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15320880 No.15320880 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the point of making it when you are too old to find a virgin?

>> No.15320886

have sex

>> No.15320907

Virgins litterly sell their virginity on the web now. So there you, your reason for making it. Now go on. Sprinkle some $$ on those shitcoins and make a bang on your buck.

>> No.15320910
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found my virgo gf at age 24.
kinda crazy but eh

>> No.15320911

Whats the obsession with virgins?

>> No.15320924

>new study
gee, it isn't like we've known this for a few thousand years

>> No.15320956



>> No.15320971

I don't know, ask practically everyone on Earth.

>> No.15320976

Makes sense, sex holds no more special meaning beyond procreation when this happens between the partners. The only reason a female settles down after taking 10000 miles of dick is. To fit in and not have bastard children/be a single mom like the niggers. It's fucked up really, don't marry a slut. Seriously don't fucking do it, all she wants is you to get her pregnant.

>> No.15320979

>planting my pole where no other man has before

Whats not to like about that? You like being second all the time? Faggot

>> No.15320999

Weird, maybe the biological reasons, mental qualities or the long term success of the relationship but weird because it's not what the movies tell me?

>> No.15321008

Nothing is what the movies tell you, chief

>> No.15321016

What? You don't see the value in your sister, daughter, mother, and even your own sexual partner having had dozens of dicks of unknown origin plunged into them? Sorry man, you're the crazy one! Jewish hypergamy society is based and you are cringe, sorry

>> No.15321035

To be fair, I have met quite a few males who would prefer an "experienced" girlfriend

Ask any female about their first serious relationship/sexual partner and look at the expression on their faces when they tell you about.

>> No.15321076

Have hymen

>> No.15321084

>To be fair, I have met quite a few males who would prefer an "experienced" girlfriend

This is called "coping"

>> No.15321100

To be fair despite "experience" generally women aren't good at fucking. If I'm going to be fucking a dead fish I would prefer it to have a tight pussy and a clean bill of health rather than a loose haunted abortion vag

>> No.15321117

Throughout the ages female virgins have been valued and that demand will never change no matter what you and your masters try to do.

>> No.15321142

let me interpret that headline for you
> had pre-marriage sex
> knows now difference between winner&looser
> marriage is not good cause she knows there' something better out for her

>> No.15321174

This old roaste meme again
Even *IF* that was the case, you can always initiate your young virgin gf into " muh experience"
500 fucks with 1 dick OR 500 fucks by 200 dicks - is the difference in the endgame

>> No.15321196

no, telling yourself you need a virgin is 'coping' because your too inadequate to consider that your shit at pleasing them.

I for one would prefer 2 raging whores over a hareem of 'virgins' after I blow myself to pieces, damn, have you ever had your dick sucked by a virgin? literally no clue what they are doing, and some of them literally lie there like a plank and take it because they havent had time to tune into their bodies.

>> No.15321208

who are you, dracula?

>> No.15321216

>wanting a virgin instead of a based bisexual whore u can have threesomes with

>> No.15321235

That's a redpill known since antiquity, why do you think the "perfect couple" in every single civilization up to modern days has been presented as a virginal woman associated with a more mature man?
Women hypergamy is supposed to be kept in check by men just like men agressiveness is supposed to be balanced by women.
Without it you end up in a society of psychologically damaged 35 yo single feminist unable to have a long lasting relationship and angry incels opting out or straight up revolting against society.

>To be fair, I have met quite a few males who would prefer an "experienced" girlfriend
That's a sexual fetish, not something men thrive for when it comes to settle and build a family.

>> No.15321264

Same, she was 22, benefits of living in a backward shithole

>> No.15321275

how old was she and still a virgin? women who are virgins past the age of 20 are most likely virgins for a reason.

Most women I know and/or have been with sexually, mostly lost their virginity in the age range 14-18.

