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1540561 No.1540561 [Reply] [Original]

Is Adderall a meme or does it really work? I've been on similar shit but I never noticed a difference.

>> No.1540599

What are you on?

I'm considering taking ritalin...
Hopefully is more than a meme.

>> No.1540608

I forgot the name, it was stupidly long.

>> No.1540648

It works real good bruh

>> No.1540650

Ritalin fucking s u c k s

>> No.1540783
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Throw the ritalin in the trash

Adderall will make you a god

>> No.1540794

Adderall turns you into a machine. Me and my girl both have scripts for 20mg, the only problem is sometimes you get so consumed in work you forget to banter.

This has kept me back in multiple jobs, as people see me as a dick / snob, regardless of how much work I do.

>> No.1540804

How you get them scrips mang

>> No.1540808

Why use Adderal when you can buy pure speed paste on the Dark Net ?

Adderal is just amphetamines. You just have to learn to dose what you take.

>> No.1540810

Don't listen to the haters.
Ritalin is fine.
Just not quite as good.

>> No.1540820

>risking jail time and your life on complete strangers

Visited a psychiatrist recommended by a friend. Subtlety fidgeted and described how lack of attention has destroyed my life. Then he asked what I wanted in a medication and I said a bunch of things that left him with only one option: adderall.

>> No.1540833

We don't have Adderal in Europe, only Ritalin, and it's rarely prescribed.

Even illegaly, getting Adderal here is extremely difficult. Also, there aren't a lot of risks. The police won't try to catch a small consumer. That's why it's better in Europe to use pure speed bought on Internet.

>> No.1541338

I took the 50mg xr. I had planned 10 hours to study for and take an exam.
Read 3 chapters
take 3 quizzes
take online test
Figured 3 hours for each 2 read 1 testing, with some eating in between.

Took addy to try it out.

Wakeup - 9am
pop - 9:01
9:30 feelin spry
10am I've cleaned half my house and read the first two chapters
10:30 - the rest of the house is now clean. the quizzes are done.
10:45 - fancy breakfast, pancetta and soft scrambled eggs with a side of salsa and smoked salmon with capers.
11:30 I've eaten, taken my test 49/50
well sheeit. I guess I've got ADHD now.
cried a little b/c I'm 30 and I could have gotten so much further.

My grades were always mediocre Bs Cs, but Always tested in the high 90's on standardized. 3rd in school SAT score first time no retakes.
Diagnosed as Lazy. I was the cliche.
Today I run 3 businesses with 34 employees and am on my way to becoming a Doctor with a Law Degree.

I was a racecar with a misaligned front end and the adderall lets me use all 18000rpms

>> No.1541347

Damn man if thats true then i really have to try adderall now

>> No.1541396

Is it cheaper to get the paste?

>> No.1541415
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grats on getting your shit together mang

>> No.1541439

WARNING: If you have control over your dosage instead of being prescribed one you're far more likely to slowly increase your dose as your tolerance develops and end up a meth head

>> No.1541455

Used to be on 10, after 3 months saw efficacy decrease, so doc bumped to 15. After another 3 months, same thing, bumped to 20.

Nearing the end of this refill and i'm feeling the same way. My first month on them are marvelous (first week being the best). Am I going to have to keep increasing? Is doc going to keep approving them?

>> No.1541465

Eventually you're going to hit a maximum dosage and they won't prescribe you any more.
Well, probably, I don't know what country you're from but it probably has a maximum.
20mg per dose is a large amount, that's 2 doses for me and I've been taking the stuff for almost a decade.
I do take it 4 times a day though

>> No.1541491

The best days are behind you. Quit before it consumes your personality & natural desires. Adderrall turns people into robots slowly over time. Lookup long term users stories. Few and far between end well.

>> No.1541508

Can confirm. You will build such a tolerance where you need it to function normally and without it your completely worthless. Breathing exercises and mio energy if you absolutely NEED to wake up. Y'all selling yourselves short.
Ps its part placebo

>> No.1541513

google it man, its literally the easiest thing to get. Just tell your doc that someone else in the family just got scribed it and then look up the symptoms and tell your shrink exactly what he wants to hear

>> No.1541515

If you legit have ADHD then you're worthless without it anyways...

>> No.1541528

Fucking works. I've only ever gotten it illegally, but it's really good. I would love a prescription.

>take pill at 8 when I get up to go to work with a small coffee and a cigarette
>drink energy drink around 10
>feel like a god all day, get more work done than ever before

Do it.

>> No.1541540

I used to be able to take just one capsule every month or so and I'd be 1,000% focused on whatever I set my mind to for the next 24 hours or more, no sleep needed, but after starting my new script it takes at least two for me to feel any more focused, and it only lasts a couple hours.
I've found that I can get myself into a similar state of zen with just my normal script and some caffeine, but it has a shorter half life, which is probably better in all honesty, because being awake for more than 24 hours, even with Adderall, will screw with your head.

>> No.1541586

>Adderal is just amphetamines. You just have to learn to dose what you take.

I have taken speed/meth and adderall, they are nothing alike. Adderall is not "just amphetamines", it is a combination of 4 different amphetamine based salts in varying amounts.

