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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 1417x665, ebay_logo_gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1536195 No.1536195 [Reply] [Original]

eBay general: triple dipping edition.
>Sell item almost 2 months ago.
>Buyer starts case after 30+ days claiming all 4 items defective.
>4 days later buyer starts PayPal case claiming defective.
>Win as they fail to supply documentation that item doesn't work.
>Buyer starts another fucking eBay case.
>Get transferred by 47 pajeets, they don't do shit.
>Guy in USA closes in my favor in seconds.


>> No.1536214

How much you want to bet they lurk biz?

>> No.1536235

Who, Pajeets?

Probably not much.

>> No.1536546

>buy fake shit from alibaba
>sell on ebay as real shit
>make good cash but get banned
>purchase a VPN and a new paypal from a site
>do it all over again

hop on the free money train lads

>> No.1536829


Sound like typical chink bullshit.

Eventually they'd catch you.

>> No.1537024

How many people are lurking here waiting for eBay to get their shitass site back online again. I can't even log in.

>> No.1537149

>sell item
>buyer doesn't pay after 48h
>open unpaid item case
>buyer immediately pays


>sell 20 items one day
>everyone paid fast, shipped items the next day
>everything delivered correctly
>3/20 have left feedback
>it's been two weeks

what the fuck

>> No.1537182


I know that feeling.

>> No.1537205

Works for me fig.


1. People are fags, and don't pay.

2. No feedback is better than neutral/negative feedback.

I probably get 10% return rate on feedback..

NEVER EVER give feedback if the buyer hasn't given you feedback.

>> No.1537221

I generally don't leave feedback on eBay.
I didn't even know you could give feedback until recently since it doesn't ask you to.
On the other had I've always left feedback on AliExpress because it asks you to confirm when you've received your items, and then asks you for feedback.

>> No.1537247

ive pretty much stopped caring about feedback being left for me. As long as I maintain my 100% positive I couldn't care less about the actual number anymore.

roughly 1/3 of my customers leave feedback, I have tried submitting feedback first to see if it convinces more to return the favor but it rarely matters.

at this point once or twice a month i sort my completed transactions by "has left me positive feedback" then mass-feedback them at once, and don't even bother to try and follow up with the ones that didn't

if theres any form of issue (be it a legitimate problem or just a dickwad trying to screw me) I'm more than grateful for a neutral feedback. Its as good as positive as far as I'm concerned. As long as the 100% score doesnt budge I dont care. Most buyers in my experience will glance at the "100%" when looking at your listing, as long as its not below 100 they dont bother to actually click into your feedback and look at anything else

I've wondered myself why ebay doesnt have a reminder system in place like that. Its stupid because they already have what they need, i get emails every time a case is opened asking me to take a short survey about my experience with their staff

>> No.1537258

If you guys want a perfect model for how to excel in this business look up "Streetmoda". The company is an ebay business, has expanded to amazon, its own website and many other online outlets. Was started by some punk little bitch rich kid who didnt go to college, in less than 5 years it was making millions in profit.

Its just a dumb warehouse that buys bulk designer clothes from retailers and puts them on ebay. I swear.

Any monkey could be a millionaire doing this.

>> No.1537318

After neeting around for nearly a month and actually putting my time in to feebay I've finally learned the importance of quantity. Really want to start moving on to different platforms.

>> No.1537327


>Unfortunately, we can't process your payment. >Here are your options:
>Check out with another PayPal method, like >the one we're showing now.
>Select a different payment option.

what did they mean by this

>> No.1537656

of course theyll catch you. theyll ban you after 2-3 sales so you have to work fast. thats why you get a new identity with a new VPN and new paypal account

>> No.1538734


going legit is a far better option than trying to keep sneaking around the back doors of ebay repeatedly getting caught and trashing burner accounts

you can never build up a customer base, ur libel to get a lawsuit if caught, and the amount of money it takes to have proxies, vpns, new accounts, new verified paypals, etc is just horrid over time

the reason it works for the chinese is due to the shit labor laws allowing sweatshops to run 100 people for 18 hr shifts for 5 cents an hour

>> No.1539051

You're restricted from buying, most likely too many purchases, or too much $ in little amount of time.

Call eBay.
eBay Bucks are ready, just and FYI.

>tfw $180+ in bucks.


>> No.1541019

i used to love ebay bucks as i have various things I buy regularly, but now that they dont rollover month to month and just vanish if you didnt spend enough for the current month theyre worthless to me now

>> No.1541089

Pajeets are the most aggravating people on the planet. Had to deal with them constantly when I was with T Mobile and had no service in my area. I hate them with burning passion even years later.

>> No.1541599

a piece of advice ive given many times in other threads about ebay:

try to avoid the indian/asian call centers at all costs. if you need to get something taken care of keep asking them to send you to anotehr department because u need X, then when you get there ask to be sent back to the real department you want Y, until you get into the american/irish call centers

the asian/indian guys can barely speak english half hte time and i think the language barrier causes them to be unable to really grasp what youre saying or what you want, so they stick to their script like its their bible

if you go to the native english speaking people they are MUCH more helpful

also dont be shy to insist on speaking with supervisors instead of the phone reps, you can get a LOT of lenience on various issues as long as youre a reputable account holder

>> No.1541768

Gotta earn at least $5.

