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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 541 KB, 1200x1200, 1390910089500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
153419 No.153419 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>152401

>> No.153427

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 0.001187 $/DOGE:

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Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.153435
File: 275 KB, 400x600, dlb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, what can we do to separate Dogecoin from the rest of the alt-coins? We have the community, we are an established coin, but how can we attract NEW PEOPLE to Dogecoin? Not just current alt-coin users (who are fuckin faggots for the most part)

>> No.153437

Flappy Coin will be the next big meme coin, mark my words.

>> No.153442

I'd make sweet tender love to her 24 hours a day

>> No.153445

>4 Auroracoin $ 118,384,643 $ 11.18 10,588,601 AUR $ 182,951 ?

? indeed. What the fuck?

>> No.153447

I agree. Fuck PND (although I do have 50m of them becase you never know).

>> No.153457

piss off flappy bag holder

>> No.153468

lol, thats not what I was saying at all. I 100% support PND because the community is made up of mostly DOGE supporters but fuck every other coin

>> No.153471

You are now aware that PND is the straight opposite of doge.

>> No.153472


>> No.153475

PND is straight up shillcoin now...expecting poorfag bagholders in a few weeks as amDOGE and her 12 alts take off with their cash jewed from idiot /biz/fags

>> No.153479

is Doge on the rise again my friends?

>> No.153480

Reminder that Crypsty is now looking at PND

>> No.153486

I bet you think when they tell you "we'll get back to you" in a job interview that you got the job?

>> No.153487

it's down from what I bought at this morning

>> No.153483

reminder to ignore shills

>> No.153485
File: 57 KB, 640x960, 1393558421131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point is this....there aren't new people joining the alt-coin community. it's just the same stagnant bunch of fucking nerds bouncing around between old and new alt-coins. this is why the alt-coin market cap isn't moving...its just pulling from each other. there is no new money here.

we need to bring new people into Dogecoin (they're all going to Bitcoin, because lets face it, why wouldnt they) which should be a practical option considering how inviting the community is.

>> No.153489


>> No.153488



>> No.153494


Actually that's not true. There are new people joining the community each week. I'm only new and I've seen many new people join since I have.

What we need is more stupid stunts like the dude selling his house for Dogecoins etc. Get the name out there - even if it is silly. Press is press.

>> No.153497

Did I see we got accepted?
No. Learn to read

>> No.153502


wow PND has a great shillteam, how do you manage all those alts amDOGE?

>> No.153507


>> No.153504

are you really?

i can't think of any other explanation as to why ALL alt-coins stagnate in value. and when one goes up in value, another goes down and vice versa

>> No.153505

Remember. Ignore the Shills and FUD spreaders

>> No.153512

Did I say you got the job? No. Learn to read.

They're just telling you what you want to hear so you stay a crypsty customer, nobody outside of amDOGE's beta orbiters has heard or cares about PND asspenies.

Their reply was the equivalent of "we'll get back to you" in a job interview

>> No.153510


>> No.153513
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, 1390407325097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dogecoin master race

>> No.153517

you can do this without replying to him you know

c-cant we be friends?

>> No.153516
File: 134 KB, 640x640, 1393558774884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it can you nerds not turn this shit into a DOGE vs PND? amDOGE and this board contributed greatly to Dogecoin's success -- if they want to make another coin then fucking show them some love

theres a million other alt-coins out there to hate on. the least you can do is support your /biz/bros

>> No.153529

>Chinese are discovering PND
>difficulty at 60
>6 satoshi sell wall going down

Liftoff imminent

>> No.153530


But they are not /biz/antines, they are outsiders of others coins that are butthurt of the evolution of DOGE and PND.

>> No.153520


I'm willing to bet that that screenshot of us being the HIGHEST VOLUME COIN on swisscex made a difference.


>> No.153531
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, 1389495768202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gud one

sure showed him ;^)

>> No.153536

dogecoin's success isn't attributed to any one person and definitely not /biz/ ... it was the redditfags who really made it successful

>> No.153543

OPs a faggot I guess

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN. WHAT IS PANDACOIN? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Mintpal voting: https://www.mintpal.com/voting <- 3 votes/6 votes registered allowed per hour
Coin voting for charity: https://www.coinpayments.net/vote <- Vote for PND using BTC/LTC/DOGE
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.153541
File: 80 KB, 988x563, burgercoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why arent you in #burgercoin irc

i made a subreddit today /r/burgercoin

>pic semi-related

>> No.153542

Please do not respond in any way to FUD spreaders and Shills. Thank you <3

>> No.153546
File: 199 KB, 500x333, 1366669741518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 700k PND
This will be my first time to the moon. Can't wait to see what it's like up there.