Obviously it makes a difference as when I take Adderall I am extremely productive and able to get alot of work done, when I take only amphetamines, I usually end up just fapping all day and grinding my teeth.

When I take only amphetamines, I feel really twitchy and euphoric and not productive at all. When I take adderall, I feel like my brainpower and productivity is on steroids.

Both of them have similar side effects though of flaccid dick, no appetite, and insomnia.

Adderall > all other amphetamine based drugs.

>> No.1541594


Btw, i should have also mentioned, I have been using adderall regularly for over 5 years. It is not some miracle drug.

I think of adderall as getting a loan from the bank, it can help you in the short-term but over the long term you will end up paying back even more.

It will take a toll on your mind and body over time if you abuse it. I know people who take 60mg daily because they have developed a tolerance and they are like braindead zombies if they dont' take it.

>> No.1541603
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>> No.1541660

You say doctor.

Do you mean PhD in law or an actual physician?

>> No.1543835

I take Vyvanse and adderall and they work pretty good. When I'm on it, my big problem is that I get obsessed with organizing as I'm doing my task and end up spending most of the time setting things up and not actually doing anything. Does anyone know of how I could fix this?

>> No.1543841


Ritalin is better IMO. You don't appear like a sped-up freak and make manic decisions you may regret later. Trust me, people can tell you're on something.

You get the focus but it's calm and you don't forget to banter.

>> No.1543844

Also there isn't a bad comedown.

Concerta is where it's at. Just don't take too much or it will have an opposite effect and make you nervous instead of calm.

You don't get the speed rush though, but if you want to seem like an executive that is confident in his skills, you don't want to seem like you're jacked up on speed.

>> No.1543917

I've tried all of these and they don't do anything. Yet I know gullible people who take one sixteenth of a pill and supposedly become super geniuses (yeah right...)
It's mostly the placebo effect.

>> No.1543963

same here except for vyvanse. At least i got it when i was 20.

>> No.1544026

>I've tried all of these and they don't do anything.
Apparently you haven't.

>It's mostly the placebo effect.
>What is PubMed?
This shit has been well documented and researched for over 30 years.
Actual science disagrees with your opinion.

>> No.1544033

And this is just for research with ADHD
The use and research of amphetamines has been going on since the 1890s

>> No.1544055


I've sacrificed many, many innocent virgins with this drug. Yes it's worth it, it's fucking amazing. Sacrifice 1 virgin before any big event and you will have guaranteed success.

>> No.1544161
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Adderall works. If you don't like the rush feeling, take Dexedrine, or even Vyvanse.

I have legitimate AD(H)D-I and it sucks alot. I can't hold thoughts very long and it makes doing anything very difficult and time consuming. Its more than a motivation issue because I have plenty of that.

Please don't lie to your doc in order to get a script, really see if you have it.

Quick answers:
>no its not addictive(physically, it can be """""mentally""""" as much as you can be addicted to weed)
>you will clean alot and organize.
>adderall is merely turning your wide scattered focus into a laser beam of focus, thus if you point your laser to horse porn or calculus, you will focus on those things.
>You will not feel hungry, but your body will eventually feel it. Take care of yourself, eat even if you dont feel like it
>sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. Do not let it fuck with your sleep. It will if you allow it. you can easily stay up for days. don't allow it. sleep is way more important.
>learn study skills and use them.
>you'll get cold feet and hands and cock. sex drive will be weird. dont look at porn, or you will jerk off 20 times in one night.
>just be aware of your self and how you behave, personally and socially.
>utilize brain dumps
>work out, eat well
>Anger/short fuse can be a side effect after a few weeks, or more likely, a day or so after you stop taking adderall. Its largely due to stress and sleep strain, not really dependency.

>> No.1544165

If you are interested in Adderall, I would try Modafinil first.

>> No.1544181

>Anger/short fuse can be a side effect after a few weeks

This is pretty much why I stopped taking it.
Short fuse and taking the NY subway commute everyday don't mix well.
No one really fucked with me because I'm decently built but I probably would have ended up hurting someone at some point.

>> No.1544233

Adderall is not worth the side effects.

I have taken it for a period of 3 months twice, both at 20mg, at 165 lbs. The first week you feel like a genious, and the high lasts for 8 hours. But then you start experiencing the side effects.
>Dry mouth
>extreme letdowns
>extreme heart rate spikes
>loss of appetite
>And a change in personality, you feel as if human interaction is a waste of time, and want everyone to fuck off.
Sure, go ahead and try it. Don't loose yourself though.

>> No.1544259

MD with JD

I'll work as a liason between insurance and larger hospital groups likely. Not sure which side I'll pick though, might just play both with a private consultancy.

It worked for me b/c I was legit compromised. My buddy has taken it a few time b/c meth hurr durr gotta go fast and he just goes to sleep.

this channel helped me a ton.

and get a coach

>> No.1544283

>Diagnosed as Lazy. I was the cliche.

