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File: 706 KB, 668x879, millenials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15322993 No.15322993 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't Millennials start drink beer?

>> No.15322998

gives you cancer, costs way too much

>> No.15323006

24 yo of millennial here there is these things called dab pens that are the new craze

>> No.15323008

i thought they drank bugman beer

>> No.15323029

>Why won't Millennials start drink beer?
Because they're not that pathetic to depend on fake, artificial enhancements & drugs....

>> No.15323030

>tastes like shit
>barely any alcohol
>get fat
>tastes like shit

>> No.15323049
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Dude weed. If I drink enough beers to get a decent buzz my odds are 50:50 of feeling like ass the next day. If I smoke dope I feel fine, just slightly dumber.

>> No.15323051
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Pic related

>> No.15323056

Alcohol fucking sucks

>> No.15323079

>millennials aren't pathetic
What the fuck are you talking about LMAO

>> No.15323081


>> No.15323086

I do not drink but if i did w wouldn’t drink beer especially band name beer. Also it doesn’t fit my macros
Kys druggie
I wonder which companies they took into account when writing that article. I guarantee that Modelo is selling just fine.

>> No.15323097

Owen Benjamin fags need to go

>> No.15323130

hard liquor drowns out the pain faster and more efficiently, and is also less carbs

>> No.15323171

I think we just don't drink shit beer, that's the difference. Craft beer scene is booming. Local companies.

>> No.15323183

Pretty good if you mix it with some cheap wine

>> No.15323195

Try not changing the recipe to lower costs. Old Milwaukee changed the can design and recipe. You thought us dumb consumers wouldnt notice the taste change with a visual difference. I know your marketing tricks.

T. 27 year old boomer

>> No.15323198

I gotta choose: beer or food. Plus, beer is full of unhealthy carbs and loaded with estrogenic compounds, I rather buy some eggs with that money. Pass.

>> No.15323210

Kratom is way better

>> No.15323213

Enjoy not having a liver if you keep it up.

>> No.15323221

speak for yourself anon the only reason i haven't necked myself is drugs and alcohol to cope

>> No.15323230

How dare they not buy products! That's stealing from companies!

>> No.15323239

Makes you fat and makes you feel gross.

>> No.15323250

That's gotta be it. There have been several breweries and distilleries popping up in my state over the last several years.

That shouldn't be happening unless there's a demand for it.

>> No.15323256


>> No.15323261

>That shouldn't be happening unless there's a demand for it.
Not always the case. Sometimes it's boomers late to the party trying to get in on recently dead fads, sometimes it's a guy with a dream and doesn't care how it sells, sometimes those places go out of business in a year or two.

>> No.15323269

It contains too much onions

>> No.15323272

Kratom is shit. I can consume 100g of powder in a day and feel nothing, and I wait weeks or even a month between dosing.

>> No.15323281

What are you macros supposed to be? Are you low carb?

>> No.15323285

Yeah you're right.
I'll have to watch and see.

>> No.15323301

>I guarantee that Modelo is selling just fine.
Is that representative of millennials in general or just that the US is a mexican colony?

>> No.15323308

Yes low carb

>> No.15323321

the latter

>> No.15323325

I know. It was a rhetorical question.

>> No.15323340

25 here, I like a few cold beers, but my mom is a full on alcoholic (a nice one) so I keep that shit occasional.

>> No.15323341
File: 17 KB, 212x200, 1530063857053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcohol is horrible for you body

call it a meme if you want, but if you HAVE to drink than a hard seltzer or hard liquor is the best choice because it has low carbs and does LESS damage to your body

>> No.15323354

Pablo and his 22 million relatives really enjoy Modelo.

Also fore warning Texas, New Mexico, Southern California, Arizona are gone. Some big cities become cartel holdouts and the water is replaced with Modelo.

>> No.15323384

I'd love to drink beer but it's carb city.

>> No.15323400

my soviet boomer parents tell me that their early life experience "shopping" was waiting hours in line to a store without even knowing what was in stock, usually to find 1 (one) thing for sale.
The worse part is that they enjoyed it.

>> No.15323418

used to homebrew. However since losing 50lbs I really just don't drink beer anymore as i don't want to get fat again. I buy a 12 pack of good beer and it lasts me 8 months.

>> No.15323475

What do you drink then?

>> No.15323510

Most beer tastes like piss; rather drink liquor.