>> No.153547
File: 135 KB, 400x298, clpjyzG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.153555

guys listen to such art - cover your eyes and plug your ears and buy PND so we can dump it on you before the price goes to 1 sat

>> No.153558

Just be careful not to sell early. Remember koreaboo.

>> No.153562
File: 7 KB, 267x323, 1382539140821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's kinda funny seeing so many people selling millions so cheaply

They gonna get rekd

>> No.153564
File: 49 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mqfqgyMpsd1rangyao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see anyone in PND threads butthurt about DOGE's success. if that is the case, please show me and i'll reconsider my opinion

no it isn't attributed to one person but amDOGE contributed more than your average person, as did /g/ which is what /biz/ is mostly made up of (and PND i am assuming)

>> No.153563
File: 86 KB, 379x272, 1393559201028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the logo dude.

>> No.153568

i know, i just didnt have it.

will keep it now

>> No.153572


Outsiders are butthurt about DOGE & PND, im talking about them as set.

>> No.153574
File: 29 KB, 373x204, clip-art-tare-panda-384988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting any OC in an Ozymanboob thread so have some tarepanda

>> No.153575
File: 1.08 MB, 1998x3000, 1389384180487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based koreafriend

>> No.153582

wow if it goes to 20 sat you'll make like $100

you could have made more money sucking dick

>> No.153584


Why is that little panda rubbing his dick in the back of the big panda?

>> No.153585
File: 79 KB, 753x356, 766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You in irc right now brodder? :DDDDDDD

>> No.153621

>tfw 9.4 billion PND in circulation now
>tfw I don't even own 0.1% the coins

>> No.153624
File: 103 KB, 1023x1000, IMG_5990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ordered yours yet?

>> No.153631

For small coins with not dozens of GH/sec I like to shoot for a round number %wise of a currency, like 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001

This way i can just look at the market cap, divide it by 10,100,1000,10,000, etc and know how much I have.

of course this doesn't really work because of mining if you stop, so i try to at least roughly match the rate it's being made

>> No.153636

Shibe doesn't look good on a coin.

>> No.153639

yeds :DDD

>> No.153643
File: 2.88 MB, 631x271, 1393560528620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Group of 4 friends make $140 between them in 6 days by mining cyptocurrency.
>They act like this is a ground breaking business opportunity


>> No.153645

it just doesn't have much depth to his face, so he looks like a fat neckbeard. Better design/minting would look fine.

>> No.153650

Over 4ghz net hashrate

>> No.153662


$140/4 in six days. They better start begging for money in the subway, the would get more.

>> No.153660

whats a shibe gotta do for 70k PND.

>> No.153668

Recite the Stallman Interjection into vocaroo in the style of Christopher Walken.

Do it good, and I'll pay.

>> No.153667

Mother of christ lel.

>> No.153672

175 bucks each a month isn't bad for doing basically nothing.

>> No.153675

hold on

>> No.153679

Vocaroo uses non-free flash. Are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.153686

I own a lot of Doge and I think PND should fuck off. Youre giving us a bad name and making us look like a scam.

>> No.153688

I'd rather he record it in OGG VORBIS and upload, but you know what people are like.

>> No.153690
File: 104 KB, 600x604, 1392124512821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.153696

You're gonna kick yourself in 2 months when this shit has taken off.

>> No.153693

Burger coin when

>> No.153694

I fucked up the beginning. Oh well. It was fun.

>> No.153700

They already said 4th of July.

>> No.153703

Link brah.

Also, I saw your photos on the boygonepanda subreddit. You in some kinda hostel?

>> No.153702

oh, thank god, are we back to normal yet? normal of that panda shit? can i come come back?

>> No.153704

Forgot the link
You can determine if I hit the mark. It was probably terrible. It was still fun.

>> No.153709

The fuck is a hostel?
(I've really got to put all my shit into one posting. I'm used to the clusterfuck of messages that comes with communicating on Skype IM.)

>> No.153711

Agreed. I am on forums all the time and all I hear is about how PND is a Scamcoin and how Doge must be a scam too. Im sick of PND bringing us down

>> No.153717


Well played.

>> No.153719
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


July 4th

>> No.153720


Ok, be honest.
You did this on purpose, right?
Is this a parody? Because I laughed.

>> No.153722

Too late.

>> No.153723

You're adorable<3
Which shitcoin sent you?

>> No.153731

my christopher walken sucks, I can do ahhhnold really well though.

>> No.153728

Thanks for this thread. I am glad we dissociated with that panda crap. Those guys are scammers and liars.

