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15414710 No.15414710 [Reply] [Original]

In 2010-12, this Jew was constantly on TV and the JewTubez telling everyone to buy gold, gold stocks, and international stocks and avoid US equities completely, warning of hyperinflation, collapse of the US dollar, and recessions worse than 2008.
He also sold overpriced asset management services through his firm, Euro-Pacific capital, following this investment strategy.
People who listened to him (or worse, invested with Euro-Pacific) had a flat or negative return, during one of the greatest stock bull markets ever.
Then he fled to Puerto Rico, where he pays no income tax, hangs out on the beach, and fucks destitute (especially after the hurricane) chicas with his tiny, circumcised jewcock:

>> No.15414732

Yeah, duh.

People don't want a careful assessment of our economic future. They want bold, huge predictions, that are entertaining, and cater to their particular biases.

>The apocalypse is coming, so buy Gold!
>Massive growth is coming, so invest in high-beta tech stocks
Both sell well, but neither are realistic assessments of reality.

>> No.15414739

It takes a mostly honest guy like this to be practically blacklisted from western TV. Gold will have its turn again.

>> No.15414743

Read some of the reviews:
>During the biggest market boom in history, over ten years, this company managed to lose us money on a conservative international portfolio, ( no net gains at all) and basically all the money on an private energy placement, never paid anything out. Their fees are ridiculous ( and hidden, like a 2% closing fee ) and their founder Peter Schiff has sold out and fled to retirement in Puerto Rico. Communication has been poor and infused with false optimism. They are all theory, no substance.
>Just stick with bonds or S&P, or if you must have international stock, then find a more reputable international stock dealer. This company is a loser, except for Peter Schiff and the brokers who work there.

>> No.15414742

yeah, we all know he's (((wrong))) for now

it's just a matter of when the top blows off

that's why you keep reading zerohedge

1 day it will all end

they postponed it in 2011, 2013, 2015, and last december

the plunge protection team learned from their mistakes

not even argentina's incoming default will fuck the IMF up

i don't listen to doom and gloom anymore. instead i buy crypto and hold momo tech and biotech stocks trying to cure cancer

>> No.15414746

peter schiff slide thread

>> No.15414765

He did a 22 minute ad for some gold card on Joe Brogan, and only disclosed (though it was obvious) his stake at the very end:

>> No.15414773

Didn't read. Buying Silver.

>> No.15414792

For all newfags...this might be the best, most informative, and entertaining video on all of youtube of Peter Schiff.


He goes to occupy wall street in 2011 and holds up a sign saying "I am the 1%, lets talk."

And for the next 2 hours gives you a better education on the economy than you would get at harvard, while it being entretaining as fuck because you have all these scummy degenerates arguing with him.

The funniest thing about these lefty occupy people is all the free college and student loans they argue for is unironically all the 1% get richer and richer. How the fuck do these fucking idiots not know that paying interest to wall street for their student loans is how they get richer and richer.

>> No.15414799

Gold is a REAL ASSET. It is also not overpriced because it is simply real savings. The dollar value of gold is irrelevant. Gold is undervalued and silver is the most undervalued asset on earth.

You value gold and silver in relation to other real assets.

Which is why once the bolivar collapsed in venezeula 1 ounce of silver would buy you 3-4 months worth of food on the black market...yet the dollar value of silver is 18$ and 18$ barely buys you lunch for 2 at taco bell.

>> No.15414818

Holy Kek those reviews , imagine if those fags had invested in bitcoin.

>> No.15414820

>that's why you keep reading zerohedge
Just don't come complaining that you lost even more because none of their apocalyptic fantasies materialize.

>> No.15414872

not sure if you misread my post

i was on zh since basically v1

when they still focused on market structures

i feel bad for the tylers at some level but it's been more entertaining that nothing's happened in 10 years now

i learned back in 2013 to never short the market again and instead focus on BTC

ph0nestar if you're out there you sly bastard thank you for spamming the hedge comments and triggering the boomers for years

>> No.15414908
File: 95 KB, 1050x750, Gold_price_runs_chart_SD_Bullion_SDBullion.com_gold-price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People have been predicting the economic apocalypse for thousands of years. It occasionally happens. Few people (or no one) has proven their ability to predict a collapse.


Gold is less stable than the US dollar. Do you think that $1 in 2000 equals $8 in 2011? Obviously not. Gold bounces all over the place.

>> No.15414930

Sweet poem bro.