>> No.15323535

You got to live in the us to think this. Come to Europe, notably Belgium and you'll have a new opinion on the matter. Though you'll get fat here too

>> No.15323558

Can you explain how this works for you? Maybe just cuz our bodies are diffetent but if i try low carb i basically slowly get very weak and my muscles become constantly sore and i have trouble sleeping. Are you active and all that?

>> No.15323606

This. I don't buy any macrobrews, disgusting shit. Microbrews and crafts exclusively (and no, this does not include IPA's or any otherwise intensely hoppy beers)

>> No.15323625

We have yuro beer here. Its shit. Hard liquor gets you drunk quicker for cheaper and less calories. This argument is already over.

>> No.15323632

Its because you are having sugar withdrawals. Get on low carb for a month and wait until your body gets fat adapted then that shit will go away.

>> No.15323641

I used to think this, but the US has an amazing array of small breweries. Besides, nothing wrong with some basic lager either.

>> No.15323648
File: 1.76 MB, 1242x1650, millenials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millenials are too busy killing everything to drink beer

>> No.15323663

Alcohol is for people who lack IQ

>> No.15323674

They are to busy using video games for escapism. Beer is a boomer way of forgetting about your problems

>> No.15323705

>drinking in 2019
there are less toxic drugs out there that make you feel amazing that don't turn you into a braindead mope

>> No.15323743

Just drink spirits you fags lmao. Some Zubrowka with ice cold apple juice is lovely. Goes down very smoothly.

>> No.15323761

Is there a sadder, more rage prone group than boomers?

>> No.15323764


>> No.15323792


>> No.15323804


>> No.15323818

Millennial's, is there anything they won't not buy?

>> No.15323825

True! Just people that don’t know the truth about it don’t understand it

>> No.15323842

Onions milk, salads and vape juice

>> No.15323845

I only drink red wine for the health benefits

>> No.15323865

I remember when Anheuser Busch sold itself to Inbev in 2008. I thought, these guys know beer and know it's time to sell because the future is downhill from here for beer.

>> No.15323884

Food and gas for my car. Maybe a parking pass for the beach, or a water park. Maybe a video game.

>> No.15323918

dunno about rotw but Bong, -EVERY- fucking beer brand gets bought, then 'brewed' in some giant vat in an industrial estate in Norwich. Red Stripe - Fine Jamaican Lager (Brewed under license in Norwich) . Bongo Bongo Belgia, Belgiums Finest Beer (Brewed under license in Norwich). Its (naturally) all the same tasting evil chemical pish, no matter whats on the outside of the can. Cunts like Heineken and the other one who 'brew' all this god forsaken urine should be tried before The Hague

>> No.15323959

You Irish?

>> No.15323979

uk - Oirish have at least got Guiness

>> No.15324005

i stopped drinking beer and anything else because i decided feeling good for about 5 hours wasn't worth a hangover and accelerated aging, also it keeps me out of the gym so it just had to stop

>> No.15324021

>5 hours
Lmao the alcohol buzz lasts like 20 minutes maximum, the rest is just mental confusion.

Benzos are cleaner although less euphoric

>> No.15324022

frankly you couldn't pay me enough to drink murrican piss they call beer

>> No.15324164

Hops are estrogenic. Hard liquor is cheaper and has less calories and carbs.

>> No.15324201

>20 minutes
not if you keep drinking, i was putting back a bottle of whiskey every 4 days for more than a year

>> No.15324206

because they are smarter than degenerate fucks dying of liver failure.

>> No.15324217

Because alcohol is terrible for you

>> No.15324231

Been at it for 3 years buddy, 10g per day. Go spread disinformation somewhere else kike. My bank account likes when I take kratom. I’m willing to bet you’re on adderall rn

>> No.15324246

Bunk shit you're buying bro

>> No.15324257

You’re doing something wrong. Were you addicted to other opiates before you started dosing? Try l-tyrosine when you take it or agmatine on your T-breaks

>> No.15324275

Decided to give up alcohol in any form after working in a bar for a year.

Decided quite rationally that I didn't want to join degenerates in a never ending spiral of self destruction...