>> No.153729

Didn't sound that much like Christopher Walken, but it did sound like you meant it. Sent <3

>> No.153736

For sure. PND is stupid

>> No.153732

What if samefags shilling other coins are actually PNDfriends pretending to be shills as a way of shilling PND?

>> No.153739


>> No.153740

It's just that one guy making fun of the situation.

>> No.153742
File: 10 KB, 480x300, 1382539562455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this shit?

Go make your own thread


lmao, samefag fail, better check your ids m8 :^)

>> No.153747

You don't like PND too? Me either.

>> No.153748
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1382541770262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And again...apparently before I even posted, this trolls going all out!

>> No.153754


It's the same guy.

Hey guy you know every can see that you are replying to yourself pretending to be more than one person, don't you?

They are called ID's. See them yet newfriend?

>> No.153758

>The fuck is a hostel?
I saw other beds in the background, thought it looked like a shared halfway house or something.

>> No.153759

ID's make you look bad.

>> No.153764

Burgercoin is born from PND anon

>> No.153768


just no.

i wish you the best in your task, but


>> No.153771

No, it's not. We don't want to associate with your kind, please leave

>> No.153772

Burgercoin isn't even a Pandacoin fork.

Some anon paid the "coin generator" shill to get it made.

>> No.153774
File: 85 KB, 300x254, silly you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.153775

04:26 < kangaroo303> Im poor but im sitting on like 1.2m coins of PND
04:26 < kangaroo303> lol
04:26 <@JacobUX> you guys might have some btc to buy in
04:26 <@JacobUX> get like 3 M panda
04:26 <@JacobUX> ;)
04:26 <@JacobUX> PANDA is the future bro
04:26 <@JacobUX> adaptive-n
04:26 < kangaroo303> if I had another hondo Id do that
04:26 < illectronic> what are your plans bro?
04:26 <@JacobUX> w3rd
04:26 < illectronic> tell us
04:27 < kangaroo303> we will have to see how it takes off
04:27 < kangaroo303> pools are looking strong
04:28 < _Galvin> Whats the total hash rate so far?
04:28 <@JacobUX> pandasino.com though is the only panda casino
04:28 <@JacobUX> and we gonna have craps and holdem first
04:28 <@JacobUX> just we are the future
04:28 <@JacobUX> it's like the apple of pandacoins
04:28 <@JacobUX> apple is so nice you guys
04:28 <@JacobUX> muh products

>> No.153780

04:31 <@JacobUX> I think you are forgetting we are cheaper BETTER PANDA

>> No.153781

do ahhnold

>> No.153783

I live in a dorm room. I can definitely understand the misunderstanding though.
Amerifags, I would suggest you not attend Indiana State University. It's the worst managed school I fucking swear.

>> No.153784

Yes it is. Soon PND will be old as busted and we'll be telling you fags to fuck off.

That'll teach you to be a bag holder of a pump and dump coin

>> No.153785


Nah we are not going to use coin generator. It was considered but we decided not to in irc last night.

I agree this should be a PND thread we were just answering the guys question of when. It's to soon to be talking about.

>> No.153786

Jacob's shilling is so obvious.
It's so funny reading his IRC shit.

>> No.153788


Here you go, its just the first paragraph, but i tried my best. Practiced for a while to get it good

>> No.153791

Go to Alabama.

>> No.153792

Don't worry man, not all people are hostile to new coins.
Please remember this and don't be bitter at these threads just because of a few fags.
I really hate drama.
Also please keep us updated when you make progress.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.153797

here ahhnold. bad take but its late and i cant go full force

>> No.153794
File: 235 KB, 480x800, 1392902220575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say PND thread?

>> No.153798


Ignore this shill. He has nothing to do with burger he just hates PND obviously.

>> No.153803



>> No.153804

Bounty already claimed man...
>only doing a part of the speech.
You might have got a tip if you'd done the whole thing...maybe.

No one else do it, this has been claimed.

I need some more refu/g/ee copypasta to request for future.

This was my favourite so far, by far.


>> No.153809

damn it i was the one who asked

>> No.153815



>> No.153817

i just control+f'ed your ID and didn't find shit before the pande post.

Even if you had posted first, only doing the first paragraph? You must be gnu here.

>> No.153830

This was him, brubber

>> No.153832

Pretty good Aaaahnold impression.

Sent 10k. You'd have got more if it had been the full thing ;/

Too late now though.

Next time I request copypasta in funny voices, be sure to do it in full like Pande did!

>> No.153837

Well shit.

in my defense, you asked what you had to do and I said. It's a Jungle out there man, snipers gonna snipe.