Winter comes

Wojack pink like summer sun

Golden bull sits in wait

>> No.15414962

see him for what he is: a filter for character flaws.
most people out there do not deserve wealth for various reasons, and each particular flaw has its common filters that prevent them from either becoming or staying rich (if they've gotten rich by accident/luck).

schiff is in place to make sure that certain people that fall for his lies will bind their ressources in an asset that is unlikely to ever multiply by more than 3x - 5x, keeping them from participating in the greatest reorganization of wealth in human history (crypto/BTC).
in other words: all he does is punish weakness.
something like 90% of all people in the west do not even remotely grasp the inherent scam of our financial systems. of those few that do, the majority is still intellectually and morally bankrupt and wouldn't deserve the opportunities brought by immense wealth. schiff "catches" those particular people that are somewhat redpilled about the general state of our economic system but pessimistic by nature, easily scared and risk-averse (born prey), presenting them a faux save-haven for a doomsday scenario that he constantly hypes up, even though recessions only make up like 10-20% of the market cycles.
do not hate these people, embrace them for what they do for you: the more people follow liars like him, the more you can accumulate.

simply do not fall for him or similar filters/gatekeepers of wealth yourself and do not feel for those that get caught either, as you necessarily need to possess negative qualities in order to fall for them in the first place.
if you are not a weakhanded, constantly anxious doomsday-seer and if you understand the rhythm of markets, there is no way in hell you'd listen to someone like him. let him catch idiots and shrug.

>> No.15414966
File: 25 KB, 804x406, 20150921_fed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is purchasing power?

>> No.15414976

Although I dislike Schiffs business practices it doesn’t make him wrong or less smart. He has been right time and time again on a host of issues. From federal reserve interest rate reversals, the crash of 08 and the collapse of blue apron. Hell, even Ron Paul kept raising money towards the end of his campaign when he KNEW he had no chance but he wanted to pocket the extra cash. I mean Ron is one of if the best statesmen this country has ever had and he did that. Nobody is perfect and I’d love to find out who it is you listen to or admire. I bet they’re way more less based than peter and schiff is funny. He actually did a comic stand up for 10 minutes.

Your portfolio is full of crypto and you’re calling gold and silver a scam. It’s not a scam it’s real money. Peter gives advice and people take it. Yes he was a little early on the bubble popping but he’s not wrong in the end, he didn’t know when it would that’s the risk you take in investing. If you want to keep your money you buy gold and hold it, don’t give your money to an asset management firm. The 30 yr yield curve just inverted. That’s the second time the yield curve has inverted in the last two months. The recession is coming, the collapse is coming. Take a look at the PMs spot prices today silver broke $18 for the first time in 6 years and its only going higher.

>> No.15414978

You are right sir.

>> No.15414985

You are the dumbest guy on this thread. Saying fiat is more stable than real money is amazing. A $1 in 2008 is not the same a dollar today, you know how we can test that? AGAINST GOLD.

Inflation is real, gold is money get over it pussy.

>> No.15414996

inflation and purchasing power are completely irrelevant when you simply apply the knowledge of BASIC market cycles, giving you average returns even with low-risk investing strategies that vastly outperform the inflation.

put your savings into a safe basket of stocks when a recession seems to come to an end and cash out when common indicators are foreshadowing a recessions ==> oh would you look at that, you just made a lot more by doing this than you lost through inflation.
the markets are not inherently against you, they are simply and objectively against stupidity. if you feel like they are constantly punishing you, then that is more of a statement about your own intellect than it is about the markets.

>> No.15414998

Ummmm 100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$ and an ounce of gold was 20$

today that 20$ which used to be a good weekly salary now doesnt even buy you 2 jimmy johns sandwiches.

But that ounce of gold from 100 years ago taken to a coin shop today youll get $1,500 in fiat for it....and lo and behold $1,500 is still a good weekly salary.

How does it feel to have your low IQ argument completely BTFO?

>> No.15415004
File: 13 KB, 718x446, cpi-revised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts graph that's distorted by the high inflation of the 60's, 70's and 80's
Purchasing power is probably most accurately represented by the CPI. Which is why you used it in your graph. However, see the attached chart.

Does CPI increase by 8 times from 2000 to 2010? Not even close. But Gold did.

The US Dollar is the thing that most closely correlates with the CPI. Back in 1970, you could seriously argue that Gold was more stable than the US Dollar. Today, there is no argument.