No matter how much anxiety, guilt, depression, regret ect ect ect my procrastination "addiction" seems to cause me, it is never enough to result in my being disciplined or willing to focus myself on subjects I find dull and boring. It's a devastating character flaw. Is there a term for this? It's like I'm addicted to hard drugs, but I'm sober.

>> No.1544602


This is me.

>> No.1544661

I am forced to go and buy speed because my doctors wont help me i truely have ADD but i am too functioning, mostly because my mother takes too good care of me.

I can't stay focused on anything, when i finally got to the doctor, 3 times they just don't take me serious and say it's my character.

I feel suicidal because i can't get shit done 95% of the time. Fuck the doctors i have tried out.

First one was a chick i came to her finally after another year of wasting my life because i can't stay focused enough because it exhausts me. She says im gonna take your blood, testresults come in it says i have vitamin D defeciency, i say yes and what next? she says i'll write you a prescription come back in two weeks.

contemplate suicide thoghts run wild and always forget to go back.

Half year later still haven't been able to do anything with my life because i am a wild train of thought who can't get shit done.

Well, second doctor whatever i'm just gonna go and buy speed because my doctors don't help.

Buy sayonara, 1 more year of getting nowhere and i'm afraid i'll completely go nuts on it all.

>> No.1544686

>If you don't like the rush feeling, take meth
Dude what?

>> No.1544715

I was on Adderall from age 7-12 for ADHD.

I never liked the way I felt when I was on it. Yeah, it helped me focus, but only by making everything less interesting and that I may as well focus on what I was doing even if I wasn't gaining any enjoyment from it. Honestly it felt more like a depressant than anything else.

I can attest to most of the other side effects anons have mentioned as being accurate, especially lack of appetite. Except for organization, never felt that urge ever.

>> No.1544766

>3 doctors say you don't have ADD
>"oh but I do! I just know it! there's no other explanation!'
You're making excuses for your laziness and lack of self-discipline. Kill yourself.

>> No.1544827

It's a waste of money. It also wears your heart down. It's better to biz sober.

>> No.1544971

It's not going to make you an alpha. That drug is an alpha and you will bend to its will basically you will become a cuck. If money isn't enough motive to get your fucking shit together you don't have what it takes kid. You get to a point where you rely on the high for confidence so when your tolerance goes up(which it will) you become worthless. Don't fall for the (((addy))) meme. It restricts you in the long term even though the first couple times will feel incredibly freeing.
T. Prescribed 30/mg a day for 3years and 50/mg for 2 years

>> No.1544972

Interested in how this works long term. I'm talking several years long term. I'm yet to see people become uber successful millionaires thanks to drugs. Most just crash and burn eventually. No meme answers, objective reasoning only.

Also, Charlie Munger said to stay away from shit that alters your judgement.

>> No.1545020

Hey Anyone have some experience with Modafinil?

I am too much of a coward to try Adderall, as I got some bad experience with speed.

Moda seems way more smoother on the high (no addiction) and can give you the pump you need to do some extra work right?

>> No.1545061

The problem is when you take it you will feel on top of the world, regardless of what objective reality is.

I used to take the stuff a ton and I really think that I personally will have better long term success and happiness without the stuff.

>> No.1545131

Not tried adderall.

I've founded it gets me really into whatever I'm doing: so I have to make a list, and know when to move onto the next task.

It also seemed to limit my ability to be creative. It was great for studying pages and page of economic theory. Wasn't so great for the freelance writing I was doing at the time.

Do not take it every day. Seems to build up a sleep debt of *more sleep than lost*

Read an article on the verge about a guy using adderall. Kinda sums up how it felt

>> No.1545140
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Why don't I hear of many people taking it one day a week?

I work from home one day a week and feel like I could get a lot of shit done in that day if I'm focused for 8 hours. Seems like it could avoid the reliance problem?

>> No.1545158

I think everyone in this thread just lacks self-discipline. There is no reason someone would need a drug that does damage to you on any level to use just to get your work done.

Men know better than to use drugs to make their work counter-productive.

>> No.1545296

It doesn't work long term. Long term users on ADHD type drugs end up as drug addicts 90% of the time.
Nothing in life is free. With adderrall you can be wildly successful in the short term but life is long.
Any benefits come with a cost. I had a fun productive 6 months before the negatives clearly outweighed the positives and I quit. I don't recommend it to anybody who is thinking about starting. Modifinil would be a better option

>> No.1545658
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Got a link to that article? I'm interested in reading it

>> No.1546512

where did I say take meth?
None of those substances include Methamphetamine. If you really think they're the same you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.1546730

Mixed up dexedrine and desoxyn.

>> No.1546909

I have actual ADHD and meds are the only reason I'm not a completely worthless piece of shit, so they must be like jet fuel on a normal person

>> No.1546962

>I think everyone in this thread just lacks self-discipline.

It's all about having an advantage in life. Performance enhancing drugs give you a definite advantage in sports, which is why they are banned. Adderall definitely gives cognitive and productivity advantages. It might be a short term advantage that actually turns into a disadvantage over the long term, but for the short term, it is an advantage over people who aren't using it.