>> No.153833

Anyone got a clue why BTC is dropping?

>> No.153839

I feel that's a bit unfair, as he tried twice.
Sending 30K for tip<3

>> No.153842

Thanks a bunch man!

>> No.153846

Aw thanks pandabro

>> No.153851

>Sending 30K for tip<3
Aw, that's really sweet. PND community rocks.

Good to see someone tipping out what they just got.

>> No.153856


>> No.153858

my ears

>> No.153862

I think its over, but give me your wallet and ill give you some PND

>> No.153864

my mic is shit ;__;

>> No.153871


>> No.153869

The last time I tried to get someone to recite copypasta into vocaroo for PND it took me 4 days to get a taker.

In this thread, we've had four submissions in like half an hour.

The value of this currency is rising gentlemen.

>> No.153875

It's habbening brubber

>> No.153886


BurgerCoin has been being talked about since before PND while these we were still on /g/.

You wouldn't to be here new by any chance, would you?

>> No.153887
File: 993 KB, 321x211, wolama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.153893

>BurgerCoin has been being talked about since before PND while these we were still on /g/.
Link to archive or GTFO.

I'm not saying don't do it, just don't want the community split on anything. I know you have a launch date in the future. I'll mine it on minute 0 ;/

>> No.153914

I wish I could be more helpful to this community. I lack any capital whatsoever to properly invest, and most of my current skills involve music or communication. I can shill pretty hard, but that's about all.

>> No.153919

Make a PND song. Will tip.

>> No.153924

>my current skills involve music
If you got any recordings upload them to my radio station dude. practiceroomradio.co.uk. There's an upload song thingy kinda like the postbox the on the front page. I love hearing new tunes.

>> No.153929

Cheesegrits did a PND song that's on my playlist called Fuck Wolong :)

>> No.153930

No, I was there since the first DOGE threads on /g/ and I don't remember anything about burgercoin.

>> No.153939

it was never talked about seriously and it was only in a few threads, so was TopkekCoin

>> No.153942

ComedyGold m8.


>> No.153947

This song (Fuck wolong) now on air!

>> No.153950

wtf do we shill to now

>> No.153951


But main focus right is still PND we gotta keep going till our Panda is Super Saiyan level 3.

>> No.153952

Eyes on the prize man.

>> No.153954

The world!

>> No.153956



>> No.153957

I'll see what I can do. I need to record something for my girlfriend's project, but I'll throw something together.<3
I'll definitely keep it bookmarked. Although nothing I have recorded as of now is as complete as I would like it to be. I'm a perfectionist with music, which is why I can't get anything done and I'm in this shitty school right now. ^_^"

>> No.153960

they're already reviewing the coin

>> No.153964

Friendly reminder for my fellow shibes using Cudaminer on their Nvidias, adding this line to my batch file gave me a 20 k/hs boost on both my GTX 560 and 550 TI:

-C 0 -D -i 0 -m 1

Don't ask me what the flags mean, I have no idea. I found it on a forum. I have been running solid for a week now with these settings.

Plz tip doge if this helps you.


>> No.153965

And demonstrating that we have a large community increases our chances of getting a favorable "review".

>> No.153966


good time to buy a few satoshis for trading

>> No.153969

well ive already posted in there 3 separate occasions so i won't flood it any more

>> No.153970

Sadly I don't have any capital to trade into BTC for

>> No.153975


Or tip PND if it helps


>> No.153978

>I'll definitely keep it bookmarked. Although nothing I have recorded as of now is as complete as I would like it to be. I'm a perfectionist with music, which is why I can't get anything done and I'm in this shitty school right now. ^_^"
I know that feeling man, my songs are never done.

Upload anyway ;/

>> No.153985


I just bought $12 worth. Moon here I come.

>> No.153987
File: 22 KB, 647x328, 1393565697935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a terrible mistake.

>> No.153986

>Don't ask me what the flags mean, I have no idea.
It's the -i 0 bit.

That tells it to thrash the machine instead of saving 10% of your GPU so you can use the dekstop.

>> No.153991




>> No.153992

>send 200k pnd to cryptorush 30 minutes ago
>no confirmations

>> No.153993

I just downloaded the 1.5.3 wallet for PND and it can't find a block chain... Anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.153995

Use swisscex in the future. Guys rock.

If you ever have a problem get on the IRC they really take an interest.

Fuck, I feel like I'm shilling like I work for them. But NEVAR 5GET they were the first to take PND. The first to show faith.

