver instead of the more standard 80%


>> No.15419891

>believes in jesus and calls others idiots
anon, i ...

>> No.15419906

Should I buy silver now or wait a while until it drops again?

>> No.15419934
File: 1.69 MB, 1323x814, canadian silver dollar 50cent 25cent 10cent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I buy silver now or wait a while until it drops again?

>> No.15419960

Buy now and dca on the dips. Shits breaking ATH eoy

>> No.15419983
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If Trump's talk with Xi Jinping in early September takes place and becomes successful, silver price will drop a few dollars.

I think this will happen because Trump will do whatever he needs to do to win the next election, and because China's economy is on its last knees.

>> No.15420129


>> No.15420142

>((())) own a good amount of gold in the world
>((())) are known to be a group that profits heavily from recessions
Stop blindly following (((Rothbard))), OP.

>> No.15420155

Stop valuing silver in terms of dollars. You make it with silver in the reset. And it won't matter if you have 300 ounces or 330 ounces because you waited for a dip

>> No.15420311
File: 36 KB, 741x402, 9fa00511a5962785a9603592d4cab693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xi is holding off on a deal thinking Trump won't be re-elected. Prepare for precious metals to go on the ultimate bull run. It is going to cost him dearly when Trump wins again.

>> No.15420337

The democrats are going to lose because of Epstein

>> No.15420348
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>Holding off until after next election
Don't think China will last that long buddy

>> No.15420490

A civilization that lasted thousands of years will surely outlast a young republic.

>> No.15420516

But I'm not talking about civilizations. I'm talking about the economy.

Also Chinese civilization died with Mao's Cultural Revolution.