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15410983 No.15410983 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 22 y/o black male with an IQ of 120 and I am currently in an electrical apprenticeship, but I want to switch over to a career field in computer science because you all make it sound so comfy on here. I am well aware of affirmative action in the workplace and want to exploit it to make decent money and have relevant modern day skills. I know some HTML & CSS & a little bit of Javascript fundamentals, but my question is what do I need to learn on my own to make myself marketable and useful to employers? Is it front end that’s more useful or backend? Also, should I just go to a top tier bootcamp for networking reasons or should I just grind out a portfolio by myself ? I want to know what looks good biz and be competent like the white man!

>> No.15411042

>22 yo black male
>120 IQ
nice LARP buddy. sage

>> No.15411044

Based on OP linguistics, definitely African American, on average 20-30% europoid admixture, let’s not rush to conclusions.

>> No.15411115

Damn. Didn’t know you could tell through simple verbiage.
150 IQ confirmed.

>> No.15411123

You don't need a portfolio. Let affirmative action carry you.

Also for the fags here, 120 is easily enough for coding. Genius level minds burn out of programming after they identify the patterns.

>> No.15411127

I’ve been going to college for 2 semester’s. If you want to grind out a degree it’s a lot of bs and expensive

>> No.15412103

Go to hackathons and compete in online competitions. Build a portfolio too

>> No.15412115

show dicc

>> No.15412121

this lol

>> No.15412146

>Found the genius

>> No.15412151

Fullstack dev here. Learm a framework and stack, or go backend. Build a portfolio. Do frantic small jobs to get experience. Continue freelancing or get an actual gig. Learn a new stacknin 3 years.Keep going. Getting started is hard, but plenty of diamonds in the rough jobs. Good luck

>> No.15412194
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Don’t tempt me

>> No.15412605

Can't u just become a rapper or something.

>> No.15412613
File: 301 KB, 401x427, afrenchbullformywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out of my board baboon

>> No.15412722
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>> No.15412777



>> No.15412781


>> No.15412782

>I am a 22 y/o black male

>> No.15412835

your a dumbass if you got in and are going to bail. Here comfy making 5800 a week as a JW

>> No.15413110
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>> No.15413131

Start your own software company
Become black bill gates

>> No.15413407

Affirmative action doesn't really happen. Usually it's just a retconned reason for racial nepotism. Especially common among pajeets. Also happens with gynocernegress's but they generally don't work for good companies, but tend to work for the government.

>> No.15413502

Fellow blackbro here in the medical field. Just be competent and chill. It'll all fall into your lap. Companies love to hire and promote underrepresented groups. Mediocre white males are eternally BTFO.

>> No.15414352


These anons are spot on and this advice will appy to any skin color. Get a Github account and start building anything.

A lot of the courses on Udemy have hands-on projects that you can add to your folio so you can learn and build your folio at the same time. This one is a great for frontend development: https://www.udemy.com/react-redux/

Greatest hack is to be genuinely interested in making software. If you have that everything is easy.

If you're looking for handouts it won't be easy to scrape-by being incompetent. Your color won't determine if your code works or not. LOL JK have fun working at Google.

>> No.15414858

Programmer here.

1) Ordinarily you'd get a Bachelor's degree. But you're about 4 years away from that, if you started now. You could complete your electrical apprenticeship, get an electrical job, and take night classes. Or you could drop your electrical apprenticeship, and start a bachelor's degree. I'm assuming that your electrical apprenticeship won't give you any transferable credits.

2) If you don't want to pursue the degree route, feel free to build a portfolio. But it'll be harder to get a good job (and thus get that affirmative action money). Good jobs in computer science usually require a B.S. Mediocre jobs might not require a B.S., but they're mediocre.

3) Of course, without a degree, you can still make money. Lots of people make income from software they develop, sell, and periodically update. But that's more entrepreneurship, than employment.

>I know some HTML & CSS & a little bit of Javascript fundamentals
In other words, you don't know any computer science. You'll need to start with some really basic stuff.

Or, you might be looking for some web-development job. One that isn't strictly about programming.

>aware of affirmative action in the workplace and want to exploit it
You don't understand how affirmative action works. It's primarily done in government jobs, or industries that rely on government support, and thus have special racial rules, that incentivize the hiring of minorities. Sometimes these rules are informal. For example, jobs in academia, government contractors, or certain nonprofits.

You won't find a lot of free affirmative action benefits in computer-science-related jobs.

>black male with an IQ of 120
Not impossible, but not particularly likely. That's like 2.3 sigma above the average black IQ.

>I want to know what looks good biz and be competent like the white man!
Are your really black?

>Is it front end that’s more useful or backend?
The more complex the program, the more it's about backend.