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15415305 No.15415305 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think people that preach work-life balance & getting "proper rest" are just threatened by the people who are willing to burn both sides of candles and work 100+ hrs/wk?

>> No.15415329


>> No.15415330

I preach it becaue it legit makes me happy. Why would I stress myself into an early grave to earn money that I'd always be too busy to even spend?

>> No.15415348

No because I pity those kinds of people

>> No.15415376
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I read an article the other day about how sleep is important to keep your brain active. What's the point in working 100+ hours a week if you're only putting 50% into it.
I've just invested a significant amount of my salary into Algorand's staking program so I can sleep 10-12 hours a day while this does all the work for me.
Makes sense right?

>> No.15415377

There's no 100% right way to live life. The people who burn it at both ends are the ones who make history and the ones with balance end up happy. Neither is inherently better and it's up to you to decide what matters to yourself.

>> No.15415381

You are literally FUDing ALGO with your low quality comments. Please, stop.

>> No.15415384

Do pajeet half ape brains actually need sleep? I figured the mental activity is so low there's never any real need for rest.

>> No.15415388

another und retarded post

>> No.15415390
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Digits - I agree - I would be happier if I did get more sleep
However I choose to work for 2 reasons:
1.) Set up a good life for my future children
2.) I'm a workaholic so I actually enjoy working, I just love the feel of the grind

>> No.15415429

The overall lack of happiness tends to result not from lack of sleep or free time but that you don't set up a great future for your children or marriage. Sure they will be financially set but the family will be a strained and distant one.

Yet again everyone looks enviously on what others have. Those who work hard look back on life wishing they'd spent more time with family and those who did that look back wishing they'd made more of themselves.

>> No.15415439
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That is true - the good thing is to recognize that truth

>> No.15415539

Yes and no.
Proper work schedule and good pay are necessities for every worker. But there are people who want to put themselves into slavery and work twice as much for the same pay. Of course, I am threatened by that, but also shocked.

>> No.15415548

Threatened? That kind if life is fucking pathetic. You would literally be living to be someone's bitch and nothing more.

>> No.15415572

Yes, all we can do in life is reflect on what type of person we are by nature and try to do that in the best way we can.

You can't '100%' life and every choice necessarily blocks out others, it's what gives them meaning but also means it's all to easy to end life with regrets. Just understand you are a certain brain by nature, not a tabula rasa - the life that suits others is not one for you, try to be balanced but at the end of the day understand you lived the only life you could.

>> No.15415634

take it from someone who has burnt the candle at both ends - your employers don't appreciate it. never do this and NEVER take nootropics to benefit your boss. only to benefit yourself.

Nobody gives a shit about your overtime, and nobody will be thankful for all the free labor you gave the company/organisation. there is literally a market of "interns who will work for free, tell me why i shouldn't fire your ass anon". i've seen it backfire on numerous people and higher ups outright say the person is incompetent because they need 2-3 extra hours in the day to do their normal job.

personally i think drawing a line in the sand and sticking to the allotted hours is a way of pushing back (poorly) against this culture.

t. somebody who WAS recognised for going the extra mile and did quite well for himself.

>> No.15415800

I run my own business - and plan on starting several more, I don't go over 40 hours in my day job - fuck that

>> No.15416918

If you're a meathead, then 5.5 hours of sleep vs 8 hours of sleep is an enormous difference.

In a study where they had people sleep those amounts, the ones doing 5.5 hrs lost 6lbs of body weight, 0.5lbs of that being fat.

The ones doing 8hrs lost 6lbs and 1.2lbs of fat.

That's an enormous difference. Both are still shitty enough but these were with regular population and there was no resistance training.

Also hunger/ghrelin was way higher in the low sleep category meaning they were way hungrier all day, meaning normally people would eat more (and therefore lost less weight). However, in this case, all meals were tightly controlled so that couldn't happen.

I feel like shit after only a few hours sleep. I'm irritable, hungry and want to be left alone. I don't see how doing that regularly even to pursue some huge goal would make my life worth living.

>> No.15417175

This. Regular sleep deprivation raises your bodies cortisol levels which messes with everything from memory formation and general cognition to muscle retention and other endocrine stability. Burning the candle at both ends for a megacorp makes you a cuck, not a winner.

Unless it is directly for yourself, or your own business.

>> No.15417242

No, it's just struggle porn for gullible idiots. I learned the importance of sleep, low stress and rest when I was building muscle. Also the importance of earning money while you're sleeping.

>> No.15417819

the joke is that the most public "gurus" preaching this sort of things are all immensely fantastically wealthy. the people that arent into it are the morons who want to be like them but dont realize that the rich tell regular people what they want to hear. in reality these same people were working 24/7 for years to get to the position they're in. of course they can afford to take it easy if they want.

>> No.15417840

i've never worked an office job. i'd imagine after a certain point at most places work is done. how many powerpoints and spread sheets can be made?