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15324522 No.15324522 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15324533

Why do you care about 10-20% drop if its 1000 eoy

>> No.15324547


>> No.15324565

because chainlink took over a whole 3 day conference and no one gives a shit, thats why im fuckigg worried you braindead faggot

>> No.15324633
File: 37 KB, 505x600, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to say guys but if it's not blatantly obvious that this is gonna slowly dump for a bit (maybe aggressively in short term) you're not gonna make it.

Link has always pumped on out of the blue, big surprise announcements. But even with a surprise google partnership it didnt get past $5. Not sure what nulinkers are expecting desu.

This entire conference is literally priced in.

>> No.15324658

We are already at the post conference dump lmao

>> No.15324678

chainlink has had a unstreamed conference for the last two days doing hackathon or some other bullshit. The main stage was used by random people tomorrow Wednesday Sergey is going to have a talk. The insiders were right that they have a 3 day conference just we don't know anything about it. Hence why the fucking 2.50-2.30.

>> No.15324687

you have bigger problems if thats the only thing you are worried about

>> No.15324693
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>> No.15325080

enlighten me faggot

>> No.15325179

it's not a conference negro, it's just nodes operators explaining their next moves, also Sergey is talking tomorrow, i know they didn't teach you about timezones in Bangladesh, but Sergey is speaking in roughly 16 hours

>> No.15325240

j-j-just wait until s-sibos.....

>> No.15325257

Lmao linkies were spamming about chainlink enterprise alliance. Where are they now haha. Worst was the acquisition of truffle which makes no fucking sense

>> No.15325259

Fucking nulinkers. You cant assume random bullshit like this is gonna pump link. If anything, nulinkers like you shitting their pants and panic selling when Sergey didnt say 1k eoy are causing the dump. Most link is held long term. Stop seeing this as a 90 day wonder coin.

>> No.15325324

Sergey's speach is tomorrow you fucking retard.

>> No.15325344

Sibos and pds2 are unironically overhyped. Neither will have immediate effects on LINK price.

>> No.15325348

if sergey was going to announce something we would be dumping so hard nulinker

>> No.15325366


>> No.15325383

We're dumping hard precisely because he is going to announce something you fucking nufag.

>> No.15325429

state of linkie cope

>> No.15325434

I've watched every conference since testnet was announced and I've never seen it behave like this before. Usually we dump a week out and then pump up until the conference, then dump an hour or so before it so traders take profit and then play any announcement pumps. This time there was no pump at all and a solid dump before.

i wonder what it means

>> No.15325449

that nothing is happening perhaps

>> No.15325501

riiight, because no one is trying to load up before the announcement...riiiight

>> No.15325532

I think they are attempting to sell the rumor and buy the news.

The rumors are so fucking bullish they don't want to pump it higher and just make their own accumulation harder, and they know they wont be able to dump on something like a CEA announcement with any degree of success of buying back in lower either. So they gotta dump the rumor and accumulate wildly beforehand and pump on news.

>> No.15325540


>> No.15325589


The absolute fucking state of pajeet Nolinker cope.

Get off my fucking coattails scum. You don't have permission to reply to me or any other Linkie ever again.

>> No.15325606

What are you even talking about
They have a little sidestand like other projects/themes where they have small workshops and presentations
Took over the convention
Nulinkers are retarded

>> No.15325607

get off my board and start formulating you shill campaign for sibos now that web3 is another nothingburger you fucking shitskin

maybe you can pnd it to 2.75 then. poor showing this time around.

>> No.15325612

Did you read your own comment? You are reaching peak levels of delusion

>> No.15325631

You're not getting a (You). You have to go through another anon to talk to me and other Linkies from no on Nolinker.

>> No.15325651

you are arguing that the rumor is so substantial that they are selling all of their LINK lol you are the dumbest fucking idiot I may have ever seen on this board

I dont even have a brainlet meme dumb enough to represent your negative IQ

>> No.15325665

i hate larpers more than nolinkers

>> No.15325667

Not giving you a serious reply unless you follow the directions and speak to me through another anon as a middleman. I will no longer directly talk to nolinker filth.