Of course, long-term, the value of the dollar will go down, and Gold will go ... somewhere. Up maybe? Obviously, anybody who is going to own something for 30 years, would be better off with Gold that with cash (or money in the bank). But that doesn't make Gold more stable - it just makes it a better long-term store of value.

>> No.15415007
File: 47 KB, 600x450, 890EAC72-CDA9-4928-8A49-B1FAD2F76ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is theft. Taxation is theft.

>> No.15415021
File: 52 KB, 500x386, 00A216DB-B679-41B3-8430-5C39F1A11721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is nothing like it is today. Govenrment spending, debt and defecits are at an all time high. The banks and government hate gold because they can’t print and spend out the asshole on a gold standard.

>> No.15415025

uhh.. a 7x in 100 years is complete shit. You get that in three years with boomer accounts.

>> No.15415051
File: 111 KB, 758x802, 1566833926416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, they killed Gaddafi to stop a gold backed currency. If the kikes weren't always able to just print money, it will collapse, but they do so..

>> No.15415069


When hyperinflation hits the dollar value of your stock wont mean shit because 100$ wont even buy you a can of spaghettios. But your gold will be in tact and worth a shit ton.

Do you not understand that you buy gold not for dollar value fiat gains but for WHEN the currency fails. THATS when you make it.

>> No.15415080

Holy shit, the brainlets in this thread arguing gold vs dollars vs crypto...
Do NONE of you own stocks (no, OTC penny stocks don't count)?
No wonder you're all broke.

>> No.15415085

Do you understand that there are people who dont want to gamble in the kike rigged stock market and just want to earn, save, and not have their purcahsing power stolen from them?

You can lose in stocks dumbfuck.

and nobody is saying dont invest, but if you dont have real money when the currency implodes you will be fucked.

I dont know how hard it is for you fucking brainless niggers to understand that there is a difference between savings and investments.

>> No.15415090

And you're a moron. Gold when up from around $250 in 2000, to around $1900 in 2010. That isn't a stable value. No reasonable person can think that's a stable value.

>Inflation is real, gold is money get over it pussy.
1) Inflation is not equal to stability. Gold is less stable than the US Dollar. Obviously, the US Dollar loses value long-term (it's called inflation).

2) Gold is not money. How many stores in your area will take Gold? Zero, or close to it? Then it's not money.

Money isn't some abstract concept. It's a practical term. In some countries with un-usable currencies, people actually use stuff like alcohol, or furs, as money. Do people in Venezuela or Zimbabwe use Gold as money? Largely not.

>Ummmm 100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$ and an ounce of gold was 20$
Firstly, you're wrong. $20 was a terrible, terrible weekly salary. When the minimum wage was introduced, it was $0.25 per hour, and that was in 1938, which had lower price levels than 1920, due to the bank crisis/depression in 1929. $20 a week would have been poverty wages.

Secondly, so what? Why does that detract from my point?

That $20 invested in Gold would get you $1400 (or so) today, minus taxes. That $20 invested in the Stock Market would get you tens hundreds of thousands of dollars, minus taxes. And that $20 put in a bank account would get you maybe $400, minus taxes.

(If you're wondering why the bank account is so high, it's because bank accounts paid decent interest in the high-inflation period of the 60s, 70s and 80s)

>> No.15415102

how about you actually read the post before mass responding to them you fucking imbecile?

>> No.15415116

>Inflation is nothing like it is today. Govenrment spending, debt and defecits are at an all time high.
That's not "inflation". Inflation is a rise in prices. That's literally where the word comes from. An "inflation" in price levels.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't be distrustful of excessive debt levels, or anything. But questions about the creditworthiness of the US government does not mean inflation means something else.

>Do NONE of you own stocks
Yes, I own stocks. What's your point?

>the brainlets in this thread arguing gold vs dollars vs crypto...
What are you talking about? Do you think anyone "invests" in US Dollars? We're implicitly talking about dollar-denominated assets, like bonds, or (some) stocks.

>> No.15415123


So it's useless because even a savings account can offer even a little bit of a return and INSURANCE?

What's the fucking point, brainlet? The returns are even LESS considering inflation in the last 100 years. Terrible fucking hold.

>> No.15415135

JESUS CHRIST. you are fucking stupid as fuck. THere is a difference between savings and investments dumbfuck. There is a difference between real money and investments.

