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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1539153 No.1539153 [Reply] [Original]

How in the fuck can someone make money today? Holy shit.

>> No.1539155

>have 115+ IQ
>not even asking that much
>get any fucking job
>work for 40 years
>get promoted or switch companies for more pay
>don't blow your money on stupid shit you don't need
>multimillionaire by 65

it's pretty easy bruh

>> No.1539161

By getting a job?

By starting a business?

By exchanging your skills for compensation?

By providing value to other people?

>> No.1539162

>implying the company you work for won't axe you
>implying the banks won't fuck your 401k

>> No.1539164

>company fires you
>you get another job because you're not a retard

I am implying the banks won't fuck your 401k.

this >>1539162
was a retarded post by you.

>> No.1539175

>implying the world won't collapse and aliens will zap your money then fire you and cuck you with their Big Alien Cocks

>> No.1539185

oh now that's something I hadn't considered. fair enough. OP is right nobody can make money, shut it down boys.

>> No.1539196

by going to r9k

>> No.1539395

1. Buy something
2. Sell something
3. ????
4. Profit

>> No.1539401

>become a wage slave for a few years
>don't take on debt
>don't take on loans
>put all profits into one or more money making ventures
>increase your net worth until you can live off of your investment portfolio

>> No.1539405


Get a well paying tradesman job

It's not that difficult if you work smart and get certifcations, and a lot of those jobs aren't as hard on the body as they were just 20-30 years ago due to new methods, better machinery and regulations

>> No.1539416
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millonionaire when you are bald, tired and about to develop cancer
seems legit