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15328190 No.15328190 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be a truck driver or an underwater welder?
what other jobs are shit careers ?

>> No.15328206

im sure trucking can be comfy if you own your own rig and can haul a couple loads a week

>> No.15328227

>mindless drone labour

>> No.15328277

>underwater welder?
really dangerous pretty sure most commercial divers wind up dead

>> No.15328357
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Interesting choice:
>Take 6 week course, job gets taken by robot in 5 years.
>Learn to be one of the very best at both SCUBA and welding, then take extremely high risk, high-paying job, only after years and years of experience.

>> No.15328441

What is this meme that underwater welders make a lot of money? Google search proves otherwise immediately

>> No.15328453


It's fundamentally a nuance

>> No.15328476

Bus driver anon here.
>65k yr
>8hr guaranteed
>6hr actual day
>4hrs of driving
>2hrs of this
>$51.34 if i feel like doing overtime
>40k links

>> No.15328949

Compared to fucking truck drivers they do.

>> No.15328957

Maybe, but outside of this specific thread all people say the same that it is high paying

>> No.15329070
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>> No.15329144


underwater welder

>> No.15329167


definetely not underwater welder

>> No.15329194

Public metro bus or school bus?

>> No.15329227

>order selector making 50k yr
>tradie making between 50k - 80k yr
>any mediocre npc career paying less than 90k a year base

>> No.15329271

It would be nice, all you do is listen to audio books. However driving a massive 18 wheeler sounds like too much responsibility.

>> No.15329538
File: 94 KB, 908x688, Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 4.32.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on working an honest 40 hour work week only to have a third of your wages stolen from you and given to lazy minorities? I'm fucking sick of this shit.

>> No.15329559

Honestly, I'd recommend getting a degree in electrical engineering.

>> No.15329578

Every time I see a trucker, they look absolutely miserable.

>> No.15329585

I imagine you'd have to pay a lot of fucking money to get someone to do that job. A million dollars a year would be my price to do that. For less than a million? Sorry, sounds too miserable, not worth my time.

>> No.15329600

Every time I see anyone they seem absolutely miserable.

>> No.15329639

If you dont have kids or a wife its not THAT bad. For me at least, im lonely and miserable at home, might as well be lonely and miserable while making good money

>> No.15329659

I work as a teacher. It kinda sucks, but at least its not too bad (work at a decent private school though, not some poverty state run babysitting center)

>> No.15330475
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>Good money

>> No.15330532

bus drivers make 15-18 dollars an hour. 65k my ass

>> No.15330551

this. even in this booming economy many truckers dont even make more than 40k

>> No.15330645


That stat is way off. I knew a guy that did it and he was at almost 150k a year

>> No.15330697

people lie about money all the time

>> No.15330702

This transporting people is the future.
Metro driver on barcelona here, 32k year after taxes, 30h/w. (Europoor so thats a lot)
1 month and a half of vacations a year.
Work like 4h/day kek.

>> No.15331721


when you get married with a kid your taxes get cut yet you spend all that money on them instead.

single men are taxed pretty hard desu senpai. thank God i'm married now.

>> No.15332130

former trucker here. it was shit. traveling was fun but only as a team. if you go solo it's the most lonely depressing thing ever. best way i can describe it is a prison cell on wheels.

>> No.15332145


>Prison cell on wheels

Fucking kek

>> No.15332171

I do nails dang it sucks although I got a lot of $$$ Im gonna quit this job

>> No.15332222

Yeah I was gonna say, differential pressure kills many underwater welders. Most underwater welders end up working in tanks, where good ol Delta P will KIPP the shit out of you

>> No.15332235

Getting paid to be alone and listen to music all day is literally my dream job

>> No.15332240

Finnish bus driver here. I drive most of the time in pitch blackness and snow. I love my job.

>> No.15332244

Based productive member of society

>> No.15332303
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Id rather be a truck driver. Being in water makes me scared of drowning.

>> No.15332551

which qualifications do you need for that job?

>> No.15332566



What is KIPP??

>> No.15332572

Underwater welders make fucking bank, so that.

>> No.15332576


A PhD in astrophysics is the bare minimum

>> No.15332620

truck driver for sure. Underwater welder is too fucking scary. I have nightmares of drowning since I was a kid.

>> No.15332806

what's the bear minimum to get a PhD in astrophysics?

>> No.15332852

>booming economy

>> No.15332932

wasted quads

>> No.15332933

i know a team that i saw pay stub that is a minimum 120K a year for each. the only place those low number come from is people who allow themselves to get punked.