>> No.15325671

HAHAHA bro the state of this LINKtard

>The rumors are SO BULLISH that people are DUMPING
>The news coming from Sergey is going to be SO GOOD that he literally dumped 1.4mm LINK in the last 48 hours

>> No.15325686

it's vechain-tier delusion at this point and as you can see they cannot even refute it anymore

just have to let them learn their lesson the hard way.

>> No.15325689

i too cannot believe how much delusional retards there are in this thread

>> No.15325702

holy shit did you read what you wrote before pressing enter?

>> No.15325724
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>Sergey takes a literal wet shit inside of LINKies' open mouth and dumps another 700k
>LINKtards: this is actually bullish

>> No.15325726

I'm actually disgusted at the sub 80 IQ on this brainlet LINKtard

The fact that these guys then turn around and laugh at VeChain and XRP delusion is pathetic

>> No.15325740
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smile and honk friend.. smile and honk

>> No.15325753

Previous 700k transfers have not be during pumps at all. The one that accord the other day did happen during a pump however the second one again did not. I have no idea why 700k is being moved some speculation is that they are selling it to startups or whatever. We had a thread the other day linking the wallet transactions to other wallets owned by these startups/corps.

>> No.15325771

The problem with this theory is that it directly contradicts your guys' retarded $1000 EOY theory. I guarantee you if corporations bought 700k links and it went to even $50, they would dump this shit on the open market and realize their gains

>> No.15325776

and no one has the balls to ask him about it

>> No.15325779

this guy gets it

>> No.15325786

Maybe you should go read up on what chainlink actually does before saying shit like this.
It is not like hes going to even talk about it anyway. Just like with the libre shit he didnt want to talk about.

>> No.15325788

Holy fucking shit you are stupid. Just plain fucking dumb.

Capping this fucking thread and all the brainlet reply's for tomorrow. I will bully the fuck out of every nolinker in this thread tomorrow.

>> No.15325804

So how about you guys provide an actual argument against what I just said? Guarantee that none of you have worked in the corporate world and are retarded schizo basement dwellers

>> No.15325817

Imagine being this dumb lmao

>> No.15325823
File: 711 KB, 576x864, 8ECB0A34-B3CE-4CCE-A225-7CE7963BC444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>retard doesn’t know those companies granted those LINKs are likely timelocked on the order of months or years.
>retard doesn’t know those links will generate huge passive income for those companies when they become scarce
>retard thinks companies would sell off ground floor dirt cheap access to the next Internet for pennies on the dollar of their real value
>retard thinks multi-billion dollar companies are a retard like him.


>> No.15325832

Buddy I hold a management position at one of the largest banks on Wall Street, but you can keep coping

>> No.15325830

You're not fucking getting an explanation shit for brains. You think I don't know the "play stupid to bait out an answer" tactic. It wont work faggot.

>> No.15325856

Look here everyone we've got JP's Morgan's head of the janitorial department right here on /biz/!

>> No.15325872

You really don't have to believe me, it doesn't make a difference to me. There are successful anons like me on the board here. Not everyone is a pathetic McWagecuck like you

>> No.15325892

can you enlighten us instead of just calling us dumb in every post?

>> No.15325893

Careful now with that tone wagie, wouldn't want me to "accidentally" spill my coffee on the floor would you. Would be a pain to have to scrub it out now.

>> No.15325895

Link is a scam

>> No.15325899

>start formulating you shill campaign for sibos now that web3 is another nothingburger
Holy street shitting pajeets Batman! Is this what happens after lurking for a few months? The poos just become easier and easier to spot? Do the needful and GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD. FLAGS FOR BIZ WHEN?

>> No.15325917

Look man, there is simply no chance that banks are going to give up control of the derivatives market to a Russian developer. Even IF Sergey could deliver on his promises, this is their golden goose. They will lobby politicians to keep things the way they are, and if push comes to shove, you really really think they wouldn't do what they did to Epstein to Sergey?

>> No.15325934

Oh my god Ranjeesh you are so fucking transparent.