>> No.1546966

Does using drugs as a crutch work? I mean maybe temporarily until you develop a bad speed habit and lose not only your job, but possibly more. Take it from someone who knows.

And don't tell me it's about "responsible use". When you decide you need it to help you do better at work, it's already past the boundaries of "responsible".

>> No.1547092

I turn into an absolute monster when I take it and play sc2.

>> No.1548161


Get checked out. I thought the same things.

I thought that I was addicted to novelty and intensity. That things simply got old fast for me.

In the end, I know what I need to and I do it after taking adderall. The period between which I need to take it grows through practice, b/c I can maintain the systems that keep it in check.

When you have good systems they snowball into each other. So I only need to take the pills to get unstuck or keep from getting stuck.

At the core from the research what happens is its typically a kind of anxiety that keeps you from performing, it has nothing to do with emotional centers of the brain. You're gonna feel as motivated, guilty depressed as anyone else but the in you the critical thresholds don't trigger a response in the executive center of the brain.
The two types of adhd, one is an explicit limitation in the executive. These are the hyper folks who bounce around and talk fast.
The other, the inattentive types, have a slightly different cause but similar effects. Their disorder is in the rear part of the brain that keeps dreams from reality. It exhausts the executive center of the brain, b/c they are working very hard in their subconscious. These people are typically quiet and withdrawn with a slow speech tempo. Not hyper active at all. They're trying to class this into a seperate disorder, the current placeholder name is sluggish cognitive tempo.

You can also have both and its double crippling.
Please get checked out. If you don't want to diagnose on the cheap, buy/get an adderall from someone with ADD and see how it affects you.
But you shouldn't tell the doctor you're taking it b/c drug seeking behavior. It can be very addictive.

>> No.1548163

if you're having these thoughts, tell the fucking doctors, getting committed is the fastest way to get treated.

>> No.1548169

I actually just recently started taking it.
100% not a meme, ive literally never been so productive. Just know what youre getting into before you get it, and be careful.

>> No.1548171

its addictive

>> No.1548202

Like this guy says its a very serious substance.

Like anything with a powerful upside it has an equal or worse downside.

Be honest with yourself and your doctors.
Its not a long term solution, and you should place checks in place to hedge before starting a protocol to evaluate at what point you need to taper or quit.

You might need to see an older doctor who's treated people for years to get this advice for real. Maybe ask to contact some patients. I'm sure there's an adhd community who'll tell you the warning signs to watch out for.

>> No.1548231

Why does it sucks?
What does it lack?
But can it change my life?

>> No.1548282 [DELETED] 

Redpill me on how to acquire this orange pill.

>> No.1548331

How bad is the hairloss?

>> No.1549445

i just want the fucking pills, not get committed like its a big deal. Its my right to get adderall without having to be comitted because the fuckers cant do their jobs; wich is prescribing pills to those who have symptoms for pills<.

>> No.1549461

Very good I'd say. Just make sure you're doing what you want to focus on when you first pop it, which was probably my biggest mistake. This has been mentioned before, but also no porn.

Two times I've taken it:
1. Got a C on a chemistry test because I decided to focus on Seeking Alpha articles rather than studying acids and bases (this was in high school)
2. Couple of weeks ago took like 3 tabs over the weekend so I could juggle my commitments, ended up staying up for something like ~60 hours (Friday at 5 AM until Sunday at 9 PM)- only reason I stayed up was because i would take breaks for porn during the night and end up on it for like 5-7 hours at a time, not healthy.

So just don't be a dumbass. And try not to let it replace your sleep. This isn't as big of a deal as people make it out to be, IMO, but seriously try to sleep. In the second scenario, when I was up for 48 hours+ on Sunday I kept seeing these flashes in the corner of my vision that were semi hallucinations but weren't as intense. I used to have a mouse in my room over the summer that i caught and i felt like I was seeing it in the corner of my vision even when there was nothing there.

>> No.1549868

> It might be a short term advantage that actually turns into a disadvantage over the long term, but for the short term, it is an advantage over people who aren't using it.
>it is an advantage over people who aren't using it.

But it isn't, because if you crash and burn after 2 years due to addiction and whatnot and others keep working fine and progressing even after 5-10 years but at a slower pace, they still win.

>Its not a long term solution, and you should place checks in place to hedge before starting a protocol to evaluate at what point you need to taper or quit.

This is the main reason why I am not taking it. I'm really tempted, but I know that I have an addictive personality (addicted to porn), so it WILL ruin me. I mean. Even if I manage to use it properly, I will probably be always craving it more and more. Even if I'm super productive for a few years, what happens after a decade or several decades? What then?

>How bad is the hairloss?

It does not affect hair loss lol.

>> No.1551175 [DELETED] 

How do you know what kind of sleazy doctor to go to?

>> No.1551201

> be me
> ex meth addict
> life in shambles during recovery
> fake my add to get a dexedrine script, now I take 30mg a day
> two and a half years sober aside from my script and second year in accounting with 3.8 GPA and have my life together
> ruined my life with stimulants, but they also pulled me out of it better than before

Dex > addy btw cause addy has levo in it

>> No.1551206

Oh and by the way I still feel the effects hardcore and my dex makes life ten times easier. It is kind of like coffee, in that it will always work to some extent. My suggestion is to take protein powder with your morning dose.