>Not spending over $5,000.

This this this this.

Asking to be escalated to supervisor never fucking works. They'll just transfer you to another Pajeet who claims to be the supervisor.

I legit asked to be escalated for 5 fucking minutes the other day, the pajeet just lied, and didn't do shit, so I hung up.

They often claim there's nobody they can transfer you to.


>> No.1541963

To the anon that sells memes and meme accessories, how was/is business last month and this month?

>> No.1542739

Is seven days the ideal auction time?

>> No.1543599

This is totally dependant on what you sell

Literally buils everythinf around your niche

>> No.1543763

No idea, honestly I don't purchase or sell anything via auction. BIN & OBO is best.

>tfw barely any sales this month.

>> No.1543807

I'm from the land of Pajeets and couldn't agree more. I do a lot of buying on Amazon and the few times that I've to contact Amazon, the call is routed through Ireland and a Pajeet answers the call. It's the same for the banks. I can barely understand them when they put on that fake accent.
The language barrier isn't the only thing, these fuckers can't comprehend what you're saying. Just keep repeating script & policies.
I can understand what a horrible experience it must be for the native English speakers.

>> No.1544429

Respect man.

Can you speak whatever Pajeet language with them?

>> No.1544538


Untrue, I literally just accomplished this yesterday.

>Sold Item for $65
>Buyer says it doesnt work
>"How odd, I tested this." *Sends instructions*
>Buyer says it still isn't working, wants to return.
>Offer replacement option as I have multiple left
>Declines, wants refund and just send it back
>"Why wouldn't he want a replacement?"
>receive package, open box
>notice considerable difference in quality
>covered in sticky shit like dried child jollyrancher slobber
>doesnt work
>different battery
>different serial

after 5 years I was finally getting scammed. I'm always the guy that comes into these threads saying its never happened to me, wont be saying that again.

>called ebay
>got ahold of hajeeb
>asked for supervisor
>he makes me tell him the situation, tells me they do not cover buyers for this
>we werent, we cant prove he sent a different one back
>think "if this was the buyer claiming i sent the wrong thing youd be stringing me up by my neck"
>ask for supervisor
>insists this is law
>demand for supervisor
>on hold for 20 mins, hajeeb comes back n says his supervisor will call me back within 24 hours
>say okay, hang up and immediately call back

if you disagree and tell them i demand/insist to speak to a supervisor they will NOT force you to hang up and will be forced to get a supervisor, I've never had them deny it once, but I have a low tolerance for their towlheads nowadays so if I meet any issue I just call back, it's faster that way.

>this time I think im in the their Philippine call center as the accent has changed from Indian to high pitched female asian

why do ALL of their female asians sound exactly the same? I have a recording app that saves conversations from all numbers not in my phone book, if you listen to any of the ebay calls where im talking to their Philippine girls they all sound -exactly- the same. i think they're cloning ala Cloud Atlas


>> No.1544553


>girl says same stuff initally
>request supervisor
>no arguing like the hajeeb fucks
>puts me on hold for 30 mins until she gets me to one

I really like how they can only put you on hold for <2 minutes and have to repeatedly come back and let you know it'll be another 2 mins, lets you know they didnt forget about you and go take lunch

>get xfered, another woman, no obvious accent

she MIGHT have had a slight accent but if so she was very fluent tot he point where I would have assumed she was american if I just immediately started speaking to her and didnt know ebays setup

>explain situation
>she listens to entire situation

Also always throw in "I'm a very active ebayer, Im a power seller, I'm top rated, I have a store, I turn thousands a month, I've been at it for years. Look at my account and you'll see I accept refunds without complaint all the time, often times telling them just keep it. items much more and much less than this. This dudes scamming me. Can you please help me out here?"

>she regurgitates ebays official policy in a polite manner
>quickly continues on without a pause saying she will take care of me
>closes case, refunds buyer out of ebays grace account thing, lets me keep my funds, protects me from negative feedback

She originally told me she cant protect my feedback, but the email later said im covered.

I assume I get some quality treatment due to my account stats, but if you just have a decent relationship with ebay (not a brand new account trying to scam a few hundred bucks etc) then ebay is very kind to you. I really have very few negative things to say in regard to their treatment to sellers. yes their official rules paint an ugly picture, but as long as you establish that you're legitimate and source of positive experience for their buyers, they love you and treat you as such when you need help.

But yes, you do have to get away from their standard lines of mass support, ESPECIALLY the towlheads.

>> No.1544576

Just made my first sale on eBay, bought an item wholesale for $105 sold for $160.

Best websites for wholesale items? What could I do to make more money, as I'm giving $120 to my father to help with bills (were in it pretty rough this isn't optional), I only have $35 to work with (other $5 was for paypal fees).