>> No.15321276

Yeah in 9th grade I got blown but it was actually the best blowjob I had because my hormonal teenaged dick was perpetually erect to the point that I had to stop wearing gym shorts in public

>> No.15321294

kek, ive been with a fair few inexperienced girls and Ill be honest I just find it fucking frustrating to the point id prefer jerk off. Generally just terrible at pulling the right angles, sucking dick, jerking your dick, talking properly dirty, etc.etc. I like a girl who is a freak, I dont want to have to hand hold someone through the entire vanilla process 'oh sorry anon, I dont do doggy'. The fuck century do you think your living in woman!?@!

>> No.15321393

I find most sex frustrating to the point that I just want to beat off. The small handful of women that I've been laid by last the age of 20 despite having vastly more sex partners have boundaries just like you described too. The fact that they have been with other men never changed that. Women generally don't want to swallow your cum or let you fuck them in the ass. Experience doesn't necessarily translate to less boundaries either. There are plenty of women out there that feel like they're above being on all fours even if they're considerably more sexually active

>> No.15321427

Are you sure they're freaky because they have more experience or are they freaky because they are experienced or are they freaky because they're profoundly damaged?

>> No.15321434

> What are congenital STDs?
Have sex, faggot

>> No.15321449

actually your right anon,

One ex I had found sex quite uncomfortable, penetrative that was, but would blow me like a champ and swallow, and she liked being eaten out. During normal sex beyond cowgirl and missionary, she wouldnt do any other position.

Current girl , first got together would blow me all the time. Now its like never any of the time, but she does like sex, rarely likes me to eat her out. Sex is fine in all the positions really, also she plays with herself in front of me which I like. Would NEVER swallow, on the very rare occassion she blows me and I bust in her mouth its a definite spit.

Then ive been with girls that have had 1/2 sexual partners, and they are enthusiastic but lack technique, It does frustrate me tho to the point I just grab them by the hair and hate fuck them which I guess I kinda like but Id prefer the woman to take the initiative atleast 50% of the time.

I been with older women who are just outright FREAKS, choking on my dick, all the positions etc. desu really, some of the most satisfying sex ive ever had.

Been with a few straight 10's , again typically abit precious and give a half hearted performance.

>> No.15321483


>> No.15321492

well the first x2 instances is the same statement,

And possibly with the 'damaged', but im somewhat of the opinion we are all damaged in one form or another.

I mean I got with a 32 yo chick before when I was 21, I think she felt like she had to put in a good performance because I was young. But hell was she a good lay, must have came 3 times in one sex session, gobbling up my dick, liked to be choked a little, any and all positions.

I think the ones that are profoundly damaged are abit 50/50 in freakyness, because if they were damaged sexually then they are less likely to want to revisit the emotions and thoughts of when they were 'damaged'. My current girl was pressured into having anal when she was 15 by a much older guy (24) and like because she was young and impressionable thought it was the norm thing to do, but wasnt really ok to be doing it and realised when she grew up how fucking wrong it was and how it was essentially rape.

In short, I dunno mane..

>> No.15321572

Or maybe she realized she didn't like anal sex. If what you said is true why would people who were molested as children be more likely to molest children themselves when they reach adulthood? By your logic someone like that would probably avoid sex with children considering their own traumatic experience as a child but on the contrary you often see that it's the opposite

>> No.15321584

not being a poor old fuck and cheap ypug pussy if you think with your dick

>> No.15321597

Women all fuck the same. They suck your dick and lay down while you penetrated them until you bust. Experience isn't mutually inclusive with skill. Anyone that believes hypergamous women is making the world a better place is a fucking impulsive cumbrain anyways. You are clearly a low IQ retard that doesn't understand the concept of delaying gratification. Nothing is more beneficial for a life than a relationship with a monogamous woman. Fucking whores won't fulfill you. If you aren't actively shaming thots on the internet you are a fucking cancer to society and responsible for the destruction of families.

