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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15326460 No.15326460 [Reply] [Original]

Gods unchained is a tcg built on the ethereum block chain that combines the simple digital look and feel of hearthstone with some of the depth of a game like magic the gathering and uses the power of the block chain to allow players to really own their cards and participate in secondary markets.

They're currently undergoing a "play to earn" promotion where every game you win awards you with 100 raffle tickets to win, among other cosmetic items, a one of a kind mythic card. This is the 4th and last genesis mythic cards and the one they raffled off went for $62,000. This raffle is huge because it gives free to play players a way to grind, sell their raffle tickets(erc20 tokens) and use the eth to buy packs.

Other ways to earn include playing the the weekend tournaments, one started just a few hours ago where $1,000 of prizes are on the line every weekend. And of course buying packs to sell October 10th when card trading opens.

>> No.15326483
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You need a beta key to play, use mine to be hooked up to a top player


>> No.15326514
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The balance patch is out: https://blog.godsunchained.com/2019/08/20/balance-blog-august-20th-serene-blade/

What are you guys going to play next weekend? Light got me 3 legendary packs last weekend, I think death is going to carry me next weekend. But I think deception is more fun to play.

Looking forward to running over nature brainlets.

>> No.15326618

Fuck off with this forced spam, low effort, digital CCG ETH collectable game like it's 2017 again.

>> No.15326870
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It's one of the few projects that's actually using block chain in a meaningful way. Would you rather discuss bitcoinconnect 3.0 or some other transparently doomed shit coin? Or the multiple retarded wow classic threads?

>> No.15327018
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I'm really excited about how fast the game is growing. It's been out of beta for under a month and had 3 constructed tournament weekends so far.

Week 1: ~300 unique accounts played

Week 2:~700 unique accounts played

Last weekend: Pic related

These are people who got through the under construction on boarding process, built a deck and actually played games. That's a huge green flag for adoption.