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1540706 No.1540706 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to get neutral news nearly in real-time ?

>> No.1540710

By being a billionaire hedge fund manager.

>> No.1540723

MSNBC is really centrist. But faux news and nbc are too right w ing to be objective

>> No.1540743


>> No.1540756
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>ids happening this time for realz drust me

>> No.1540839

>MSNBC is really centrist
Sure they are, comrade.

>> No.1541187
File: 36 KB, 590x350, Youth-In-Revolt-imaginary-characters-590x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1541314


What are you planning on doing with this?

>> No.1541448

Actually this could turn into a nice idea, Anon

>> No.1541466

I just use twitter and subscribe to several different news outlets.

>> No.1541473

Wall Street Journal online subscription

>b-but I have to pay!
Yea, you do

>> No.1541506

you can do it. Just summaruze the article and get the link to the original

>> No.1541537
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>> No.1541614

There is a problem with this that's very hard to solve and to talk about it I'll borrow a term from Bitcoin called "sybil attacks." Sybil attacks are where a large number of nodes join a p2p network and their presence allows them to mostly hijack the network. It's like a coup, only, when you have such a significant number of nodes under the control of one person you can start to disrupt the network for the majority of users.

In the context of journalism, this would be like if a group of outlets were bought by only a handful of people who then chose to broadcast only certain stories. In theory this means that choosing to summarize existing news sources to make the stories more neural is not enough since there is still the problem of choosing what news stories to cover and how are you going to do that without introducing bias? If you choose to have community driven news then that opens up the possibility of shilling. Not to mention that communities already have an implicit bias where overtime they tend to favor certain opinions over others.

The matter gets even more precarious when you try define what acceptable news is based on social consensus. Suppose for a moment that you built an AI that could represent all of the original member's founding belief systems and then use that AI to select what content to publish. At what point does the AI need to be updated? Do you allow only the founding members to change things? If so, its still a dictatorship. But if not, what happens if their viewpoints change over time or the viewpoints of the "community" change (and by community lets assume it isn't being attacked via a sybil attack.) Repeated submissions could also still skew the truth.

You could partially solve this with a fixed AI and then just say that if the group changes they aren't the same group anymore but that still doesn't mean the original AI has no agenda.