You are comparing apples to fucking oranges comparing stocks to gold. You need to be comparing gold (money) to the dollar (money)

No shit you can invest in stocks, but the fucking issue is your savings is being stolen through inflation.

We can both agree the dollar has lost shit ton of value right? 20$ was a good weekly salary 100 years ago and today 20$ doesnt buy you shit. So wtf is happening? What the fuck is happening where the dollar is losing that much value? Its being stolen through inflation....because we have an unconstitutional federal reserve where the constitution explicitly says only congress shall coin money.

>> No.15415138

Do you fucking understand that if I decide not to invest in the stock market...that my wealth in dollars is being stolen through inflation? You arent fucking understanding the fundemental problem.

>> No.15415153

Do you even understand the reason people buy gold? The entire fucking point of buying gold is because fiat is a scam and people want money and wealth for when fiat fails. Thats the entire fucking point you braindead nigger. When I buy amazon stock im doing that for a completely fucking different reason than when i buy a gold ounce.

In fact, I WOULD LOVE if gold went back down to 300$/oz despite my DCA being in the low 1,000s. WHY is this? Because gold at 300$/oz means the govt isnt out of fucking control anymore and has become fiscally responsible. AND gold ar 300$/oz means I dont lose in real terms anywayy because gold at 300$/oz means a loaf of bread is 90 centsk, instead of 3$ like it is today.

>> No.15415158

There is a time to be in stocks and there is a time to be in cash and there is a time to be in gold.

It just depends on the timing.

Peter is a bit of a shill for Gold, but is a transparent shill that owns a lot of Gold for himself.

When the dollar is at ATH's, you want to put your money into stocks.

When the stock market is at ATH's, you want to put your money into the dollars.

Gold is it's own thing off to the side that people pile into when they expect massive price inflation.

>> No.15415172


Gold is denominated in dollars too brainlet. It's a commodity that goes up and down based upon market demand.

Gold doesn't hold a candle to the returns that buying the index as a whole has.

Gold isn't productive. Gold doesn't do anything. It's simply a hedge against stock market turbulence and price inflation.

>> No.15415222

Schiff doesnt have to shill gold for it to be valuable. GOLD IS FUCKING GOLD

>> No.15415234

Gold is denominated in dollars but that doesnt matter. If the dollar dissapeared from planet earth tomorrow my gold would be completely unaffected.

Gold doesnt hold a candle to index returns because gold doesnt provide returns because it is simply money.

If you have hyperinflation and havent shaved off a % of your fantasy paper profits and put it into REAL WEALTH before hyperinflation, then you will be fucked.

>> No.15415240

Gold isnt a hedge against the stock market, it is a hedge against the fucking dollar you idiot. In venezuela the stock market is at all time highs, but people are starving in the streets. But if you have gold and silver you are sitting pretty.

>> No.15415293
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>tfw up 8% since last month on paper gold.

>> No.15415297

>You need to be comparing gold (money) to the dollar (money)
Why? I mostly invest in stocks. I keep small amount of US Dollars around, to pay immediate expenses. Inflation costs me like $60 a year.

And if my savings were enough to bother with, I'd buy bonds, which would be structured to meet my expenses.

>20$ was a good weekly salary 100 years ago
Well, we can't agree about that. It wasn't.

>What the fuck is happening where the dollar is losing that much value?

Of course, basically no one held the dollar for 100 years. So why does it matter?

>Do you fucking understand that if I decide not to invest in the stock market...that my wealth in dollars is being stolen through inflation?
Firstly, nobody forced you to keep US Dollars. You can buy Gold, or Land, or whatever. The Stock Market isn't your only option.

Secondly, inflation long predates the Federal Reserve. Why are Goldbugs so ignorant of this fact?

>> No.15415298

Have fun arguing nerds I'm making money off SHINYROCK

>> No.15415363

>Secondly, inflation long predates the Federal Reserve. Why are Goldbugs so ignorant of this fact?

Yeah...free market interest rates and inflation that is natural is fine....inflation by man...or rather jew....is a disaster.

We had tons of recessions in the 19th century, thing is that most of them lsted only 6 months because the free market corrected what got out of balance.

>> No.15415393

>free market inflation
1) I thought inflation was theft? Is the free market stealing from me, or something?

2) The inflation I'm talking about is closely related to government-issued coins and paper currency. Which was on a gold standard, but still had a lot of (long-term) inflation.

>We had tons of recessions in the 19th century, thing is that most of them lsted only 6 months
Again, Goldbugs don't know their history.