Dex is superior to addy if you have anxiety by the way. And ADHD is the easiest condition to fake because it does not exist, you are just responding to your environment which is not natural. If young men were still out in the wild chasing after buffalo and shit they would not have ADHD problems.

>> No.1551256

It makes me want to cross dress alot.

>> No.1551324


Why is dex better if i have anxiety?

>> No.1551337


Adderall is dextroamphetamine (the only ingredient in dexedrine) + levoamphetamine. Levo is basically what they add to give you physical stimulation. This prevents abuse.

>> No.1551370

>It makes me want to cross dress alot.

I have this same issue and I thought I was the only one. When I take adderall I have homosexual urges and thoughts like crossdressing and looking at trap porn.

When I don't take adderall, I am completely hetero and am disgusted by those thoughts

>> No.1551375

same wtf.

>> No.1551379

Stay strong, brother

>> No.1551420


weird. I've been prescribed adderall since middle school and came out of the closet in 10th grade. I have doubts about my sexual identity on days when I forget to take adderall

>> No.1551428

>And ADHD is the easiest condition to fake because it does not exist, you are just responding to your environment which is not natural. If young men were still out in the wild chasing after buffalo and shit they would not have ADHD problems.
Provably false. Brain scans prove it exists and it's known to be heritable.

What does that have to do with anxiety?

>> No.1551466


this is for real right?

Not tryna tinfoil hat here, but don't people feel that ADD is a made up excuse to sell pills to the masses? and now these pills are giving people homosexual urges...

maybe population control? subversion of western culture?
I'm curious, who gets prescribed ADD meds the most, is it white male children right before they hit puberty?

>tfw i probably need adderall because my life is a mess and i can hardly muster the stuff to make it better, but im already having gay urges : /

>> No.1551482

Are you retarded?

>> No.1551492


I don't think it's retarded, sounds like a legit theory to me

>> No.1551494

>ADD appears on brain scans
>ADD is provably genetic
>adults are increasingly being diagnosed with ADD
>but it's all made up to turn white men gay before puberty because muh white genocide

>> No.1551527

>adhd appears on brain scans
... and most brain scans are extremely expensive and have only been used on the most extreme cases, where patients often carry more than one kind of mental illness

"Neuroimaging doesn't give you a diagnosis," says Dr. Amen. "It's one part of a full evaluation that you have to put in the context of what goes on in a patient's life." Low activity in the prefrontal cortex is typical of ADHD, he says, but it can also occur with schizophrenia, dementia, and head injury. "You can't read these things blindly."

>provably genetic
citation needed

>adults are being diagnosed
the point is EVERYONE is being diagnosed more.

Approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011.
The percentage of children with an ADHD diagnosis continues to increase, from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011.
Rates of ADHD diagnosis increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006 [Read article] and an average of approximately 5% per year from 2003 to 2011.
Boys (13.2%) were more likely than girls (5.6%) to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD.


Initially I was just drawing straws at a coincidence.
Really there is no stats on Adderall making you gay and no stats that say its mostly white males taking it, but you cannot deny big-pharma wants people on their drugs for profit and they want you hooked as a kid and a customer for life. There are large group of practicing medical doctors who've called bullshit on ADHD and that has to count for something.

Would you really put it past the powers that be to use pharmaceuticals to manipulate (and profit off the suffering of) the general public? Doesn't anyone remember when big pharma recommended AIDS patients use an extremely harmful and expensive pills when people knew there were alternatives?

>> No.1551541

Gaming the healthcare system is easy when you know what illness you're trying to emulate. For adderall I went in saying I had awful grades my whole academic career and have never been able to focus. The doctor you're seeing sees many other patients and is just looking to see what checkboxes you tick off. Get enough for ADHD/ADD and they'll eventually put you on something like concerta. Say the drug you're on doesn't work until you land your desired script like Dexedrine/Adderall.

Compare attitudes to ADD/ADHD in America to countries like France and you can see how fucking much that shit is over-diagnosed in the states. Fucking ridiculous feeding 8 y/o kids party drugs every day.

>> No.1551550

The doctor is saying that a brain scan alone isn't enough to diagnose. He's not saying it doesn't appear on brain scans.

>ADHD has a strong genetic basis in the majority of cases, as a child with ADHD is four times as likely to have had a relative who was also diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. At the moment, researchers are investigating many different genes, particularly ones involved with the brain chemical dopamine. People with ADHD seem to have lower levels of dopamine in the brain.

>the point is EVERYONE is being diagnosed more.
Because we are learning more about the disease and eliminating the idea that only children can have it; some children lose many or most symptoms in adulthood, but many children keep most or all of them, including children who weren't diagnosed.

> you cannot deny big-pharma wants people on their drugs for profit
Adderall is half a century old. The patent expired decades ago. It's also a pretty serious drug and the FDA would never approve it for treating a disorder that didn't exist.