>> No.15325936

I mean security really wouldn't even allow you in to my floor, so good luck with that cuck

>> No.15325942

Then whats yours say on swift working with chainlink? also psd2. those two things alone contradict what you are saying

>> No.15325946

Again, no meaningful contribution into the discussion. Thanks again, and hope you don't end up homeless after your parents die and can't take care of you anymore

>> No.15325959

I'm not sure I would want to visit your floor Ranjeesh. Wouldn't want to risk treading on a rogue poo that didn't reach the street.

>> No.15325967

> C O P E
the post

>> No.15325975

why do you people keep replying to bait threads?
It's all bait threads past this point.

>> No.15325979

I you think your fucking FUDposts are contributing to the discussion you are delusional.

>> No.15325992

dont ignore my post wall street ranjeet

>> No.15325997

Gold medalist in mental gymnastics right here

>> No.15326003

There is no real proof that SWIFT is going to use them as an oracle provider. All of the supposed "partnerships" have been based off of pure speculation, and there have been no announcements by any of the companies that people on biz claim that LINK is "partnered" with. This honestly reminds me of when VeChain claimed to be working with McD, BMW, etc. The run up has been based off of pure speculation and coinbase hype

>> No.15326005

do you have any ability to think? you think its good that we are dumping during a three day chainlink conference focused on the whole ecosystem of the network? maybe you should rethink what you said

>> No.15326007

>call out on LINKshill anon's idiotic hypothesis that LINK is DUMPING because there is some groundbreaking announcement
>"noooooo you're a fucking PAJEET RANJESH!!!!!"

You all deserve the abject poverty that you will never escape.

>> No.15326019

ok ranjeet thanks, you forgot to add that google isnt using chainlink at all r tho

>> No.15326028

I would think that you could easily tell by my english skills that I'm not a pajeet ...

>> No.15326039

You're not getting any (You)'s until you follow the rules Patel.

>> No.15326064

We can tell by your Chainlink FUD that you aren't white.

>> No.15326068

I'm done posting on this thread bro, I just wanted to confirm how delusional LINKcels are, and I have proven it beyond reasonable doubt. I will admit I was somewhat intrigued by the tech and was thinking about investing, but if these are the types of people investing right now, smart money has exited long ago

>> No.15326070

It means 700k x 2. The devs are selling the rumour and the news.

>> No.15326079

the smell of shit gives it away lmfao

>> No.15326086

indeed they are all DR;NS

(didnt react, now suffering)

>> No.15326143

You had 2 years to buy in Ranjeesh. If you were interested in the tech and were indeed a wall street manager you would have known about Link back in 2017 like everyone else in the space. I bought in Sep 17. All the good Link discussion was done over a year ago now by smart money investors like myself. I know all the juicy details, I'm not sharing them with a FUDing loser like yourself. I don't care if you were gonna inveset a few rupee's into this project. We don't need you. You don't deserve Link.

>> No.15326317
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No it doesn't because link is not a security to just hodl and then dump.

Companies will need the link token to run smart contract based business practices. They will gain far more from usage, as well as staking, than they would by dumping them. Link will become very scarce over time due to this.

>> No.15326347

Stay poor

>> No.15326432
File: 665 KB, 1280x720, laughtiri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just not lmao

>> No.15326436


>> No.15326524

LINK is the new REQ

>> No.15326580

are you an idiot. They are relying on Chainlink to maintain power.

>> No.15326609
File: 826 KB, 500x500, 40E84306-A429-45FB-8730-CA79C78F9D16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There’s no proof SWIFT is going to use LINK

Oh sweet larping dumbass. There’s no reason a father would buy from his son’s company, is there?

Rather, buying from your own company, in this case, would be even more accurate.

>Scotty doesn’t know.

>> No.15326706
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I pray everynight that all the filthy tranny swinglinkers get the rope, and soon my dreams will come true

>> No.15326880


Yes, at the moment the rope tightens around your neck when you decide to end it all. That happens when Sergay announces his next (pun intended) oracle scam and leaves Stainstink for the dead like hi did for NXT.

Enjoy swinging, filthy cuck.