>> No.153999

Sell wall is falling on cryptorush.in

>> No.154000

I use swisscex as well, just wanted to buy some doge off cryptorush because of the rate
my wallet gives no confirmations

>> No.154002

funny thing it is

>> No.154015

You have me going through all my old recordings, because they're the most complete for obvious reasons. Ugh. My singing is rough.
I'll upload a cover I did forever ago. You can decide whether that's truly something you want to expose your listeners too.

>> No.154019

6 satoshi sell wall still falling. Expect 7 satoshi soon

>> No.154021

I had the same problem, close the wallet, delete %appdata%\roaming\pandacoin, reopen the wallet and wait again

>> No.154023

It fixed itself. It is syncing now

>> No.154022

Please do man, I love hearing new shit.

The only stuff that gets shitlisted is stuff that is way out of time/tune. And that's coming from a guy who likes grindcore ;)

Seriously though, what really matters is the heart in the music. I love hearing people's hearts. This station has been awesome for that, some tunes I never would have heard if I hadn't started it are what I put on now when I'm drinking.

>> No.154038

Uploaded. I wish I had some original content that I had professionally recorded for you. But they're only recorded on my phone for now.

>> No.154046

How much traffic does your site get?

>> No.154066

gonna help buy it out right now.

>> No.154072

Thanks man, Gimme the name of the song and I'll bump it up the queue.
I have literally no idea. I suppose I could find out by trawling the apache logs, but I'm just not too fussed yet. I'm sure it's a trivial amount.

I used to do some reviewing for bands a while back, and I've been meaning to go back into that scene so I can tell bands to upload shit. I care more about getting new music played...not even started the facebook campaign yet.

>> No.154078

Well this is /biz/... What are you plans for the site? Want to get big or stay underground?

>> No.154082

>What are you plans for the site? Want to get big or stay underground?
My only plan is to get as much music I haven't heard before to listen to. That's it. Like I said earlier, some of the stuff uploaded has a strong place in my heart.

My father always said my biggest failing was I don't care about money.

>> No.154089

Hahahaha, and here you are in a crypto-currency thread.

>> No.154091
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1393257238155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate it. I'm sure you know how much exposure like that means to an artist. I set the artist to "The Pande", and the track is called "Tear You Apart (She Wants Revenge Cover)".

Also. Who the fuck just sent 6969 PND my way. What did I do to deserve such a kindly suggestive gesture.

>> No.154095

hey man, I'm still out there trading doing the satoshi shuffle. But it's not money to me, just a high score.
You're up next dude :)

>> No.154096

What is the top score so far?

>> No.154098

Dude, this is dope, ty.

>> No.154100

Mine is 3.25mPND. This is babbies first crypto

>> No.154101

>What is the top score so far?
Not big enough! 250k doge and a mill and a half of PND. I'm sure I'll yolo it all away on one bad arbritage soon though.

>tfw only nvidia mining

>> No.154107
File: 143 KB, 500x375, 1393105275205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be completely honest, I'm not here for the money. I'm a freshman in college with severe/separation anxiety. When I say I have no capital, I mean I have NO capital. I have $15 in PND and DOGE from mining as well as the community being so fucking generous. Being a part of this project suppresses my anxiety and gives me something to center in on and believe in when nothing else can force me to do so.
I know I'm edgy. I'm okay with it. :^)
And Shibe is my favorite breed of dog. I think I just saw it and got attracted to these threads. I WILL get one.<3

>> No.154109
File: 4 KB, 120x120, tfw doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.154110


That's supposed to happen.

>> No.154112

I don't have capital or miners... The coin I get is from tips for art and shit... I am proud that I even got 3mPND from what I have done.

I want to get one also... My 2 (almost 3) year gf agreed we would get one if we could afford one if we get an apartment together. I also have *no* capital and I run off of a craptop. Kinda sucks man

>> No.154113

You shouldn't get one if you're unexperienced with dogs.

>> No.154115

Anyone here for the money is doing it wrong.

I bet all the stocks guys scrolling past this thread will laugh at that comment.

>> No.154118
File: 176 KB, 953x1361, 2011-02-19 02.32.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND newbie:


Need something to start.

>> No.154121

About 2 thirds of what I have is from mining with doge, the rest is from trading. With PND it's been more like 1 third from mining 2 thirds from trading, but that's because at low satishis it's easy to get big profit margins.

Your way of getting stuff coins is far more legit though, you should be proud.

>> No.154123

What are we currently trying push with PND?
It looks like we have nearly accomplished everything and now the only things we haven't done is gotten on a newpaper/article.
We still need Tyrone to make a video as well.