>There are large group of practicing medical doctors who've called bullshit on ADHD and that has to count for something.
The mainstream says they're all full of shit because there is a mountain of evidence proving it exists.

>Would you really put it past the powers that be to use pharmaceuticals to manipulate (and profit off the suffering of) the general public?
What I would put past the "powers that be" is inventing a disorder with chemical symptoms and a genetic basis that provably exists, because that's impossible.

>> No.1551612

Fair but almost 7 million children are not getting brain scans to prove that diagnosis.

And I never claimed that ADHD is not real, I believe it is real. Origonally I just asked if people 'felt' it was made up. 'Doctors calling bullshit on it' and everything I've been talking about is the over-diagnosis going on in America. Certainly it is a real disorder, but you really think the 7 million and climbing all genuinely have this disorder, genetic or otherwise?

The patent for Adderall only expired in mid 2009 and really that only means that the drug can be produced and sold on an even larger scale by more companies. Pharmaceutical companies still have bottom lines and quota's to meet, this means they design new hyperactivity drug formulas and present doctors with new incentives while still selling plenty of Classic Coke. Really it only means that Adderall is now cheaper

Unless there's something in the water of America, why are there not more stats like this coming out of France or Germany or wherever else? Countries like Japan have a ban on amphetamine based medicines and they seem to get by

I really think you also place far too much confidence in the FDA. America consumes more pills than any other nation on Earth and the FDA approves drugs faster than most other countries' respective agencies do. I dunno, probably to keep money flowing through American hands. It's almost like big pharma contributes to lobbyists and politicians so they have an easier time selling their drugs in a nation that has next to zero price regulations put down by the government.

Don't think that government agencies and multinational pharmaceutical companies have you're best interests in mind, because they don't.

>> No.1551631

>Fair but almost 7 million children are not getting brain scans to prove that diagnosis.
Why would they need it? The symptoms are readily apparent, especially in children. The brain scans simply prove that the disorder does, in fact, exist.

>Certainly it is a real disorder, but you really think the 7 million and climbing all genuinely have this disorder, genetic or otherwise?
7 million out of over 300 million people. That's less than 3%. Remember that there are people like >>1551541 inflating those numbers as well.

> why are there not more stats like this coming out of France or Germany or wherever else?
What are the stats in France and Germany, adjusted for population?

>Countries like Japan have a ban on amphetamine based medicines and they seem to get by
That's because they use Ritalin instead, not because they don't get ADHD.

>The patent for Adderall only expired in mid 2009
Yup, you're right, Adderall isn't as old as I thought it was. It must have been a different drug they had in the 60s.

>that only means that the drug can be produced and sold on an even larger scale by more companies
At a much smaller margin, in a market with several competing drugs of comparable effectiveness. Definitely not conspiracy-worthy.

>I really think you also place far too much confidence in the FDA. America consumes more pills than any other nation on Earth and the FDA approves drugs faster than most other countries' respective agencies do. I dunno, probably to keep money flowing through American hands. It's almost like big pharma contributes to lobbyists and politicians so they have an easier time selling their drugs in a nation that has next to zero price regulations put down by the government.
And yet the FDA would definitely not approve a schedule II drug for treating a nonexistant disorder. There are regulations, you know.

I really hope I don't have to explain to you why it's ridiculous to think ADHD is a conspiracy to spread homosexuality.

>> No.1551650
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>> No.1551656
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>> No.1551669

Because you didn't answer his other questions, you just picked the ones you had rehearsed in Russian 10-cent army training.

>> No.1551670

>What are the stats in France and Germany, adjusted for population?

"The overall lifetime prevalence of ADHD diagnosis was 4.8%." Thats kids aged 3-17 in Germany.
"The prevalence of ADHD in France is between 3.5% and 5.6%"

In America it's over 11%

And Ritalin was the drug of choice in the 60s. Which should be noted as being considered as addicting as amphetamine

Morton WA, Stockton GG (2000). "Methylphenidate Abuse and Psychiatric Side Effects". Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2 (5): 159–164. doi:10.4088/PCC.v02n0502. PMC 181133free to read. PMID 15014637

>And yet the FDA would definitely not approve a schedule II drug for treating a nonexistant disorder. There are regulations, you know.

As I stated before, I know that ADHD is not made up. Doctors and regulating bodies have simply broadened their definition of the disorder to sell more pills that are relatively expensive and addictive.

Adderall was released by Richwood Pharmaceuticals in 1996. Amphetamine was moved to schedule II in 1971, so the FDA approved a pill (several) that they knew contained the highly addictive drug no problem.

I know EXACTLY how ridiculous it is to think ADHD is a conspiracy to spread homosexuality, that's why I said it. There will probably never be research done on the rate of homosexuals on Adderall, but it's fun to think about.

The only real conspiracy going on here is that Americans think it's okay to pump their children full of expensive pills because it's easy and sure as hell beats involved parenting.

>> No.1551675

It makes me feel kinda tired but unable to sleep. Also makes my piss smell terrible

>> No.1551683

My wife takes it for her ADHD and it works wonders, I took it for shits n' giggles one day and it was horrible.

All day I was fidgety and sweating and I smelled terrible.

