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15325491 No.15325491 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why the nolinkers fill the catalogue more than the actual linkers? is it the guys from reddit that bought $4+? or is it the same people that fudded in 2017/2018 (I doubt this since the fud back then at least held some kind of standard) I am curious, please do tell.

>> No.15325506
File: 179 KB, 627x617, Gatsu Can't Sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thread died for this?????????????????????

>> No.15325530

yeah well isn't it better if the people come here and spam 700k dump, web3 dump, Sergey fat, burger, team owns 65% etc instead of filling up the catalogue?

>> No.15325591
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what would be ideal is if people stopped talking about chainlink entirely.

>> No.15325617

the 'fudders' are mostly newfags who unironically think link is a scam. it is odd that they think they can get under the skin of guys who are already made 600-1000% gains. suppose the people who can actually be shaken up by fud are those who bought a month and a half ago.

>> No.15325637

I think they're linkies, but the fud quality has really dropped off. They are using 2017 fud that nobody gives a shit about. I think they just want nulinkers to sell. There can't actually be any nolinkers here, even redditors aren't that stupid

>> No.15325676

no one cares about your shit project give up already and move on

>> No.15325789

yea i think it's mostly nulinkers but also i and probably other ico fags like to chime in from time to time to give them better fud

>> No.15325836

>no one cares about your shit project give up already and move on
just take a look at the catalogue

>> No.15325879

If a thread is at the end of the catalog it couldn’t have been a good thread or if it’s already discussed enough

>> No.15326680
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