1) Recessions, as they are ordinarily defined, have to last more than 6 months. They're literally defined as two quarters of negative economic growth.

2) The majority of the pre-1913 recessions lasted longer than 12 months.


3) Prior to 1913, recessions tended to be much, much worse, than in the modern era.

>> No.15415404

6 months to 2 years is how long they lasted

>> No.15415409

Thank you based knower
Keep up the good work
Faggots ITT need to look more into why the Fed was actually created and the 40 some years of frequent recessions from the 1870s to the 1910s

>> No.15415414
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>schiff "catches" those particular people that are somewhat redpilled about the general state of our economic system but pessimistic by nature, easily scared and risk-averse (born prey)
Exactly, he's a chicken slaughterer, he profits from the risk averse. It's funny how these people managed to meme gold, a volatile low returns asset, to be THE SoV riding on the coattails of historical myths.

>> No.15415463

>I didn't read the link
Try reading the wikipedia link, dude. Two of them lasted 4 years.

And I'm not specifically advocating for the Fed, or anything. I'm just pointing out that

1) Gold is a shit long-term investment.

2) Gold is not currently money, anywhere. (even in places that have stopped using paper currency, like Venezuela and Zimbabwe).

3) Gold is probably not going to become money any time soon.

4) Gold is less stable than the US Dollar, so it's (probably) a worse place to store your (short-term) savings. (this one is debatable, depending on what your financial goals and financial plans are).

And as a largely unstated correlary,

5) Long-term investments should be in stocks, or land, or something. And not in gold.

>> No.15415489

Based goym

>> No.15415502

>Gold is less stable than the US Dollar
Absolute brainlet. How the fuck is it less stable than a USD? Because it's rising constatly compared to it?

>> No.15415538

He explicitly said short term. You think the idiots who bought gold in 2011-2013 are better off than the idiots who kept cash in their pillow instead?

>> No.15415553

No, he said it about storing investments, not the stability itself. Learn your grammar.

>> No.15415560
File: 22 KB, 450x311, gold_10_year_o_usd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck is it less stable than a USD?
I've explained already. Feel free to take a look at the price of gold. The US Dollar declines in value at about 2%-3% compared to CPI. That's pretty reliable.

Has the US Dollar ever declined by almost 50%, in four years? See attached chart. It went from around 1900 (in 2012 dollars) to around 1050 (in 2016 dollars). Even during the super-volatile 60s, 70s, and 80s, the US dollar never was that volatile.

>Because it's rising constatly compared to it?
Long-term, Gold has outperformed Dollars. That doesn't make it more stable in the short-term or medium-term, retard.

>> No.15415570

>Gold is less stable than the US Dollar, so it's (probably) a worse place to store your (short-term) savings
That's what he said
>How the fuck is it less stable than a USD?
That's what you said
>He explicitly said short term
That's what I said
>No, he said it about storing investments, not the stability itself
That's how retarded you are

>> No.15415577

You really need to work on your English. Is it your native language?

I said
>Gold is less stable than the US Dollar, so it's (probably) a worse place to store your (short-term) savings.

I didn't use the word "investments" in that sentence. I did, however, use the word "short-term".

And I freely admit that I was imprecise. I don't have any way of accurately measuring long-term risk. By it's nature, the long-term happens very infrequently, and so it's impossible to collect a large data set of long-term volatility/returns.

>> No.15415583

wait why is there $0 twice on the chart lmao

>> No.15415601

He said Gold is less stable, which is obviously not true.
>B-but he meant short-term
No, you mong. The first part of the sentence is about gold being less stable, than it's followed by a comma and a second part of the sentence, which doesn't specify in what time period gold is less stable, it states that it's poor place for short-term saving because of that, because IT'S A LESS STABLE IN GENERAL. His mistake he can't form his sentences properly.

>> No.15415602
File: 155 KB, 1025x721, 1566979739115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They mislabeled part of the y axis.

>> No.15415607

i know about how the Fed was created, and how it was passed, would you mind giving a sentence for why, and another sentence for why 40 years of recessions (im thinking economic cycles for control)? i'm curious for your insight anon.

>> No.15415610

>He said Gold is less stable, which is obviously not true.
Seriously, look at the fucking chart>>15415560

Gold lost almost 50% of it's value in 4 years. What does "stable" mean to you? Remember that stability and long-term performance mean different things.