>> No.15321604

I think your observing this through very based spectacles anon. You cant just blanked rule 'everyone who was molested as children must now molest children', I mean, how do you know if there are people who dont.

Its just a correlation, like racism, just because in america most petty crime is perpretrated by niggers, doesnt mean all niggers are criminals, or conversely that white people dont commit petty crime.

Just because we happen to be speaking about sex now are you saying that the rule of someone having a bad experience with something and then avoiding it doesnt apply anymore, like when you burn yourself as a child, or have a bad experience with drugs, no, sex is different, its the opposite to this. I mean , this is kinda what it sounds like your saying.

If anything sex (especially for females) is even worse in this respect because women have these expectations, and then do actually get abused alot thinking its the norm.

In an earlier post I mention most girls I know of lost their virginity in the 14-18 age range, not always to a guy in the same age range. Doesnt this tell you how women are forced into situations they probably shouldnt be.

Ive had MOST sexual partners tell me they dont like their hear being held whilst giving felatio, so at some point or other ALL these women had a guy grab then by the hair as they railed their throat.

Short answer again, is its a complex subject, with a significant number of variables producing unpredictable results.

All I know is, I like a girl who is COMFORTABLE in their body and in touch with what they like sexually enough to make a really engaging intimate experience with me, whether that includes me lightly chocking them, spanking them with a belt, or hair pulling etc.

>> No.15321644

Virgins don’t know how to have sex. They just lie there, let you fuck them, and then get really clingy and emotional until you dump them.

T. High school and college chad who just fucks hooker now

>> No.15321654

Ive had MOST sexual partners tell me they dont like their hear being held whilst giving felatio, so at some point or other ALL these women had a guy grab then by the hair as they railed their throat.

That's not because they have psyhological damage you impulsive cretin, it's because getting your hair pulled fucking hurts. Jesus are you autistic?

>All I know is, I like a girl who is COMFORTABLE in their body and in touch with what they like sexually enough to make a really engaging intimate experience with me, whether that includes me lightly chocking them, spanking them with a belt, or hair pulling etc.

Again, women that mix pain with fucking are expressing pathological behavior. Fetishes are generally linked to psychological trauma, this is not up for debate.

>> No.15321668

pulling hair / spanking ass is not a fetish you virgin, it it just a domination show, and they like it.

>> No.15321676

I used to think this until I fucked a blasian who moaned like no tomorrow and got turned on by simulating that she's being taken and can't escape.

>t. Skinhead

>> No.15321705

Yes, it is you moron. It is not normal. If you pull a normal persons hair during sex they say "ouch. That is painful. Please don't that." It is absolutely abnormal. It is a pathological behavior.

>> No.15321724

Love not the woman who's sucked 100 dicks 1 time
Love the womon who will suck your dick and your dick alone100 times
And only have sex with her after marriage the way god intended or if your not a god fag wait just because your relationship and kid's will suffer otherwise

>> No.15321747

You have to grab a big tuft of hair @ the back of her head, close to the roots is preferable. She'll like it

>> No.15321751

Think what? A woman enjoying kinky shit like simulated rape has nothing to do with the fact that hypergamy is fundamentally responsible for dysfunctional and broken human beings. Maybe you should look at the bigger picture instead of writing cumbrain fantasies like anyone gives a shit that you fucked some mixed race retard

>> No.15321753

ok well I can tell you feel that you just have to be right here, and getting abit name cally, so whatever dude.

And reg hair pulling, funny this because anyone on here who has had a long standing female partner could probably vouch, head massages, and gentle hair pulling is orgasmic for women, so dont right hell no is it painful, women love it. what I was getting at with my statement is that having their head forced down against their will, and thats the (male) behaviour that triggered emotional hurt.

>gain, women that mix pain with fucking are expressing pathological behavior. Fetishes are generally

generalising again here anon, I have a fetish for asian bitches, literally had zero exposure my life to these chicks my entire life coming from a britbong backwater town that has 2 black folks.

