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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 768x1024, cuckshreli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1538328 No.1538328 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no matter how much money you make you are still genetic dogshit and an alpha guy working in a blue collar job destroys you

>> No.1538332

I don't know that feel.

I'm a Chad

>> No.1538336

Nice cope.

>> No.1538414
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1538420
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>> No.1538507

>That feel when I am an autist working in a blue collar job.

>> No.1538521

"Blue Collar Job"

If you call sucking off sugar daddies that, then sure.

>> No.1538602

Except that's not true. Haha. Nice coping mechanism. Enjoy working your shitty labor job for $25k/yr

>hurr durr but at least I'm an alpha!


>> No.1539410
File: 1.71 MB, 500x240, MajorCope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1539819


>> No.1539891

Cope away.

>> No.1540427


>> No.1540432

Wow, nice cope.

>> No.1540487
File: 276 KB, 839x679, 1475462270430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ins't that faggot buying 4 chan

pic related

>> No.1540501
File: 79 KB, 640x541, construction worker vs billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1540506

Keep coping.

>> No.1540512

Cope and paste

>> No.1540516

that's honestly an extremely ugly body shape, jesus christ, train lats, traps and chest for god's sake

>> No.1540532

Go back to PSL. Yes it is a cope, but there's nothing to do but cope in life. Also Martin should get a nosejob, don't know why he doesn't want to do it.

>> No.1540556

What is the point of this thread?

>> No.1540572

That's some real coping.

>> No.1540683

to stop coping and rot

>> No.1540693

You can really cope.

>> No.1540714

Whats cope?
Not from this board just lurking since I am from another board.
It is like you guys are hurt from and are on some damage control because your not alpha?

>> No.1540716


>> No.1540732

Unbelievable coping.

>> No.1542160

Can you explain your philosophy in a paragraph or few. I just don't get the point.

You are saying most

>> No.1542163

Micro or macro?

>> No.1543911

NEET + hookers

>> No.1544297
File: 51 KB, 574x700, ezE0gDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious question bros/gents:

How do you find your niche if youre right in the middle of the Chad/Cuck spectrum ??

Like I'm too alpha for some things and too cuck to be alpha at things worth being alpha at. Lesser men have scorn for me and greater men have pity.

>narrow frame
>wide shoulders
>small facial features
>girl eyelashes and feminine features overall
>tiny hands, feet and wrists

the only girls I get are closet lesbians who are pretending to want a masculine guy but really they want a girl so they go for me.

it's hard to explain. I guess imagine Martin's face on that guy's body. it's fucking awful lol

>> No.1544306
File: 465 KB, 613x682, FquEtXH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me add a few things.

I've worked office/white collar jobs and many blue collar/construction/labour jobs

the white collars look at me like im a white trash stupid brute and the blue collars treat me like a preppy soft pretentious faggot.

the reason I feel I NEED to be an entrepreneur is that I'm not genetically typecast enough to meld into either environment.

please tell me I'm not alone. Like I'll never be the alpha office chad or the alpha crew lead blue collar guy. Too smart for one and too dumb for another.

>> No.1544316

when milo yiannopoulos looks alpha standing next to you, thats when you know its time to kill yourself.

please martin.

>> No.1544441


so I'm a sick hybrid like you and my opinion is to try and be as Chad as possible. if you workout you'll be a beautiful God over those without feminine features. but being chad/alpha isn't just a body,it's a mindset. get your mind right brother

>> No.1544587

You can't use martin as an example of someone who still can't be sociable and well liked despite the money. Mostly because the guy was literally the most hated man in the U.S. and that record hasn't exactly entirely diminished in recent events.

>> No.1544680

These threads are always a nice way to train my coping mechanism.

>> No.1544682

We have to learn how to cope.

>> No.1545649

Rot, escortcel, visit Gandy or find a looksmatched or lower gf

>> No.1545989

I'm not really sure how to cope with this thread.

>> No.1546067


thanks! I guess being alpha is always better than being a cuck.

now, here's another question: how to behave around others that are more alpha than you inherently ?

do you still try to outalpha them or just be a total cuck ?

Like I'm more alpha than most people but there's still a LOT of people way more alpha than me.

>> No.1546474

exact same boat here which is why im neet and get some internet bucks like 200 a month and fuck hookers lmao