>> No.15415618

You picked a very convenient timeframe. Overall gold is pretty much ALWAYS rising compared to USD, but hey, here's a nitpicked part of the chart where it doesn't which proves me wrong i guess.

>> No.15415627

Bitcoin is also always rising compared to USD
is it stable?
obviously not

>inb4 bitcoin is down now compared to its ath
guess what gold is too

try critical thinking sometimes, it might do you some good

>> No.15415639
File: 42 KB, 850x470, 1555292759096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is volatile therefore not stable and a shitty short term investment, why don't you get it, you fucking boomer retard. It has the volatility of stocks, nobody would use stocks to store their money short term. That's why a guy like Buffet prefers Bonds over PMs.

>> No.15415647
File: 121 KB, 1280x790, historical-gold-prices-100-year-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You picked a very convenient timeframe.
Not really. Here's a longer-term chart.

>Overall gold is pretty much ALWAYS rising compared to USD
From 1930 to 1970, it's mostly downhill. Same for 1980 to 2000. Also, the timeframe I "nitpicked".

Notice that you said it's "always rising". Do you admit you're wrong?

>> No.15415657

>Gold lost almost 50% of it's value in 4 years
Now look at the US dollar chart for 1984-1988 retard, and tell me how it's more stable then gold.

>> No.15415659

classic 50 year double top
goldbugs btfo
100$ EOY

>> No.15415662

I'm not saying I agree with it, but I think the usual "gold sales pitch to non-stupid investors" is that it's inversely correlated with other assets. That is, Gold goes up when stock/bonds go down. So your overall portfolio is less risky.

It's rather hard to test, though. If the great depression 2.0 happens, will the price of Gold quadruple? I don't know. I'm not sure anyone knows.

>> No.15415680

>Now look at the US dollar chart for 1984-1988 retard
What? Inflation was relatively low in those years. Like 4% per year. If you're going to make a case for the US Dollar instability, you should use the 1970s, or 1929, something.

>> No.15415698

>Bitcoin is also always rising compared to USD
No it's not. It went from about $19,000 to about $2,500 that one time.

What did you mean? Seriously? I'm sure you meant something, and I'm sure you know about the massive drops in the price of BTC.

>> No.15415703



>> No.15415713
File: 42 KB, 448x357, 2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then he fled to Puerto Rico, where he pays no income tax, hangs out on the beach, and fucks destitute (especially after the hurricane) chicas with his tiny, circumcised jewcock:
>that semicolon
No way in hell am I touching that video, dude

>> No.15415714

>Gold is also always rising compared to USD
No it's not. It went from about $2,200 to about $400 that one time.

What did you mean? Seriously? I'm sure you meant something, and I'm sure you know about the massive drops in the price of GOLD.

>> No.15415727

>Gold is also always rising compared to USD
I never said that.

I was arguing against the guy who said that.

>> No.15415732

That's a colon.

Colon = :

Semicolon = ;

>> No.15415736

Yeah, when people flee into gold when stocks underperform, it has maybe some speculative value but it's still not worth the risk and opportunity costs imo. There are things with higher returns and things that don't move like crazy.

>> No.15415770

its log axis, the first zero is actually 0.1, the second 0.01, etc. its just approximated to 0 by retards making these charts.

>> No.15415779

Fuck this faggot

>> No.15415780

I'd agree.

Actually, if I were interested in Gold for it's performance in a depression/recession, I'd probably look into buying marginal gold-mining land.

If you own land, which has a little Gold in it, so that costs $2,000 to extract an ounce of Gold, it's not really worth anything. Gold is $1400/ounce. However, if the price of Gold shoots up and the price of fuel/labor decreases substantially, then it's a solid investment. Since I'd expect all three to happen in a severe recession/depression, you might be able to buy some decent gold-mining land rather cheap, and then rent it out to some gold miner.

But I'm not really interested in Gold, so whatever. And I think most of that land is outside my native country, which would make it even more difficult.

>> No.15416547

You might be retarded. 99.98% sure.

>> No.15416558

This person is not retarded. 99.99% sure.

>> No.15416592

After listening to his latest podcast I have to agree. It's amazing how much the man pontificates. I've recently bought silver (mostly) and gold and while I do believe both will see a healthy upswing in the coming years, its not where the real money is.

>> No.15416632

there's a reason why he's the butt of one of the best investing jokes of all time
>Peter Schiff has predicted 107 of the last 2 recessions.

