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15323548 No.15323548 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, have you suffered from insomnia?

Im trying to quit my medication finally (mirtazapine, anticholinergic anti depressant), but fuuuuck me Im not sleeping at all. But I will try to power through it for a week.

This is really affecting my life, any tips?

PS: Buy Cardano

>> No.15323591

get off that stuff anon, it makes people retarded
also anytime pych drugs cause insomnia you are supposed to get off.

>> No.15323598


No, that's what I was using for insomnia. Only a small dose for the sedating effect.

>> No.15323626

it reduces highs and thereby stops lows, it will make you into dull normie.

>> No.15323635

try yoga watch sadhguru

>> No.15323694

Take a mg of melatonin

>> No.15323729

Exercise, meditation, fasting and making sure you are hydrated. I was on this regiment and it helped a ton...occasionally I ave to smoke some weed to help it along. Don’t quit cold turkey...start the things first then slowly cut your med doses in 1/2 every week

>> No.15323742

Add some Allan watts in there for good measure.

>> No.15323787

It's going to take months anon. If you're planning on a week, you may as well just stay on them. Get your system clean of all drugs, including alcohol and weed, and try to exercise or read before bed. Cut out all electronics 2 hours before bed, all nicotine 3 hours, and caffeine as much as 12 hours before bed. Clean up your diet. Stop eating shitty processed food and cook at home.

>> No.15324154

Literally 99% of health problems can be solved with proper diet

>> No.15325047

run 3 miles a day right after work. take melatonin and pepermint tea an hour before sleep and in the dark. eat potatoes for dinner

>> No.15325111

.3 mg of melatonin (ime, higher doses build up significant tolerance over time) + a bowl of weed + shot of.vodka = bedtime within 30 min

Note that I only use weed as a sleep aid and vodka the same.

>> No.15325127

maybe try not bag holding ADA, you'll sleep better

>> No.15325214

You are looking for trazodone. Also eat right and stay physically and mentally active.