>> No.1551685

What did I miss?
It's 2 AM but I think I hit everything.
Did you think I was disputing that pharma companies use lobbying to manipulate the government? They do. All major corporations do.

>"The overall lifetime prevalence of ADHD diagnosis was 4.8%." Thats kids aged 3-17 in Germany.
>"The prevalence of ADHD in France is between 3.5% and 5.6%"
>In America it's over 11%
I can make some guesses about this but nothing else.
What seems likely to me is a combination of the following: adderall is harder to get out of the US so there are fewer fakers, the US is overdiagnosing, and other countries are underdiagnosing.

>Doctors and regulating bodies have simply broadened their definition of the disorder to sell more pills that are relatively expensive and addictive.
Broadened when, from what to what, and on what basis do you argue that this broadening is frivolous?
Or are you just saying that the apparent overdiagnosis is a conscious decision by doctors to profit by getting children addicted to amphetamines? I think that would be placing too little faith in doctors, but that's a matter of opinion and frankly not worth arguing.

>The only real conspiracy going on here is that Americans think it's okay to pump their children full of expensive pills because it's easy and sure as hell beats involved parenting.
Parenting won't fix ADHD any more than it will fix anxiety or depression.

The reason we prescribe amphetamines to children is that it happens to be the best treatment for a disorder that can severely cripple them.
My cousin's ADHD is so bad he couldn't learn to read until they got him on Adderall.

>> No.1551694
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>the US is overdiagnosing
>frankly not worth arguing

finally! a win for team tinfoil!

Don't forget to tell your cousin he will probably end up being a gay for the sake of population control

>> No.1551745
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I bet your parents don't love you and have spoon fed you amphetamines throughout your childhood

>> No.1552241

not him, but I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 21 - on my own, and kept it a secret from my parents because they just told me to "try harder" when I was a kid, which ended up doing permanent damage to our relationship. I will never fully trust them for the rest of my life, most likely. also, go fuck yourself you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.1552368
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I'm 24 and I feel like I've gone my whole life with undiagnosed ADHD. I try my best to pay attention but my focus is just nonexistent. I start getting tired and exhausted trying to pay attention and I almost fall asleep. Sometimes it's as though I can't listen to people even when they're speaking to me directly, I just cant control my thinking very well. I've always juuussst barely scraped through school, but I don't consider myself an idiot. Graduated highschool with a 53% average.

I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything beyond eat, work and sleep. I'm not a NEET, I work as a steamfitter on industrial sites. However I only work at that because I didn't have the marks/attention to get into marine school to study to be a mariner.

My social skills are garbage just because I can't think fast enough to hold a conversation. I can fake it well enough at work but once I get home I'm an irritable cunt and I feel so unbelievably fucking drained I can hardly lift my feet.

However, even though I feel completely drained after work, I still have to fidget with something no matter what time of day it is. I'm constantly tapping my fingers or snapping my thumbs, shaking my legs, finger drumming on the table, etc etc. I have to moving at all times at least a little bit. I just can't stop doing it.

My brain is constantly in a state of "brain fog", as in, my mind is running at DEFCON 1 all the time and I process every single bit of information I take in. That includes things like other people talking in the distance while i'm talking, or music playing quietly when I'm trying to listen to someone. It distracts me so bad that I lose all train of thought. It's like I have no filter for information coming in.

Basically I'm wondering if anyone with ADHD can provide some insight into whether or not it's something to be concerned about, and if so, how to go about talking to a doctor about it.

How was your life before and after diagnosis/treatment?

>> No.1552370

You could also just be stupid

>> No.1552371
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maybe yeah

>> No.1552379

I regretted posting that immediately after I hit post, I hope things get better for you my fellow /biz/raeli

>> No.1552459

You do have to admit, kids getting ritalin and homosexuality seemed to be a pretty similar rise, so I still say its an interesting conspiracy theory but you do a good job debunking it.

I'd at least like to do a study to see how many self-professed gays had amphetamines as little kids.

>> No.1552714


How many mg did you take? Your wife probably has a high tolerance because she takes it on a regular basis, You should have just broken off a piece of one pill and gauged your feeling.

>> No.1553607

So what is the summary? Are there any studies done on people who take it long term?

>> No.1553669
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snus changed my life

i used to be a manchilld with self-esteem issues but then i put a odens extreme cold dry behind my upper lip

>> No.1553730

On a serious note though, Dexamphetamine is widely prescribed in Europe for attention disorder.

>> No.1553797

This is literally me - I feel you, bro.

>> No.1553838

Depends on what kind of person you are. I am similiar to >>1541338 but Ritalin didnt help me.
I manipulated a psychatrist do prescribe me Ritalin and took it at 6pm. My plan was to finish a book presentation. I popped and also sneezed a bit.
After 30 minutes I started to feel "it" and began with my project, it was about a famous piece of german literature (Goethe's "Faust").
I started to do some research on wikipedia, but after about 10 minutes I was not doing research about the book but itstead lost myself into some physics and astronomy stuff. I realized that at about 12pm and said fuck it and did the whole night just some reading about the SETI Project from the university Berkeley.
I tried Ritalin again a few weeks later to learn for a math exam but again lost myself in wikipedia. This time in the psychological stuff and started to read about Carl Jung and Freud.
After that I only used it to get high with my gf. Its a pitty that I cant do more out of my potential.