>> No.15416707


It's 75x, not 7x, learn math, shill

>> No.15416754

I've had this argument in this thread.

Feel free to read it.

>> No.15416956

> no one has proven ability to predict a collapse

Austrian Economists have consistently.

Former Finance Minister of Switzerland Graf Schwerin von Krosigk:
"In early 1931 Swiss banker Felix Somary visited me, who became popular as
an economic theorist. [...] On the question, how long the world economic crisis
will endure, he answered, three things needed to happen before it could even be thought of a recovery:
banking in Vienna and Berlin had to be sanitized through a crisis, the English Pound had to disconnect from Gold,
and the Swedish match company of Ivar Kreuger would have to collapse.
In the summer of 1931 the banks crashed, in the late summer the pound was devalued.
When Somary was back in Berlin in '32, he was asked whether he really had to wait for the third event.
Somary did not take anything back, but gave the insurance that the Kreuger company
would be out of business in a short time. Four weeks later Kreuger shot himself in Paris."

Somary also predicted WWI when nobody could even think of it.
Ludwig von Mises 1924 said the biggest Austrian bank "Creditanstalt" would go broke.
Friedrich August von Hayek published several articles in 1929 in which he predicted the end of the boom.
Later, Roland Baader predicted in 2004 that Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac would collapse because of bad housing credits.

And last but not least, Peter Schiff became famous through a series of television appearances (2006-2007)
in which he opposed a variety of financial experts and predicted that a major downturn was imminent.
Schiff had already strongly warned against excessive real estate speculation, mortgage loans and upcoming bailouts over several years.

For Further examples: https://mises.org/library/skyscraper-curse

>> No.15416982

This is now a hate thread for anyone who knows who this guy is. Seriously how fucking gay are you? Is this the Kardashians for beta boys?

>> No.15417064


Be careful fren, I only suggest physically owning metals.

>> No.15418178


A stopped clock is right twice a day. A constant doom-predictor is going to be right several times in their life.

Austrian economists always predict recession/depression. Ron Paul has been doing so since he got into Congress. Peter Schiff has been predicting recession/depression since the 1990s. Sooner or later, they were going to be right, because sooner or later, a serious recession/depression is going to happen.

The trick, is only predicting a recession/depression a few times in your life, and being right ALL of those times.

>> No.15418217

this is true I work for the financial publishing industry and permabulls like Peter Schiff just cater to a certain segment of investors with their advice (or in Peters case hes selling gold). Theres analysts that have been warning about a recession or decades eventually they will be right and then keep hammering you with their correct calls. they conveniently never talk about all the wrong calls they made. If anyone could consistently predict the markets even a week from now he would be a billionaire and wouldnt need to shill gold or newsletters on the internet, its all a big crapshoot.

>> No.15418357

>Yes he was a little early on the bubble popping but he’s not wrong in the end
being that early is the same as being wrong

>> No.15418471


We were 6 hours away from a global financial collapse of the dollar standard in 2008. Caution is not unwarranted.

>> No.15418632

I watched about 45 minutes but couldn't take anymore.

Everyone arguing with him is a bit retarded and can't even hear him out but I think he's also being a bit disingenuous and/or short sighted.

I agree with pretty much everything he's saying but what would happen if there was no government involvement and every bezos type decided to call it quits when they have say 500 billion and stop investing? Couldn't we easily end up with a country where the best businessmen end up with say 90% of the country's wealth and simply hoard it all?

I'm not an expert in any of this by any means just genuinely curious what others have to say on this.

>> No.15419329

Did I kill the thread with this wtf?

>> No.15419593

You idiots don't realize recessions are a good thing and in a free market they correct fast like in the 19th century we had tons of recessions and they only lasted a year AND that was in the century where we had MASSIVE growth. How do you think cities like New York and chicago came to be great cities in the early 20the century? Because of all the free market capitalism of the 19th

>> No.15419758

Wtf are you talking about? I've seen him on TV countless times in the past couple years and I didn't even own a TV from 2010 until two weeks ago.

Anyway, fuck him and his father who died in prison with NIGGERS, HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE DIED WITH A BUNCH OF FERAL NIGS IN THE FEDPEN. HAHAHAHA fuck you SCHIFF

>> No.15420342

Gold doesn't need to be shilled. It's been money for millennia.... and despite being de-monetized by govts it's still $1,500

>> No.15420366

sounds like a true /biz/ warrior