>> No.154125

No worries. I've had a dog all my life. German Shepard I lost at 14, and then a Husky I primarily took care of until I went to college. I'm very willing and patient with dogs, and I've heard about how Shibes behave.
That foreign shit that was playing was so fucking good.

>> No.154126
File: 455 KB, 1728x1152, Fuck Wolong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 1mPND on day 4 with this piece of shit... I don't even really deserve how much I have

>> No.154127

>We still need Tyrone to make a video as well.
Fucking this.
>That foreign shit that was playing was so fucking good.
Yeah, I got lots of love for those German (I think?) dudes. The gf just doesn't get it but it makes me bop about.

>> No.154129
File: 5 KB, 901x33, get_a_job_or_shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.154130

Yeah, that was german. Also, it made me bob around a bit too.

>> No.154131
File: 1.85 MB, 245x295, 1393566903578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys please stop taking pnd seriously
thank you

also enjoy this small clip of sica goddess

>> No.154133

koreaboo you don't like PND?

are you still holding fedoracoin?

>> No.154132

You deserve every satoshi dude. There are people who just beg.

I've been a busker before (I suppose I should explain this term as non britbongs don't know it, it means street musician) and it always annoyed me when people would just beg. FFS man, play the guitar, recite some poetry, buy some 1 quid chalks and draw on the floor, do something! Anyone who got tips for OC totally deserved it.

>> No.154135

I TOLD him to sell when it was up the other day...

>> No.154139

Koreaboo you are cancer.

>> No.154140
File: 208 KB, 2201x2275, Pandacoin PS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude. I love the progression of my art just from that to

>> No.154141

Koreaboo thinks that people are actually going to use tips in the future.

They're going straight into the trash as we speak.

>> No.154145

Oh good. It's this faggot<3

For the sober people: friendly reminder that 6 Sat walls are <1BTC on both CryptoRush and SwissCEX.

>> No.154144

>tfw working on a song about PND
So far I got the lyrics and I started with the best, hope you'll like it.

>> No.154148
File: 974 KB, 245x245, 1393568793934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont pay attention to it im only here for the doge side of the general

yes im holding fedoras im significantly altering the track of the coin by posting stuff in the thread

>> No.154149

I meant I started with the beat, not the best lel

>> No.154151

>im significantly altering the track of the coin by posting stuff in the thread
what are you talking about? the coin is dying.

>> No.154150

When it's done man upload to my radio, I might miss the thread you post it in :)

>> No.154155

What was the site called again?
Or I'll just post it when you're in the thread

>> No.154158


>> No.154161


>> No.154162
File: 80 KB, 1022x708, 1393550854574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you talking about? the coin is dying.

no its stabalizing at 50 after the getting on bter pump

>> No.154164


>inb4 banned for posting a site I don't profit from

lol, the ok2begay one? Yeah, that makes me laugh.

>> No.154170

Fedora is traded in Litoshi? That shit is doomed...

>> No.154168

arguing with koreaboo is like arguing with a stone

>> No.154182

Why is nobody mining on middlecoin anymore...?

>> No.154186

I know i'm slowpoke as fuck but woolong picked PND because it's not just 'panda' but 'pump and dump', right?

>> No.154187

Because it is probably not profitable anymore

>> No.154190

Also, PANDA is Wolong's coin. PND is amDOGE's coin

>> No.154191

Wolong's coin is PANDA. Ours is PND. There's a difference.

>> No.154195

we chose PND because it's a satire of wolongcoin

>> No.154205

So what are they mining then? The whole point was it only mines what's the most profitable (short term)

>> No.154206

Do I put 1 BTC into VTC? is that a good investment?

>> No.154211

all i know about vert is wolong was saying some stuff about it so i'd sooner put that BTC in my ass.

>> No.154216


why not make a song out of american pie

weird al did it well

>> No.154219
File: 39 KB, 1167x502, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have purchased a product with PND.

will post pic to plebbit when i get it.

anyone done this with doge or another coin?

>> No.154228

What did you buy?

>> No.154227

You rock man.

You just did a whole lot for this currency. anyone using as actual money instead of just speculating on it is doing god's work.

>> No.154230

good on you, you just gained established some credibility with PND to vendors

>> No.154231

Dragon dildo.

>> No.154232

Can I get a link to MC Anarchy - Cloud Nine Grind? That is a really good song,

>> No.154234

Myyyyy myyyyy
PND to the sky
We killed the coins of Wolong
Now he's looking for buyyys~

>> No.154237



>> No.154238

nice try, night man, but you're fooling no one!

i got some e-cigarette fluid.

also got a steam game on plebbit the other day. lookin at gift cards to potentially grab a 750 ti for testing purposes... maybe when the coin appreciates more...