>> No.1553929

It's a mixed bag.

My Vyvanse is great when I take it first thing in the morning as prescribed and occasionally take another in the afternoon. And if I don't take in more than two or three days in a row.

It sucks when you take too much and hardly want to sleep or eat at all.

>> No.1553956

How does it affect your focus, learning, etc?

>> No.1553982

I use mofafinil and it works good not that great but good and I only use it like 3 times a year so you don't develop tolerance, I only use it for very demanding important tasks

>> No.1554047

How do I trick a doctor to get an Adderall prescription?

I need it asap because I'm ruining my life due to my inability to focus.

>> No.1555195

If you have an inability to focus then you have an actual reason to be prescribed Adderall

>> No.1555923

Yeah but I guess the doctor will start giving me some useless drugs first (wasting my time for probably a year), before giving me an actual Adderall prescription.

>> No.1555977

In 5-10 years ADHD drugs will become demonized like pain pills are today. Once so many people have become addicted and strung out there will be a 180 degree change on how doctors and the government views them.

>> No.1556687


Just tell them you tried your friend's adderall and it really helped you

>> No.1556884

Is that even legal?

>> No.1557234 [DELETED] 


idk but for me that was the truth and thats what I said and I got a prescription

>> No.1557237


idk but for me that was the truth and thats what I said and got a prescription

>> No.1557327
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still wondering if anyone has any insight on this? I went and made a doctors appointment for next week anyways, but I'm just wondering what other people think.

>> No.1557952

A person I know started taking it and it's turned him into a nervous fucking wreck that annoys everyone.

It's shit.

>> No.1557957

It's because of all you assholes in this thread that make my prescriptions that I need (cannot operate or drive a car, be around people etc) a schedule II drug.

This means that I have to drive 45 minutes (one way) to the otherside of town to pick up my hand written prescriptions EVERY MONTH. It is a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.1557962

you morons, you don't build tolerance to these drugs. I have been taking 2x 36 mg extended release + 4 10mg immediate release for over 30 years.

>> No.1558043

You do, your dopamine levels will go down long term as will your sensitivity to it.

>> No.1558057
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It is a psycho pill that convinces fools that they're brilliant and lazy people that they're superman.

>> No.1558147

Help me out guys.. I think I legitimately have add, I've had trouble focusing for more than 2 years. I procrastinate really bad like I get hyped up to do my assignments and I end up leaving it till the last min. I also can't stick with one task. I really want to seek treatment. Where I live you need to see a phychiatrist and pay $350 for consultation fees (any stimulant is a controlled drug here) to get a prescription. Should I go ahead with this? I'm really scared that I'm gonna do bad again for my exams. Talk me out of this decision if it's a bad one

>> No.1558262

So how would I theoretically obtain adderall or dexedrine easily? Deep Fried Web? Go to a doc to obtain prescription?

>> No.1558707

on 60mg of Vyvanse right now. never had it. this shit doesn't work. You're born with it pills won't make you succesful.

>> No.1558733


Adderall will give you an urge to suck dick

>> No.1558917


Not sure but I started buy modaf. I have to take a whole one before I actually notice a difference but it's weird it's like i'm just wired enough to have sleep troubles but never enough to feel like i'm on drugs.

>> No.1558923

Vyvanse guy here. I really lied. This shit kicks in. Doing job applications and I don't have the urge to stop or do something not important if that makes sense. Normally I can only fill out one application at a time, but I feel like i'm on a roll. My Vision is a bit blurry though and I've been listening to the same song for quite some time. I do see how this could be useful though. If you're in a library setting or a quiet environment studying or learning something new would be much easier if you have trouble focusing.

>> No.1559264

I have all these symptoms without ever taking adderall though

>> No.1559635

I use it five times a week and haven't built up tolerance.

>> No.1559708

You aren't stupid.

I wasn't diagnosed until I was 23. I thought I was pretty stupid and there was something seriously wrong with me most of my life. Your observation of your own thought process is identical to my own.

If you are in the U.S. getting something like Adderall will be a challenge because doctors have a "if you really have adhd then you would have been diagnosed by now" mentality.

When/if you start taking it you feel sad or depressed, take a little bit less. This isn't really sadness, it's just how normal people feel and process things without hyperactivity.

Chances are you will find yourself functioning pretty differently. I started programming and learning a foreign language. I found myself cleaning up after myself not because I wanted to but because I wanted to And had the thought process lined out more clearly which helped my motivation.

>> No.1559829

I think I have both, you have described everything I feel
in 3rd year of LS right now and completely demotivated, feel like shit all day and no nothing
I smoke weed all day to not stay depressed and I dont even feel bad about it

>> No.1559905
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I'm in Canada thank fuck so I'm thinking the whole process might go a little easier. I have a doctors appointment coming up soon to talk about it.

Thanks for your input!