Should I just give up and spend the $35 on bud and cigs?

>> No.1544604

To get wholesale deals contact distributors directly or auction outlets, get on mailing lists, etc. Be prepared to spend 5 or 10 grand just to get in with these folks, theyll only talk to people that buy shit.

Worth it? If you want michael kors for 20% of retail, yeah.

>> No.1544753

>why do ALL of their female asians sound exactly the same?


Her name is almost always AMY. Did they hire the same fucking cunt to take my calls at any time of day and week? Holy shit eBay what even.

How many hours did it take you to get $50 back? Think about it. eBay doesn't give a FUCK about you.

They claim you'll be covered for return fraud, but then if it happens, OH SOLLY WE CANNOT GIVE YOU PROTECTION!

Make sure to report the buyer to USPIS, and ic3.gov. Mail fraud is a felony.

>> No.1545175

I try to, but can't match them for the fake accent.

>> No.1545187

Kill yourself

>> No.1545284

get a regular/"real" job so you have steady income. Apply as much of your paycheck as you can to re-up on inventory. there is no "best place for wholesale items", it depends on your skillset and personal knowledge to be able to find good deals.

start researching and don't stop, when you find a deal jump on it.

You can literally drive to walmart and walk through aisles and let your personal knowledge find an item you can profit from. I've flipped all kinds of retarded shit from Walmart over the years

35 dollars is literally nothing, you could buy a handful of shit from china via Alibaba with that, and i assume that's the mentality you had when asking this question, but you're just going to waste your time as newbies typically don't have the skills developed to successfully shop chinese imports, you'll just waste your time looking at bootlegs and come ask the standard "is it profitable to sell bootlegs from chin?" question i get 10 times a thread

A few months ago my mom found out I got a new car and wound up buying me a stupid little item for it from the dollar store, gave it to me the next time i saw her.

I didn't need it, served no purpose, so I put it on ebay, sold it for 7 bucks. after fees/shipping/costs the profit was $3.24 on it. it literally cost a dollar (plus tax I'm sure)

>> No.1545308


I probably spent an hour to an hour and a half in total on the phone, most of that time sitting on hold or in a que waiting

a typical call to ebay takes about half an hour, but since for the first time in my ebaying career the supervisor I got was also a towlhead, I had to try again.

I was sitting and working on listings while I had the phone on speakerphone with volume down, just barely enough so I can hear when the hold music stops, no loss of time for me

65 bucks for an hour of my time is well worth it to me. if we were talking 5 I would have just refunded the fucker, blocked him and moved on

and no, they do NOT say you're covered for return fraud, never have. No clue where you got that info. They openly state if the item you receive back is not in original condition (be it broken or an empty box completely) they "no longer" cover that. I think they're trained to say "no longer" to make people think they haven't always been that way, because that's -always- been the rule as far as I've known.

but again, as long as you have a steady and positive track record and they can tell you're a legitimate ebay seller, the sup's are more than happy to take care of you when necessary, the sup i talked to didn't argue against it at all. Repeated the "rules", said don't worry though, and took care of it for me.

>> No.1546602
File: 405 KB, 359x371, 1474940723467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get MC999 email.
>Thanks for being a great customer, here's a coupon!

almost shit my self.. T..thanks eBay.

>> No.1546604



>> No.1547016
File: 69 KB, 289x713, ebayboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started ebay 4 months ago

about half of that is profit, cant complain im 23


>> No.1547253

What you selling?

>> No.1547257
File: 350 KB, 1850x2441, 1475629883066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His ass

>> No.1547281

I'm interested in importing various goods from the USA to here in Aus. Grey Channel.

You are unable to get these goods here cheaply because the manufacturer has very strict distribution rules, so all official distributors are stuck to the RRP set by the brand owner/manufacturer.

All I need is a man in the states to purchase said goods, and ship them to me via a freight forwarder.

Is /biz/ trustworthy, or more likely to just disappear with the cash?

>> No.1547282

$30 per item.

Fuck those logistics.

Low value shit doesn't interest me

>> No.1547304

i'm one of the two guys that has has been providing answers etc

feel free to contact me @ Firad1930@gustr.com (burner temp email, will provide real one after we talk)

I'm game to hear you out, I ship stuff nearly every day plus been expanding the last 2-3 months, new stream of income is welcome

>> No.1547309

can't talk now, need to sleep

>> No.1548245
File: 77 KB, 640x475, 1474971995287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you access refurb iphones? 5c minimum, Ill drop you an email. Im in new zealand.

>> No.1548939

You just reminded me to leave feedback on some purchases I made recently. I'm new to ebay so it's not a habit for me, but I know that it's important to the seller.

>> No.1549061

actually yes i do sell iphone 5c's sometimes, but its not a regular recurring source that I get any steady supply from

I was only responding to the Aus guy because it sounds like he knows what he wants and where to get it, but needs a guy that can handle the logistics inside the US