>> No.154239

Gimme a sec, I'll put a link up.

I normally don't do this in case the artists get mad but I know he browses /mu/ so think he'd be cool with it.

Oh see, it's like that is it captcha. Well, that gives me time to get the link.


If you

>> No.154242

Thanks dude. It is a very calm song for some reason.

>> No.154247

I like that one. I've smoked out to it a few times.

That reminds me, it's 7AM and I have no fucking weed. Legalise it for fucks sake, I just want to be able to go to the corner shop and buy 20 Bob Marleys.

>> No.154246

>i got some e-cigarette fluid.

>> No.154250

You're too young anyway

>> No.154253


6 satoshi sell wall is almost down, keep buying and we will be at 7 satoshi soon.

>> No.154252

Hahaha 420 praise it

I have been on a stint recently because I am going for an interview this week and I don't know if there is going to be a drug test.

>> No.154255
File: 31 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whad'ju say, punk-ass?

>> No.154254

...too young for what?

>check other posts

Oh, you're one of those posters. fite me irl fgt.

Drug tests are such bullshit. If I was hiring I'd make people take drug tests and anyone without mary jane in their system wouldn't get hired.

>> No.154260

Come on... That is just as retarded as not hiring someone for smoking...

>> No.154263
File: 74 KB, 761x576, 1217380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>....too young for what?
Too young for weed

>check other posts
>Drug tests are such bullshit
>If I was hiring I'd make people take drug tests and anyone without mary jane in their system wouldn't get hired.

>> No.154267

I know, I was joking. Well, half joking. It would be a small way to righting the wrong of all those people who didn't get a job because they blaze. Anyway,

>implying I'll ever be in a position to hire anyone.

From your edgy posts and lack of ability to detect sarcasm, I can say that I have probably been smoking since before you were born.

>> No.154269
File: 667 KB, 4000x2248, VCez282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get those 750ti's
totally worth it
got 3 today in the mail.
haven't tried overclocking yet though.

>> No.154270

welp.... 2AM
Time to snooze

>> No.154273

Sleep well. :)

>> No.154274

what kind of hashrate have you gotten from them?

i have an old system i could get 2 or 3 into, and a 6750 i could replace in this system.

>> No.154279

those AMD cards are going to start flooding the market soon, aren't they?

>> No.154280

I heard something about these not needing PCI-e, so you don't need one of those double GFX cards motherboards, is that true?

>> No.154277

750kh/s from all 3
so 250 each but I'm seeing people get 300kh/s per card with overclocking. Soon.

>> No.154281


A long long time ago
In a IRC Chat Room far away
I can still remember PND was under attack
And I thought me and AMDOGE
Could maybe talk Wolong in to maybe cut us a little slack?
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the door and tricked to kill us
We escaped from his grasp...
met some one on somewhere

>> No.154286

yes I was worried about that as well.
I am running 2 in pcie 16 slots and 1 on a 1x powered riser.
It's working. My other 1x risers aren't powered so I'm not going to risk it. I have powered risers coming in the mail so when that happens I'll make them all on risers.

>> No.154295

Woah, so I can just order one of these and stick it in the same slot as say where a soundcard would go?! I nearly used some BTC to get one the other day from scan.co.uk but wasn't sure if I'd need all the other shit to go with it. if I can just get one and slap this in my rig now, I'm gonna order it this second.

>> No.154298

Put yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo like every rap song in existance.

>> No.154300

No. Nvidia won't release highend maxwell on 28nm.

AMD will hold the mining crown for now.

>> No.154301

if you have a 1x riser yes.
But definitely get a powered riser to play it safe.

>> No.154304

where did you hear this? i thought they were announcing high end maxlel cards next month?

>> No.154309

Oh, so that's what the riser thing is about. I always thought it was just to get the cards to be further apart to stop overheating.

So it won't plug in unless I have a riser...ok got it.

Cheers for answering the questions. I tried googling this stuff but couldn't find a straight answer.

>> No.154311

Maxwell was meant to appear on the new 20nm production process, a drop in scale from Nvidia’s current 28nm node. But the silicon manufacturer, TSMC, reportedly isn’t yet ready to start production. Until they are it’s unlikely we’ll see proper GTX 800 series cards backed up by Maxwell tech.


Keep in mind that AMD will release pirate islands on 20nm when high end maxwell drops.

>> No.154315


Nvidia released Titan Black as a high end stopgap until 20nm maxwell arrives. They wouldn't launch Titan Black if it was going to be replaced by Maxwell in a month or two.