Ever had a backrub where the knot builds up and as it builds it eventually pops and its painful but beautifully pleasureable at the same time.

Ever had to pinch your ass cheeks together to stop a fountain of shit and its painful and uncomfortable but when you find a toilet and go to town its the best thing ever.

Sex is PLEASURE & PAIN, its release, I can tell your a virgin because you dont seem to understand the topic we are discussing, some of the best sex is makeup sex and its halfway between a fight and tearing up the house and the most intimate animalistic connection you could ever have with someone.

>> No.15321771

hey man, /b/ called, your needed back there son.

>> No.15321839

Yup, virtually all women are into this

>> No.15321842

You literally just said most of the women you've been with didn't like having their hair pulled, and yet now you claim that it's normal that they want their hair pulled. Lmao

>generalising again here anon

There is nothing wrong with generalization. The word "generally" just means "in most cases."

It depends what you mean when you say you like asian women. being attracted to dark hair and slanted eyes is not a fetish, it's simply a preference. Most normal functioning heterosexual men are attracted to hot Asian girls.

>Ever had to pinch your ass cheeks together to stop a fountain of shit and its painful and uncomfortable

Yes but generally I avoid this because it's uncomfortable to hold in shit. If I'm actively chasing the high that comes from relieving yourself after holding in a shit, that like a fetish is an abnormal pathological behavior. It also feels good to not get punched in the face anymore, does that mean I should go out and have someone repeatedly punch me in the face so that I can feel that amazing feeling when someone stops inflicting pain onto me? No of course not, unless I had a mental issue of course.


It's not.

>> No.15321871

I was talking about your claim that women all fuck the same you technically correct retard

>> No.15321874

Context anon, Hair/head being grabbed DURING felacio.

I dont like eating a meal in direct sunlight, doesnt mean I dont like direct sunlight.

>it's simply a preference

how is it a preference if ive never been with one, and I fantasize about it and jerk to asian porn.

>It's not.

It is, what makes it really exciting.

Anyway, dont want to sit here arguing with you anon, feels cheap, agree to disagree, I like a girl who knows what she likes in the sack and isnt afraid to get it and reciprocate, this is generally always girls who are most certainly NOT virgins, or girls that have had < 3 partners.

>> No.15321880

Leave it to virgins to get all autistic about this shit.
Have you all tried getting laid?

>> No.15321915

By fuck the same I meant that women aren't necessarily better at sex because they have more partners. Your fuck fantasy has nothing to do with skill or my argument. Wow bro your mutt girlfriend likes thinking about rape when she gets fucked? That has nothing to do with skill

>> No.15321923

NPC cumbrain

>> No.15321958

Jerking to asian women is not a fetish. Being attracted to asian women because you want to lick their epicanthic fold is a fetish.

>> No.15321968

Enjoy your FOMO

>> No.15321993

I remember getting a handjob from this girl who probably had only done it once before and it was crap.

>> No.15322017

If it light hair pulling is so orgasmic, why don't they like it when they're sucking your dick? Surely it's because someone forced them (which you also claim they like but at the same time claimed that it was traumatic and they don't do it anymore. Which is it? If hair pulling traumatized them, how at the same time can all normal women find it enjoyable?)

Yes, it's a preference. Liking women with tan skin is not a fetish. Liking women with blonde or red hair is not a fetish. Finding freckles visually appealing on a woman is not a fetish. Liking dark hair and slanted eyes is not a fetish either.

>> No.15322019

Men and late teens literally offer dick on a plate to every female like its a dick buffet. Its weird or some social thing if they haven't lost it by their early 20s.

>> No.15322022
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Take the redpill and realize there is no "too old" to find a virgin

>> No.15322029
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>> No.15322032

I guess I like the particular brand of sub that is asian women, but what I was getting at is until the age of 18 (when I left home) I never even met an asian woman , but had serious yellow fever for them ever since I figured out to jerk it.