And not surprised ITT the theme starts with a guilt trip. Alcohol is the only drug that I can think of where it you are on invited to partake, and decline, everyone jumps on you, with "why not?" and other forms of coercion

>> No.15324277

Either bunk shit or tolerance is through the roof. 100g is not a small fuckin number. Has to have a high tolerance from past opioid abuse

>> No.15324289

No friends no money

>> No.15324384

Honestly this. Want to quit alcohol forever? Spend a day sober around drunks. DUDE THE WALL IS SO FUNNY GIGGLES. If you need alcohol to be more confident you're a loser too. So many people are casual alcoholics it's not funny.

>> No.15324394

that combo tastes like hamster food

>> No.15324662

>Why aren't millennials buying houses?
>Why aren't millennials buying diamonds?
>Why aren't millennials buying cars?
>Why aren't millennials buying beer?

>> No.15325391

based wine cork

>> No.15325402

shitcoins and bath water

>> No.15325436
File: 580 KB, 500x544, zima_seltzer_craze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boomer who wrote that has obviously never had a white claw

>> No.15325518

>makes you fat
>disturbs your sleep
>makes your breath stink
>causes diabetes
>kills your neurons
And you're supposed to pay for it?

>> No.15325970

>water is replaced with Modelo

>> No.15326421

No. Eurofag here, our beer is arguably even worse. At least the horrid taste is watered down in American beers, ours is just pure unadulterated shit. Hipsters are pretending to like craft beer just because no one else likes them.

>> No.15326449

Imagine getting this passionate about various flavours of the shittest tasting drunk ever brewed.

>> No.15326469

Beer is fucking great, you degenerate

>> No.15326473

Hops a shit. Sour master race

>> No.15326498

why do "millennials" post so many "millennials are killing X" bait posts?

>> No.15326517

Beer tastes like shit, makes you fat, gives you cancer. Don't dispute point one with some "craft" shit, they taste even worse.

>> No.15326539

you want to know how I know you're a faggot?

>> No.15326558

Young people get a cleaner smoother GABA fix from xannies. None of that dry you out hangover bullshit liver destroying boomer alcohol.

>> No.15326566

Because I don't drink something invented by peasants to stop them from dying of dysentry?

>> No.15326595

This guy gets it. Have you stocked up on the Onions Choco friend?

>> No.15326607

>Beer tastes like shit
not really at least good beer doesn't. i gave it up for girlfriends sake. she thinks drinking beer is a pleb thing. something uncultured unintelligent assholes do as a way of life. and there is something to that i guess so i switched to whiskey.

>> No.15326624

Why is the (((media))) doing lots of articles of why do milleans dont do 'X'?

>> No.15326625

nothing competes with the refreshing flavor of sugary carbonized drinks, huh, kiddo?

>> No.15326637

>Implying they aren't also a boomer obsession

I'll take water or tea, thanks.

>> No.15326693

I don't drink beer but even so giving something up something you enjoy for a woman is pathetic especially when it doesn't even effect her

>> No.15326760

not so much 'passionate' as annoyed about a fucking con job. The original Red Stripe is a nice beer - like most beers, its a product of its place, tastes better warm climate and when drank locally etc etc, but, its COMPLETELY different to the fucking slops they now pass off as 'Red Stripe' in the UK. Same with NEAR EVERY other fucking beer brand. Not even a real ale fan or beer snob or whatever the fuck, theres obv a lot of small bong breweries produce good stuff, and some larger who allegedly still do, Brewdog, etc. This scam with buying/licensing beer brands and selling some evil industrial estate chembrew as 'Finest Jamaican' or whatever tho, it gets on my tits. Its just fucking fraud

>> No.15326775

Hard seltzer is the way to go

>> No.15327287
File: 137 KB, 581x820, 1561316352974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gen-x
>tfw didn't kill anything
>tfw didn't actually do anything of note at all

>> No.15327379

Weed is better and doesn't make you fat

>> No.15327409

Fuck off with your shilling/data mini g. Seriously, enough with this "why don't millenials x" shit. Why are you fuckers even indulging this shill?

>> No.15327422

It's not your fault, you suffered the most under the boomers and were powerless against them.

>> No.15327494


>> No.15327513

white claw gang bitch

>> No.15327520

well right now millennials are so interested in coins like bitcoin that they are not interested in drinking the divine drink, forget beer most of them dont even know that they can get more than 10x profit from telecoin.

>> No.15327620
File: 414 KB, 1391x930, fakenews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of boomer news

>> No.15327710

>Millenials blamed for not buying something that is unnecessary for survival.
BTFO boomers