>> No.154332

-D is debug don't use it when mining, do use it to find your optimal -l setting. Once you do that use --no-autotune as well
-C 0 is unnecessary
-m 1 tries to use memory better, unnecessary if you use -C 1 or 2.
Use -C 1 or -C 2 in my xp -C 1 is slightly better. If you have a very good CPU you can also try -H 1, if its not a great CPU though this could hurt performance. Also OC your core clock, leave memory clock alone.

>> No.154334

thanks, even if they give up and go midrage it'd be worth it to dump AMD cards, but who knows...

>> No.154339

I'm betting it's -i 0 that made the difference.

>> No.154355
File: 857 KB, 1000x1500, 1393573509708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ offers eternal life as a free gift. You dont even need to stop sinning god already payed the price for you when he died on a cross for you.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Theres no reason to not accept it

Its as easy as sipping a cup of water or opening a door to be saved

>> No.154357

drunk koreaboo pls

>> No.154358
File: 236 KB, 1177x805, ati-drivers-magick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but will Jesus install AMD drivers for me?

>> No.154362
File: 25 KB, 224x411, please_lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.154366
File: 45 KB, 600x449, 1393107556505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to bed. Much love everyone, don't let Koreaboo drink himself to death. Or do. Whichever you feel like.

>> No.154375

good night Pande

>> No.154376
File: 51 KB, 1302x1296, 1385438184462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking kike.

>> No.154383
File: 268 KB, 1420x854, 1393574041433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.154384

someone needs to bump the btctalk forum

>> No.154389
File: 784 KB, 800x1200, 1393574195347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offers eternal life for doing nothing but believing in him no strings attached

>somehow im deceiving you into my religion

>> No.154392

I don't use it ever so if it helped before it will still help.

>> No.154393

Do not reply to troll posts
Do not reply to troll posts
Do not reply to troll posts
Do not reply to troll posts
Do not reply to troll posts

>> No.154399


You will be eternal no matter what boya.

>> No.154401

The -i flag makes a big difference. Set it to 1 and it saves 10% of the card's juice so you can still use your desktop. Set it to -i 0 and it goes all out.

Like I said, I'd bet that is teh flag that made the biggest difference.

>> No.154404

Good night, and thanks for the music man.

>> No.154410
File: 448 KB, 1225x605, starting to overclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overclocking my 750ti's
really happy about the increase so far
definitely a good buy for me.

>> No.154413
File: 69 KB, 597x631, miner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 750ti's hashrate randomly alternates between 245 and 270-something kh/s, and I can't figure out why.

Sometimes it runs for like 5 minutes at 245, then for another 5 minutes at 270+, etc.

Any ideas?

Settings -i 0 -l T5x24 -h 1 -m 1

>> No.154417

only thing I have is -i 0

>> No.154420

3x750ti = $450 = 835khs
290x = $600 = 1000khs

Now take into account resale value, space requirements, power draw, riser costs, motherboard costs, etc.

Has anyone done the math?

Is 750ti really the best thing to get?

>> No.154424

290x has significantly higher power draw. electricity costs is what fucks over profitability

>> No.154429

my electricity is 35 cents per kw/h
I have't cashed out any of my coins so the electricity is coming out of my fiat wallet.
This will help me with the power bills

>> No.154432

Do you know if I can put in a 750ti in a system with an amd apu and mine with both?

>> No.154433

not sure

>> No.154449

I think you can. If you have access to both already, give it a try I'd say.

>> No.154450


>> No.154454

does amdoge not have a DNS seed for PND?

>> No.154455


Seriously though, good to see them getting involved.

>> No.154458

Ids habbening

>> No.154459

does amdoge know about this? someone show her when she wakes up...
(she or other trusted people just need to run a seed service and include it in the client. the seed URIs are in the client source net.cpp)

>> No.154460

I tested the different settings, turning on -m seems to add about 1 kh/s. Wow.
The -H should theoretically move some of the load to CPU, and it does in fact increase CPU usage from 20% to 60%, but I'm no noticing any hashrate increase, so I'll probably remove that.

Still no idea what causes the 25kh/s drops in hashrate though.

>> No.154470
File: 19 KB, 480x420, 1393576171566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>770 Active Miners

>> No.154483
File: 297 KB, 215x194, uoOthf3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw newfags believe that amdoge is a gurl

>> No.154487

Reminder that I will trap myself for 1,000,000 PND.

>> No.154498


>> No.155737

What other forums are out there that people frequent? Something Aweful maybe? It's all about getting the word out there. Most people have never heard of Dogecoin. Everyone around doesn't know it exists.