Arent fetishes somewhat derived from taboos, and interaccial is as such (or was 10 years ago) a taboo.

Anyway interesting subject but In my experience freaky chicks tend to be stable girls that are just in tune with themselves.

Non-freaky chicks, those that have frigid sexual preferences tend to be those that lack experience and/or have had some shit done to them that put them off, where people abused trust in the interest of self gratification.

Freaky girls tend to have an aptitude to tune into you, so you sync up and its trusting the other person to take things to the limit without overstepping a boundary.

>> No.15322038

Milf i lost my virginity to was riding my dick for HER orgasm. That's what good sex is.

>> No.15322041

Most normal functioning men have sex before the 20s. The issue is not the fact that they shouldn't be having sex, the issue is that they're having sex with people who they aren't committed to. My grandfather had sex before he was 20, even had a child by 19, but at the same time that women he had sex with he was married to and had children with.

>> No.15322065

I know right. 31yo boomer here, there's practically zero chance of me finding a hot virgin now. Almost every single woman who is an 8+/10 and over the age of 20 has been dicked already. Fuckin shame.

>> No.15322072

Can confirm real people who fuck dont regularly want to be dominated with painful grasping or choking. That shit is about 8-10 years out of date.

>> No.15322074

Also this desu. Only roasties and s(0)yboy cucks will be mad at you for dating a much younger virgin

>> No.15322094

>Fetishes are generally linked to psychological trauma
yeah although i think "trauma" would be a bit strong for some. for example, guys with a foot fetish often get their kink by seeing a barefootwoman walk on the street as a youngster. you could hardly call that traumatic.

>> No.15322114

like in most species the females choose their sexual partners. if no woman was showing sexual interest in you until age 20 it is over.
then the cope starts: rape, showing off money, looking for milfs, asia s and so on.
Of course you can get lucky and scoop up some used up whore or even a normal girl, but you will always feel this insecure because you know you are woth shit because your sexual value is 0.

>> No.15322120

NPC goy cattle are pitiful creatures.

>> No.15322174

cougars are great sport, and they tend to pamper you a little than younger chicks these days that are all 'me me me me', we live in a world of exchange, and some younger women do think because they swallowed that they can extort you.

>> No.15322211

And in women's case, if you don't settle down and have kids and whore around you will be a depressed wine aunt failure at 30.

>> No.15322237

Women always believe there is something better out there for them. Then they find out it isn't for them, but for someone else. Then they end up old and lonely.

>> No.15322703
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Yesterday there was a thread about dating and ages of men and women. Anyone have a link to that thread? Cant find it in the catalogue.

>> No.15322887

Fren, that's a common way to arouse a woman and you exaggerated the rape play in your head because you're a male whore

>> No.15323273
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>24 year old autistic male neckbeard
>met 22 y/o qt virgin gf

been together 4 years now

>> No.15323287

COPE lol

>> No.15323324

should i break up with my e-tranny gf for not being a virgin?

>> No.15323350

fucking roasties get what they deserve

burn in hell you fucking whores

>t. 8 body count chad

>> No.15323404



>> No.15323414

you were supposed to wait til marriage before doing it, good job living in a society that allows degeneracy

>> No.15323487

Yeah but the revolution will never come
It will have rot and collapse very slowly.
>t.time traveler

>> No.15323516

i can tell you why that is, women with more sexual partners are more adventurous in nature as a demographic, so marriage is boring as fuck for them. especially married sex life, which is once a week to once a month dead tired just doing the rounds.

don't think virginity has anything to do with it.

>> No.15323534

Only persons under the age of 25 are obsessed with virginity. Its extremely childish.

>> No.15323587

>breaking news: intelligent people realize marriage is a shit idea!

>> No.15323664


>> No.15323677

shut the fuck up you dumb incel, you will never have a virginal girlfriend thats under 20.

>> No.15323725

>Too old to find a virgin
What are you like 21?